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Amazon.com pabandyk,jie berods į Lietuvą siunčia už papildomą mokestį,tiesa pas juos 5USD brangiau,bet ko gero tai ne pati didžiausia permoka,vis ne 90USD
Xbox'as ją atpažįsta iš kart automatiškai,kadangi ji yra USB,tiesiog prijungi ir viskas,o kai jungi prie PC,tai kaip ir sakiau patį pirmą kartą kai jungi turi būti tą programėlę suinstaliavęs,po to kai jau vieną kart pasijungei,jei programos neištrini (o iš tikrujų dėl kokių priežąscčių reikėtų ją trinti?)PC visada ją atpažins automatiškai.Tai lygiai tas pats kaip suinstaliuotas žaidimas,kol jo neištrini tol ir veikia Kaip sakiau pats kartais pasijungiu savo laidinę gitarą prie PC,dar turiu GH mikrofoną laidinį,kurį kol neturėjau WEB cameros su mikrofonu,naudodavau Skype;ui ir viskas veikia iki šiol
Absoliučiai jokių problemų,nes pats turiu pasijungęs.Viskas ko tau reikia tai Microsoft Xbox 360 Accessories programos kuri yra legali ir nemokama,ją gali parsisiūsti iš čia http://microsoft-xbox-360-accessories.software.informer.com/ .Susiinstaliuoji,įsijungi gitarą į USB ir YOU ARE READY TO GO
Ko gero tave ištiko bėda kuri kamuoja visus senesnius X360,kaip sakė Egis123 RROD (Red Ring Of Death),tad teks savo X360 nešti meistrui ir pakloti šiek tiek pinigėlių taisymui (jeigu pavyks pataisyti,nes ne visuomet šis gedimas yra sutvarkomas)...
They coming,they coming,they coming,they here,blog is coming,Impaler is here (perfrazuota NANA daina Darkman)...Na jo,laiko ir taip jau mažai laisvo,o dar dabar blogai išėjo,reiškias laisvo laiko dar labiau sumažės,mldc Impaleri
Baik tu juokus su tokias puslapiais,jeigu toks realiai atsirastų MS per savaitę laiko pasirūpintų amžinu jo uždarymu ir milijoninių baudų uždėjimu....
Žiauriai kabinantis klasikinis rifas
Nėr už ką :)Sėkmės jungiant,bet šiaip manau tokį daikčiuką gali rasti bet kurioj elektronikos parduotuvėj ten,pas mus net Maximoj juos pardavinėja,tad pasižiūrėk,gal net nereikės iš ebay;aus imti,na vienu žodžiu,gero būsimo klausymo
prašom http://cgi.ebay.com/SCART-Adapter-S-Video-Composite-Audio-Switch-Gold-/260529172267?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_205&hash=item3ca8bfaf2b#ht_2900wt_917
As tau toki atiduot galiu
Gaila,o neturi namie tokio daikciuko? Per jį gali paduoti signalą arba iš jo paimti...
O telike ausinių jungties nėra?
Henzhen Qi Sheng Long Industralist Co., Ltd (深圳市奇胜隆实业有限公司), also known as Hamy, is a Chinese manufacturer of game consoles, computer accessories and other electronic products, founded in 1996. According to its website it also uses the brands Hengmei, Feihao, Qijian and Meitrumei, and it has a Hong Kong office called Glorypower International Electronic Ltd.
