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ne tiesiog atejo laikas kai pradejo profilio banus det, jei nebijai kad uzbanins profili siusksis, sekmes.
Ne į temą nebe tie laikai, pasiemi boxa papigam nusireset glitchini, jei sugebi ir losi is hdd viska su visais dlc, o kita live pasilieki. cia tik patarimas. (bet dasho dar reik palaukt reset glitchui, nes tik xell reloaded'as (linux kernelis) yra)
Naujienos: Despite rumours of a supposed trailer leaking yesterday (which turned out to be fake) Biohazard 6 will be formally announced at Tokyo Game Show this year. A leaked logo during Comic Con turned up on the internet and has since been confirmed to be legitimate. Expect the announcement during the Biohazard 15th Anniversary panel on September 17th. Turejo vakar paskelbt, bet nieko neivyko RE prezentacija baiges be re6. Beto capcom japan dabar jau irgi teigia kad tas traileris fake nzn kas ju galvose dedas. Taigi buvom istrollinti, buvo iskeltas didelis burbolas net pacio capcomo, ir nieko neivyko. ech na ka nieko nepadarysi. Lauksim orc isleidimo ir ziuresim kas toliau vyks.
skaityk auksciau vel gala mano posto "The confusion we experienced came from differing word from Capcom of Japan and Capcom of America. Capcom of Japan confirmed it was real, while Capcom of America confirmed it was fake"
This random video hit Youtube not too long ago and quite possibly shows the very first teaser trailer for Resident Evil 6. Capcom didn’t officially announce anything at TGS to the public, but this may have been shown behind closed doors. There’s not much to see here beside a logo, some text, and a quick flash. Its validity remains under immense question. The coordinates given in the trailer directs to Thunder Bay, Ontario. What the hell does that have to do with anything? I don’t know. Perhaps an event will take place their in the future in either the series, ARG , or in the real world. Time to ponder on yet another Resident Evil 6 rumor, kids. http-~~-// Update: It appears the concept art is a fake. The poster supposedly seen at TGS was also a fake, but that was obvious. Looks like the only thing left to be debunked is the teaser trailer, and the gameplay information. Hopefully the trailer ends up being real, and real Resident Evil 6 unveiling happens sometimes this week. Original story: We’re not calling it real just yet, but more details have surfaced along with some screens. While the word that this might very well be real is growing, keep it still as rumor until we hear something official. According to these details, Resident Evil 6 is to star Leon and Jill as the two main protagonists and take place in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Revelations plays a huge role in the game’s story, as well as the evil Organization from the game, Veltro. You can see their logo in the teaser trailer we reported on just a little bit ago. Ada Wong, from the organization, will play a major role. Camera angles will use a new cinematic style reminiscent of the old games, angled but more cinematic than every with improved control schemes. Classic enemies will be returning, but in a possibly new way. The game is aiming to be the scariest Resident Evil game ever, and it seems Water has become very scarce in the world. More details are to be revealed in an upcoming Game Informer issue. Koordinates teaserije veda i Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, kas ten gali but weskerio bustine tikroji, kur sedi hunkas, ada ? ir kuriama kazkas is visu paimtu sample'u virusu. kas ten zino. Pamatysim veliau tikiuos netemps gumos ilgai. o muzika tikrai tokia kazkokia atmosfera kolkas sudare, kaip ir pabaigos ar tiesos atskleidimo mistika, bet cia tik zodziai, jie ten niekad neuzbaigia, reikalu. beto leon su jill, hmm team 1 (chris 'n jill) cooperates with team 2 (leon 'n claire) "bio organic weapons have taken over" - aisku kad visas pasaulis pilnas zombiu. ka primena re filmus, jauciu kazkur faila jei bandys remtis filmais dabar. tikiuos, kad klystu. This sure has been a spiral of confusion. Kotaku was proven wrong on their claim they made last night of the validity of the teaser trailer. However, the source of the teaser trailer, information, and screens (all now proven fake) were not provided or done by the same person who originally posted the leaked Resident Evil 6 logo taken last July as we reported on. The confusion we experienced came from differing word from Capcom of Japan and Capcom of America. Capcom of Japan confirmed it was real, while Capcom of America confirmed it was fake. What we suspect is that Capcom of Japan assumed what they’re presenting at the Resident Evil 15th Anniversary Panel was leaked early and confirmed it, but then Capcom of America unconfirmed it when they realized what was “leaked” was actually a hoax. However, the word that EGM got from an anonymous source that the game was, “brutally scary,” and to be revealed in a couple of days seems like he’s legit. In terms of rumors looking legit, the original person who posted the leaked Comic Con Resident Evil 6 logo has posted the image you can see below which does seem real. Gamestop has also updated confirming that there is a surprise guest tomorrow at the Resident Evil 15th Anniversary Panel, as well as surprises in store. This falls in line with the original rumor from the source that leaked the logo two months ago, who’s original leaker is downright stating everything last night was a hoax and the reveal of Resident Evil 6 is tomorrow.
