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Ne į temą Manau,kad gausi ir po 2 ir po 5metų,tik abejoju dėl kainos...matai dabar PS2 vis dar pardavinėjami,visi jų turi ir kažkaip ta kaina tik krenta,bet manau kad po metų,na max 2 PS2 bus nebegaminami ir jų kainos tikrai pradės augti,nes jie taps jau kolekciniais kompiuteriais kurių nuėjęs į TopoCentrą nebeįsigysi už 350 lt...
Kokias dar baudas,niekas jų negavo,o su LT įstatymais dar greit tokio dalyko nepadarys...Pūtė LANVA prieš vėją,bet vėjas juos nupūtė...dabar patys po teismus tąsosi su muzikos kūrėjais korupcija apkaltinti,turi megztukas ką veikti darbar..
Galbūt ir lazeris,nes kaip minėjau anstesniame poste,pas mane niekas nestrigdavo iki tol kol nedaeidavau vietos su Ikaru,beje šį žaidimą tebeturiu įsirašęs į Verbatim diską,ne į kokį Acme,lievos firmos diskai irgi gali būti problemos priežąstis...
Tuo metu kaip čia pasakius PS2 "buvo dar gyvas" ir jo pozicijos tuo metu manyčiau buvo stipresnės nei PS3(kad ir kaip kvailai tai beskambėtų šiuo metu)niekas nelėkė iškart pirkti PS3,o kas jį turėjo (PS3) irgi galėjo jį žaisti,kadangi grafiškai jis tikrai atrodė puikiai,net ir ant PS3 ir ant LCD tv...Jį pirko ir PS2 ir PS3 turėtojai,taigi manyčiau,kad Sony netgi dvigubus pinigėlius suišlavė ir jiems gavosi dar geriau,nes buvo patenkinti visi PS2,3 turėtojai..Pirmoji dalis išėjo 2005metais ir buvo sėkminga,todėl manau praėjus keliems mėnesiams jau ir buvo pradėtas kurti GOW2 PS2 konsolei kuris išėjo 2007...
Maximum 400lt
Full gameplay ---
The hacker behind Kinect Air Guitar will show off his latest project at the next GameCityNights event. Interactive artist and designer Chris O'Shea will present his latest work using Microsoft's ten million-selling motion sensing controller. O'Shea's projects include Kinect air guitar and a live interactive storybook for kids. Attendees will experience the melding of video games and contemporary interactive art from a unique and intimate perspective, GameCityNights promised. Director Iain Simons said: "Games are art. You know it, I know it even Roger Ebert knows it - he's just teasing for attention. So, having settled this once and for all I'm looking forward to spending an evening with some brilliant, creative people - and that's just the audience." GameCityNights run on the last Thursday of every month at Antenna in Nottingham, Beck Street, NG1 1EQ. Head over to the official website for ticket details. Įdomiai man šitas bajeris,ar tik nebus GH pakaitalas? Dar vienas įspūdingai atrodantis Calibur11 firmos korpusas X360 Slim konsolei(Man asmeniškai,net grąžesnis ir labiau atspindintis GOW dvasią nei planuojamas oficialus GOW3 bundlle kuris išeis kartu su GOW3 žaidimu) . // Exclusive Gears of War 3 In-Game Interaction // Better Airflow for Greater Cooling // Better Stability // Does Not Void Your Xbox 360 Slim Factory Warranty Kaina:89,99 USD Įrenginukas su kurio pagalba galite "paremontuoti" X360 žaidimų diskus (beje tinka ir paprastiems,bei mini dvd diskams) “DSR-I” – greitas “fix’as” nemaloniai problemai spręsti. Vieno poliravimo rato užtenka 100 atnaujinimo sesijų. Skaičiai neatrodo dideli, tačiau “DSR-I” atsiperka gana greitai – savo kainą padengia jau po dviejų-trijų disko prikėlimų iš mirties. “DSR-I” nepagydis visų diskų – gilūs rėžiai ar paviršiaus, kuriame ir guli disko duomenys, pažeidimai yra nepataisomi arba jiems reikia sudėtingesnių atnaujinimo technologinių sprendimų, tačiau su pajudinto Xbox sindromu susidoros be didesnių problemų. Product Features: Compatible with Xbox, X360, CDs, DVDs, and 8cm discs Not compatible with PS3 game discs and Blue-ray discs Pads repair and clean up to 100 discs per pad Nontoxic and environmentally friendly Automatic timed cycles Includes AC adapter, two 0.3-oz tubes of repair fluid and two 1-oz. bottle of cleaning fluid, 2 repair pads, 2 cleaning and 2 polishing pads and 1 washable lint-free microfiber cleaning cloth Price:$49.99
