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  1. jei netingi palaukti taigi tam paciam ebay ju pilna ir gerokai pigiau...
  2. Offline galėsi žaisti,tačiau greitai išeis žaidimai kurių nebegalėsi ir offline žaisti,kol neatsinaujinsi dašbordo,veiks tik seni geimai,o live be update gali pamiršti išvis...
  3. Tikrai gali naudoti ant PC,ir beje veikia abu variantai,ne tik USB,tiesiog jei nori naudoti GH bevielius būgnus,gitarą,mikrofoną arba originalų X360 vairą ar valdymo pultelį,tau yra reikalnigas toks įrenginys o,jei USB tiesiog softas ir draiveriai susiinstaliuoja ir viskas...
  4. http://www.dealextreme.com/p/designer-s-wired-game-controller-for-xbox-360-2-9m-length-42840O šiaip tai TopoCentre buvau matęs kažkokius neoriginalius valdymo pultus X360 bevielis kainavo 99Lt,o laidinis 75LT,bet taigi gali pasiieškot dėvėto originalaus bevielio pultelio už 70Lt...Net pas kinus niekad nebuvau užmatęs tokių labai jau pigių pultų,nebus čia taip kaip maximoj,kad už 6,99Lt gali nupirkti Xpoint pultelį skirtą PS2,PS1
  5. Aha,tik tada vietoj žaidimų turėtų būti konsolės Dėkui už sveikinimą ir palinkėjimimą
  6. Dėl lago,tai nežinau,kiek žaidimų žaidžiautai jokio lago ar bugų nepastebėjau (o bandžiau visai nemažai BloodRayne 2,Blade 2,Ninja Gaiden,Dead Or Alive ir Halo bei Buffy serijas...) Ne į temą Brangiai tu čia ruošiesi jį pirkti,150lt vertas nebent atrištas,su didelės talpos hardu ir pora pultų..
  7. Sakai MS konferencija 30min...tai turbūt duos Sony gerokai į kaulus MS šiemet,nors nelabai norėčiau tikėti,kad MS nebus kokių fintų pasiruošęs o,kad Sony gero turinio gali daug šiemet parodyti tai tikiu...kaip sakei vien PSP remeikai,naujienos apie PSP2,PS3 exclusivai..visgi šneka daugiau mažiau apie 3konsoles ir dar Move suksis tai žinai,gal ir laiko jiems žymiai daugiau reikia
  8. Nu jo,5h ten sėdėti,tai ojojo bet gal kokių PS3 padalins už kantrybę
  9. Pilnas sąrašas Xbox žaidimų kuriuos gali žaisti su savo X360 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Xbox_games_compatible_with_Xbox_360Žaidimus gali žaisti su visais X360 modeliais,bet yra vienas būtinas reikalavimas norint juos paleisti t.y. tavo X360 turi turėti hardą (20GB,60GB,120GB arba 250GB),flešiukas šiam reikalui netinka...Sėkmės
  10. Dėkui! Ne į temą Bandau FF12,iš pradžių buvau truputį persigandęs,galvoju nors manasis PS2čipuotas,bet PAL'inis ir pagalvojau,kad gali neveikti NTSC formatas,nors TV palaiko NTSC,bet viskas ok,ne veltui geriausi Matrix čipai.Beje labai grąžus tas tavo sveikinimas Impaleri ,kaip čia tokį padaryti?
  11. Dar kartelį noriu padėkoti Epikus už prizus,laimėjau vakar,šiandien atsiėmiau,kas gali būti geriau(beje organizatorius pats apmokėjo siuntimo išlaidas),vienu žodžiu super,malačius Keep It Up FF12 šįvakar jau "burgs" manajam Playstation'e
  12. Ne į temą Aš saviškę 8GB pirkau Lenkijoje,tai man 95lt gavosi ir labai džiaugiausi,kad dar taip pigiai prasisukau,nes LT kainos tokios riebiai užlankstytos, o pasirodo,kad labai gerai neieškojau,nes buvo galima ir dar pigiau prąsisukti
  13. Visiškai retro kolekcionieriumi nežinau ar norėčiau būti,bet domina tai nuo ko pradėjau žaisti vaikystėje t.y. SNES...tai gal nuo šios ribos ir bandysiu orientuotis palaipsniui
  14. Yes...Ačiū sveikintojams ačiū ir Epikus Niekada nieko normalaus nebuvau laimėjęs (išskyrus 14lt iš TAIP arba NE 1kart),tai žiauriai malonu tokį prizą laimėti,bet vis dalyvavę malačiai visos kolekcijos buvo vertos laimėjimų,akys varvėjo į jas bežiūrint kiek ten gėrio mačiau
  15. Labai gera,ir firma gera ir kaina labai super..imk ir net nedvejok
  16. Ne į temą Laukiam daugiau info 28dieną,o per E3 tai jaučiu kai išvis medžiagos paduos Cliff Bleszinski has changed his mind about beta testing. During Microsoft's Xbox showcase event in February, the designer of Gears of War told me, "I made an inappropriate joke about it a few years back. I said it was like pointing out a girl to one of your friends and saying 'yeah, I hooked up with her already – there's no reason to hang out with her anymore'. That was very shortsighted… I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong." So here we are then, a few weeks into the beta test for Gears of War 3, the latest chunk of testosterone-soaked gun chaos from Epic Games. It's the first time the sci-fi shooter has been opened up to public scrutiny in this way, and Bleszinski reckons his team will be getting a variety of data out of the endeavour, including game design ideas. "It's a smoke test to make sure everything works, but it's also about user feedback. We've learned that you need to listen to your users – to a point. You need to placate them, give them what they want some of the time, but every once in a while, you've got to listen to the numbers. We track every kill in the game, every weapon, where people die – and sometimes there are major discrepancies between what players say they want on games forums, and what's actually happening. It's up to us to figure out our best gut solution." So far, the beta testing experiment seems to have been a successful one. At the moment, four maps and three game modes (Team Deathmatch, King of the Hill and Capture the Leader) are