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  1. Green Zone - patiko bet kas ko truko dar E3 2010 visos konferencijos laukiu dabar kol rodis KOJIMOS conference
  2. To bebad4fun Zinai tu JRPG nevisiems patinka ,man gerai ir FPS PSP o kas tau sako det prie ausies ta psp su call funkcija (jei bus isvis), turek koki Headset ir nebus plita prie ausies , ir nematau cia nieko juokingo
  3. Man labiau Unchartas 3, KZ3, PSN premium , ir aisku psp gal telefono funkcija palaikys , nu ir dar keletas daliku Ne į temą Liko 37min iki sony konferencijos
  4. Nzn as perku is UK PSN ,is USA bandziau su mastercard neprieme tai ir nepirkau , o dabar net nebandziau ,Gal priimtu UK visa korta usa psn bet manau kam bandyt jei galima ir uk atsiskaitinet su uk korta psn
  5. Neuzilgo jau bus nintendo kelios minutes liko
  6. To wader Crysis 2 tai ir taip jau aisku multi platforminis bet va del kitu zaidimu , jau dabar matem viena graju for deze360
  7. To wader O tu tuom garantuotas kad bus ant kitu konsoliu ?
  8. As neskaiciavau Crytek ,tikejau daugiau zaidimu isvist butent Crytek , bet ziuriu jau MS pasidarbavo finansiskai , ir manau ant PS3 bus tik Crysis 2
  9. Visa xbox konferencija vien tik natal , 4 zaidimus parode ir viskas trys exsliuzivai, neskaicuojant to natalo, juokas paeme man, o pie halo tai isvis patileciau kai zaides as ji tai nieko gero as jame nepamaciau, O dar slima padare ,is sony vage mintis Svolaciai Bus matyt ka ryt sony parodis ,man idomu bus su Premium PSN
  10. Gal sony bus galima ziuret per PSN HOME ? Butu gerai
  11. gal tu ta koda veidei mazom raidem , nes man tas pats buvo , suvedziau didziosiomis ir suveike
  12. Dabar dar vienas klausimas Ant naujo tv pajungiau ps3 ,tv palaiko HD full PS3 nuejus i Settings->Display Settings->RGB Full Range (HDMI)-> Limited ar Full KURI RINKTIS MAN GERIAU Nes google daukas raso kad Limited o kiti Full Nes tipo ant Full tamsiau biskiuka
  13. Tai va tuo eisiu i parda pirkti HDD i ps3, koki formata geriau daryt greita ar full ?
  14. Man tas pats meta ta error, po 5 minciu vel pabandau, vel meta ta error, paskui vel ir vel ir prisijiungiu prie PSN, o forume kiek skaiciau tai tipo per didelis kruvis labai daug jungenciu yra nes kaip vakar buvo atjunktas psn store Dabar as klausiu. Tai va iskilo klausimas man , padarius Back Up ,viska issaugoju i flesiuka , ar i back up ieina ir Save zaidimai , nes seip tik Heavy Rain seivus nori persikelt i flesiuka jie nesikele Tai klausimas butu, ar jie isikeltu i back up seivai visi iki vieno ? ir passkui restore padarius ,seivai atgal grista, ir pradent zaist nuo to seivo, Trofejei toliau rinksis ? Ir dar, ar kelsis i back up ir tie kur is zaidimo disku isikele i hdd pavizdis Metal gear ten 5.5gb ? Nes seip zinau, atsiusti zaidimai is PSN store jie isikele i back up. Nes noreciau pasikeist hdd ,ir seip kokios firmos geriausei det hdd gal WD Gal supratot ka as cia parasiau
  15. Tikuosis sitam MK bus mano megstamas veikejas CABAL (is MK3) nu jei nebus tai bus gerai ir Zubzero Cia gausis MK2-3 remeikas Butu idomu kaip versijos bus ,ar bus su visais ziaurumais ,arbus leidimai paprastas ar Cut versija ?
