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Visas SoulReaver turinys

  1. Jeigu kalbam apie full hd gaming, vienareiksmiskai patariu nepagaileti keliasdesimt euru ir nusipirkti GTX 1060 6GB. Zaidimu kurie naudoja daugiau nei 4 GB VRAM yra nemazai, cia keletas mano screenu su Ultra nustatymais @scalman. Bet aisku "The GTX 1060 is positioned as a mid-end product for Nvidia’s Pascal lineup" @ispeaklondon
  2. SoulReaver


    PVZ: Zip Code: 84518 City: Cleveland Phone: +1 435-749-2447 State: Utah
  3. SoulReaver


    Zmogau, dabar be bajeriu.., jeigu nori sulaukti pagalbos ir nesugebi apibudinti situacijos, tiesiog imesk nuotrauka, kai tu megini ten suvesti savo kodus ir tau kazkas nesigauna, butent tos vietos. Vien pasakyti kad tau "neina" zmonem esantiem cia - nieko nereiskia.
  4. Gelezis neturi reiksmes, jeigu jai nera softo del kurio noreciau nusipirkti butent ta konsole. MS zlugdo save del no exclusives politikos. Sony pirkau butent del TIK jai esanciu zaidimu, kurie kaip taisykle buna masterpiece. Jeigu MS kada nors tai supras, butu idomu. Nes atsirastu daugybe zmoniu kurie noretu turetu abi konsoles del TIK jom esanciu puikiu zaidimu.
  5. Balandzio 14 d. po darbo planuoju vaziuoti atostogu i Lietuva is Vokietijos. Jeigu kas nors turit noro isigyti PS4 pigiau is cia esanciu parduotuviu, galeciau parvesti. Issirinkti galima butu is siu parduotuviu, ispeju jog pinigus reiketu pervesti i mano saskaita is anksto! Minetose parduotuvese pastoviai vyksta akcijos siom konsolem. Jeigu norinciu neatsiras, tiesiog ignoruokit si posta. MediaMarktSaturnGameStop
  6. Praktiskai 10 metu, bus Rugpjucio 5 d. Linkiu tobuleti ir tik tobuleti.
  8. Edit:
  11. Geras variantas
  12. Sitas bicas yra pirkes vogtus accountus, ir tiesiog zaidimus parsisiunte su savuoju. Kaip minejo anksciau kolega. Jis ju nepirko is SAVO accouto. Tai zaidimai tau veiks laikinai - rulete rusiska taip sakant, kol kazkas nepakeis slaptazodzius arba sistema automatiskai paprasys saugumo sumetimais pasikeisti slaptazodi, tuomet tavo zaidimai uzsirankins. Tikiuosi tas kosmonautas neuzdejes kainos dideles neva del dideles zaidimu gausos. Kokia kaina?
  13. Tiesiog tinginiai, tokia serija o taip ima ir sugadina paprasciausius dalykus kaip animacijos.
  14. Naujos netoli manes esancios GameStop parduotuves atidarymo proga akcija, ps4 500 gb slim kaina. Tai as vadinu akcija. Tik 100 vnt.
  15. Tikiuosi viena diena isvysti ir ps4 versija, puikus RPG.
  16. Witcher 3 pasikeitimu tikrai yra, as kaip ji zaidziau pries update ir dabar po - tai pastebiu, skirtumai dideli. Novigrade jokiu striginejimu, bei pelkese taip pat. Aplamai, tose vietose kur gaudavai micro freezus, su boost mode ju nera.
  17. Parskrido man ka tik final 4.50 FW update. Kas lievai, kad negali pasiziureti changelog'o. But man, Boost Mode is there, external HDD, ir Custom Wallpapers - Nice.
  18. Nintendo Switch Dock Has Been Pulled From The Nintendo Store The Nintendo Switch dock has been removed from Nintendo’s official store, and many are wondering if it’s because of recent issues with the dock. There have been many issues with the Nintendo Switch dock, the dock scratching the screen and the dock being bent are two of the most common issues that people have reported. Could it be that the product is being recalled, and there will be a new Nintendo Switch dock coming? Here’s what you will now see when you go to the page for the Nintendo Switch dock. Some have mentioned if it has just sold out, but it wouldn’t be totally removed from the site if so. Source Nintendo Switch: Left Joy-Con connection issues stem from its bluetooth antenna IT'S NOT AS SPECIAL AS THE RIGHT JOY-CON. Connection issues experienced by the Nintendo Switch’s left Joy-Con seem to stem from the way they’ve been made, a YouTube channel recently deduced. Spawn Wave has torn the left Joy-Con apart, revealing a different configuration than the stable right Joy-Con. The left-hand controller has its Bluetooth antenna soldered directly onto its motherboard, unlike the right-hand’s dedicated antenna. The right Joy-Con needs this special configuration because it also houses an infrared camera and amiibo NFC reader in its innards. The video below shows how you can fix the issue… providing you’re good at soldering. Source
  19. Mediamarktas nesiuncia i uzsieni. P.S Pas mus dabar vyskta akcija Mediamarkte. PS4 slim su 1TB hdd, dviem pulteliais, Horizon Zero Dawn ir 3 menesiai PS Plus uz 298 Eu.