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Is viso renginio manes nesudomino nei vienas zaidimas, zmogau, gal 50% zaidimu apie elniukus, lego ir t.t Saleje visi lauke kol parodys konsole, o parode kodini pavadinima kuri visi zinojo ir pridejo dar pusantru metu laukimo . Fail MS. Realiai geriau buciau toliau loses BFV nei sita veja ziurejes.
Time for a new console !!!
Jis pilnavertis personazas.
Metro Exodus game passe, nice.
Saltas alus ir go go!!, show me my new Xbox console! Edit: Keanu Reaves dalis buvo f.. awesome ! CDPR + i karma. Cyberpunk 2077 Release date: 16.04.2020
Mane domino BFV naujienos, bet principe nieko naujo nepasake ir neparode, nauju zemelapiu traileriai jau buvo matyti.
Uzvakar perejau ant Hard lygio. Tikriausiai pirmas mano zaidimas kuri losiau ant Hard o jautesi lyg losciau Easy. Zmoniu intelektas neregeto bukumo, zmones tiesiog stovi ir laukia kol juos iszudysi kaip gyvulius, gadina stipriai zaidima..., kas liecia zombius, viskas gut. Zaidimo pabaiga, "bosas" tiesiog nesamone, story po truputi vyniojosi su oBrian'u, galvojau kazkas is to iseis idomaus, kazka suzinosiu, o cia vejas. Tikejausi daugiau rusiu zombiu, taciau galutinai zaidime 5 lol, kai kur truksta balanso tarp ju. Ordos fun anyway. Plus zaidimas ziauriai lagina ant PRO. Kas liecia DLC, as jo nelosiu nes matau jog nieko jie neideda, matosi jog jis free. Ordos per laika, kosmetika kuri nereikalinga nes MP jug nera, nera kam jo rodyt , bei GTAV lenktynes. As mieliau sumokeciau 20 EU. Uz story DLC nei losiu si Free.. Days Gone 1.10 Update Patch Notes 13.928 GB Survival Difficulty Mode Survival difficulty mode has been included in this latest patch This mode includes an immersive HUD Enemies will deal more damage Fast Travel has been blocked in this mode Survival Vision has been modified in this mode Complete Survival difficulty mode for a new bike decal Two new trophies have been added exclusive to this new difficulty mode Progression Issues Fixed the issue where players didn’t have access to the rock item during certain missions Items that drop from Bounty jobs should now be acquirable after the target is taken out Players should not be blocked from completing certain Bounty jobs The mission cinematic for “There’s Nothing You Can Do” will properly trigger Resolved the issue with the knife in the mission “Sherman’s Camp Is Crawling” General Fixes Added a tutorial pop-up screen for recovering your bike Audio improvements have been made for all the guns Adjusted the reticle to be more visible when shooting Fixed a player respawn issue in Old Farewell Various bug fixes and stability improvements
Sorry, 129 EU. pasiliksiu po pagalve PS5.
Days Gone
Taigi, reikia patarimo is Xbox stovyklos atstovu. Reikalingos xbox one wireless ausines su atsijungianciu mikrofonu (butina) nes retai ji naudoju. Ausines turetu buti ne uz overbelenkiek €, protingas kainos ir kokybes santykis. Laukiu jusu rekomendaciju.
According to Legion de Jugadores, today a very reliable source has leaked that Sony will reveal a new episode for State of Play during the following hours and it is set to go live on May 30. The leak offers even more exciting news by pointing out a new trailer for The Last of Us Part 2 during the stream showing both story and gameplay features, along with announcing an exact release date for November 2019. Although none of the above haven’t officially confirmed yet, we will find out whether the leak is trustworthy or not in less than 24 hours. If Sony confirms the third episode for State of Play, then it would be impossible to take the details above with a grain of salt.
Nebus kaip su Fable ? “kuriu kazka super unreal” ir t.t o galutiniam rezultate gavosi nieko
The Last of Us Part 2 Release Date May Be Announced This Week According to Gamereactor, a new The Last of Us Part 2 trailer is going to be shared later this week. The final release date for the game is also going to be announced this week, and it should be sometime this Fall, according to the report. With the new Death Stranding trailer getting shown later this week as well, it’s not yet clear if The Last of Us Part 2 trailer will also come on the same day. If so, we could be getting a surprise State of Play where the two games will share in the spotlight. Despite being one of the most anticipated PlayStation 4 games in development, there’s very little we currently know about the game, outside of what director Neil Druckmann revealed a while back.
DICE nerealiai lagina su nauju content deja.
AMD has announced their next-generation of GPUs at an event during Computex. This also includes the hardware for the PS5 that will be powered by AMD. During the AMD Computex event, it was revealed that PS5 will be powered by AMD Navi GPU and Ryzen “Zen 2” CPU. This is not new information since Sony had already confirmed it earlier in an interview with Wired. What was not known is that Navi GPU won’t use the GCN architecture but instead a new RDNA architecture developed by AMD. AMD is calling this new tech RDNA which will power their next-generation GPUs. It offers the following advantage. 1.5x performance-per-watt1.25 performance-per-clock improvement over previous architectureNew compute unit design – improved efficiency and increased IPCMulti-level cache hierarchy – reduced latency, higher bandwidth, lower powerStreamlined graphics pipeline – optimized for performance-per-clock and high clock speedsSince PS5 uses the Navi GPU which is based on the same architecture, it will benefit from the same improvements featured in it. AMD will develop a custom variant of the Navi GPU for the PS5. More information on it will be shared at the upcoming E3. RDNA will power AMD GPUs for the next decade. AMD Radeon RX5000 series are the first batch of Navi GPUs. Raden RX 5700 will be available later in July and offer improved performance over RTX 2070. One example shown was for Strange Brigade demo which runs 10% faster on RX 5700 than on RTX 2070. This new series will be the world’s 1st PCIe 4.0 enabled gaming GPUs. Price and details for this series weren’t shared today but more information is planned for June 10, which is around the same time as the upcoming E3 2019. Microsoft is also reportedly going to announce their next-generation consoleduring their press conference at E3 so expect to see AMD mentioned there as well.
Days Gone, Assasins Creed Odyssey.
Mano mintys po trailer'io perziuros: man asmeniskai nepatiko tas naujas terminatorius, toks du viename, robotas + Venom.. oj atsiprasau, skystas metalas. Noreciau matyti tik robota, aisku matosi jog jis modernestis, nice, taip ir turetu buti, filmas nori pritraukti myletojus klasikos bei inesti naujo. Taciau tas visas skysto metalo derinys man atrodo s...ai jei atvirai. Sviesi aktore man nepatiko visai.., ji man nesiziuri aplamai siame vaidmenyje. Kodel ji visada isputus akis lyg jai kazkas butu negerai su kraujo spaudimu?, kodel vel eskaluojama zmogus+robotas tema.., uzpraeitoje dalyje buvo gi Marcus.
Days Gone is representing an interesting exception to that rule, as Bend Studio has shared, during a recent AMA on Reddit, a detail about the making of the game. The Oregon-based developer has revealed that the open world for the title was crafted by a very small unit of 5-6 people in the studio.
Yesterday, CD Projekt RED published their financial report for the first quarter of 2019. The company provided a brief video recap with CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Piotr Nielubowicz, who also shared an update on the development of Cyberpunk 2077. Interestingly, he said that next month will be ‘very exciting’ with E3 2019 set to be the company’s most important ever. This will inevitably fuel speculation of a Cyberpunk 2077 release date announcement coming during the Los Angeles fair, where a new hour-long demo will be showcased to the press.
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