Ne į temą Tikiu,pvz dreamcast konsolė dar iki šio laiko kažką gauna,nors išleista 1998 o baigta gaminti 2001,aišku ne visai geimai Europai ir ne visi oficialių leidėjų,bet faktas kad ji dar gyvuoja ir yra pakankamai populiari ir ypač Japonijoje
Taip tie slim dvd-romai skystoki ir lėti,su tuo tikrai sutinku,na jei radai tą LG čia LT,tai ir imk,kaip sakant blogiau už tą slim tikrai nebus...Na,o Maxell tikrai nėra no-name firma,tai japonų firma gaminanti cd,dvd diskus,flešus,elementus,kasetes ir visokią kitokią produkciją PC ir ne tik,tačiau ir pas juos pasitaiko broko...pats naudoju maxell miniDV kasetes kamerai ir jos tikrai neblogos pagal kainą ir kokybę,o kur dar širdį paglostantis užrašas Made In Japan (tokį mažai šiuo laiku kur beišvysi)...
Vieno iš MS vadų pamąstymai apie šią konsolę ir jos išleidimą Sony's PlayStation Vita handheld faces an uphill struggle, reckons Xbox chief Dennis Durkin. Speaking in an interview with IndustryGamers, Durkin argued that the handheld market might be too over-crowded to support another new hardware release following the underwhelming 3DS launch. "I’m not sure I would want to be launching a dedicated portable device right now into that market,” he said. “I think the DS - if you look at the 3DS, certainly versus people’s expectation's it’s not been as successful as people would have thought. So that’s a very crowded market and a very, very red ocean right now with a lot of change happening. So I’m not sure it's [a good idea]. "You only have a certain number of bets you can make as a company and you have to decide what you want to put your wood behind and I’m just not sure that that’s a place that I would put mine." Pagal juos tai turbūt niekada nebūtų tinkamas laikas,na wht vis tiek Sony manau yra apgalvoję viską porai metų į priekį
Ne į temą Tai jau taip žaidimo vizualinis progresas tikrai sustojo jau seniai,bet visi puikiai žinom dėl ko turim arba ruošiamės įsigyti PS2,dėl šimtų kitų super kokybės žaidimų...Ai su Donce tai tikrai galėsi pažaisti Dėl Jono tai pažiūrėsim kaip čia gausis...
Gerai čia viskas su tuo greičiu,esu nemąžai žaidimų įsirašęs visokiais greičiais 2x.4x6x8x visi veikdavo be problemų..Gal tiesiog šiaip blogas dvd papuolė...Šiaip man GOW2 visada užstrigdavo toje pačioje vietoje t.y. berods kur turi atskristi Ikaras ir Kratosas turi nuplėšti iš jo sparnus (kiek tada skaitinėjausi google,beveik visiems kurie turėjo problemų su šiuo žaidimu,jis irgi pakibdavo toje pačioje vietoje)...buvau iš rusų puslapio parsisiuntės kažkokią suspaustą GOW2 versiją,vat ten tai buvo lagas ir žaidimų ir filmukų,bet kažkaip pavyko užbaigti šį geimą...
Aš tai siūlyčiau šitą http://www.fortakas.lt/Optiniai_irenginiai,_FDD/Samsung/SMG_DVDRW_8X_SILVE_EXT_RET_USB/SE-S084D/TSSS/CatalogStoreDetail.aspx?CatID=PL_219&ID=370052 ,apskritai kiek esu susidūręs su LG dvd-romais,man asmeniškai jie nelabai patikimi,esu nemažai dvd diskų sugadinęs bebandydamas įrašinėti X360 žaidimus...be to Samsung kaina panaši ir garantijos visos bus suteiktos,o jos tikrai praverčia,nes mano vienas pažįstamas prieš kelis mėnesius pirko išorinį dvd-romą (berods maxell firmos),tai po mėnesio jis taip pradėjo burgzti,kad buvo nebeįmanoma kambaryje išsėdėti jam beįrašinėjant,bet garantinis pakeitė į naują...
