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Tai reiks bandyti gal, bet tik taip idomu gal kazkas naudoja kazka geriau uz toke kaina =]
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Ziureti jei neturite galimybes sulosti Demo
Happy Holidays Pries Dead Space 2 isejima reiks butinai prisiminti ir pereit pirmaja istorija ir tada megint pereit ir naujaja
Ne į temą Aisku yra kiti, bet kad jie S verti, delto visi ir lose senesnius, ir nori kad jie pakiltu is pelenu naujiame HD pavidale tai gerai kad dauguma nori.o kodel nori to butent is Dirt zaidimo ? Turbut delto kad sio zaidimo kilme ir buvo ralis, delto visi to ir tikisi, turbut reiktu istrinti ta Colin Mcrae pavarde, nes tai ralio legenda o ne bagiu ar kokiu dzipu lenktyniu ir prirasyti Ken Block ar koki kita. O del to prisitaikymo , tai nesutinku , jei tu nemegsti tu bagiu ir ttt tai ir nenori zaisti su jeis, mano atveju gelpsti Live isijungiu kad tik butu ralio trasos ir losiu.
Turbut delto kad visi jaucia didele nostalgija Colin Macrejui, juk su juo beveik visi ir uzaugo, kas nera lose jo ? Todel dauguma ir noretu kazko topopacio, tik naujesnej isvaizdoj. Pats asmeniskai daznai dar palosiu 04/05 Colina nes man tie visi bagiai, dzipai, crosai ne prie sirdies. As ir pats noreciau SS trasu ir galimybes pravaziuoti vienas pres viena su draugu.
Flashbacko man dizdziausias pliusas yra kai mokaisi trasa gali ziureti kokiu greiciu gali ivaziuoti i posuki, nes prisijunges i live kiekviena klaida lemia atvaziuota vieta. O jei nelosciau Live tai geriau jo ir nebutu, geriau vaziuociau per naujo trasa, o kai yra ir naudoji, nors kai nusistatai sunkiausia lygi duoda tik kelis kartus ta funkcija. Galetu vaziuojant auksciausiu lygiu ju nebuti arba tiesiog off ir nebera flashbacko, nes kitiem zmonem kaiptik patinka dauzyti specialiai masinas o paskui atsisukti viska ir pralekti normaliai.
Atrodo nenormaliai gerai, laukiu nesulaukiu kada galesim ir mes pralekt su situo zveriu
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Apie sita Zalmana girdejas neblogu atsiliepimu, kokio dydzio tavo loptopas ?
Reeiks megint kanors issirinkti
Sveiki gal kas naudojat koki Cooling pada laptopui, pats turiu Fujitsu Amilo pa 3553, daznai ji prijungiu prie savo LCD TV pre HDMI laida ir ziuriu aukstos kokybe filmus. Reiktu kokio nors sprendimo papildomui ausinimui nes labai kaista, kartais net pazaliuoja TV ekranas stipriai pakilus CPU tada tenka isjung ir vel ijung hdmi laida. Gal kas ka galit patart , gal kas buvot susidure su sia beda. Seip seniau isvis buvo neimanoma ziuret filmu naudojant Vista OS dabar isirasius Windows 7 zymei sumazejo CPU.
Jo pritariu tau, man asmeniskai nulipus nuo F1 ar Dirt2 raliniu trasu truksta to greicio gal nebent pasiemus Audi R10 TDI isijunges visas pagalbas Nürburgringe bandyt sumust naujus rekordus, o tos grafikos ir blizguciu tikrai uztenka nors tobulumui ribu niekada nera. Labai tikiuosi Forzo 4 eina tinkama linkme.
Tas valdymas tai ce jau kaip kam patiknka su tuo kiekvienas ir losia, jei ta kineck pritaikis neblogai, tai gal ir visai idomu bus ismegint, ce seniau esu girdejas kad tas kineck bus visiskas Failas ir tt, o pasirodo jis visai nusiseke, pats nebandziau bet artimi zmones kurie ji isigijo sake tikrai idomu ir linksma su draugais pazaisti, o del pacio FORZOS 4 tai reikia jam suteikti ta agresivuma ir greicio pojuti didesni, nes db leki su Lambo o atrodo kad su 3 golfu 1,6 dyzeliu, tai suteikia per didelia monotonija.
