TO: Wii Publishers in Europe – Artwork Teams
FROM: Marion Kaufmann, Manager of Artwork
DATE: August 23rd, 2010
SUBJECT: Wii System menu update - Revision of the Wii artwork template text
Please be informed that from beginning of October 2010 Nintendo will include on publisher software an
upgrade of the Wii Menu (currently 4.2).
The new System Menu 4.3 contains mainly backend updates such as security measures but also further
content which is visible then to the consumers:
- Parental Control Screen
=> The PEGI icons have been updated
- Wii Setting Screen
=> The version number that is shown on the corner of the screen will be updated to "4.3"
Another important point we would like to mention is that along with the System Menu 4.3 the game discs
will contain some "Shortcut Channels”. So when the user inserts a 4.3 Game disc, after the system is
updated, the Channels will be installed on the hardware.
As you can imagine, for consumers who have never connected online and never downloaded any content
with their Wii console, it will be a surprise to find unknown elements appearing on their Wii Menu Screen.
To provide consumers all relevant information, we had to adjust the respective text within our Wii artwork
templates. So please replace the current Wii template text No. 2 (template version 8/2009, 3.0) with the
following one:
Wii Menu Update
Please note that when first loading the disc into the Wii console, the console will check if you have the latest
version of the Wii Menu, and if necessary a Wii System Update Confirmation Screen will appear. Select
OK to proceed with the update. Updates can take several minutes and may add Channels to the Wii Menu.
Please note that the Wii console must have the latest version of the Wii Menu in order to play the disc.
NOTE: If, after performing an update, the Disc Channel still does not display the title of the inserted disc, a
second update is required. Please repeat the above procedure.
Channels added by a Wii Menu update will be saved to the Wii System Memory if there is enough free space.
These additional Channels can be deleted from the Data Management Screen in Wii Options, and can
subsequently be re-downloaded from the Wii Shop Channel at no extra cost.
When the Wii Menu is updated, unauthorised hardware and/or software modifications may be detected and
unauthorised content may be removed causing the immediate or delayed inoperability of your console.
Failure to accept the update may render this game, and future games, unplayable. Please note that Nintendo
cannot guarantee that unauthorised software or accessories will continue to function with the Wii console
after this or future updates of the Wii Menu.
(The Screen Shot besides the text will remain the same, so please keep it as given in the templates.)
The text and its respective localizations are available on our ftp-server for download. If you need your
access data again, please contact data_publisher@nintendo.de.
We will provide this single text version only, as no other changes on the Wii templates are currently
necessary. You will find it of course within the templates in the next update.
Please note, in case we will receive manuals for approval with the old text within the next days, we will
automatically ask to change to the new one. From September on, we won’t approve any artwork not
including the new text version.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via artwork_publisher@nintendo.de, if you have any questions.
Best Regards
Manager of Artwork