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Visas FUZA turinys

  1. Taip,tie žaidimai kuriuos tu išvardinai puikiai pasileidžia ant LT2.0 nes jie yra pirmieji iš XGD3 tipo žaidimų,bet aš turiu omenyje pačius naujausius žaidimus (išleistus mėnesio bėgyje arba tą patį vakar atsiradusį Darkness 2),jų paprastai jau nebepaleisi su LT2.0 fw...O tai. kad dar negavai iš MS dovanų dae.bin failuko,nereiškia,kad su LT2.0 gali žaisti naujausius žaidimus
  2. Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition XBOX360-SPARE torrent.lt Ne į temą Gal reiks pagaliau susiipazinti su FallOutu...
  3. The long-awaited Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Ver. 2012 patch launches on 21st February for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Capcom has announced. The patch is designed to rid the game of bugs. The patch notes in full: In the Car Crusher stage, a bug that made it impossible to advance has been fixed. Against specific characters, a bug that caused Juri to pass through her opponents when they were hit at point blank range with close standing medium punch has been fixed. Against specific characters, a bug that caused Dee Jay to pass through his opponents when executing close standing heavy kick super cancelled into heavy Sobat Carnival has been fixed. Against Sagat, a bug that caused Cody's EX Bad Stone to miss when Focus Attack Lv. 3 -> Dash -> EX Bad Stone was performed has been fixed. In SSFIV AE, a bug where Dudley's Step Straight caused an opponent's hit animation to not operate as expected has been fixed. In the Car Crusher stage, a bug that made it impossible to advance has been fixed. Against specific characters, a bug that caused Juri to pass through her opponents when they were hit at point blank range with close standing medium punch has been fixed. Against specific characters, a bug that caused Dee Jay to pass through his opponents when executing close standing heavy kick super canceled into heavy Sobat Carnival has been fixed. Against Sagat, a bug that caused Cody's EX Bad Stone to miss when Focus Attack Lv. 3 -> Dash -> EX Bad Stone was performed has been fixed. In SSFIV AE, a bug where Dudley's Step Straight caused an opponent's hit animation to not operate as expected has been fixed. "This patch does not have anything that changes the nature of the game, but we hope that you can enjoy a more perfect version of SSFIV AE Ver. 2012!" assistant producer Tomoaki Ayano said. Meanwhile, Ayano announced that development on Street Fighter x Tekken has finished and the game has gone gold. "Honestly, this is all thanks to the support from you, our fans," he said. "We would never have been able to do this without you!" It's out next month.
  4. Namco Bandai has defended its pre-launch SoulCalibur 5 DLC announcement - and insisted there's plenty on the disc to keep fighting game fans happy. The SoulCalibur 5 DLC announcement, made before today's launch of the game, sparked a debate on Eurogamer about the nature of DLC schedules, with some accusing Namco Bandai of selling content already on the disc. "Pre-launch DLC announcements, otherwise known as 'maybe you should wait for the complete edition to come out when it'll be cheaper,' wrote Eurogamer reader Whizzo. "Isn't announcing your DLC content before the release of the game terrible business?" asked Canyarion. "You're basically saying "Look, our game is finished, we just decided to leave some parts out. You'll pay full price for the game and then extra for the parts we left out!" Three packs of DLC are scheduled to launch in February, each priced €1.99 or 160 MS points in Europe. They include bikinis, wings and face paints with which you can customise your characters. "No-one ever really knows what goes on in development and I think it's important to show that we are supporting the game and will be post-launch," Namco director of marketing and PR explained to Eurogamer. "I can tell you that the game is no way limited in content and the character creation tool will certainly allow for some truly unique styles entering battle." Eurogamer's SoulCalibur 5 review returned an 8/10. The Xbox 360 version is currently sitting on a 77 Metascore, the PlayStation 3 version is on 82. "The scores are in line with what I believed they would be," Kirton said. "I'm happy we've received some nines and also some eights, including Edge. "I believe the majority of the reviews are totally fair and I think it will do well overall." Looking to the game's launch, Kirton said SoulCalibur pre-orders have been "quite good", and pointed to its early 2012 release as a potential benefit. "I think the game is going to do well and it will continue to do well over a longer period," he said. But what of the future? If SoulCalibur 5 fails to meet sales expectations, what then? Will Namco Bandai pull the plug on the long-running fighting game franchise? "The franchise is important to us, however at present we are not looking at it 'not achieving'," Kirton said. "We have worked hard to be clever in the world of PR, we've worked hard with the communities and we've got great reviews to sit alongside the marketing. "We have no confirmation on a new Soul title however, but you never know what the future holds."
  5. The PC Creation Kit for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim arrives on Steam next Tuesday, developer Bethesda has announced. A Tweet from marketing man Pete Hines earlier today read: "For our Skyrim PC fans, the Creation Kit is on track for release on Tuesday. And, we also have a special surprise with it. #whatcoulditbe!?" Place your bets. As detailed on the Bethesda Blog earlier this week, when it does go live you can download the pack from the Tools tab in Steam. Take a look at the trailer below for more on what to expect. Also on Bethesda's to-do list is a console release for the keenly-awaited 1.4 update, which should hopefully fix lag issues that have tormented many PlayStation 3 patrons. It's apparently been submitted to platform holders for approval so should be available some time next week.
  6. Altec128 siūlomos ausinės yra tikrai geras pasirinkimas (kaina + kokybė) Šitos yra neblogos http://www.milgreta.lt/product_info.php?cPath=2_39&products_id=21093&osCsid=f90c615bb97705b110788cfc5374b942 Tiesto naudoja šios firmos produkciją ir yra jų reklaminis veidas (ar bent jau buvo prieš porą metų)
  7. Labai tvirti tavo pilies ginybos bokstai,narkata
  8. Jeigu pas tave X360 nuflesintas i LT2.0 versija ir visi zaidimai veikia tvarkingai (reikalaujantys LT2.0fw arba senesni ),tuomet viskas bus liux,o jeigu tu esi atsinaujines savo X360 su originaliu ten kokiu nors MS atnaujinumu,kuris tau nebeleidzia zaisti neoriginaliu zaidimu,tada sis reikalas tau niekuo nepades ir teks kreiptis i meistrus
  9. Uzmesk aki i sia tema,gal rasi naudingos informacijos http://www.playmanija.lt/forumas/t8826/naujo-xbox-hdd-paruosimas-ir-instaliavimas/
  10. Gali buti sitas: Error 7 Most of the times, the IDE cable is not properly connected when you see this error. Please reattach the ide cable. Not only to the harddisk drive but also to the dvd drive. ALso try to reconnect the ide cable to the motherboard. Press pretty hard so it goes all the way in. Make sure it is seated straight and proper in the drives and the motherboard. If you still have an error 7. Try another ide cable. If that won't work try another harddisk. If there is still no go, try to set the jumpers on the rearside of the harddisk drive. Set it to master or cable select. If that doesn't work, it probably means your hard drive is shot. There are ways to replace it, you can learn how to do it here: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php or here: http://llamma.com/xbox/Repairs/Reading_Xbox_Hdd_key.htm Vienu zodziu pasiziurek ar gerai laidai sujungti prie hdd...
  11. Ar galima PS3 Bluetooth ausine naudoti kaip paprasta?jei taip tai kaip?

