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taip !
nu nzn bent man tai neatidaro su opera tu failu xD sry jei suklydau xD
as jei netingesiu kada padarysiu xD
su sia programa galesite zaisti gba zaidimus ant savo psp ja galite atsisiusti Cia o cia game packai ( bet aisku jus galite atsisiusti zaidimus patis kokius norit) 1.Game pack 2.Game pack 3.Game pack 4.Game pack beto noredami atsisiust siuos failus jus turite naudotis fire fox arba internet explorer narsiklemis
News/release from Hellin: UltraPandora Installer is a PSP APP for create all the necessary things to do a a Downgrade or Unbrick to a Fat or Slim PSP. Before start, you have to meet this requeriments: 1ŗ- To have a Slim or Fat PSP with CustomFirmware 3.xx 2ŗ- To have a Memory Stick Duo 256MB or more, but less than 4GB (1GB recommended). 4GB MEMORY DO NOT WORK 3ŗ- To have a Compatible Battery with Pandora (Level charge 100%) *Compatibility list: o Sony's "standard" Li-ion 1800 mAh o Datel, PSP Battery 3600 mAh (X2) o Datel, PSP Battery 1800 Max Power o Sony PSP-280 2200mAh o Atomic Battery Pack 3.6V 1800mAh * No compatible: o 2600 mAh Mega Battery Pack o Sony PSP-280 2200mAh (Fake) o Battery 3600mAh, Mark unknown, (china made model NK-RH008) (Fake) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ************************* * OPTIONS & FUNCTIONS * ************************* - Allows Memory Stick formatting - You can extract files from 1.50 Update and MsIpl.bin - MsIPl installation in Memory Stick (Optional for PSP_Ms_Multi_Loader's users) - Despertar del Cementerio V3 installation - Pandorize Battery - Do a normal Battery __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ****************** * INSTALLATION * ****************** If you want to do a Downgrade in a FAT or Slim PSP or Unbrick this, you have to follow this instructions: *Example to Downgrade or Unbrick to 1.50: 1ŗ- You meet the Requeriments. If you don't meet the requeriments, DON'T DO IT!! 2ŗ- Take the PSP with Custom Firmware and connect it to the USB. 3ŗ- Extract the .rar and copy the MsRoot content to the Memory Stick. 4ŗ- Desconect the PSP from the PC and start the new APP of the Memory Stick (GAME/Memory Stick). 5ŗ- In the menu, select "Formatear Memory Stick" 6ŗ- We have to conect again to the USB and copy again the MSROOT content to the Memory Stick 7ŗ- Now, we have to copy the Oficial Firmware 1.50 to the Memory Stick, you have to rename it to UPDATE150.PBP. 8ŗ- Desconnect your PSP from the PC and execute the APP again. 9ŗ- In the menu,now, we select "Extraer Archivos Update 1.50". 10ŗ- When it finish, we have to select "Instalar MsIpl.Bin" 11ŗ- When it finish, we select "Pandorizar Bateria" 12ŗ- FINISHED!,now, you have to exit from the APP and enjoy you Magic MS and Magic Battery. *Example to Downgrade or Unbrick to 3.71 M33-2: 1ŗ- You meet the Requeriments. If you don't meet the requeriments, DON'T DO IT!! 2ŗ- Take the PSP with Custom Firmware and connect it to the USB. 3ŗ- Extract the .rar and copy the MsRoot content to the Memory Stick. 4ŗ- Desconect the PSP from the PC and start the new APP of theMemory Stick (Juegos/Memory Stick). 5ŗ- In the menu, select "Formatear Memory Stick" 6ŗ- We have to conect again to the USB and copy again the MSROOT content to the Memory Stick 7ŗ- Now, we have to copy this firmwares to the Memory Stick: -Oficial Firmware 1.50, renamed to 150.PBP -Oficial Firmware 3.40, renamed to 340.PBP -Oficial Firmware 3.71, renamed to 371.PBP 8ŗ- Desconnect your PSP from the PC and execute the APP again. 9ŗ- In the Menu, we have to select "Pandorizar Bateria". 10ŗ- When it finish, we select "Despertar del Cementerio" 11ŗ- When it finish, we have to exit from the APP. 12ŗ- You have a new APP in the Memory Stick, Despertar del Cementerio, execute it. 13ŗ- FINISHED!!, you can enjoy your Magic Battery and Memory Stick. Some parts in spanish faila galite atsisiusti is CIA
