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Visas BABUANAS turinys

  1. Gal Devil May Cry stiliaus?
  2. Puiki naujiena, bus galima valdyti Jocker'i P.S.Tik PS3
  3. Jeigu grafika bus gera, bet 0 story tai as tikrai tokio nezaisciau
  4. Paziurejau GT trumpa video kokios firmos pristatineja tai tarp Sony pristatomu produktu buvo trumpa istrauka is FFXIII Versus.Tikiuosi bus ziniu apie FFXIII Versus
  5. Mane labiausiai domina Secret Hideo Kojima Product, taip pat idomu Uncharted 2, Tekken 6, God of War 3,Assasin's Creed 2,MAG,Battlefield Bad Company 2,Heavy Rain. Ne į temą Ar ten nieko nebus pasakyta apie FFXIII ir FFXIII Versus?

    Killzone 2

    Ne į temą Nebutinai turi vien ta zaidima zaist(LTE klanas retai kada susirenka).O klanas reikalingas tam, kad zinotum su kuo(kokioje komandoje) tu zaidi ir, kad lietuviai saudytu visokius rusus...
  7. Labai daug puikiu zaidimu, bet mane labiausiai domina Secret Hideo Kojima Product

    Killzone 2

    Yra klanas LTE(Lithuanian's United(toks atrodo))tai gal ir jus kazkas jame esate?

    NBA 2009

    Ka jus visi uz Cavaliers del Ilgausko?

    Killzone 2

    Ne į temą As irgi visa laika lakstau, niekad nebunu vienoj vietoj...

    Killzone 2

    As 93, bet buvau noob'u komandoj tai gavom sausai-5-0

    Killzone 2

    Ne į temą Tai tada gerai

    Killzone 2

    Ne į temą Tai tu sakai, kad as vienoj vietoj sedziu As tiesiog zinau, kad visada buna viena vieta kur susirenka Helghast ir ISA ir ten skerdziasi.As visada stengiuosi apeit ratu ir izzudau is kitos puses.P.S.Ne vien Headshot ,bet kadangi Assault klase turi armor tai as jau geriau prarasiu daugiau life kol nusitaikysiu, bet vienu suviu ji nudesiu

    Killzone 2

    Bent jau man tai tie Rocket/Grenade Launcher tai visai netrukdo.As dazniausiai buna paprastas soldier arba saboteur tai greitai padarau headshot ir baigta
  15. Ne į temą Mad for FFXIII

    NBA 2009

    Ka manot, kas siais metais taps NBA cempionais?Man jau nepirmus metus LA Lakers komanda labiausiai patinka taigi tikiu, kad siais metais(nedaug truko, kad ir praitais) jie taps cempionais.

    Fat Princess

    Fat Princess Release Date:Q3 2009 Platforms: Exclusively on PlayStation 3 Published by: Sony Computer Entertainment Developed by: Titan Studios Genre: Action ESRB Rating: T for Blood and Gore, Cartoon Violence Online Play: 32 Versus About the game: Fat Princess pits two hordes of players against each other in comic medieval battle royale. Your goal is to rescue your beloved princess from the enemy dungeon. There’s a catch though: your adversary has been stuffing her with food to fatten her up and it’s going to take most of your army working together to carry her back across the battlefield. You can switch between five different character classes literally at the drop of a hat: the fearless Warrior, the steadfast Archer, the mystical Mage, the tireless Worker, and the deadly Priest. In order to triumph, players must combine their skills and work together. The name of the game is cooperation, whether it’s helping another player drag a log back to your castle, manning a battering ram to smash through the enemy’s front gate, or building a human pyramid to scramble over the walls. General Features 5 Character Classes -- Change your character class and team role at any time merely by swapping hats. Character classes include Worker, Warrior, Ranger, Mage and Priest. 8 Unique Levels -- There are eight battlefield maps total, shared across single & multiplayer modes, plus two special arena-style single-player levels. Online Multiplayer -- Jump in and join as many as 32 players online to wreak havoc on the battlefield. Coordinate your attack with in-game voice chat. Single Player Campaign -- Play through all ten chapters to learn the story of the fat princesses. For quick action, battle bots in the Gladiator Arena. Resources & Upgrades -- Work together to collect resources to upgrade your weapons and castle defenses. Unique Game Modes -- Select from four different game types: Rescue the Princess, Snatch ‘n Grab, Team Deathmatch and Invasion. Customizable Avatars -- Create your own personal avatar before you charge into battle. Unlock new customization options during gameplay. Manau bus idomus zaidimas O ka jus manot?


    inFamous Launch trailer

    Killzone 2

    Tu kokiuose map'ouse?As visada bunu max map'uose ir dazniausiai bunu 3
  20. Pagal testus as esu "geimeris" Pirmas testas-65% "Good Gamer" Antras testas-78% "Genuine Ultimate Super Gamer" Trecias testas-Paklausiau Viperkilz Ketvirtas testas-2 is 9 Viska dariau saziningai, is pirmo karto.

    Killzone 2

    Man irgi taip buvo.Ziauriai nervina