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Pas mane IP ne išorinis, bet problemų nebuvo, arba tiesiog reset ruteri padarau ir viskas susitvarko
@CerberusLT Nu jo, man pvz už moterį geriau žaisti yra, bet galiu ir už vyrą žaisti
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Tai reikėjo parašyti kad tie nepadeda
kad mario sužaidė tai čia skaitos nulaužimas
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Sony has begun sending out invites to the press for its E3 press briefing, confirming the event's time and date. The PlayStation E3 Media Showcase, as it's officially called, will take place on Monday, June 12, at 6 PM PT/9 PM ET (2 AM GMT on June 13). Sony is headed back to the Shrine Auditorium and Expo Hall in Los Angeles, the same location as last year's event. This is the usual timeslot Sony has occupied for its E3 briefing, just ahead of the conference's start later in the week. Microsoft, on the other hand, has moved its standard Monday briefing back to Sunday, June 11, when Bethesda will also have its now-annual briefing. EA's EA Play will be taking place from June 10-12. Sony didn't provide any word of what it'll be showing, but you can expect it to be the usual array of upcoming games for PlayStation 4 and (hopefully) PlayStation Vita. There's no indication that it'll talk about new hardware amidst a recent rumor that it will introduce a next-gen PlayStation system in 2018. Microsoft today announced the day and time of its E3 2017 briefing--and it's not the same schedule as last year. The Xbox show will be held Sunday, June 11, starting at 2 PM PT / 5 PM ET. Historically, the Xbox briefing is held on the Monday of E3 week, in the morning. Though the day is changing, the venue is staying the same: the Galen Center in Los Angeles. In January, Xbox boss Phil Spencer teased Microsoft's E3 2017 lineup. Before that, Spencer said 2017 will not be a FPS Halo- or Gears of War-led year, suggesting that no new games in those franchises are coming this year. Instead, Microsoft will focus on "new experiences with different IP." State of Decay 2 developer Undead Labs confirmed today that it will have something to show at Microsoft's E3 2017 briefing. Microsoft only announced the time and date of its E3 2017 briefing today, not any specific programming details. You can definitely expect news about Project Scorpio, as the tweet that announced the details today used an image of the system first shared at E3 2016. The system is scheduled to go on sale this holiday, so it will surely be a big focus of the event. Microsoft is the only company to formally announce the time and date of its E3 briefing so far. Last year, Bethesda and EA's briefings took place on the Sunday before E3 week, followed by Sony and Ubisoft on the next day. EA's own E3 event, EA Play, takes place June 10-12, but the company has not announced when its briefing will take place, if it has one. We'll report back with more details on this year's E3 as they become available. E3 2017's show floor is open June 13-15. For the first time ever, the event is open to the public.
@scalman nū bus gtx 1030 2gb
@cheburator KFA2 visada leidžia vaizdo kortas balta spalva
@scalman naujas patch išėjo https://www.linkomanija.net/details?595594.S.T.A.L.K.E.R._-_Lost_Alpha_Developers_Cut http://www.moddb.com/mods/lost-alpha
kad parodė tai nereiškia kad nulaužta, tegul parodo kad koki ps4 žaidimą žaidžia tada bus galima sakyti kad nulaužė
GPU: 16-nm GP108-300 with 384 stream processorsGPU clock speed: 1,252MHz base clock, and a boost frequency of 1,506MHzMemory: 2GB of GDDR5, running at 6GT/sMemory Bus: 64-bitPorts: HDMI 2.0b port, and a DVI port The above single slot low profile design is said to consume just 30W at most. The KFA2 versions of the card outlined above might be overclocked compared to reference. It's probably a good decision by Nvidia to launch this card as it is replacing a rather old Fermi-based GT 730 with much newer tech. It also provides some opposition to AMD's new RX 550 sitting in a similar market position. ECI reckons that the GT 1030 will launch sometime next month at €79.95 including VAT. It's worth noting that ECI has had a pretty good track record of leaks recently.
tam reikalingas App kad veiktų pilnai pultas ir visos knopkes, o su adapteriu nereik jokių App, tai čia priklauso nuo tavęs ko nori, bet buvo rašyta kad Steam ir ps4 adapteris reikalingas, aišku aš netikrinau, bet buvo rašyta apie tai
@WirmiS pas mane xbox One elite, tai adapteris reikalingas, o naujo pultu xbox One s, visai iš galvos išėjo kad tu bt dabar gali
Xbox one + Adapteris ir belaido žaidi Turbūt geriausias pultelis ant PC naudoti, arba naudok PS4 pulta, plius jam reik adapteri irgi nusipirkti ir gali žaisti belaido Steam kiek žinau palaiko dabar ps4 pulta, ir nauji žaidimai turi jau suporta ps4 pulteliui @GoldenBoy
Arba is g2a perki kodą metams laiko už 3/4£, bet dažnai gauni kokiems 1,5 metu lizenzija, draugas gavo 1 metus ir 9 mėn @Impaler
@Impaler kad tas VR nieko gero, draugas sužaidė RE7 VR ir dar keletą žaidimu, o dabar guli renka dulkes, aš kiek bandžiau , taip gal nieko, bet trumpam tas malonumas butu , paskui tikrai dulkės rinktu ir pas mane, tas pats ir su HTC vive butu man pradžiai mano draugui ir buvo įdomu žaisti kai yra hebros
John Wick tapo LEON Wick
čia tiems skirta kurie visai taupo kiekviena centą @cheburator
@SkepticalHippo nėra Baltijos šalių psn, turi kurtis acc ant kitos šalies, ir negali atsiskaityti savo šalies banko kortele, tada tenka pirkti papildymus, nes ant tokių šalių sony dėjo skersa O kas gyvena užsienį tokiu problemų neturi ir gali naudotis viską ką siūlo psn
@cheburator nepasigailėsi paskui ?