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  1. Nu siunciames BF3 Beta uzima 1173mb Data raso kad 2011/Rugsejo/28 Nors siandien yra 27 diena Prie jo nieko nera nei PSN + nieko
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    Dead Space 3

    Kūrėjas: Visceral Games Visceral Leidėjas: EA Žanras: Horror Režimai: single player, co-op Išleidimo data: 2013 -- -- Platformos: ps3, x360, pc
  3. Super-secret public PlayStation commercial teases ... something http-~~-// Long Live Play. See beyond the doors 10.5.11
  4. Silent Hill 1 Pirmasis mano siaubo zaidimas, atsipalaiduodavau tik tada kai tik rukas buna, kaip sakoma diena , o kai vel tamsa budavo dar muzika tokia paleisdavo kad net begiodavo man siurpuliukai, ipac ji zaisdavau naktimis Resident Evil 1-2-3 , kas patiko kad ten labiau gasdindavo netiketai, Parasite eve 1-2, man patiko patis Filmukai ipac PE2 dalies,ipac kai nakti zaisdavai , net baisu budavo ziureti juos, o pac zaidimas man tikrai patiko
  5. Seip kiek as girdejau , kas BF3 uzsisakis gaus Dead Spice bet cia liecia PC sriti
  6. As ir seniau galvojau kad kas kas su VGA blogai mano, bet pastebejau kad daug kam taip yra, loptopa pajungus prie TV per HDMI , tai tikrai atrodo kad NE HD full, o pajungus per dvi - vga , Tai matos iskarto kad cia HD Full
  7. Ne į temą Padare tapati , kaip Xbox su COD:MW3 Sony padare su BF3
  8. Nu va katik padejo man PSN Plus, Zaidziau Splinter cell, isejau is zaidimo, norejau kita graju palosti, aisku priestai padariau kad zaidimo seiva nusiustu i PSN online Save, bet pagalvojau einu toliau geriau zaisti, splinter cell, ir kas gi nutiko man LOAD zaidimo nepadaro , kiek bandau LOAD tiek ir ismeta is zaidimo mane, tai nuejau i PSN Online seiva ir parsisiunciau Splinter cell Seiva savo, ir vel pradejo veikti man zaidimo seivai o taip butu teke vel eiti ant hardo visa zaidima
  9. Katik isbandziau Onlive, ir visai patiko kad zaidimus gali isbandyti, nereikia nieko siustis, Bet aisku su mano internetu tai nekas, naktimis zaisti bus galima, o dabar kai zaidziau vietomis grafika pasidaro kvadratukais, norejau viena zaidima nusipirkt uz 1 svara bet pagalvojau ar man to reikia, bet seip manau kas ant loptopu zais per Onlive tai tikrai geras dalikas , nes nereiks galingu kompu, bet kaip sakiau sitam dalikui reikia gero interneto Gerai kad keisiu interneta, nes nuo penkiu vakaro nieko nepazaisi internete ,net tokio kaip youtube neuzkrauna, 2min video krauna 5min Dabar radau ,Kad onlive draugaus su BT (interneto tekeju) Your home broadband with BT OnLive recommend 3Mb minimum line speed Almost any PC or Mac® via a small download – see details HDTV play available with purchase of the OnLive Game System – see details Daugiau informacijos cia
  10. Taip tu ji parsisiusi is Xbox LIVE Marketplace
  11. Nauja laida PlayStation Access Episode 001 http-~~-// Bandisiu det visus Episodus
  12. Rugsejo 29 diena gauna visi PC - PS3 - Xbox360 O Rugsejo 27 gauna Kas pirko Medal of Honor arba Preordino BF3 per Origin
  13. the 126-second-long multiplayer trailer for Assassin's Creed: Revelations
  14. Nu jo kaip visuomet ,USA 3diena EU 4diena ir visos kitos salis
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  16. European PSN releases for September 21 Source:PlayStation Blog
  17. Pasirode RE4 HD PSN Store kaina 11.99£ o kas turi PSN+ kaina 6.00£ USA PSN store PSN+ vartotojams duoda RE1-2-3 uzdika o UK PSN store tik RE1 duoda uzdika o ko kitu daliu neduoda
  18. Sony Binoculars That Take Video in 3-D Why do like engineers like to graft together disparate devices? Shoes with a built in speaker and MP3 player come to mind as one of the stranger pairings, but the folks at Sony have come up with an electronic mash-up that makes surprising sense. It’s a set of binoculars with a built-in video camera. Why binoculars? 3-D, silly. The binoculars have two lenses, accommodating two sensors and two processors to capture 3-D video in 1920 x 1080 resolution. With a 32-gigabyte memory card, the glasses can record two and a half hours of 3-D video, or almost 13 hours of lower resolution 2-D video. There is no internal memory, so you will need a Class 4 or higher SD, SDHC or SDXC memory card — or a more expensive Sony Memory stick. Images are saved in Sony’s AVCHD format, which means you can burn them to inexpensive red laser discs, but a Blu-Ray player will play the recording in full HD. There is a built-in microphone and also a jack for an accessory microphone, as well as a headphone jack. The premium model, called the DEV-5, has an optical zoom that can magnify a subject 10 times, or you can use the digital zoom to increase the magnification to 20x. Electronic autofocus and image stabilization help to keep your subjects sharp. The lithium-ion battery can record 2-D for up to three hours (no specification on 3-D, but you can bet it’s less). Battery life is displayed on the viewfinder. The Dev-5 geotags videos and still photos, which are 7.1 megapixels in square 4:3 format, or 5.3 megapixels in wide screen format. These binoculars are a natural for birdwatchers with a well-feathered wallet. Available in November, the DEV-5 lists for $2,000. A model with fewer features, the DEV-3, is listed at $1,400."
  19. Battlefield 3 beta system requirements Given the proximity of the Battlefield 3 launch, the beta system requirements shouldn't differ much (if at all) from the final game. Don't throw out your GTX 560 between now and October! Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) 32-bit Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core (Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Athlon X2 2.7 GHz) Memory: 2 GB Hard Drive: 20 GB Graphics Card (AMD): DirectX 10.1 Compatible with 512 MB RAM (ATI Radeon 3000, 4000, 5000 or 6000 SERIES, with ATI RADEON 3870 or higher performance) Graphics Card (Nvidia): DirectX 10.0 compatible with 512 MB RAM (Nvidia Geforce 8, 9, 200, 300, 400 or 500 series with Nvidia Geforce 8800 GT or higher performance) Sound Card: DirectX compatible Keyboard and Mouse DVD-ROM Drive Recommended System Requirements OS: Windows 7 64-bit Processor: Quad-core CPU Memory: 4 GB Hard Drive: 20 GB Graphics Card: DirectX 11 compatible with 1024 MB RAM (Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 or ATI Radeon 6950) Sound Card: DirectX compatible Keyboard and Mouse DVD-ROM Drive Zinau kad buvo imestas linkas , bet nebuvo cia ideta
  20. narkata


