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Visas SoulReaver turinys

  1. PS4 Can Now Support Cross-Play for Any Game That Utilizes It Feature kuri turejo atsirasti jau dievas zino kada senai.
  2. Kas liecia grafika, pastebekit koks buvo pirmas gameplay reveal bei dabartiniai, grafika tarp ju skiriasi kardinaliai. Teorija yra ta, arba pirmas gameplay buvo CG, arba tai buvo losiama su PS5 Dev Kit'u. Noreciau tiketi antru variantu zinoma, panasia situacija turejom su originaliu TLOU, debiutas PS3 o veliau Remastered and PS4. Neabejoju jog zaidimas bus perleistas ant PS5 su visu tuo groziu kuri matem pirmam gameplay. Su malonumu pereisiu abi versijas. Beje MP rezimo PS4 versijoje Vasari kol kas nebus, taciau ji bus kazkada veliau.., turiu itarima jog jis startuos kartu su PS5 zaidimo versija.
  3. Kaip jums Beta?, mane itrauke tiesa pasakius. Taktinis silent, tai ko reikia.
  4. Jeigu norit tik statuleles, galite uzsakyti tiesiai is jos gamintojuCIA, taip pat ten yra daugiau high res nuotrauku. Na ir Jesus Christ!, nepatikejau kas buvo parasyta ju puslapyje!, tik paskaityk!, stebuklai.
  5. Pas mus Vokieciuose CE Amazoneje taip pat ispirko na o Gamestope musu dar abi yra. Zaidimas atrodo nerealiai!
  6. Preorderint jau galima, amazon, gamestop. Collectors Edition 209.99 Eu, Special Edition 99.99 Eu.
  7. Losiu BFV. Kazkada buvau 2007 m. MW fanatas. Ismeginau sita ir galiu pasakyti, isvede is kantrybes kazkokia keista aim mechanika, kad ir kaip meginau nusireguliuoti sticku jautruma, tiesiog jie veike ne taip jog man butu patogu aimint, nezinau BFV X1X losiu su abiem 100% sens. ir viskas ok, bet cia kazkoks kosmaras buvo. Kiti minusai tai TTK (Time to kill), jeigu kas pradejo i tave saudyt, tai 99% insta kill, tiesiog mirsti is vieno frame, todel zmones campina languose, kampuose, negali nieko padaryt. Ground War rezime ypac truksta revive funkcijos. Nesijaucia jokio squad play, visi palaidai losia. Del kill streaku, kas 10 sekundziu UAV, raketos, zodziu vejas. O prajuokino soviniu garsas, lyg per skarda su saukstu kas greit dauzytu ir visu ginklu taip, lol.
