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Visas Wortexx turinys

  1. Sveiki, norejau paklausti o per restock maziau negu 50PTZ galima imti kiek nori prizu ?
  2. Yra dar tokiu kurie nieko nepasieme per si restock? P.S As tai sirgau, tad net negalejau nieko pagriebti :\\
  3. Gal kas zino kame problema man meta kai paleidziu xlink lentele su uzrasu An unhandled exception occurred. Press "Abort" to terminate the program, "Retry" to exit the program normally and "Ignore" to try to continue. Kame cia problema ? :\\
  4. gal kas zino, kada preitas restock vyko savaitgali ar paprasta diena ?
  5. geras kai tik atsirado lygiai 21val as paspaudziau refresh mygtuka puslapyje lockerz.com ir buvo islogine mane, tai jau buvau pagalvojas, kad restock, bet prisijungiau nieko nebuvo imesta xDD
  6. o preitas restock buvo savaitgali ar paprasta diena ?
  7. na va pagal si Puslapi liko apie 15min iki restock!
  8. Ne į temą o gali gal kas man paasikinti kaip reikia prisijungti losti prie kokio servo per xlink ? xD
  9. Ne į temą Galetum ir mane i ta chata imesti skype:wortex834 Jau nebereikia
  10. Draugas pasiule, sake geru gidu xboxui 360 yra
  11. Gal kas zino o prie gatves pavadinimo reikia ir namo skaiciu rasyti (nuosavo namo) ? :\ Man buvo jie laiska atsiunte, kad blogai surasytas gatves pavadinimas. Laiskas:You are now a member of a very exclusive group of cool, hip, in-the-know trendsetters who have discovered Lockerz very early. For that, you get lots of benefits, including a free Lockerz t-shirt. Before we can ship your t-shirt, we are going to need a little bit more information from you. Please review the information below: Gatves pavadinimas Then, on the SETTINGS page within your Lockerz account (login and click on SETTINGS in the upper right of your Lockerz page), please provide any information that we are missing (anything with "Need This Information" next to it in the above list) and please correct any information that is incorrect. For your shirt size, please include your gender and your size. BE SURE TO USE ENGLISH LETTERS. Please provide this information by Friday, November 6, 2009. We will collect all of the information on file and process these orders. If your information is incomplete by this time, we will be unable to send you a t-shirt. Remember, to receive your shirt, your information must be correct. There are no returns or exchanges. Thanks again for being a Lockerz member and for achieving Z-list status. Enjoy the shirt. - The Lockerz Crew
  12. blyn ir man kasko nesiuncia i email, kad maike issiunte :|
  13. Ten laiske rase, kad dvieju savaiciu begyje turetu nuimtu taskus nelegaliai gautus.
  14. Gal kas galetu atsiusti bitgamer.com pakvietima i TheWortex@hotmail.com :D
  15. galite gal ir mane imesti skype: wortex834 iskarto sakau dq ^_^
  16. IGNOLTA tau banas, nes tavo avatare yra xbox zenklas