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Visas SoulReaver turinys

  1. Pultelis tera pripratimo reikalas, tai priklauso nuo jusu paciu, kiek daznai su juo zaidziate vienokius ar kitokius zaidimus.
  2. Bus didelis pasiekimas jeigu gausim kiekviena zaidima su 4k 30fps ant sio aparato. Del 4k/60, manau tai gausim tik su PS6 jeigu tokia bus, realiausias variantas siai dienai.
  3. Kaip tik si sestadieni gryztu is atostogu atgal i DE, Wochenende bus nice. Praeitos atostogos buvo tokios jog isvykau diena pries iseinant RD2
  4. Tu nuosirdziai tiki kad su sekancia Sony konsole uz tarkim 500 zaisi zaidimus tokiam setinge?
  5. Iseme diskasuki ir pardavineja uz ta pacia kaina wtf.
  6. PSN Online ID Change feature launches for all PS4 players tomorrow. P.S Kas yra funny, EU PSN bloge nurodyta jog pasikeisti ID galima nuo rytojaus, o US bloge nuo siandienos.
  7. Xbox Gamepass palaikomi regionai yra: Gamepass yra region locked, bet tu gali redeemint kito regiono gamepass koda su VPN, pvz jeigu accountas US o tu redeemini UK gamepass koda, tau reikia su VPN prisijungti prie UK ir tada ji redeemint.
  8. Zmogau, Until Dawn man buvo kaip sviezio oro gusis, taip truksta tokiu zaidimu..., laukiu siu, nors tai ir nera antroji dalis.
  9. Aplink paskutine dali tiek hype’o, bet manau ne veltui.
  10. Traileris man pasirode kaip kokiam trumpametraziniam filmui.., aktorius man visai ne Joker, Jared Leto puikiai mano nuomone tiko Jokerio vaidmeniui.
  11. Kaip o story kiek pamenu ten nera. You will be able to: Use your season pass on all single player and offline modes. Continue to play all game (DC, DC VR and DC Bikes) and DLC single player functionality in offline mode. Earn trophies in single player / offline mode.
  12. The Last of Us Part II Weapon Upgrade UI Spotted In Naughty Dog Promo You can catch a glimpse of The Last of Us Part II weapon upgrade system, spotted in the background of a promotional video celebrating women. While weapon-crafting was a mainstay for the original The Last of Us, another less-utilized mechanic were the peppered Workbenches that let players upgrade their guns. If you were wondering whether The Last of Us Part II would include this, eagle-eyed dives into some Naughty Dog promotional videos would suggest so. News originally came from, of all places, Naughty Dog’s development and promotional video for International Woman’s Day 2019. Seen above, the video takes place at Naughty Dog’s Santa Monica studio, amid development of The Last of Us Part II. So, naturally, we catch a few glimpses of coding screens and shots likely to be part of some in-game cinematics. However, there is hardly anything “substantive” so to speak… or so we thought. Eagle-eyed community members from The Last of Us Reddit community have noticed a few interesting points from screen captures, with the most notable being an apparent weapon upgrade UI visible at the 0:37 point of the video: The background to this is (likely intentionally) bright and blurred, so let’s take a moment and ENHANCE. Before we move on, a quick apology to Naughty Dog UI designer María Capel as we close-up on her face. In the enhanced version of the image, you can very clearly see “UPGRADE” at the top of the page, followed by different pistols. Anything other than that is pretty grainy and hard to make out — it is immediately unclear if this is for the main game or the multiplayer component. Also, it’s hard to say what the level of customization is and what crafting materials may be necessary to juice your gear up in The Last of Us Part II. As a quick point of comparison, this is what the Workbench Weapon Upgrade UI looked like in the original The Last of Us: Using tools and parts lootable from the surrounding environment, players were able to upgrade their guns on various aspects — including clip capacity, fire rate, and more. Even blurry and over-exposed, it seems pretty obvious that The Last of Us Part II will have much better UI. So great job on that, Capel.
  13. Control runs at 4K resolution on Xbox One X A few months ago, Remedy Entertainment showed a gameplay trailer of Control at the PlayStation E3 2018 event. The game uses the same engine as Quantum Break and is coming to Xbox One, PC, and PlayStation 4 in a few months. 505 Games confirmed that the title will be enhanced for Xbox One X, but didn't provide any further details until now. Control is expected to launch on August 27, priced at $60. According to an Amazon listing for Control, the game supports "4K" and "HDR" on Xbox One X. Oddly enough, the Microsoft Store just says the game is Xbox One X Enhanced, but doesn't list any other details besides that.
  14. Serveriai lieka live, zaidimo tiesiog negalima bus nusipirkti. Former Driveclub Director Gives Clarification Regarding Delisting Situation
  15. Sony Changes Policy For PSN, Now Will Offer Full Refund Within 14 Days Based On New ToS Sony has changed their digital refund policy and will refund any game within 14 days of its purchase based on the applicable terms of service. They are still working on releasing PSN Name Change service for users. Today is the first day of a new fiscal year for Sony and they are making some major changes, especially with the refund policy. In the past, there was only a one-time refund given based on goodwill gesture and if you claimed it, there was no way to get another refund. They are changing it now to a more user-friendly refunding system which should help in situations when a game is broken like Anthem. The new changes that are listed on the official PlayStation Website confirm the following terms of service apply for getting a refund based on a game or season pass purchase. This also applies to pre-orders and subscription services like Spotify, PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now.
  16. Tiesa pasakius kaip lenktyniu zaidimas yra realiai labai labai geras, noreciau ateityje sulaukti tesinio, gaila jog studijos neliko.
  17. Neturintis konkurentu community zaidimu tematika, happy B-Day PLM.
  18. Sony’s Kaz Hirai is retiring Kazuo “Kaz” Hirai has announced his retirement from the Sony corporation. Kaz Hirai stepped down as Sony CEO in April last year to assume the role of company chairman. The veteran executive has now confirmed he’ll be retiring, effective June 18. Hirai will continue to offer counsel to the company’s management team, should they request it, as a senior adviser. Kenichiro Yoshida, who replaced Hirai as Sony CEO last year, will continue to serve in that role. “Since passing the baton of CEO to Yoshida-san last April, as Chairman of Sony, I have had the opportunity to both ensure a smooth transition and provide support to Sony’s management,” Hirai said in a statement. “I am confident that everyone at Sony is fully aligned under Yoshida-san’s strong leadership, and are ready to build an even brighter future for Sony. “As such, I have decided to depart from Sony, which has been a part of my life for the past 35 years. I would like to extend my warmest gratitude to all our employees and stakeholders who have supported me throughout this journey.” Kaz Hirai served as Sony CEO for six years, since replacing Howard Stringer in 2012. Before that, he was the head of the company’s gaming and PlayStation division for six years, taking over from Ken Kutaragi.
  19. Wtf, net nesupratau kas per velnias cia buvo, atsidariau alaus, pasiemiau pringles, praejo 10 min. traileriu ir viskas. Pasirodo tai blogiau nei Apple siandieninis eventas. Stebekint kaip po streamu dislike’u daugeja
  20. Kas meginot BFV battle royale rezima Firestorm ?, BFV sove i Top 5 Twitch'e su 132k ziurovais
  21. Neblogas vakars siandien, ziuriu Apple eventa dabar, absoliuciai niekas jame nesudomino deja.... Tikiuosi is Sony gausim geru ziniu, As uz TLOU2 !!!!