  8. Ismeginsiu Breakpoint, danke. Beta testas nuo 26 - 29d. ->CIA
  9. Ne, PS5 bus veliau, taciau pereisiu abi versijas, jos skirsis kardinaliai.
  10. Na ka, kelnes slapios. Pamenu PS3 nusipirkau tik del Last Of Us, tuomet nusipirkau PS4 del Last Of Us Remastered, na o dabar nusipirksiu PS5 tik del Last Of Us Part II. Nerealiai laukiu !, asmeniskai imsiu Special Edition, neesu statuleliu fanatas. Edit: \ The Last of Us: Part 2 - Standart Edition The Last of Us: Part 2 will have five editions, two come with a statue of Ellie You will have five options when choosing to purchase The Last of Us: Part 2. Sony has announced five editions will be made available for The Last of Us: Part 2. There will be the standard edition, and a Digital Deluxe Edition, alongside a Special, Collector’s and Ellie Edition. Below is a list of what’s included with each edition, save for the standard release. Pricing wasn’t available as of press time, but we’re searching. The Last of Us: Part 2 – Collector’s Edition 12” Ellie statueLife-sized replica of Ellie’s braceletCustom SteelBook case48-page mini art book from Dark HorseSet of six enamel pinsLithograph art printSet of five stickersA voucher for digital contentPS4 dynamic themeSet of six PSN avatarsDigital soundtrack Digital version of the mini art book. The Last of Us: Part 2 – Ellie Edition Includes all Collector’s Edition contentFull-sized, fully functional recreation of Ellie’s backpackEmbroidered patch7” vinyl record featuring music from the original soundtrack The Last of Us: Part 2 – Special Edition Custom SteelBook48-page mini art book from Dark HorseAll digital content found in the Ellie Edition and Collector’s Edition The Last of Us: Part 2 Digital Deluxe Edition Includes all of the digital content outlined aboveDigital copy of the Standard Edition.If you pre-order any edition of the game from the PlayStation Store, you will be given a PSN avatar featuring Ellie’s tattoo. Additionally, if you pre-order any edition of the game, you’ll also receive two in-game unlocks at launch: Ammo Capacity Upgrade: Instantly unlock an ammo capacity upgrade for Ellie’s pistol.Crafting Training Manual: Instantly unlock the Crafting Training Manual, which provides access to new crafting recipes and upgrades.
  11. Net nepatikejau kai pamaciau!, nejaugi cia Lietuvoje toks dalykas gali atsitikti, as suprantu Europoje bet cia?!, cia jug Lietuva, mes gi nieko neturim. Fantastika zodziu. Jeigu bankas butu lietuviskas, tokios paslaugos gyvenime neturetumem, kadangi jis Svediskas o Svedijoje Apple Pay jau senai yra, pagaliau kazkas europietisko bus ir pas mus. Asmeniskai laukiau sito labai ilgai, atsiskaitymas uz viska su Apple Watch yra tobula. Vos ne visur Apple Pay yra, Vokieciuose kur gyvenu, net Lenkuose!
  12. Si kart State Of Play nusimato kaip mazasis Sony E3, ka tikites siandien pamatyti apart TLOU2 ?, as laukiu Ghosts Of Tsushima gameplay.
  13. Jeigu musu planeta knibzda gyvybe, kvaila manyti jog ji viena tokia visatoje. Musu mokslas deja dar akmens amziuje.
  14. Druckmann'as teasina belenkaip
  16. Legendary game creator Hideo Kojima sheds some new details on Death Stranding multiplayer, stating that players can have influenced with one other players’ game sessions. While players won’t exactly play with one another directly, when connected to the network they will be able to leave things behind such as ladders as shown during the TGS gameplay. This was confirmed in the recently published translation video by IGN and YouTuber Kubricked who also provided their own translation that goes a bit more in-depth. You can find a break down of the multiplayer features shown in the footage down below. This certainly will clear a lot of confusion that viewers had during the stream, as this focus was just a portion of the game features. Kojima states that there are more action packed boss fights, but wanted to show this off to get a better understating of what a Strand game is. Some very interesting details that gives us a far better look into what type of game Death Stranding will be. From the sound of it the network connection is all optional, although it seems like a rather major part of the game as playing alone will certainly make things tougher. The world of Death Stranding will no doubt be always be evolving, it will be interesting to see where this all goes in the end from a narrative perspective.
  17. Ooo zmogau, nusivylimas del Last Of Us?, no way. Kazkada tik del sio zaidimo pirkau PS3, o veliau PS4 kad galeciau Remasteri perlost. Nusivylimas ir Nauthy Dog - nedera. Beje media gaus palosti zaidima taip pat, bet jokio gameplay video nebus. Jie gales tik pasakoti ispudzius.
  18. The Last of Us Part II To Be Shown Publicly At Madrid Games Week Next Month
  19. Ground War bus panasus i BFV Conquest. BR rezimas bus isleistas kaip update po zaidimo isleidimo. Kol kas developeriai oficialiai apie BR nekalba.
  20. Man abu variantai priimtini taciau balsavau uz draugiskesni varianta.