    PlayStation Home: Get Fit with PlayStation Home On Thursday 22nd September from 8AM BST PlayStation Home will be briefly offline for scheduled maintenance. Here are some details on what to expect after the update. Audi are delighted to announce the release of their new game in the Audi Home Terminal. Become the Audi Gecko, avoid hazards, get the powerups, increase your score and see how far you can go! Try to beat the hi-scores on the global leaderboard as you battle to unlock 9 trophies in the new Audi Gecko Reward Cabinet for your personal spaces. Stay sticky! The Lockwood Publishing Showcase is scheduled to launch soon! Visit Caramel in the Plaza for a limited time Lockwood Emote reward and don’t forget to head over to the Showcase Lobby to pick up your FREE shopping bag in preparation for opening night. Got an eighties training montage to complete but lack the suitable attire? Not anymore! Slip into the Retro Fitness shorts and bodywarmer and pound those stairs. Made it to the top? Well what are you waiting for guys? Get back down there! Rock hard abs don’t make themselves. Ladies, why not don a cute vest top, a funky visor and some sweatbands and throw some shapes on the dancefloor. Don’t remember the eighties? You don’t need to! Just shake it like you mean it and you’ll have the time of your life. This week we also welcome new PlayStation Home publisher Granzella Inc, who have this to say about their debut release: Explore the Southern Island Hideaway! You have washed ashore on an isolated Southern island. Fortunately, this is not a deserted island. Shining sun, and calm, beautiful waters. What’s this? You have been searching for this paradise, and now in front of your eyes… Personal Water Craft Race Challenge the water craft race accessed from the pier. Take the lead when you race with your up to 4 friends! Ocean Floor Treasure Hunt If you look closely at the seabed, there are bright and sparkling areas. Reach to the glitter that might be a nice reward. Don’t forget to hold your breath! Head over to the Southern Island Hideaway on the PS Home navigator to see all that the island has to offer. In other news, Konami releases another instalment into their popular Gladiators line up. This time the set includes classic gladiator gear such as the Murmillo helmet and Roman style helmet. You’ll find that you can customise these items just by changing your hair colour! Lastly, now is your last chance to take advantage of the LucasArts PS Home sale. Pick up the Stormtrooper outfit, Blue or Black Lightsaber or Everything Empire Strikes Back Bundle with a massive 50% off. But hurry – this offer is only available until the maintenance starts on 22nd September. Reikes uzeiti i PS HOME pasiziuret kas ten gero atsirado
  21. Vidzone tikrai neveikia , veikia nebent tik per proxyserver pakeitus, o del LOVEFiLM , net nezinau nesinaudoju as juo nu UK LOVEFiLM tai tikrai veikia man, bet kaip sakiau as juo nesinaudojiu, Seip dar pasiziuriu BBC visus kanalus ir ITV visus kanalus , ir tuo paciu Vidzone, 4D kanalo nenaudojiu slamstas man isai
  22. narkata

    Portal 2

    Atsimenu gavau is ATI radion kortos , buvo Steam kodas idetas , Darbe Sefo paklausiau, ar daugiau nera tos VGA, sako sita plokste dovonu duosime , sakau ar galiu paimti koda ,vistiek jam isai bus nereikalingas, sefas sako imk, grizau namo ir prisijiungiau prie Steam ir panaudojau ta koda, gavau ta portal 1 ,HL2 EP2, TF2 Kaip tik tas kodas su ta vaizduske pasirode kai buvo isleistas HL2 EP2
  23. Manau tuos Specact Kit , sulaiku atsiras PSN Store arba Xbox Store
  24. LG kaip visuomet su Sony pesasys , bet sunkiai LG sekas
  25. Žanas Klaunas Van Daunas ---------------- xxx sako: bleet bleet koks bajeris buvo yyy sako: nu ? xxx sako: krc su tevais gryztu is palangos xxx sako: ir motina kazkokiu saldainiu ciulpiamu nusipirkus ir siulo xxx sako: nori paciulpt ? xxx sako: tevas taip i ja paziurejo xxx sako: ir sako o tu kai ko kito paciulpt nenori ? xxx sako: net verkiau is juoko