Info iš vieno lt puslapio Iš „Bungie“ perėmusi „Halo“ seriją, studija „343 Industries“ sugražins mums visų išsiilgtą veikėja Master Chief. Svarbu paminėti tiek, kad nuo šiol jis ne toks, koks buvo. Jis pasikeis psichologiškai, pasikeis jo mastysena. Jį keis ne tik fizinis „Spartan“ kodo praradimas. Studijos vadovas Frank O'Connor kalbėjo, jog bus atskleista ir šiek tiek istorijos, kodėl mylimas herojus yra pasikeitęs. Kaip teigiama, yra keleta priežasčių, kodėl Master Chief elgsena keičiasi ir apie tai žaidėjai sužinos laikui bėgant. Frank'as taip kalba, jog „Halo 4“ įvykiai vyks po ganėtinai nemažo laiko tarpo nuo trečiosios dalies įvykių ir ganėtinai daug dalykų bus pasikeitę. Žaidimas prasidės su Master Chief, kuris tiesiog plaukios kosmose. „Halo 4“ pasirodys 2012-ųjų pabaigoje. „Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary“ pasirodys lapkričio 15-ąją su keleta ženklų į ketvirtosios „Halo“ dalies istoriją bei „Kinect“ įrenginio palaikymu. Originalus šaltinis Halo's Covenant-beating hero will appear "changed" in 343 Industries' upcoming Halo 4. That means psychological changes, mind. Not just the physical loss of his Spartan codpiece. Although that has to affect a guy. "There's some story behind his new look," studio boss Frank O'Connor told OXM. "There are specific reasons why he looks the way he does and why some of his behaviours have changed. We'll see in good time." Some time has passed since the events of Halo 3, when the Chief finished the fight. Halo 4 opens with him floating through space towards an alien planet. "A lot of things have changed in that intervening period," O'Connor teased. Halo 4, out late 2012, follows 343 Industries' upcoming original Halo re-make - Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary - out 15th November. It includes hints at the Halo 4 storyline and optional Kinect support.
čia visi žaidimai kurie dar išeis šiais metais PS2 http://ps2.ign.com/index/release.html ,bet kiti metai ko gero jau bus tušti,turbūt max 2 žaidimai išeis...jei išeis....
Ne į temą Today we're happy to announce that blood-soaked Ninja Gaiden 3 will be playable at this year's Eurogamer Expo! Eurogamer is also very proud to be hosting a developer session by Team Ninja head Yosuke Hayashi, who'll reveal development secrets live on stage. This year's Eurogamer Expo is selling out fast - 15,000 tickets have already gone, meaning we're halfway to capacity with three months still to go.
Turėjau Acme vairą,modelio taipogi nebeprisimenu,tai kol neprastūmiau jo,tai žaisavau NFS U,U2 ir NFS MW...
Pagaliau šis žaidimas gavo savo pirmą DLC Skarlet
Naujienos apie beta versija... Ubisoft will deploy an open beta for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier in January 2012. The company revealed news of the multiplayer taster via the game's official Twitter: "We know you have been asking about the beta. We're excited to announce that the MP beta will be launching in January 2012!" Ubisoft re-confirmed to VG247 that the trial remains exclusive to Xbox 360. Splinter Cell: Conviction owners will get "early exclusive access." Originally due last autumn, Ghost Recon: Future Solider has met with numerous delays. A proposed launch during the first three months of 2012 was the last we heard. Future Soldier was shifted to 2012 to avoid a busy autumn schedule, which includes FPS titans Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier will support Kinect, and was shown doing so at E3.