Universal Upgrader/Downgrader!!! With this program you can go from virtually and firmware to virtually any firmware!!! Starting Firmware (your current firmware) -Any SE -Any OE -Any LE -Any M33 -1.00 -1.50 -1.51 -1.52 -2.xx -3.xx Firmware You Can Get To -3.03OE -3.40OE -3.40LE -3.52m33 (my current) -1.50 -2.xx -3.xx This program is awesome, I used it to get from 3.71m33-3, down to 1.50 then back up to 3.52m33-4 cia galite atsisiust
ijunk psp i usb sukurk ten folderi ISO ir mesk ten game ir viskas ^^
siulau tau dbr downgradint iki 1.50 o paskui updatint iki 3.52 m33 - 4 versijos ir tada viskas tikrai vejks
tai ysigyk XD stai video kaip tai padaryti http://youtube.com/watch?v=c-10VBXLIqc lb prasau paiskinkit tuos vejksmus
bet tai cia nesamone kai atsisiunti bricka ten readme.txt visiskai kas kita parasyta Ne į temą A universal PSP unbricker/downgrader by the Prometheus project, also known as Team C+D. REQUIREMENTS - A spare PSP Battery. Any make will do. Using a spare is best, as it will not be possible to boot the PSP in its normal state with the modified battery. - A spare Memory Stick Pro Duo of less than 4Gb. (256Mb should be enough for all applications). - A PSP with a Custom Firmware such as OE, M33 or WC, or a PSP with the 1.5 original kernel. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE - Connect the PSP to the PC with the Memory Stick inside via the USB Connection. - Format the Memory Stick using any utility. - Use mspformat to format the Memory Stick logically. - Remove the Memory Stick and disable the USB connection. - Connect the Memory Stick again via the USB connection of the PSP. - Manually create the PSP/GAME (optionally PSP/GAME150) folders on the Memory Stick. - Copy the "battery" and "installer" programs to the PSP/GAME (optionally PSP/GAME150) folder. - Copy the 1.50 official updater as UPDATE.PBP to the root of the Memory Stick. - Remove the Memory Stick and disable the USB connection. - Run "installer" through the firmware on the PSP. This application will create the firmware files on the root of the Memory Stick, as well as msipl.bin. - Connect the Memory Stick again via the USB connection of the PSP. - Execute "msipl" application on the PC with the msipl.bin to write the IPL to memory stick. - Remove the Memory Stick and disable the USB connection. - Execute "battery" application on the PSP to modify the battery. - Congratulation, you are now in posession of a "Magic Memory Stick" and a "JigKick Battery". USAGE - Insert Memory Stick into the PSP - Remove power cord and insert the JigKick Battery into the PSP. - A menu appears when the PSP boots. Follow the onscreen information and instructions. NOTES AND RESTRICTIONS - The firmware in the Memory Stick is not a full 1.50, but a minimal subset. Therefore, not all applications (such as flashers, or recovery apps) will load. - Only Memory Stick Pro Duo are compatible. Memory Stick Duo (e.g. 32MB sticks) are not supported. - The IDStorage cannot be totally restored, as there is no known way to regenerate it properly. - It is strongly RECOMMENDED to make a flash dump of the PSP before any downgrading operation. - There might be a BSOD at the end of the downgrade. This is normal, and happens on the standard downgraders. - All hardware revisions known at this day are supported. - This release contains no Sony-copyrighted material. All required Sony data is generated from the v1.50 update files. CREDITS - Please do not edit or remove these credits... - All work done by the Prometheus team aka Team C+D: Adrahil (VoidPointer) Booster Cswindle (Caretaker) Dark_AleX (Malyot) Ditlew Fanjita (FullerMonty) Joek2100 (CosmicOverSoul) Jim Mathieulh (WiseFellow) Nem (h1ckeyph0rce) Psp250 Skylark TyRaNiD (bockscar) - With thanks to everyone who has contributed to the PSPSDK, without which nothing would have been possible.
wos tik grysiu namo iskart darysiu sita procesa xD tai pl man tipo dbr rejkes dar 1 baterijos ar kaip ?
kazkaip per gerai skamba
ejni convert psp tada atsiranda folderiai ejni i game ten sukuri UPDATE folderi , bet neupdatink i 3.52,3.52 versijas paskui gailiesies
ka siulote man daryt su 3.51 verija plzz padekit ir isvis ant sitos versijos kaznors vejkia ?