Dead Space 2 - Horror & Action Featurette - PS3 Xbox360 Dead Space 2 - Multiplayer Featurette - PS3 Xbox360 Dead Space 2 Evolution of Isaac Featurette
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam DLC Gameplay Part I Hill 137 HD Vietnam DLC Gameplay Part II: Vantage Point HD Vietnam DLC Gameplay Part III: Phu Bail Valley HD Vietnam DLC Gameplay Part IV: Caoson Temple HD Vietnam DLC Gameplay Part V: Hastings HD Bus tikrai jega su snaiperiu pasaudit i galvas, laukiu nesulaukiu kada galesiu ismegint =]]]
Kris Meeke Driving DiRT3 [HD] kazkas nenormalaus, o ta zaidimu kede tai is vis ........, gerai butu toke isigyti, ten sone kazkokios panos su Xboxu ir dauza =]] bet aisku kaip panos vos pavaziuoja =]]] DiRT 3 Extended Developer Q&A: Part 1 - Rally (HD)
Jo rimtai Japonija plius GB budavo pacios sunkiausios trasos , dauk nervu istampyta tose trasose, nes ten budavo visad slapia, siauri keliukai, ir gaudai ta masina belenkaip maigydamas migtukus
Jop gerai kad dar pridejo nauju ralio trasu YPAC SVEDIJA, tai apims 60 procentu, na gal pakaks o gal ir ne , man tai ir noretus 100 procentu, nes daznai sugristu prie cmr 2004-2005, kad ir dabar pardaviau savo xboxa, belaukdamas slimo iskart isirasiau i savo pc CMR 2004 nes jis pats geriausias man ralis, ir seip as dazniausiai dirt 2 losdavau live nusistates moda kad vaziuociau tik ralio trasom , nes visi tie bagiai ir dzipai tai nervuodavo mane =]]] Ir dar didelis pliusas splitscreenas.
Dirt 3 : Design Interview HD Gymkhana Interview HD DiRT 3 Gymkhana Walkthrough (Cam) HD Va cia tai koks prikols bus Manau sis zaidimas bus tobulas Dirt 3 Updated Hands-On We met up with gymkhana expert Ken Block and the Codemasters Racing Studio to see how Dirt 3 is shaping up. While Dirt 2 was another highly praised, commercially successful racing game for Codemasters, the studio received plenty of feedback from fans about how to improve it. Tackling criticism is never an easy task, but the team is up front about how it aims to appease fans. More rally driving, more cars, and more variety in stages are the main points they are aiming to address, as well as a greater level of visual and aural fidelity. We found out about the developer's aims during a recent visit to Cardiff, Wales, and spoke to legendary driver Ken Block about gymkhana's inclusion in Dirt 3--the first time the discipline has ever appeared in a racing game. The main criticism that Codemasters faced post-Dirt 2 was that the game sacrificed rallying for other disciplines. As a result, Dirt 3's career mode will be 60 percent rallying. We got to race the Audi Sport Quattro around one of the new rally stages set in Finland and were impressed with the myriad of improvements. The physics engine is noticeably more advanced, resulting in very realistic differences between surface types. As we went around corners, the wheels touching the grass would slow down, meaning that we could use the rougher surface to tactically aid drifting. As one representative noted, the undulating dips on some of the tracks can also be used to your advantage, acting as grooves for your wheel to follow round the bend. There are also new assists that help novice rally drivers when they're just starting out. These were turned on by default in our playtest and included stability control, corner braking, and throttle management. Once disabled, the car became more difficult to drive and more prone to spinning out, but not uncontrollably so, just adding another layer of challenge during our third and fourth run-throughs of the track. Codemasters has also chosen to keep the flashback feature of the second game, allowing you to rewind and retry any section of your run. However, the overall difficulty levels are still being tweaked at this stage, so we'll have to wait and see what levels of accessibility and simulation are catered for. One thing's for sure--with gymkhana now included in the game, rally aficionados are going to have a serious challenge on their hands. Gymkhana is a series of stunts and jumps that are performed in quick succession, and it's a sport that has been popularised by Ken Block on YouTube. The track that we got to play on was a short section of the DC Compound, otherwise known as London's Battersea Power Station, which also appeared in Dirt 2. The compound will gradually open up as you progress through the career, but we got a short section to drive around and test our skills in. The compound run contained six challenges that we had to try to complete as quickly as possible. Pole Dancer required us to lock the handbrake and donut around one of the pillars on the track--a tricky skill that needs a gentle finger on the accelerator and precise application of the brakes. Other drifting challenges were Trailer Thrash, Pipe Dream, and Can You Dig It, which have you balletically careering your car under trailers, through pipes, and under a digger's arm, respectively. Finally, there were Airborne and Block Buster--the former rewarding a jump with a clean landing, and the latter being about smashing all the foam blocks dotted around the track. This course took us many minutes to complete, even after numerous runs, but it's clear that gymkhana will offer hardcore players proving grounds that will separate the best from the best. Developers at the studio have managed to clock a 36-second record--an impressive time that they admit will no doubt be smashed by players once the game is released. Bragging rights will also be improved by the fact that you can edit and upload gameplay clips to YouTube, meaning that Ken Block's real-world runs could very well be bettered by virtual ones. With two-player split screen play for the first time and a new selection of party mode options for eight players online, Dirt 3 is shaping up to be a robust multiplayer package as well. The game is currently slated for a second-quarter 2011 release on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. For a more general overview of the new game and its features, be sure to check out our first hands-on preview, and keep an eye on the site for more on Dirt 3, including trailers, very soon. By Guy Cocker, GameSpot UKPosted Nov 17, 2010 2:23 am PT
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Dead Space 2 Objective Based Multiplayer Interview HD HD Widescreen HD Standard iPhone
Dead Space 2 - Solar Array Gameplay HD Trailer Jei bus kazkas panasaus i Gears Of War HORDE moda, tai tikrai bus jega, seip jauciu vienas is laukiamiausiu zaidimu Grafika su visais supanciais garsais taipat nebloga ispudi sudaro, manau turetu buti tikrai gerai isbaigtas zaidimas