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Visas SoulReaver turinys

  1. Islenda viskas po truputi po konferencijos. Apie "true 4k console"
  2. Nintendo tai - mario, mario cart, mario run, mario jump, mario friends, mario wild wild, ir dar plius visokia paliava. Mario buvo ok kai man buvo 10 m. Dabar tai tik vaikam ir suaugusiem vaikam.
  3. Jeigu nori eksliuzyvo kas du metus, tai turesi tokio lygio zaidimus kaip rode per MS konferencija. Visi geri zaidimai kuriami 5-6 metus. Kaip buvo su Horizon ir visais kitais, tas pats bus ir su situo. Ar noretum kad butu kaip su The Last Guardian, 10 metu ir pora traileriu, tuomet pradetum verkti kodel taip mazai informacijos.
  4. Dev Explains Why The Last of Us: Part II Was Missing From E3 2017
  5. Paskaitykit, cia interviu po E3, sita veikeja Spenceri investuotojai laikui begant pakeis, paminesit mano zodi. Paziurekit ka jis atsako kai zmogus klausia del third party zaidimu
  6. By Robert Purchese Published 12/06/2017 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be enhanced for Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. "I can confirm that we are working both on Xbox One X and PS4 Pro patches for The Witcher 3," CD Projekt Red told me this afternoon. "No extra details at this moment. More info is coming." The Witcher 3 was one of the games shown on Microsoft's stage as 'Xbox One X Enhanced" last night. CD Projekt Red appeared to then confirm the news on Twitter, community leader Marcin Momot tweeting: "We are also working on something for PS4 Pro. More info to come later." However, CD Projekt said last autumn it would not patch or update The Witcher 3 to support PS4 Pro. "Since we want to fully focus on Cyberpunk 2077 and Gwent [standalone game], and converting The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt from a full HD game into a 4K one [on console] would be too much of a time and resource-consuming process, we decided not to release an edition of Wild Hunt supporting the new features of PlayStation Pro," CD Projekt Red told me at the time. Exactly how the game will be improved for PS4 Pro and Xbox One X remains to be seen. Nevertheless, it's exactly what Digital Foundry was talking about at the weekend, exploring how Xbox One X (formerly Project Scorpio) will be good news for PS4 Pro.
  7. Na, ka tik baigiau ziuret. Kaip ir galvojau. Sony nuslave visus siais metai, viena po kito rode ziaidmus kuriuos noresiu isigyti. Stai ka reiskia kai tave palaiko galingiausios studijos, ir tik ant tavo platformos iseina afigieni ekskliuzyvai. Pasigedau PS4 Pro price drop? Turiu pripazinti, Spider Man atrode labai gerai, taciau neesu tokiu zaidimu megejas, anyway + Del nauju IP, siek tiek truksta informacijos susidaryti pirmam ispudziui. Pirkiniu sarasas confirmed. Uncharted: The Lost LegacyHorizon Zero Dawn The Frozen WildsDays GoneShadow of the ColossusCall of Duty WW2 (?)God of WarDetroit: Become HumanAssassin’s Creed Origins (?, if UBI don't f.. it up)
  8. Octus: I’ll join you on the excitement! What can we expect from Gears of War 4 running on Xbox One X? Mike Rayner: The first and probably most noticeable improvement is, of course, that we render the game at native 4K resolution. Not only does that mean a 4x increase in our native rendering resolution compared to 1080p on Xbox One, but it also means much higher resolution textures across the board – from characters to environments, visual effects, everything! Bringing that incredible level fidelity to the console for the first time, which so far has really been limited to top-spec PC rigs, has been incredibly exciting for us. One of the exclusive features for Gears of War 4 on Xbox One X is the ability to run 4K HDR with Wide Color Gamut Support. We supported HDR on the Xbox One S, and 4K on PC, but this is the first time you can play Gears of War 4 with a combination of that incredible 4K fidelity and the vibrant contrast of HDR. It’s really something else.
  9. Ne į temą Yra yra, vienintelis ir nepakartojamas. Bandau rašyty, lituvyškai nors nilabai ešeina.
  10. Metro Exodus Developers Targets Full 4K HDR On Xbox One X, E3 Reveal Was PC Footage Metro Exodus was announced at E3 2017 at Microsoft’s conference where you can see the amazing graphic quality of this game. It has been found that the announced footage that we had seen was running on PC, not on Xbox One X. The details were shared by one of the developers Geoff Keighley who was talking at YouTube Live.The developer also said about running the game on Xbox One X but yet there is no live footage on the same. The developers are targeting full 4K with HDR for the new console. Utilizing the full potential of the new console is what they had planned for this game. The game will be coming for PC, PS4, and Xbox One X. Metro Exodus is a first-person shooter game that is developed by 4A Games. It is the third installment of Metro series. The game will be coming for PC, PS4, and Xbox One X. An official release date is yet pending for the announcement.
