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Visas FUZA turinys

  1. Gears Of War visos 3 dalys,Crysis2,Lost Planet abi dalys, COD,BF serijos,Army of TWO,man dar asmeniskai patiko Stranglehold...siaip nemazai geru saudykliu yra ant X360
  2. Šis tas galbūt įdomaus: Read this Well, isn’t this turning out to be an eventful week. Another chapter in the dark history of the missing Half-Life threequel was written today, as our brothers-in-arms over at ValveTime have managed to get a hold of some pretty monumental stuff: 32 concept art images for Half-Life 2: Episode Three, dating from circa 2008 (before EP3 was presumably cancelled, and then restarted development as Half-Life 3). They show concept drawings for: - a redesigned Alyx (wearing her deceased father’s clothes) - the crashed Resistance helicopter in the Arctic - Gordon Freeman, now sporting a hooded winter parka - all-new characters (refugee inhabitants of the Arctic, and possibly a new Combine creature or two) - and what seems to be the Xen borderworld (completely re-imagined, ten years after Xen was first envisioned for Half-Life 1) I have been able to independently verify the status of these images, and it does seem as though they are, in fact, real, possibly created by Valve’s own Andrea Wicklund. Well… without further ado, here is what the newest entry in the Half-Life franchise looked like, as of 2008. Beware, as these art pieces may represent game spoilers: Kas norit pamatyti spejama concept arta uzeikit cia http://lambdageneration.com/posts/hl2-episode-three-concept-art-leaked-possible-spoilers/
  3. Chebryte tik nepamirskit parasyti kai gausit siuntinukus
  4. FUZA

    Tomb Raider

    Ne į temą Nebloga ta Camilla O siaip su siuo zaidimu man atrodo kurejai bandys pritraukti ne tik senus fanus (tame tarpe ir tuos kurie nusigreze nuo Laros),bet ir naujaja geimeriu karta...
  5. O man tai kazkaip sunkiai ejosi su Hitman serija,bet sita visgi manau irgi pabandysiu,gal bus lengvesnis uz praejusias dalis...Gal pagaliau nulausiu barkoda
  6. Jei tokiam smotui reiktu skirti 200 svaru,tai tada galvociau iskart apie Smart TV pirkima,nes tikrai neapsimoketu
  7. Žalia rūta,vat šito daikčiuko tai visai norėčiau...ir 99baksai visai nesikanžiojanti kaina palyginus
  8. FUZA

    Halo 4

    Nemazai naujos info apie ginklus,multiplayeri ir transp.priemones New Halo 4 information has been revealed by a retailer quiz. Microsoft's ExpertZone website, designed to teach retailers about its products, contains a quiz that reveals new details on the Xbox 360 shooter. Before presenting the quiz the website provides the reader with a number of slides about the game. LittleEnglishHaloblog rounded up the information contained within them. It confirms that Halo 4 includes 10 new weapons. Two of these were showcased during Microsoft's E3 press conference earlier this month: the The Light rifle is a Forerunner weapon carried by Promethean Knights, and the Scattershot, also a Forerunner weapon, is used for close-range combat. There are two new vehicles "plus many of your favourites from the past". These two new vehicles remain under wraps for now. Also mentioned is "improved support to create, organise and track groups". Fans have speculated this indicates Halo 4 has clan support - although this remains unconfirmed. On the War Games front (competitive multiplayer) the game includes 10 maps. DLC will, as expected, add more. On to Spartan Ops, Halo 4's eye-catching DLC TV episode style experience. Here, 50 missions will be released per season - five missions every week for a total of 10 weeks for season one. These missions are introduced, according to the quiz, with a "high-quality! Cinematic. Season one of Spartan Ops is completely free. "How many games give you free DLC for 10 weeks?" it asks, before suggested the offer adds up to 12 hours of gameplay in either single-player or co-op multiplayer. "It's like getting two campaigns with one game!"
  9. FUZA

    Nintendo 3DS XL

    As turiu omenyje tuos kurie nezinodami apie XL isleidima,isigys 3DS kokia savaite pries Xl isleidima
  10. O tai lietuviskai keiktis galima?pvz. zalia ruta ir pan :D

  11. FUZA

    Nintendo 3DS XL

    Bet kai pagalvoji,tai biski nuoskauda tiems kurie isigijo 3DS,dabar iseina XL kuris jiems labiau tiktu,bet sakutes jau po pietu
  12. FUZA

    Nintendo 3DS XL

    Gal ir nieko...po siu fotkiu,sirdis pradejo linkti link 3DS XL isigijimo
  13. Primename!- Šiame forume galite diskutuoti apie XBOX 360 konsolę. - Diskusijos šiame forume, vienaip ar kitaip susijusios su XBOX 360 programine aparatine įranga (firmware) bei jų atnaujinimais (upgrade) ir flash'inimu, yra griežtai draudžiamos! . - Diskusijos šiame forume, vienaip ar kitaip susijusios su XBOX Live, yra draudžiamos! - Klausti XBOX 360 konsolių meistų / čipuotojų / pardavėjų konktaktinių duomenų draudžiama! O jeigu i tema,tai pasinaudok PLM teikiamomis kokybiskomis paslaugomis arba use GOOGLE
  14. Jo sitas tai pagerintas,mano vaizduske irgi tokia pati,tai ji turi ka veikti
  15. Nebandziau sio geimo tai sunku ka ir pasakyti...maciau kaip draugelis ant X360 ji zaide,tai toks nieko pasirode,bet Xboxas yra Xboxas
  16. Geriausi diskai yra Verbatim arba TDK,jeigu juos pirksi cake-boxais (po 10vnt) tai jie gaunasi keliais litais brangiau nei visokios pigienos,o jei dar uztaikai kokioje Maximoje ant geros akcijos pvz. -40% tai isvis papigiai gaunasi...Pirk siu firmu diskus ir prailgink savo lazerio gyvenima
  17. Tai gal perleis nebent naujos kartos konsolems,nes kol kas situacija tokia: Kūrėjas: Crytek Leidėjas: EA Žaidimo variklis: CryEngine Žanras: fps shooter Režimai: Išleidimo data: 2013 pavasaris Reitingas: Metacritic įvertinimas: Platformos: X360, PS3, PC Puslapis:
  18. Per TV6 Chucka rodo,greiciau isijijunkit TV,nes kitaip...

    1. Nuggles


      Tymbarkai, kokį ten chucko serialą žiūri ? :D

    2. Oligarchas


      Texaso reindzeris matyt :DD

    3. tymbarkFM


      Taigi geras serialas, "Chuck" vadinasi. Galvojau apie jį ir eina kalba :D

    4. Show next comments  dar 252
  19. Kadangi C3 pasirodys ir X360 bei PS3,tai nemanau,kad labai skirsis nuo C2...
  20. Teisingai Bet On Soldier Sahara jeigu tiksliau Ot Oligarchai...nespejai