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Visas mantvydassa turinys

  1. Jeigu nieks neranda kaip ikelti, tai stai gidas: what you want to do is plug in a blank USB in your 360. Have your 360 format it. once it formats the usb. Get your Roster save and move it to the USB you formatted. Now take your USB to the PC. Open it up in Modio. In modio click "explore Device" it will give you the file you took from the 360. copy and paste the information that it shows from the file you brought over from your 360. Now you want to take the file "Roster1 file" you downloaded from here and open up in modio. Then just put in that info you copied from the one you brought from your 360. But to the downloaded one. After you do that, just click Rehash and insert it into the USB. Take it to your 360 and move it back to your HDD to Load & with the online data file just run it in the hash calculator. and insert it where your old one was. Just replace it with your old one after you run it in the calculator that's what I did
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