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Visas andrelis112 turinys

  1. o tebegalioja ta neamone,kad per viena restock negalima paimt dvieju dideliu prizu?
  2. kada nusimato restock?aš nekantrauju prašvilpt savo PTZ.
  3. tai bleka,turiu beveik 1000 Ptz,kur man juos kišt,jei nepataikysiu ant restocko ir jei pasiemes brangu priza,uz jy muita teks moket....
  4. pas mane tai kietai,už maike 200 sumokejas buvau,turejau 557,db ysijungiau 857,daugiau dadėjo,man patiko.
  5. konsole turi butinai but čipuota,kitaip neis.
  6. galiu kirst,kad blogai įsiraše,man ir su keliais geimais taip pat buvo.
  7. Dear Lockerz Member, We regret to inform you that your most recent prize redemption has been cancelled due to substantial activity in your account that violates our terms and conditions. Such activity could include not accurately acknowledging the extent of cheating during our Amnesty week, redeeming a prize when you had not achieved Z-List status, sending invitations to false email addresses, or other activities prohibited by Lockerz. Please be advised that we are not only canceling your order, we are also setting all of your account PTZ to zero, as we do not tolerate cheating. Since we do believe in second chances, we will not disable your account and you are welcome to continue to earn legitimate PTZ in that account. Please consider this a warning that if we find any other suspicious activity in your account we will disable it immediately. Please note that the cancellation of your prize and PTZ are not negotiable. This decision is final. - The Lockerz Crew jėga,nieko negausiu
  8. ORDER RECEIPT #8165169 His Medium - Odyss Outline T Total PTZ value: 200 PTZ Order Date: 11/24/09 Shipping information: Andrius Rimkus Upyna Paezeris Silale, LT 75241 aš tai ramus
  9. dar turiu viltį,per bendra restock kazka paimt,jei išvis toks bus.
  10. kodel man nekrauna??????????????????????????????
  11. o man kaip neina taip neina prisijungt,užpi**.
  12. ryt šulej bus kažkam perpista galvaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. jaučiu iš nervu sulaužysiu ištraukiama pagrinda klaviaturai.