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Visas WhyOrWho turinys

  1. Jauciu bus kokem Cipe arba Lazeriuke bėda
  2. Prisiskaiciau kad kazkokie Lazerio FIX ant kazkokiu modeliu
  3. o modeli 77003CB eitu normaliai nucipint?
  4. ... Kai rasai i diska kanors yra pasirinkti SPEED ..
  5. Mociute trumpina tjp jai :DD o seip tj patarciau pardit iki Motinines plokstes ir paziuret nes visko gali but
  6. Sveiki toke problema pc svaigsta... Losiu koki Counter-Strike Sourse ir kai isjungiu lagas belekoks ... turiu butinai restart PC kas gali but nesenai praskenavau nuo virusu visus istrine kokius rado
  7. Pagal mane jie tas prekes isiuntineja US ten kur arciau salys o paskui ziuri pvz Lietuva. Latvija ziuri kad prekiu ten neperdaugiause tai ir paraso kad jus gausite 50.00 $ Ceki.
  8. Sveiki atsakiau i klausima dave tik 4 ptz o vakar atsakiau dave 8 kame problemos?
  9. Nu da idomu atsius tuos orderius naujus? nes lb bijau kad kazka sumaste jie cia
  10. Lockerz Members, Thank you for participating in our biggest redemption so far. If you had issues while placing your order and want to confirm that you received your item, send a new email with your order receipt(do not copy and paste your information) to teri@lockerz.com. Many of you were trying to redeem prizes the site had went down. This may explain why many of your orders ended up being empty. If you have redeemed a prize and ended up receiving multiple orders for the same prize, you will not lose points for multiple orders. Some of you have received multiple orders because it didn't seem like your first one went through. You will end up receiving the first prize you redeemed if you ended up getting multiple orders like this(example - PSP & iPod). Some of you have also redeemed one prize, but ended up with something completely different. If any of these things have happened to you during the redemption, you need to send a new email to teri@lockerz.com. If you have made a mistake on your orders you should receive an email soon asking for additional information. The prizes have a better chance of reaching your households if you choose to not use special characters in your names or addresses. We can also check your addresses on file if you feel you entered something incorrectly. We know that many of you are still having issues with your points display(logins/dailies) and invites while others aren't able to log into the website at all. This is happening to new and existing members. We are working to take care of this for everyone soon. Try to hang in there with us. Lockerz Support Pittsburgh, PA support@lockerz.com Staj ka gavau tj kaip suprast? O laisko pavadinimas [support #***** ( kaip suprantu kazkokio orderio kodas) ] Points-Prizes-Redemption
  11. as jiems tjp nusiunciau I got this order ORDER RECEIPT # Rock Band Bundle - PSP Total PTZ value: 200 PTZ Order Date: 11/24/09 Shipping information: Ronaldas Baltmiškis Barškiu g 18 Barškiu g 18 Klaipeda, LT ****** (All orders go out by ground shipment. Unless otherwise explained in the product description) Need help? help@lockerz.com All That And More 2 attachments — Download all attachments View all images lockerzLogo.jpg lockerzLogo.jpg 4K View Download atAm.jpg atAm.jpg 3K View Download
  12. per NASA sake kad cia Fake's tipo internetinis ispustas burbulas kazkas sugalvojio pakvailiot ir idejo i neta ir isplatino taigi isigando visi NO PANICK HUMANS
  13. Sveiki kokia cia daina ?? w3 losiau tj uzgrojo ten kur sako Lets go puppy nekreipkit demesio man dainos reik lb lbj http://www.failai.in/show/F/7408BC282/sp.mp3
  14. sveiki skaiciau cia kazka kad del to orderio tipo del kai uzsisakai kur Reddem now as uzpildziau viska ir paspaudziau reddem now nu krove krove paskui buvo baltas galvoju F5 nu paspaudziau palaukiau atsidare Lockerz ten kur virsui My lockerz ir apacioi sone kaip uzsibugines tipo PSP Rock Band Bundle MoreSoon kazkas tokio bet orderi i el pasta atsiunte ir rode lockerz normaliai nesuerrorinta tik subuginta
  15. sita gavau i savo email kai parasiau kad negavau naujo orderio
  16. bugas mano draugui buvo tajp sutvarke NO PANICK
  17. Kas pergivena nera ko pergivent jiems Givenas tiksliau KUCIOS ju salija taigi ritoi jie kips i darba