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  1. A mysterious, and rather stylish, cinematic has popped online purporting to relate to Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Titled "Assassins Creed Revelations Seizure – Ubisoft", it was posted on Kiwi via 4chan. The original poster labelled it "an internal project we did here at Ubisoft Cinematics. I animated the character on the table. No mocap whatsoever." The clip itself is stamped "Ubisoft Digital Arts: Internal Use Only" and shows a surgeon about to attempt some grisly brain surgery on a reanimated cadaver. Lines of Animus code can be briefly glimpsed in the background. Take a look below. Ubisoft hasn't commented as of yet, but we'll update if we learn more.
  2. FUZA


    OTT shooter Bulletstorm failed to turn a profit for Epic, president Mike Capps has admitted. Capps told Kotaku that the People Can Fly-developed FPS "didn't make money for us." However, he doesn't regret green-lighting the project over taking the easy option and tasking the Epic-owned Polish studio with churning out Gears of War content. "The studio has shipped AAA content," he said. "The next thing we do with People Can Fly will be great." Still, it's a pity. As detailed in Eurogamer's Bulletstorm review, it's one of the highlights of 2011 so far. "This is a game that wants you to laugh so hard that you sneeze on yourself, but it's also a game that wants you to experiment as much as possible with the tools you've been given," wrote Christian Donlan back in February. "Its cleverness is as lightly worn as it is unexpected. It's the best kind of guilty pleasure."
  3. pyp...susimaisiau,bet pasitaisiau,thanks Anti-heroine Talia al Ghul is the latest character announced for Batman: Arkham City. The daughter of crime boss Ra's al Ghul and Batman's occasional love interest in the comics will be voiced by Stana Katic, star of US TV series Castle. "Talia is such a complex character and it was great to voice her in Batman: Arkham City," commented Katic. "I was amazed at all the detail put into the project and it’s great to see how excited the fans are about the game." The follow-up to Rocksteady's acclaimed Batman: Arkham Asylum is starting to look rather crowded. The Joker, The Riddler, Catwoman, Robin, Mr Freeze, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, The Penguin, Two Face, Hugo Strange, Victor Zsasz, Calendar Man and Black Mask are all confirmed to appear in some capacity.
  4. Na pagaliau kažkas iš Epic pradeda prisiminti šią puikią frančizę ir išvisko sprendžiant išleidus GOW3 gal pagaliau pasigirs kažkokių žinių ir apie tęsinį... Info Epic has admitted to neglecting its best-selling Unreal franchise in recent years. President Mike Capps told IndustryGamers that its decision in recent years to focus on the Gears of War series and new IPs had left its flagship FPS brand in the shade. "It's been a long time since we shipped an Unreal game, and it's an awfully loved franchise that we hold pretty dear here. We haven't been giving it the attention it deserves because we've been focusing on Gears of War and we're still a relatively small company. "At some point you wonder why we don't rename the engine the Gears Engine or something," he joked. Though he stopped short of confirming work on a new entry in the series was underway, he did add that a sequel would probably make Epic's bank manager happy. "We've been sort of focused on making new properties, which you've seen with Shadow Complex, Bulletstorm and Infinity Blade, but sometimes I think just as a businessman that maybe we should be spending some more time with our existing franchises." The last outing for the IP was Unreal Tournament III on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 back in 2007, which won an 8/10 from Eurogamer's Kristan Reed.
  5. Ne į temą Blin,sis zaidimas tikrai super,bet Fredis ir Kratos man sitame zaidime kazkodel nelimpa nors tu ka....
  6. Sindication treileris su siokia tokia kitu zaidimu reklama pradzioje
  7. Eye-catching Japanese mental 'em up Catherine is coming to Europe. Deep Silver has partnered with Atlus to bring the action adventure puzzle game to these shores this year. Catherine has made headlines for being odd, pretty and risqué. It follows protagonist Vincent who has wacky nightmares after meeting a lady called Catherine. There's a puzzle-action element that involves trying not to be killed in varying ways. "We are very proud to be able to publish Catherine in all PAL territories as a Deep Silver game," said Deep Silver boss Klemens Kundratitz. "Catherine is something new, fresh and exciting; unlike anything else in the gaming world – a unique mixture of genres."