available and they're all solid, enjoyable blasts. There have been the usual grumbles about certain weapons being over or underpowered (especially controversial has been the sawn-off, with its 180 degree firing range and atomising power), but the important elements of the multiplayer experience – diverse weaponry, tactically varied environments – are all there. Gears of War 3 is a lot of big, brash, blood-splattered fun. The first surprise, though, has been the tactical nature of the gameplay. Although it's quite possible to get by in the confined maps like Thrashball and Check Out (find out more about these in my multiplayer preview) by just sprinting through the centre of the map and blasting anything that comes at you, what tends to happen is a series of emergent team behaviours. Players will often fan out over the terrain until first contact is made with the enemy before bunching up and covering each other. I've been in lots of set-pieces where surviving team-members have got caught cooped up together in one of the Thrashball side-rooms, soaking up grenade attacks before charging out en masse like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid – but with space blasters. "One of our core design mantras is never fight alone," says Bleszinski. "We want you to play on a team and like a team. Even on public servers where you don't know anyone else, hopefully there will be players spotting for each other [holding down the left analogue stick lets you tag enemy soldiers so your team mates know where they are] and leaders calling things out using the headset. Certain weapons encourage co-op behaviours. If you look at the One Shot and the Mortar – those weapons become twice as effective once you implement the spotting mechanic. But then there will be players who throw in smoke grenades to stop their opponents from spotting, so you get this finely layered gameplay." There's also variety. While the smaller arenas can often congest into horrendous sawn-off /gnasher blast-fests, the larger Old Town map has these ever-shifting front lines, as skirmishes flow from one cramped plaza to the next. There are also long-lines to shoot down for ranged combat fans, and the scenery – all crumbling Mediterranean villas and scuttling livestock - makes a lovely contrast to all the exploding limbs and gurgling death groans. There are other enjoyable aspects. Lots of players have developed ninja-like skills with the Retro Lancer assault rifle, which offers a bayonet charge rather than the usual chainsaw attack. Skilled protagonists, use long cover sections to speedily sneak up on victims (I believe the kids call this cover-sliding) before hitting B and scorching out to impale unwary victims. It also seems like the placement of the big messy weapons has been well-thought out; the mortars and mulchers are deadly and potentially match-changing, but they're usually in elevated positions, and open to attack from a multitude of covered angles. For me, the most successful element is the structure. In Team Deathmatch, each side only gets 15 spawns, and when they're gone, the last four players must engage in a tense game of cat-mouse-and-exotic-weaponry, hoping to pick off the surviving members of the other team. It's so subtle and gripping, it feels much more like the sort of gameplay dynamic we'd expect from a squad-based tactical shooter. I imagine that played with friends, these are going to be the encounters that really stick in people's heads. So far so good, then, for Epic's push into the controversial world of the beta test. If nothing else, it'll show sceptics that there's more to the Gears universe than mindless gunplay, and it'll impress veterans of the series with its solid matchmaking, well-balanced new weapons and scenic diversity. I still occasionally struggle with the prescriptive cover and running mechanics, I'm not sure about some of the more esoteric firearms (the flamethrower-like scorcher seems a bit of a dodo), but this is a multiplayer game that just chucks out memorable moments like molten chunks from an exploding frag grenade. Roll on September 20
  17. Gera naujiena,praktiškas ir naudingas dalykas faina,kad po truputį ir stabiliai vis kažką atnaujini,pridedi,tinklapis visai kitaip "kvėpuoja" kai juo yra rūpinąmasi
  18. Na taip,kad nauji geimai veiktų,kad į live pasijungti galėtum,kad AP2,5 nebaugintų.. +tik su naujausiu fw turi mažiausius šansus gauti baną...
  19. Ne į temą O aš tai labai FF norėčiau,jei laimėčiau ir prizus po vieną visgi dalintų
  20. Ne į temą Dar dažniausiai GOTY versijos,būna su krūvomis DLC,o AW gavo jų berods vos 2,tai labai mažai,kaip tokiam geram žaidimui.Palyginimui Fallout 3 turi jų ne mažiau nei 5 savo GOTY edition'e
  21. Va prašau,taipogi gali pasižiūrėti į kainas,parduotuvių šis tinklas turi Anglijije nemažai ir kai pasižiūrėjau į kiekius,tai irgi bet kada gali nusipirkti X ir kokio tu tik nori http://uk.webuy.com/product.php?catid=783&category_name=xbox%20360%20consoles?mode=buy
  22. Lauksim kol Impaleris padarys galeriją,manau ten bus į ka akis pavarvinti
  23. Tu organizatorius,tai tavo ir sprendimas..tai jau kaip padarysi taip mums ir bus gerai