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Šiokios tokios kalbos apie Wii U kainas iš vieno Nintendo žaidimų kūrėjo lūpų... Pamąstymai apie kainą Nintendo game developer legend Shigeru Miyamoto has suggested the Wii U will not be significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. Why? Because Nintendo wants to keep costs associated with the console down. "Nintendo is an entertainment company," Miyamoto told GameSpot. "We're very sensitive to pricing because people have generally only a certain amount of their spending that they'll devote to entertainment. And if you're talking about parents buying something for kids, there are certain price points where parents may be willing to or not willing to purchase a certain product. "But at the same time, you have these technological advances, and you have the needs of being able to take advantage of that technology, and those result in increasing costs and things like that. And so I think that in terms of companies that really look very carefully at what is the best balance between price and possibility in terms of the hardware, Nintendo is the company that's going to probably pay the most attention to striking that right balance. "So when you look at what we're trying to do this time, which is I think maybe to a certain degree somewhat reckless, because we're trying to include this somewhat kind of tablet-like device - this controller with the screen. We're trying to do that by finding the right balance between the CPU and the GPU, the graphics processor, and bringing all of that together with the ability to take advantage of the HD capabilities of the system, and wanting to do the most that we can on that front as well. "We're very sensitive, of course, to trying to do all of this at an appropriate price. So I don't know that we would be able to sit here and say that it's going to necessarily dramatically outperform the systems that are out now. It's part of the balance that we strike in terms of trying to find entertainment that is new and unique." The Wii U specifications have been the subject of much speculation following the console's E3 announcement. Last week Sega Europe MD Gary Dunn told Eurogamer Sega's initial, "very early doors" reaction to Wii U is that "we're finding it to be quite powerful". Whether that means more powerful than PS3 and 360 - the billion dollar question - Dunn wouldn't specify. "It's too early to call," he said. "It's different."
Atrodo,kad šis žaidimas nebus DN visatos pabaiga... Daugiau Info Duke Nukem Forever is not the last we'll see of Duke, Take-Two has promised. "We don't really talk about it in detail but you will see future Duke IP coming from this company," Take-Two boss Strauss Zelnick told Forbes. Zelnick went on to suggest that Take-Two may extend the IP into movies and other non-gaming areas. "Part of it is the economic opportunities that interact with entertainment are so huge," he said. "Part of it is that we are very creative folks in control. Part of it is we don't want to ever be in the position of dumping something down just to make another buck. "If we can take some of our intellectual property and bring it to another medium in an extraordinary high quality way, that delights consumers and represents an interesting commercial opportunity for us, we will. "We have certainly considered doing that with BioShock and with other titles. So far we haven't brought anything to market, but stay tuned." Duke Nukem Forever was mauled by critics upon its launch. Eurogamer's Duke Nukem Forever review returned a 3/10. Zelnick defended the adult content and humour in the game. "We take ratings guidelines and marketing guidelines as seriously as a heart attack around here," he said. "We do not market mature products to children. When friends of mine say, 'Oh, I plan to get Red Dead Redemption for my 15-year-old,' I say, 'You know this product is intended for adults?' We are incredibly serious about it. "That said, when we put something out I stand behind it, and will not compromise. When you put all those things all together it's difficult to be critical of the company. Because here in America, thank God, we have the ability to do what we want. "What is there left to be said? I'm sorry if you don't like it. Don't consume it." Borderlands developer Gearbox owns the Duke Nukem IP after it bought the rights to polish off the game 3D Realms started building 14 years ago. Take-Two, or specifically 2K Games, published the controversial shooter. Ir gerai,nes ne veltui aš jo taip ilgai laukiau ir džiaugiausi sulaukęs
American ratings board ESRB has given Deus Ex: Human Revolution a Mature certificate. Ticked are the boxes Blood, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language and Use of Alcohol. The game's many gunfights are "highlighted by screams of pain" and "large sprays of blood that stain the surrounding environment", revealed the ESRB. Up close there's "choking" and "electrocution". Hero Adam Jensen can also administer euthanasia. "During one sequence, an injured man asks to be 'put out of his misery'," the ESRB documented. "The main character can then administer a morphine overdose." There's no mention of Jensen romping with prostitutes, but he will apparently bump into 'working ladies' from time to time. "Some missions contain sexual material," noted the ESRB. "A brothel room containing a sex toy on the bed; dialogue with prostitutes (e.g., 'They want me to get augmentations ... for the customer's pleasure. It's sick,' and, '[W]e can find a quiet spot ... Do you have enough money for me, sexy?')." Jensen can even stitch people up and plant illegal drugs to have them arrested. Drinking alcohol blurs the screen. In the UK, the BBFC gave Deus Ex: Human Revolution a 15 rating. Deus Ex: Human Revolution will be released in full at the end of August. We played 10 hours of the mouth-watering futuristic RPG and attempted to answer your direct questions in Eurogamer's Deus Ex: Human Revolution preview.