  8. Siuo atveju,kad taupytum lazeri,tiesiog isirasyk geimus i hdd ir automatiskai lazeriukas naudosis maziau (tik patikros,kad diskas idetas metu) o,jeigu neturi hdd,tai tikrai geriau naudoti kokybiskesnius diskus..
  9. Capcom has announced four additions to the Street Fighter x Tekken roster. Poison is a brawler of ambiguous gender lifted from the Final Fight series. Dhalsim will, of course, meditate and destroy you. From Tekken we get Yoshimitsu, a robotic samurai who has appeared in crossover fighting games in the past. The less said about British boxer Steve Fox the better, really. The quartet joins Ryu, Kazuya, Ken, Nina, Guile, King, Abel, Marduk, Cammy, Bob, Chun-Li, Julia, Sagat, Hwoarang, Haggar, Hugo, Cody and Guy on the already bulging roster of playable fighters. inFamous' Cole MacGrath is a bonus character for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions.
  10. Specialus Star Wars X360 Editionas : UPDATE: Xbox marketing man Graeme Boyd has confirmed via his Twitter feed that the Star Wars bundle will be available in Europe, though didn't volunteer a price. ORIGINAL STORY: A limited edition Star Wars-themed Xbox 360 bundle goes on sale in the US later this year to tie in with the launch of Star Wars Kinect, Microsoft and LucasArts have announced. The set, priced at $449.99, sees the main 320GB console unit get a R2D2 skin, while the controller gets the C3PO treatment. The 360 has custom Star Wars sounds built in for when you turn the power on or open the disc tray. You'll also get a white Kinect sensor, a standard wired headset, a copy of Star Wars Kinect, Kinect Adventures and access to "exclusive downloadable content". Microsoft hasn't confirmed a European release yet, but we're chasing. Amazon has started taking US pre-orders
  11. Visko gali būti,tokios firmos savo žingsnius apgalvoja kelis metus į priekį,kita vertus gal tai tik sutapimas....only Sony knows the truth...
  12. Ne į temą Lituokliu su reg. temperatura yra pats tokius darbe pardavineju http://www.milgreta.lt/product_info.php?products_id=31923
  13. FUZA


    Bizarre Creations' ambitious racer Blur failed to find an audience because the basic 'cars with weapons' concept scared off gamers, so says former design manager Gareth Wilson. Speaking at the annual Develop conference in Brighton, as reported by Edge, Wilson explained that it is part of a developer's job to "reduce people's fear of buying your product" – a job that Bizarre apparently failed to do. According to Wilson, consumers have three different reactions to a product: comfort, stretch and panic. He explained that a basic breakfast cereal like cornflakes falls under 'comfort'. Chocolate cornflakes, on the other hand, are a bit of a stretch and ask the customer to take a risk. Cornflakes with bacon, however, would inspire 'panic' – as was the case with Blur – forcing the customer to take their cash elsewhere. "Fear is a bigger driver for consumers than desire," he said. "They're not going to buy something they haven't tried before, because it might be crap. "Licensing is a good way to go, but you have to be careful because licensing costs money. You have to balance it. With Project Gotham Racing 3 we spent millions getting Ferrari but it worked. People saw that on the cover. "But with Blur, the licensing maybe worked against us: real cars and weapons. Bacon with cornflakes." Despite the game attracting considerable critical acclaim, Blur's poor performance at retail was one of the final nails in Bizarre's coffin, with owner Activision closing the studio last year.