  11. Noreciau pamatyti besmegeni kuris uz plastiko gabala tiek mokes.
  12. Na, gryzau is darbo, tikejausi geresnes konferencijos nei is MS, taip ir buvo. UBI parode idomesniu zaidimu nei MS. Taciau is to ka pamaciau neplanuoju nieko sisigyti, o galetu taip buti. Kur Splinter Cell, gal Prince Of Persia? Kaip ir daugiau neturiu ka pasakyti apie UBI, nes niekas nesudomino. PC konferencija praleisiu, is atgarsiu supratau kad ji MS lygio. Nesulaukisu best of konferencijos nes bukai reikia eiti miegoti, rytoj i darba, awesome kad popietine pamaina , atsikeles su kava paziuresiu best of E3.
  14. Truputi nepataikei, yra tam skirta tema "Geri pasiūlymai" cia
  15. Ties Persija butu pats metas Prince Of Persia atgaivinti?
  16. Neesu MS hateris, tikrai ne. Nes tai kvaila. Taciau come on!, duok man nors viena zaidima kuris privers mane MS atiduoti 500 eu, jeigu tas zaidimas iseina PC, as jau turiu gera PC ant kurio galesiu ji zaisti ! MS minus 500eu. Dabar paziurim i Sony. Tarkim, na tarkim (isivaizduokim) per sia Sony konferencija pristato ps4 pro enhanced su ten pagerintu geleziu ir man pasako kad tik ant jos galesiu losti naujus God Of War, Last of Us Part II, Days Gone, Detroit: Become Human, Death Stranding, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy su 4k 60fps - mano pinigine butu jau senai paruosta kad ir 500 eu. o mano ps4 pro jau kabetu skelbime.
  17. Na, vakar uzmigau per MS konferencija, siandien prie kavos daziurejau. Is visko ka maciau mane sudomino tik Anthem, paziuresim kas is jo iseis. Frostbite is shining here. Naujas AC butu awesome Egipte, tai didziule galimybe sukurti butent story tuo laiku, taciau zinant kad ji daro UBI, bus sudu kruva. Splinter Cell jie pamirso ir toliau melzia savo karve. Kas buvo juokinga kad didziausios ovacijos per visa MS konferencija buvo tada kai Spenceris pristate pirmo xbox backwards compatibility!, WTF, fanatai susirinke ten labaiausiai dziaugesi tuo kad gales zaisti zaidimus nuo 2001m. , niekada nesupratau kam zmones perka nauja daigta ir losia ant jo medinius zaidimus. O cia pristate 4k konsole uz 500 eu ir galimybe losti 2001m. zaiidmus , trollingas normalus toks. Is Bethesda, nieko nemaciau apart Evil Within 2, internete yra truputis gameplay, tai atrodo neblogai, vienas is tikru horror zaidimu. Suprantu kad MS stengiasi supportint Indie, bet zmones nemokes 500 eu uz deze ant kurios eis Minecraft su Super Graphics Pack in native 4k 500 fps, nebent esi neviso proto. Mano teorija yra ta kad MS tiesiog nesugeba pritraukti geriausias studijas kurti jiem kazka awesome, nes MS pardavimai yra prasti. Kai jie supras savo klaida jog atsisakyti tik xbox exclusives buvo bad idea ir sukurs ka nors mind blowing tik ju konsolei, tol jie bus visada Sony seselyje.
  18. Na standartine situacija, visi awesome zaidimai bei publikos ovacijos bus Sony konferencijoj. MS isleidzia galingiausia konsole, o Sony geriausius zaidimus, guess which desigion will be more profitable ?
  19. Rimtai? Minecraft in 4k?, ir Spenceris sako jog jis buvo blown away ?, stai kodel MS visada bus antroje vietoje, ir stai kodel rimciausi zaidimai iseina tik ant Sony. Songokai wtf lol. Cia cirkas ne konferencija.
  20. Tipo State of Decay, tik su daugiau action. Nenuostabu, sake rodys virs 20 xbox exclusives, suprantama kad didzioji dauguma turi buti trash.
  21. Kol kas nieko wow, bet ziurim toliau. Most powerful console doesn't mean best games. AC egipto tematika yra labai puiki epocha exploitinimui (maybe easter egg for Mummy?) butent story, bet as labai abejoju, praktiskai 99% manau kad ubi istorija bus pavirsutiniska.