dabar tai vol3 Mixed By PIURKO, prisimenu senus laikus.
kolkas susidariau ispudi kad zaidimas bus tikrai masive, su tikrai stipria istorija, ir twisted veikejais. mind fuck...
gal kas linka i pm'a retail jtago ? bo bliam i lietuviskus torrentus neimeta o sky ar black catu nebeturiu senai ;// nes kai beta bandziau tai gadino tik ispudy, jau rasiau kokia ne complete buvo.
esme kad lazeris priartedavo prie disko aukstielikas todel ir nuskaitydavo
su alchohol 120 bandyk rasyt ant playstation pasirinkimo pasigooglink ar vel ka nors. siaip jei playstation logo luzta isiraso jie gerai, tik diskai prastoki gali but, ir lazeris pasilpes paprastus burnus skaityt jau buvo vienas zmogus jam strigo sake geimai, kaip ir visiem pasakysiu pradzioj su ausu krapstuku koki 10 ratu per lazerio akute svelniai apsuk pries laikrodzio rodykle tada bandyk. nes man kai buvo nusilpes lazeris tai ir neskaitydavo prikolas tame kad apversdavau pati playstation ir nuskaitydavo
ps geimai ant didelio greicio neisiraso, tik specifinio taigi nemanau kad galejo perdidint. prastas diskas. arba pasedes lazeris skaityt burnus o ne stampofkes. visada pagydo ausu krapstukas ir 10 ratu svelniai apsukt pries laikrodzio rodykle lazerio akute. visad padeda. (daug kas neigs)
veliau kai netingesiu nufotkinsiu. db lb tingis kraut viska is naujo ant kilimo. butu gerai papildyt savo ps2 kolekcija ;D
atspejai. dek savo :}
ne hl modas cia.
ech. susigadins tiem kas myzcioja atsiprasant uz isireiskima susigadina. 50% ant 50% kaip ir visi exploitai sitas niekuo nesiskiria, viskas jau pragyventa daugel metu, wii scena jau baiges, console isexploitinta kiek imanoma, ten net neber ka veikt, kol rankos tiesios tol gali viska susitvarkyt, jei visada ziuri zingsniu i prieki, tam ir buvo sukurtas bootmii i boot 2 sektoriu jei kas nors ne taip kad galetum nand'a atstatyt i toki koki nusidumpini.
abu del slimo ir phato padeveto priklauso koks su slimu neapsigausi jei pirkdamas apziuresi ar veikia viskas, phatai matai didesne tikimybe uzsiraut ant tokio kuris turi defekta, ar gaus YLOD ir siaip pagaminimas jau senesnis, niekas neatsisako siais laikais naujesnio daikto ^_^
neisizeisk bet pasakysiu tiek jau geriau skelbimuos susisaudyt gali pigiau su komplektacija negu ten ka turguose pardavineja. ir ar chipuotos nori tikrai softmodo neuztektu, gi pigiau atsieina. o siaip atsizvelgiant i kainas dabartines cipuotu ps2 taip turgines kiek mates tai buna ivairiai vietom ir po 350 vietom ir po 500 lt cia standartine komplektacija dezes su chipuota konsole. dar ten tie chipai neaisku ka ideda fufla ar genuine, ir dar permoket tenka. tiek kad neapsigauk ir geriau skelbimais pasikliauk.
del ps vita kas pirks pirmus modelius pralos piniguos, nepralos lauzime, nes pirma kaip visi zinom pirmi modeliai buna exploitinami, jiem daugiausia skyliu randama. dabar einant prie temos. ps3 gerai bet priklauso kaip tu pinigus i ji investuosi, arba pirksi lauzta uz kuri aisku prasys brangiau ir taupysi ant zaidimu, ir kentesi su patchais del cfw, eboot'u laukimu arba isvis nepazaisi kitu kurie praso aukstesnes fw nei cfw yra. arba sutaupysi pirkdamas plika console nelauziama bet mokesi uz originalius zaidimus, aisku is sklebimu perkant sutaupai. bet cia jei kai psako dirbantis zmogus esi tai neproblema i menesi viena ar du zaidimus isigyt, kad ir is tu paciu skelbimu ar ten ebay'iaus kur kaina svyruoja nuo 20 -30 lt (sportiniai senesni zaidimai, siaip atgyvenos) 40 - 60 (rimtesnis zaidimai tik ju jau kaina kritus) 80 - 120 uz naujesnius naudotus ir 150 - 250 uz visiskai naujus zaidimus.
naruto kaip naruto bet koks ?
4 dienos iki didziosios paslapties atskleidimo, arba fake paneigimo.