  14. Reikia prikelti šią temą....taigi šiandien skaičiau šiokį tokį interviu apie tolesnį GH likimą,aišku anglų kalba,bet manau beveik visi čia nelabai su ja susipykę ane? Interviu Sales of the Guitar Hero series crashed because Activision had stopped listening to its audience, CEO Bobby Kotick has admitted. Speaking in an interview with Forbes, Kotick explained how the publisher had grown complacent following the series' early flush of success and subsequently starved it of innovation. "We didn't really take the time that we usually take to understand audience behavior," he said. "It was one of those things where we were resting on the idea that one of the essential fantasies of video games is to unleash your inner rock star. And it didn't really matter how you did that, but as long as you were allowing people to unleash their inner rock star fantasies, you’d continue to be successful. So we went off on a passion project that had a point of differentiation – which is called DJ Hero. In hindsight, he conceded, that was probably a mistake. "We should have said, 'Well, how many people really want to unleash their inner DJ?' And then out of the people who do want to unleash their inner DJ, how many want to do it in the context of a game where you earn points, versus just taking a DJ deck or tools on their Macintosh and actually being a DJ? And it turns out it's a very small market." Kotick explained that the enthusiasm and creativity the publisher poured into DJ Hero meant Guitar Hero went neglected. "These are the hardest failures, when you put your heart and soul into it and you deliver an extraordinarily well received game, and nobody shows up to buy it. So that’s what happened with DJ Hero. "At the same time we were so excited about going down this new direction with DJ Hero, I think we abandoned a bit of the innovation that was required in the Guitar Hero franchise. "And so it was the double whammy of DJ Hero was unsuccessful, and then Guitar Hero became unsuccessful because it didn't have any nourishment and care. So we made what I think was exactly the right decision last year [to cease development]." He revealed that work is underway on reinventing the Guitar Hero series, with an unnamed studio currently exploring "technology pathways" and working on "a variety of different prototypes." "We said, you know what, we need to regain our audience interest, and we really need to deliver inspired innovation. So we're going to take the products out of the market, and we're not going to tell anybody what we're doing for awhile, but we're going to stop selling Guitar Hero altogether. "And then we're going to go back to the studios and we're going to use new studios and reinvent Guitar Hero. And so that's what we're doing with it now." Freestyle Games' DJ Hero 2 scored an impressive 9/10 from Eurogamer last year, whereas the most recent Guitar Hero iteration, Warriors of Rock, managed 7/10.
  15. Geras sitas treileriukas,toks fun
  16. Pre-order Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary and you'll get Avatar armour and a skull, Microsoft has announced. Here are the details: Master Chief Avatar Armour: Heroes Never Die, and to honour the 10th anniversary of John 117, you will finally be able to transform your Xbox Live Avatar into the iconic hero by outfitting it with Master Chief’s signature MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armour. Grunt Funeral Skull: An exclusive, game-modifying skull that changes the rules of the game for an explosively humorous experience, Grunt Funeral sends Halo’s most lowly and lovable enemy out in a blaze of glory. And plasma. And then more glory. Once the skull has been activated, every Grunt’s methane tank will explode like a plasma grenade when killed. Watch out for the Grunt chain reaction! A new trailer detailing the pre-order items is below, alongside some nifty new images. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is a high definition remake of Xbox first-person shooter Halo: Combat Evolved. It's developed by Microsoft's 343 Industries in collaboration with Saber Interactive and Certain Affinity, and features cooperative play over Xbox Live, classic Halo multiplayer maps re-imagined, a Classic mode that lets you play the original version, new challenges and hints at Halo 4's story.
  17. Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection will pack in a smattering of bonus content alongside the twin PS2 classics when it arrives on PlayStation 3 later this year. As detailed on the PlayStation Blog, you'll get a voucher for two XMB Dynamic Themes and "a ton of exclusive video content from Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Guardian that fans won't want to miss." Due out on 28th September, the set adds 1080p HD and stereoscopic 3D support, 7.1 surround sound and PSN Trophies to Team Ico's two beloved titles.
  18. Štai koks Mega packas laukia tikrų GOW serijos gerbėjų turinčių PS3 God of War Master Collection will bundle all the PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 and PSP games in Sony's action series into a single release, according to a listing on Amazon Germany. As spotted by CVG, the page indicates a 16th September release date for the set. That's the same day as God of War Origins Collection hits the stores, which offers HD PS3 versions of the two PSP releases.
