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Visas Hancock turinys

  1. Daryk. Nes be Kinect dashboard nepazaisi nauju zaidimu.
  2. Nereikia tik su ORGINALIAIS Hitachi (man rodos ne visi modeliai) ir Samsung.
  3. Ka reiskia "You cannot spoof a different model drive as that can now be detected. With this release of LT+ you HAVE to have an original Benq or Liteon." Cia jeigu pakeisi drive is Lite-On i kita ar atvirksciai tai gali gauti flag? Ar aplamai neveiks zaidimai?
  4. Turiu toki klausima. Pas mane dabar yra idetas Samsung dvd rom'as, bet pries tai ORGINALUS buvo Lite-On.(Keciau kadangi dar nebuvo imanoma flashinti Lite-On'u.) Tai man galbut butu imanoma atkeisti Samsunga i Lite-On ir tada nuflashinti su LT+ (vezciau pas meistra)? Beje, Dvd rom'a keiciau pas Edma, ir paprasiau, kad Lite-On'a man grazintu. Tai ji kap ir turiu, bet girdejau kazka, kad jau nelabai galima bus pakeisti atgal is Samsung i Lite-On?.
  5. Pala, tai kaip suprantu ant Xbox 360 nebus?
  6. Nu tai sakau apie ~200 mokejau uz dvd rom. Tai gal dabar ir mazesnes kainos, nes as keiciausi gal pries kokius 3 metus.
  7. Patikek, nedejo. Man teko apie 200lt paklot uz nauja dvd rom'a, tai uz dyka nieks nededa.
  8. Taip, imanoma pasileisti ir neflashinant. Bet tik jeigu pas tave BenQ arba Lite-On. Jeigu pas tave samsungas buvo nuo pat pradziu tai taip, zaidimai su AP 2.5 veiks. O jeigu tu ji keitei pvz. is Lite-On i Samsung tada neveiks.
  9. Kas del patchinimo: Taigi, patchint galima TIK PO TO, kai padarai si update "bug'a". O del flag: Tai irgi, kiek tame tiesos neaisku. Kas noresit LIVE zaisti galbut geriau butu palaukti LT+.
  10. Taip, reikes. Kadangi zaidimas Wave 9. Tik iki Wave 7 nereikejo su 1.61 activate.iso.
  11. Daug kas sako, kad veikia. Pats negaliu pabandyt nes pas mane jau naujausias dashboard... EDIT: Beje, veikia tik BenQ ir Lite-On.
  12. Zaidimai su AP 2.5 veikia tik ant Samsung ir Hitachi (ne visu versiju) dvd'romu. Ir dar, tai priklauso koks ORGINALUS dvd rom'as buvo xbox'e. As taip ir apsigavau. Pas mane buvo is pradziu Lite-On, bet kai reikejo flashinti, meistras pakeite i Samsung kadangi Lite-On nebuvo dar imanoma nuflashinti. Tai as dabar isirasiau nauja dashboarda tikedamasis, kad veiks. Tai dabar ne tik, kad neveikia AC:B, bet ir Fable 3...
  13. Ne į temą O tu per flash'a isikeliai ta beta dashboard? Ir paskui kai idejei AC:B neprase update''inti i Final versija? Gal tada tas pats metodas ant samsung'o veiktu...
  14. Supranti, as niekada tokiais dalykais nesidomejau, uztat ir klausiu galbut kitiem atrodo durnu klausimu. Kazkaip ardyt HDD nelabai noriu. O tas flash'as tai galima sakyti man nereikalingas (Gautas is Lockerz) ir juo beveik nesinaudoju. Taip, kad jis ten gali buti gale xboxo ikistas ir jo net nesimato. Bet dekui uz atsakymus.
