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Nintendo has announced a new side-scrolling Mario game for 3DS. Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata described it as a "totally new side-scrolling action Super Mario in 2D". It's a "key title" for the Nintendo 3DS, and launches in the next fiscal year - at some point after March 2012 and before April 2013. The announcement came as part of a discussion of the Nintendo 3DS in 2012, and how it will continue its impressive sales momentum. Iwata highlighted a number of 3DS games set for launch this year, including Luigi's Mansion 2, Mario Tennis and Paper Mario, saying "we intend to release these various titles without any extreme interruptions". He added: "A number of titles unannounced from third-party developers will be available. "With the fulfilment of software, we are confident that we will be able to make the Nintendo 3DS active for the full year as the mainstream platform in the video game market." Iwata said the 3DS communication features, such as StreetPass and SpotPass, will be "increasingly attractive" as the handheld becomes more popular. Nintendo is increasing the number of places you can SpotPass to help. Nintendo also plans to "significantly" expand its digital business. The internet-connection ratio of the 3DS in Japan and the US is around 60 per cent, Iwata revealed - the highest among Nintendo's handhelds. The eShop is proving popular too. "We are still in the first stage, but we are building the foundation little by little to expand our digital business."
Mega Man and Pac-Man are playable characters in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions of upcoming fighting game Street Fighter x Tekken, Capcom has announced. The Mega Man in SFxT is the version of Mega Man seen on the original Mega Man 1 box art. Namco mascot Pac-Man rides on Mokujin, the tree creature from the Tekken series. Both characters are said to have "light-hearted" fighting styles. See for yourself in the trailer, below. Mega Man and Pac-Man join fellow PlayStation exclusive characters Cole from Infamous and the Sony cats Toro and Kuro. That makes five Sony exclusive characters for the game. SFxT on Xbox 360 will not feature any exclusive characters. Why that version of Mega Man? "Well, in the spirit of crossover fun, the dev team wanted both Capcom and Namco's mascots to join the fray in a slightly silly, goofy way," Capcom explained. "Pac-Man riding Mokujin is about as weird as it can get, so the best equivalent for Mega Man would have to be the so-bad-it's-good-but-still-kinda-bad box art from Mega Man 1 in the US."
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Blogai zinok.dvi jungtis garso neperduoda...kokias dar jungtis priedelis turi?
Ne į temą Parsipusk ta filma,tikrai geras
18 PLM konkursas pratestas dar vienai parai!Hurry up guys
P.s darykit ta konkursa kad ir be manes,as taip ar taip padovanosiu ta piesini PLM,as xboxo tai neturiu,jei laimeciau tai ka as veiksiu su ta gitara negi parduosiu ja? negrazu taip,o tau FUZA jei patiks galesiu padovanot :DD
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Pasitariau su Impaleriu,pratesiam konkursa iki 01.30 24:00 t.y. dar vienai parai,kas nespejot paskubekit.Oligarchai girdi?
Reiks apie tai pagalvoti
Pats nemoku ir irangos neturiu,tad reiks nunesti,kad perflesintu,ai bet kol kas luktelsiu iki kol Ninja Gaiden 3 isleis,nes iki tol gal vel koks naujas fw iseis ir vel 50lt i ora...labai ilgai sedejau su fw1.51,nes visus zaidimus su wawe patcheriu nusipatcindavau ir zaisdavau tai pries pora menesiu berods ir nusiflesinau i fw 2.0 kai jau patcinimas nebepadedavo...i live vis tiek nesijungiu,kazkaip as uzkietiejes offlineris
manau,kad uz 250lt gretai parduotum,jei noretum daugiau reiktu pakenteti...
O tai gal kas nors visgi zino atsakyma i mano klausima?
Ziuriu,kaip tik per tv3 si filma ir prisiminiau http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9hZjiTtn3I
Baik verkti,tavo darbas tiesiog per geras siam konkursui
Niekas cia niekuo dar nekvepia,nepradekit cia issimastyti yra bent 3 stiprus darbai,neiskaitant Bongo sedevro
Nesinaudoju paintu ir panasiais stuffais,bet strelokas,kadangi turi sukeles itarimu laimejimo atveju tures man persiusti savo darba (originala)...beje oligarchai,o kur tavo darbas?
Pabusiu noobas,reikalas toks: X360 nuflesintas i fw 2.0 DVD romas iHAS (vienu zodziu toks kokio reikia) Noriu siustis FF naujausia,tai ar galesiu ji pasileisti,ar butinai reikia fw3.0,ar galima su abgx ar 360 wawes patcheriu apzaisti kazkaip si dalyka?jau senokai nebeisirasinejau jokiu X360 zaidimu tai reiskias ir informacijos daug praradau + garantuoti o be to gal ne as vienas tokia beda turiu?
Turi veikti,nes priešingu atveju gamintojas gi būtų išplatinęs kokį pranešimą,kad suderinama tik su X360 Slim versijomis...