Ne tai šitas aš žiūrėjau,bet turiu omenyje koks procas,ramai,vaizdeškė gal čia krūčiau už X ir PS3 kartu sudėjus
Būtų įdomu technines specifikacijas šio stebuklo sužinoti
Na jo čia tai stebuklas X360 su PS3 pultais...duok kinui laisvę,tai iš tualetinio popieriaus tanką pastatys Šiaip kaina tai tikrai nemaza,palyginus su tuo ką jis sugeba paleisti...Konsolė tai...must have dėl exclusivumo
Prasom http://www.playmanija.lt/parduotuve/k5/xbox-360-priedai/
kiek watu geriau pasakyk,ten salia turi buti parasyta... maitblokių rūšys A guide to what they mean for those interested in learning what they are getting in an Xbox360: Xenon Launched Approx: November 2005 CPU: 90nm GPU: 90nm HDMI: No Power Supply: 203w This is the launch console, the console that was given a huge amount of bad press due to the Red Rings Of Death problems where a large percentage of consoles would die from an overheating GPU that would pop out of its socket. Zephyr Launched Approx: July 2007 CPU: 90nm GPU: 90nm HDMI: Yes Power Supply: 203w This revised edition brought in HDMI socket that was causing an outcry of whether it was a true High Definition machine if it didnt have a HDMI socket. It didnt provide any cure for the RROD issue other than the use of epoxy glue to hold the GPU down better. It did however bring about a 3 year warranty for the RROD issue. Falcon Launched Approx: September 2007 CPU: 65nm GPU: 90nm HDMI: Yes Power Supply: 175w This version of the Xbox 360 brought about a smaller cooler CPU. As this was not the chip causing the RROD it was considered to be little effect at combating the RROD issue, however it did bring a lower power consumption and the cheaper smaller CPU allowed flexibility for price reductions. Opus Launched Approx: June 2008 CPU: 65nm GPU: 90nm HDMI: No Power Supply: 175w This version was released to allow Microsoft to refit the old Xenon consoles that were returned with RROD issues with an updated version of the Falcon. The problem with the Falcon was it had HDMI support and yet the old Xenon never had HDMI when launched so the console case was incompatible. Microsoft had thousands of old Xenon consoles coming in and having to be replaced with brand new consoles while the old broken consoles just mounted up in storage. With Opus (Falcon minus HDMI) it was to allow refurbishing of these old consoles as and when RROD issues occurred. This reduces the number of old consoles to be scrapped and allows the replacement of the Xenon>Opus board rather than the entire console, thus saving Microsoft millions of £££ in not having to replace entire consoles (case and other parts). Jasper Launched Approx: September 2008 onwards CPU: 65nm GPU: 65nm HDMI: Yes Power Supply: Not Known The Jasper is the first proper attempt to combat the RROD issue by finally having a smaller, cooler and hopefully more reliable GPU. The issue of the RROD was the overheating and eventual disconnecting of the GPU and the Jasper should go a long way towards making the Xbox 360 a lot more reliable with regards this particular issue. As with all changes to the Xbox 360, Microsoft do not announce when they start releasing the updated machines so it is a matter of time before people start to discover it. Because of the cooler CPU and GPU and possible further reduction in power supply, it is believed that the internal cooling will be revised and as such will lead to a much quieter Xbox360. Valhalla Launched Approx: Late 2009 CPU: 65nm or 45nm GPU: 65nm or 45nm HDMI: Yes Power Supply: Unknown Valhalla is predicted to be the final (or at least scheduled) revision of the Xbox 360 before the next generation Xbox is launched. Apart from the possibility of the CPU and GPU being further reduced to 45nm reducing cost of production (which will help with price decreases in retail) it is believed that both the GPU and CPU will share the same piece of board together. The benefits of this (along with the reduced need for cooling systems with a much cooler 45nm chip) is that the entire internal board within the console takes up a great deal less space (possible as much as 30% less) and as such the Valhalla could lead to an Xbox 360 Slim version. The console having a redesign and being far smaller in height or width. Due to the Hard Drive limitations it is believe that it will be shortened along its long length rather than its narrower width leading to a machine upto 30% shorter when stood upright. With a smaller design, smaller cooling systems and lower power supply it is believed this could be the most reliable, smallest and quietest of the Xbox 360 family. Finding a Jasper: So how do you know if the Xbox 360 you're about to buy is a Jasper model or not? Well, there's one blatantly-obvious method, and that's to open the box and check the manufacturing date on the back of the console itself, it's shown in YYYY-MM-DD format. It's believed that consoles manufactured on or after August 31st (2008-08-31) will feature the Jasper revision - though, this hasn't yet been confirmed. The later the console was manufactured after this date, the better the chance is that you may get a Jasper. If that process seems like too much hard work, there could be another way, too. Flip the box over, and you should find a flap with a serial number located beneath it. The serial number will be in the format LNNNNNNYWWFF, where the Y is thought to represent the year of manufacture, and the WW is thought to represent the week - if the theory is to be believed. August 31st translates to week 35, so you'd be looking for a serial number somewhere along the lines of LNNNNNN'835'FF. This is by no means a foolproof option but it could be worthy of consideration when making a purchase.