  15. Na nepavyko tas budas su HDD nuemimu... O ko reikia, kad galeciau prijunkti savo HDD prie PC? Neesu niekada to dares todel ir klausiu. EDIT: Dabar paskaiciau Red_Cat gida http://www.playmanija.net/forumas/USB-STOR...das-t22075.html tai ten zemiau komentaruose rase, kad idejus flash'a i xbox'a nieko ir neturi vykti. Ir title update'as veiks kol flash'as bus xbox'e. Tai cia tiesa?
  16. Hmm, na paleido per ta USB XTAF v32 beta3, bet dar pamirsau pamineti, kad as bandau kelti Title update'us. Tai bandziau ji (tiksliau sakant Fable 3 Title Update) ikelti i Cache Partition > Cache ir ikisus usb i xbox'a tada bandant paleisti zaidima, nieko nevyksta . Gal but kazkur kitur juos reikia kelti? Dar parsisiunciau Xtaf Release Gui 006 tai ten irgi paspaudziu File > Open Device.. ir ismeta Gal kas turit pasiulimu?
  17. Turiu tokia problemele. Nezinau kas tiksliai negerai, bet man rodos, kad pc neatpazysta suconfiguruoto flash'o. Kai bandau paleisti per Modio > "Didele M" > Expore my Device... ismeta sia lentele Bandziau su keliom programom, su keliais flash'ais. Vistiek tas pats. Gal zinot kur problema?
  18. Truputis uzsienieciu PMS. <Cthon98> hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as stars <Cthon98> ********* see! <AzureDiamond> hunter2 <AzureDiamond> doesnt look like stars to me <Cthon98> <AzureDiamond> ******* <Cthon98> thats what I see <AzureDiamond> oh, really? <Cthon98> Absolutely <AzureDiamond> you can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2 <AzureDiamond> haha, does that look funny to you? <Cthon98> lol, yes. See, when YOU type hunter2, it shows to us as ******* <AzureDiamond> thats neat, I didnt know IRC did that <Cthon98> yep, no matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show to us as ******* <AzureDiamond> awesome! <AzureDiamond> wait, how do you know my pw? <Cthon98> er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause its your pw <AzureDiamond> oh, ok. **** <DeadMansHand> haha, last night, me and pete went out to celebrate his engagement and got hugely drunk <DeadMansHand> we got this great idea to bury eachother in the sand close to the water and see who would chicken out first <DeadMansHand> took about a half hour, but the water got up to my face so i freaked and got out <DeadMansHand> i looked around for pete and he must've chickened out before me and stumbled home or something heh <DeadMansHand> What'd he say when he woke up this morning? <Thirteen-> uhh.. he hasn't come home yet.. i thought he was staying with you? <DeadMansHand> holy fuck. <DeadMansHand> i fucking hope im wrong about what im thinking right now <DeadMansHand> im fucking going back to the beach to make sure <DeadMansHand> if he gets home, call me, i don't want to be worrying about this <Thirteen-> will do. you better hope he's not still buried, you'll be in deep shit. quit: (DeadMansHand) <Tyran> wtf? pete came home last night you fuck. Ken's going to be worrying about this shit all day <Thirteen-> haha yea, but it will be fun while it lasts join: (PeteRepeat) (bob@3F8C4655.11D1C8C.18637D35.IP) <PeteRepeat> fucking ken <PeteRepeat> ken... that fucker buried me in the sand last night, i ran off about 5 minutes to it, left him there to be an idiot <quiqsilver> pete, ken didn't come back last night, i thought he was with you. <PeteRepeat> oh fuck. <PeteRepeat> if ken shows up, make sure he doesn't know that im at the beach digging for his body. i don't want him to think i care or anything. quit: (PeteRepeat) <Thirteen-> rofl. Those 2 are going to get a huge surprise when they meet at the beach. <Tyran> i can't beleive how perfect their timing was *** <anamexis> oh man <anamexis> I was opening a coke, right --> Beefpile (~mbeefpile@cloaked.wi.rr.com) has joined #themacmind <anamexis> and it exploded <anamexis> ALMOST all over my keyboard <anamexis> but I got it away