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Visas Baltazz turinys

  1. sveiki, neradau kur paklaust, tai bandau cia Turiu isorini hdd, pajungiu ji i xboxa ir ju suformatuoja 16gb, pajungiu prie pc noriu isimest koki 7gb faila pavyzdziui filma, kompas ismeta lentele, kad negalima ikelti tokio didelio failo, suformatuoju hdd, tada imeta, bet xbox nebemato hdd, ar imanoma kaip nors isimesti filma 7gb, kad xbox matytu? tikiuosi supratot mano klausyma
  2. Greiciau pradetu veikti
  3. Baigia iskept diskas isbandysiu ir as
  4. Ziauriau nieko valstybeje turbut negali buti, uzuojauta...
  5. As tai vakar jau perziurejau su tais triusiais video, neimanom cia kitaip ju surinkt, kad kas noretu uzsiregint jau sansu rast beveik 0
  6. Viska suvedziau ant Wii ir ismete i pagrindini langa, sucks, ka padarysi kaupiu toliau
  7. Ai viska kas sauna i galva, tik nerasau tokiu sdk;asfk visokiu
  8. 25 kartus i valanda ir gauni 125 taskus
  9. Nerasyk nesamoniu visokiu ir neuzbanins
  10. Pagaliau pirmieji zmones gave prizus, tad manau ir mes savo sulauksim kam pakvietimu apacioj nuoroda I redemptioned it on a mini redemption and i got it today. I am so lucky and hapy. Thank Lifeclicks… I will post screnshots a bit latter. It is hard was get to some credits but i am very hapy on now. again thankssss I want you best all sory for my english bad, i am french. Veliau idesiu foto
  11. Well, as we've stepped out on the scene with the new LifeClickz, and many other major changes, from today on, we'll no more have dailies. This is because in the next 24 hours we will be introducing 2-3 new ways for earning credits and we want to be unique from all the other free prize sites. This also means that the prices of the prizes will go up for 2x. The invite system will be disabled too, and we'll enable referral* system which will help you to get credits easier. The daily submission e-mail address is closed for new submissions of dailies. However, you can still submit daily exclusive songs which will be carefully chosen every day, and will be available for playing at the Media Player**. Best, Darwin on behalf on the LifeClickz Crew. *(WARNING: The referral system will log every action related to your referral link. If we notice illegal uses (cheating) of your referral link, we'll immediately ban you.) **Media Player is a new feature from LifeClickz which is coming the next month.
  12. Greitu laiku isitikinsim ar cia duoda ar ne per menesiuka tikrai paaiskes, o iki tol galima rinkt taskus trunka minute
  13. Saitas vel veikia su pasikeitusiu dizainu pakvietimai visiem nusiusti Here and now you see a whole new LifeClickz, with a great redesign, and many new features coming by the end of this month. The store is coming somewhere in April, and a VIP Membership is coming in May.
  14. Nei as soksiu nei as grosiu kol pats neisitikinsiu, kad neapsimoka tol as ja naudosiuos as ir daug isbandes visokiu svetainiu ir i visas spjoviau suprates, kad be refu ten nieko neuzdirbsi, o pats turesi praleist kaip tu sakai visa diena prie PC...daugiau elektra kainuoja nei tu uzdirbsi per diena Laukiu full versijos ir tada viskas paaiskes, lockerz irgi pasisiko... daug pazadu buvo geru...o dabar kas? na bet mes ne apie ta svetaine Jei isitikinsiu kad ten didelis S.u.d.a.s butinai parasysiu cia, tiesiog tikiu, kad kol nera daug vartotoju toj svetainej, bus lengva paimti priza, ta ir bandysiu padaryt
  15. Bus nusiusta kai tik veiks svetaine 2 dienas bus offline
  16. LifeClickz Major Updates Well, it have been almost 4 months from when this forum was created and everything started. We've got pretty much members for just 4 months, we've got 1 mini redemption (in 2 waves), we've made the first shipment, we've had crew changes, we've given tickets to LATeam, and now, it's finally time for doing some major updates and improvements. As you all know, the biggest major update is the redesign, then the 24/7 store, the new ways for earning credits, the premium VIP Membership, and of course the new platform. It should take 2-3 days before we get back online. But only some of the updates will be done during this downtime, and the remaining ones will be done a little bit later. Thanks, -Darwin. Updates: 1. Prizes shipped. 2. 24/7 Store ready = Launch soon. 3. New LATeam members selected. 4. New design soon. 5. New ways for earning credits coming this month. Geros naujienos Pasikeite ir dizainas tapo grazesnis ir spalvingesnis
  17. The prizes which were ordered during the Mini Redemptions are already being shipped and once we are done shipping all of them, we'll send out the shipping confirmations, so there is no need for worries. Maybe some of you will receive their prizes before getting your confirmations, but as this was our test redemption it main purpose was for learning. We've learned very much from it, and we are almost ready to launch our 24/7 store very soon. Keep checking as we'll be having more updates very soon. Yours truly, Darwin and the whole LifeClickz Crew. #16:59 Darwin> Hello guys. Every email has been read, but as we are shipping prizes and sending out the confirmations, parallelly working on opening the store #16:59 Darwin> and we can't reply
  18. pradek skaityti nuo pradziu po to klausinek