Upcoming Nintendo 3DS game Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D will retain its second-hand value despite preventing gamers from deleting save data, Capcom has insisted. This morning it emerged that saved data on The Mercenaries 3D, out in the UK this Friday, cannot be reset. Some speculated this was an effort on Capcom's part to combat second-hand sales. But a Capcom spokesperson told Eurogamer this morning that the game's value will not be affected by the new feature. "The game's value at second-hand in the UK is not affected by whether or not the game can have its data reset," Capcom said. "Customers in the UK will not experience a reduced second-hand value should they wish to trade in their purchase." So that's that, then. When was the last time you checked to see whether a video game allowed you to reset save data before trading it in or buying it second-hand?
Ne tai tą aš supratau,bet vis tiek tiek fatas tiek slimas turi USB 1.1 jungtį,kuri kaip minėjau greičiu nepasižymi,na o dvd rip'ai tai kruta kažkaip dar toje konsolėje,kad ir pastriginėdami...na parašykit kaip seksis experimentas su BDrip
Achievements earned in old Gears of War games unlock new things like skins in Gears of War 3, Epic has revealed. For instance, if you had the gold Hammerburst or Lancer in Gears of War 2, you will have the same weapon skins in Gears of War 3. And if you did anything in Gears of War 2 or Gears of War PC, you will get a chrome weapon skin in Gears of War 3. What level you got to in Gears of War 2 multiplayer doesn't matter, explained Gears 3 executive producer Rod Fergusson - it's what Achievements you have that count towards future unlocks. "Generally whenever we do unlocks, we do it based on Achievements," Fergusson told MTV Multiplayer. "That's why I've been trying to tell people about the level 100 thing. No, it's not about getting level 100, it's about Veteran Gear. Get that Achievement and that'll get you something. "I don't care if you're level 100," he added, "you have to have the Veteran Gear Achievement." The Veteran Gear Achievement is yours for reaching level 100 and winning one match on each of the four Gears of War 2 Snowblind maps. Visai nebloga zinia ar ne?
Pasinagrinėk šitą puslapiuką http://www.lyra.lt/lt/garso-aparatura/ploksteliu-atkurimo-technika/ploksteliu-grotuvai/ Rega firmos grotuvai visai neblogi ir kaina žmoniška ,ir po to gali dar pabandyti tamsta.lt ir dar klaipėdoje yra tokia firma megaomas kuri atstovauja belgų firmą JB System su kurios įranga berods groja Tiesto,tai tiek žinių...
Patikek skirtumas tikrai yra ar iš dvd leisi ar iš flešo,kiek esu žiūrėjęs filmų iš USB tai kas antras strigdavo...Visgi USB 1.1 versija greičiu nepasižymėjo...
Jėga,smagu,kad plečiatės ir džiugu,kad atsirado PSP prekių,o ypač gerai,kad atsivežėt pandora baterijų... P.S. Labai teisingos naujų prekių kainos,nemanau,kad atsiras tokių,kurie išdrįs pasakyti,kad PLM parduotuvė yra brangininkai