just in time <-- Beefpile has quit (sick fuckers) <anamexis> :< *** <Khassaki> HI EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!! <Judge-Mental> try pressing the the Caps Lock key <Khassaki> O THANKS!!! ITS SO MUCH EASIER TO WRITE NOW!!!!!!! <Judge-Mental> fuck me *** <JonJonB> Purely in the interests of science, I have replaced the word "wand" with "wang" in the first Harry Potter Book <JonJonB> Let's see the results... <JonJonB> "Why aren't you supposed to do magic?" asked Harry. <JonJonB> "Oh, well -- I was at Hogwarts meself but I -- er -- got expelled, ter tell yeh the truth. In me third year. They snapped me wang in half an' everything <JonJonB> A magic wang... this was what Harry had been really looking forward to. <JonJonB> "Yes, yes. I thought I'd be seeing you soon. Harry Potter." It wasn't a question. "You have your mother's eyes. It seems only yesterday she was in here herself, buying her first wang. Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow. Nice wang for charm work." <JonJonB> "Your father, on the other hand, favored a mahogany wang. Eleven inches. " <JonJonB> Harry took the wang. He felt a sudden warmth in his fingers. He raised the wang above his head, brought it swishing down through the dusty air and a stream of red and gold sparks shot from the end like a firework, throwing dancing spots of light on to the walls <JonJonB> "Oh, move over," Hermione snarled. She grabbed Harry's wang, tapped the lock, and whispered, 'Alohomora!" <JonJonB> The troll couldn't feel Harry hanging there, but even a troll will notice if you stick a long bit of wood up its nose, and Harry's wang had still been in his hand when he'd jumped - it had gone straight up one of the troll's nostrils. <JonJonB> He bent down and pulled his wang out of the troll's nose. It was covered in what looked like lumpy gray glue. <JonJonB> He ran onto the field as you fell, waved his wang, and you sort of slowed down before you hit the ground. Then he whirled his wang at the dementors. Shot silver stuff at them. <JonJonB> Ok <JonJonB> I have found, definitive proof <JonJonB> that J.K Rowling is a dirty DIRTY woman, making a fool of us all <JonJonB> "Yes," Harry said, gripping his wang very tightly, and moving into the middle of the deserted classroom. He tried to keep his mind on flying, but something else kept intruding.... Any second now, he might hear his mother again... but he shouldn't think that, or he would hear her again, and he didn't want to... or did he? <melusine > O_______O <JonJonB> Something silver-white, something enormous, erupted from the end of his wang <JonJonJonB> Then, with a sigh, he raised his wang and prodded the silvery substance with its tip. <JonJonJonB> 'Get - off - me!' Harry gasped. For a few seconds they struggled, Harry pulling at his uncles sausage-like fingers with his left hand, his right maintaining a firm grip on his raised wang. *** <Th3No0b> Im going to be the next hitler <Th3No0b> Im going to kill all the jews and 1 clown <RageAgainsttheAmish> why the clown <Th3No0b> See? no one cares about the jews <RageAgainsttheAmish> lmao
  19. Hancock

    Fable 3 !

    Fable.3.XBOX360.RF.DRAXLYGONE Saltinis: http://www.warez-bb.org/viewtopic.php?t=7174365 Na raso, kad tikras ziuresim kaip cia istikruju.
  20. Ne į temą Na manau, kad daug tokio pobudzio temu cia nera(matau tik viena) ir uztenka vienos. Taip, kad zmones cia ir turetu deti ir deda ne vien tai kas juokinga, bet ir tai kas idomu ivairias nuorodas, video, foto ir t.t. Manau tema turetu vadintis "Ivairianybes" arba kazkas tokio kaip jau sakiau "Videos, pictures, links, etc." Bet cia tik mano nuomone. Peace. P.S.
  21. Va tokia reklama turetu parodyti per televizija. N - 14 ?
  22. Ne į temą Cia geras. Man buvo lygiai toks pat bug'as per COD:MW2. Bet nepavyko taip issisukti, teko per nauja misija pradeti.