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Ne į temą Kažkaip žiūriu MS sunku išlaikyti exclusivumus tik X360 konsolei...Aišku smagu,kad ir su PC bus galima šį reikaliuką pažaisti,bet vis tiek gi kažkas turi likti ir exclusivaus...
Visiškai teisingai Your;s turn
Microsoft pasirodo yra užpatentavusi technologiją, kurios pagalba Xbox pultelis gali atpažinti kas jį laiko... Info in Enlish Microsoft has patented an Xbox controller that can identify who's holding it based on hand pressure.The patent, spotted by Engadget, reveals technology that lets a standard Xbox controller "reliably determine the identity of the user holding the device" through the use of pressure sensors. Here's the official description: "A hand-held device having a body with a pressure-sensitive exterior surface. At least a portion of the pressure-sensitive exterior surface is designed to be grasped by a user's hand. The pressure-sensitive surface contains a plurality of pressure sensors operative to provide an output signal proportional to a pressure applied by the user's hands to the exterior surface of the hand-held device at the area the pressure sensor is located. The device also includes a memory for storing the output signals provided by the plurality of pressure sensors and a processor for comparing the output signals provided by the plurality of pressure sensors against stored pressure profile signatures for positively identifying the user." The pressure profiles stored on the controller are associated with your "identifier", which could be a username, email address, password and gamertag. Microsoft's vision for the technology's practical use is to provide personalised content to a user after he or she is identified. "Customizable features of the device may be associated with the user identifier," reads the patent filing. "In the instance whereby the device is a game controller, the user identifier may comprise a gamertag. The gamertag may be associated with customizable features of the gaming service such as the user's friends list, social groups, customized skins for the user interface, and the like. "Upon logging into the gaming service with the user's gamertag, the technology provides these features customized by the user via a video screen (e.g., displays customized skin, displays user's friends list, etc.)." Another use of the tech is to authenticate a player based on their pressure profile signature. "In the example whereby the user information is a username and a password, the user may be automatically logged into a gaming service, an email service, and the like simply by grasping the device." The patent was filed on 27th March 2009, but was only just given the official stamp of approval by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It remains to be seen whether the tech will manifest itself in a released product.
Jeigu tavo monitorius turi komponentini (vaizdas per 3 tulpes RCA) pajungima tai gali pasinaudoti situo pigesniu budu http://www.dealextreme.com/p/component-video-audio-cable-for-ps2-1-8-meter-15211 jeigu ne, tada jau reikia konverterio...
The World Ends With You
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Tai,kad pats paveiksliukas i klausima atsako
Aha Tekken 4 dek
Kas cia taip mane specialiai ir konkreciai minusuoja jau kelinta diena is eiles?mmm?
Kaip ir sakė Fishermanas, perkant aš pasižiūriu į žmogaus atsiliepimus, jei jų neturi, tada pažiūriu į pliusus, minusus. Kad ir virtuali ta reputacija, bet nesinori pirkt iš žmogaus, kuris blogą turi. :/
Nereikia čia tų samokslo teorijų. Tikrai nepaims ir neatsilieps tas kas minusuoja. Be to pastebėjau ir pats FUZA megėjas pasimainyt pliusiukais su kitais nariais Tavo vietoj būnant su tokia didele reputacija mažiausiai dėl to rūpinčiausi.
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Guitar Hero Smash Hits
Skonio reikalas cia,man kaip tik NYCC versija labai pigi atrode,nors NYCC diskas dar iki sio laiko kazkur namie metosi,betta daina nekabino....o jeigu i tema tai gaila,kad mire ne tik puikus reperis,bet ir garsus visuomeninis veikejas (nes jis toks ir buvo)...man asmeniskai pati geriausia ju daina yra si R.I.P.
Kaip matai nuotraukoje,tai didziausias skirtumas yra dydis ir dizainas:) I fat versija buvo galima isideti 3.5 hdd, su slimu to padaryti jau nebiseitu Slimas turi RJ 45 jungti internetui,o fatas ne Fatas turi firewire jungti,slimas ne Slimo CPU buvo 300MHz,o fato 295MHz... Stai ir viskas...
75 procentai dainos solo,bet vistiek geras smotas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHDA5nHlDrQ&ob=av3n
Kad turbut ne iki rudens o iki gruodzio jie pasistengs ta kaina palaikyti,bet stebuklingo sumazejimo nemanau,kad verta tiketis...
Niekas nezino?dek tada zvejy kita
Su pergale strelokai ir Mariau Strelokui isvis sie metai geri pagal laimejimus
Afro Samurai mane kažkaip buvo labai užkabinęs,čia matyt buvo žaisto žaidimo įtaka, o šiaip nelabai turiu laiko aš anime žiūrėti,tad tokia ir mano patirtis anime pasaulyje
D96(bongo) su gimtadieniu,lai 50Cent pas tave chatoje skamba garsiai siandiena