  16. Va cia tai nors zaidimas , nes man labiausei ir buvo patike 2 ir 3 dalis visos kitos buvo meslinos
  17. The Ultimate 3D Experience: Stereoscopic 3D Gaming on PlayStation 3 Available Tomorrow Hi everyone! The moment is here — starting tomorrow, high-definition stereoscopic 3D gaming will be available in your very own living rooms! As you already know, all PlayStation 3 systems are already equipped with everything they need to play stereoscopic 3D games. Thanks to a free firmware update released this past April, the PS3 system is the only console on the market that can support full stereoscopic 3D gaming — right from your living room, and with no additional charge. Today, our sister company Sony Electronics announced its 3D capable BRAVIA HDTVs are now available for pre-sale and will ship to retailers later this month. There are a broad range of models available in different screen sizes, some packaged with active glasses and others without, giving consumers the option to choose which 3D entertainment solution works for them. For more information, click here. We’re extremely excited to be at the helm of a whole new gaming experience unlike anything offered before. Starting tomorrow, the following games and demos will be available in stereoscopic 3D for anyone who owns a PS3 system and 3D television: WipEout HD (full game): Experience the adrenalin rush of navigating the twists and turns of futuristic racetracks at breathtaking speeds like never before. Super Stardust HD (full game): Experience asteroids fly past you as you navigate the deadly battleground — only a battle on a cosmic level will save the indigenous life below from destruction. PAIN: The stereoscopic 3D content will include the Downtown area and tutorial along with three modes, including two new modes created specifically with stereoscopic 3D in mind, Alien Toss and Ice Breaker. MotorStorm Pacific Rift (demo): MotorStorm Pacific Rift in stereoscopic 3D puts you in the driver’s seat of a buggy for a one track, single player race around the deadly Kanaloa Bay for a dangerously real battle against ruthless opponents. To give PS3 and new 3D capable BRAVIA owners a sample of 3D entertainment at its best, 3D capable BRAVIA HDTVs will come with PlayStation Network vouchers to download these four stereoscopic 3D game experiences, which total more than 100 hours of gameplay. We’re also announcing that The Fight: Lights Out will be available in stereoscopic 3D, combining PlayStation Move with 3D to deliver an immersive and realistic gaming experience unlike anything you’ve played before. This is only a small taste of the 3D experiences you can expect with the new 3D capable BRAVIA HDTVs and PS3. With new gaming experiences coming this year in the form of stereoscopic 3D gaming and PlayStation Move, as well as an expansive software line-up, the PS3 system truly does everything and continues to be at the forefront of innovation. In addition, 3D Blu-ray movie playback is coming to the PS3 this year via firmware update. Stay tuned for even more 3D news and announcements coming in the near future! E3 2010 Bingo: Sony
  18. Tam jau yra skirta tema apie tai sneket Rakinu tema
  19. Jau pradejot i lankas eit ,rakinu tema Temos pavadinimas jau neatitinka relibes
  20. Jau rasiau PlayStation Store temoj ,visai nestebet temu
  21. Ne į temą Nevairuojiu as dviracio , Pedalus nukniso kaskas :)
  22. Va norejau pasiziuret dabar ar US acc galima prisijunkt prie PS3 Store bet net neprisilogino prie PSN netvork, paskui grizau prie UK acc tai ir neprijunge dabar meta man "PlayStation Network is currently undergoing maintenance" kaip sakoma oflaine dabar, o pries penkes minutes dar buvo galima ziuret Vidzone po ineta vaiksiot Ir net nekrauna jau puslapio
  23. PlayStation Network Scheduled Maintenance - 9th June 2010 PlayStation Network Scheduled Maintenance - 9th June 2010 Hello all, The PlayStation Network will be taken offline for scheduled maintenance this Wednesday 9th June 2010 from 16:00 BST until 04:30 BST on Thursday 10th June. During the maintenance, you will be unable to access the following services: PlayStation Store Account Management Account Registration You should still have access to PSN Sign-in and online play during the maintenance, provided that you have signed in recently. If you wish to play online during the maintenance, please ensure you sign in to PSN before 4PM on 9th June. Further, the PlayStation Store will be updated at an earlier time than usual this Wednesday to allow you to make purchases before the maintenance kicks in. Don't forget, you can access the PlayStation Store via Remote Play on your PSP if you're away from home. If you have any questions about this downtime, feel free to make a post below and one of the moderation team will get back to you! Tai iki rytojaus nieko nenusipirksim ,ir nieko neparsisiusim , kaip ir Account Management Account Registration