  19. Įdomus interviu su vienu Kinect developer'iu apie "būsimą - esamą" Xbox konsolę: Interviu Rumours abound that Microsoft may be preparing to unveil the next Xbox at E3 2012, but according to Kinect Sports developer Rare, the next-gen is already here. Speaking at the Develop conference in Brighton this evening, Rare chief Scott Henson dismissed next-gen questions, pointing towards Microsoft's ability to improve gaming experiences through software. "One of my favourite things is, Scott, tell me when next-gen is. Tell me when that's going to happen. This has been the last ten years of my life. When's next-gen? When's next-gen? When's the new Xbox Live? When's the new Xbox?" he said. "The power of software, the power of services, and the power of platforms is that it's always now. We continue to build on them, continue to innovate, continue to push, and we continue to build magic." In a Eurogamer investigation into the new Xbox and the PlayStation 4, published this morning, Crysis 2 developer Crytek UK and Gears of War 3 maker Epic Games said current DirectX 11-fuelled visuals provide a good indication of what will be possible on the next round of home consoles. Avatar-quality graphics are a realistic possibility, we were told. Going one step beyond that, Henson said motion-sensing add-on Kinect puts gamers one step closer to simulating the Star Trek-style holodeck in their living rooms. "I'm not going to give you the exact date you're going to have a holodeck in your room, but think about that for just a second," he said. "Think about the movies we all grew up on and the things that inspired us in lots of different ways to create the kind of entertainment to do. We're down that path. We're absolutely down that path right now." But before you set your phasers to stun and ask Scottie to beam you up, know this: Henson reckons it'll be a long while before the holodeck becomes a reality. "You see advancements in televisions," he said. "When we stood up and we said it's the HD era in 2005 and HD is now – I remember because I wrote the speech and I was at GDC in 2005 and we gave away TVs, it was awesome. And here we are in 2011 and HD TVs are pretty pervasive, but they're still in only about half the homes around the world. It's not everywhere yet. "When will the holodeck happen? It's going to be a journey. I don't think there's going to be a date."
  20. Metalu labai nesidomiu,truputi per sunku man jo klausyti,bet per GH zaidimus atradau ziauriai daug rock,punk,old school rock...butu gaila jei si serija numirtu,nors tokios kalbos jau sklando
  21. Ir jeigu pirksi Kinecta,tai slimas yra kinect ready t.y. pats xboxas ji uzmaitins,o fatui reikalingas maitblokis kuris aisku vel papildomus pinigus kainuoja ir dar padidina laidu karalyste namie... Ne į temą Vienodos mintys su Bongo aplanke
  22. Sekmes,jei neuzilgo jie gryzines,tai paskui parasyk i sia tema kaip viskas praejo,manau naudinga informacija kam nors bus
  23. Nebent supranti vienas zmogus ten 5 loptopus veztusi,tai gal kazka ir uzdetu,o siaip ka jie zino,gal gimines paprase,kad ju kompus namo pargabentum,uztat zinau,kad grynu su savim daugiau nei 9999lt tikrai negalima veztis,be to kaip pvz siuntiesi prekes is kinijos muita pritaiko nes mato,kad tu pirkai kazka kitur,o jeigu tuos loptopus veziesi be deziu (pakuociu),krepsiuose tai is kur jie gali zinoti pirkai tu juos ar dovanu gavai,gal tu verslininkas koks achujenas,be to nepardavimui gi jie vezami ir isvis krepsiai muitinese tikrinami tik jeigu kazkas jiems sukelia itarimu...Viena loptopa tegul pasiima i lektuvo salona,pora i bagazo skyriu ir manau viskas bus ok,taigi ne kontrobanda kokia ves...
  24. FUZA

    Darkness 2

    Kad žaidimai atidedami jau nieko nebestebina. Gerai būna, kai atidėjimas išeina į naudą žaidimo kokybei. Dažniausiai tai ir būna pagrindinė atidėjimo priežastis. Šį kartą atidėta pirmojo asmens šaudyklė "The Darkness II". Kai dar metų pradžioje buvo paskelbta apie Džekio Estakado nuotykių tęsinį, vienas jo kūrėjų pranešė, jog žaidimas pasirodys šių metų spalio 7 dieną jei nepasikeis "2K Games" planai. Bet kompanijos planai pasikeitė ir dabartinė žaidimo data tapo kitų metų vasario 7 diena. Teks luktelėti keturis mėnesius. Pirmąją "The Darkness" dalį 2007 metais sukūrė studija "Starbreeze" ir išleido jį tik X360 ir PS3 konsolėms. Antrosios dalies kūrimo ėmėsi "Digital Extremes" darbuotojai. Žaidimu mėgautis galės ne tik minėtų konsolių savininkai, bet ir žaidžiantys asmeniniais kompiutariais. Naujiena pakopinta is LT puslapio (solidarumo vardan puslapio pavadinimo neminesiu )
  25. Neturetu,pazystamas praeita vasara JAV dirbo,parsiveze ir telika,loptopa ir X360 nusipirkes ir jokiu muitu jam nepritaike...