  12. Apie tikraja draculos prigimti Perziurekit visa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7rNDTXY_E0
  13. Aha,aš kažką panašaus irgi Impaleriui minėjau,tik iki galo dar visko nesumastėm
  14. Teisybė,bet šis variantas tiems kurie nekantrūs ir antrą kartą tų pačių žaidimų galbūt nebežais
  15. Turiu omenyje,kokią įdomesnę užduotį sugalvoti?
  16. Sorry nepasiziurejau,perkelk tada prie tos jau sukurtos temos...To crew:bus ir su PSP
  17. Na manau temos pavadinimas jau viską pasako Pasiūlykit kokių idėjų,nes random ar piešimas jau gan dažnai naudojami
  18. Kokia uzduoti sugalvoti naujam konkursui?

    1. Starscream


      iseit is namu beveik nuogam kaip dabar -30~, kas ilgiausei istoves to ir prizas :D.

    2. Altec128
    3. FUZA


      Starscream geras pasiulymas :) ir dar ledini vandens kibireli uzsipilti,kaip is pirties isejus :D

    4. Show next comments  dar 336
  19. Taigi pastebėjau,kad ne vieną playmaną (tame tarpe ir mane ),kamuoja tokia bėda,kad norime žaisti naujus X360 žaidimus (tokius kaip SoulCalibur V ar Never Dead),nors mūsų konsolės flešintos LT 2.0 versija,o kaip žinia,jau kuris laikas X360 yra flešinami į LT 3.0 versiją.Aišku,flešinimas į LT 3.0 versiją vis tiek kažkada taps neišvengiamu, bet kol kas galime pabandyti apsieiti be jo,ir begooglindamas radau veikiantį mano problemos sprendimo būdą su kuriuo jus tuoj ir supažindinsiu Taigi, pirmiausia parsisiunčiame programėlę Xbox Backup Creator http://www.mediafire.com/?jdphcld1axv5s0d Sekantis žingsnis yra topology data LT 2.0 versijai parsisiuntimas http://www.mediafire.com/?7193wv93808yu13 1.Viską parsisiuntę pasileidžiame Xbox Backup Creator programėlę. 2.Pasileidus programą,spustelime ant Options ir tada skiltyje Action pasirenkame funkciją Inject. 3.Tada spustelime pelytę ant AP2,5 Sector. 4.Susirandate savo parsisiųsto žaidimo ISO failą ir jį pasirenkate. 5.Programa automatiškai paprašys Jūsų nurodyti .bin failą,Taigi susirandate parsisiųstą topology data LT 2.0 failiuką ir pasirenkate jį. 6.Jeigu programos apačioje išvysite žinutę "AP25 Sector file injected at LBA sector 16608" reiškiasi viskas praėjo gerai ir sklandžiai. Taigi,žaidimas nupatčintas ir galime jį sėkmingai įsirašinėti Tiesa, iHAS dvd burneris yra būtinas,kad tvarkingai ir iki galo galėtumėte įsirašyti naujausius žaidimus Viskas kuo naudojausi šitame reikale: 1. Xbox Backup Creator programa 2. Topology data LT 2.0 failiukas 3.Image Burner programa 4.iHAS dvd-romas 5.Verbatim 8,5gb diskai Visą šitą reikalą bandžiau vakar,įsirašiau 3 žaidimus:Soul Calibur V, Never Dead ir Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning .Visi puikiai pasileido,pilnai nusikopijavo į X360 hdd be jokių errorų. Viso šito reikaliuko minusas tas,kad kai įsirašysite LT3.0 šie žaidimai nebeveiks ir teks juos persirašyti iš naujo SĖKMĖS P.S. Xbox Live paslauga siūlyčiau nesinaudoti,nes banas ko gero garantuotas
  20. Taigi, šiandien iš ryto mane pasiekė siuntinukas iš strelok'o (iš pradžių pamaniau,kad šlapianką atsiuntė ) Išsispakavau ir išvydau PLM Slasha visu grožiu Taigi, įsitikinęs kūrinio autentiškumu,supakavau streloko prizą ir pristačiau į paštą,pirmadienį jis jau galės taškytis Rock On
  21. This is what I call music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRGbfJKDmNA