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  1. Ne į temą Vincai duok uzuomina arba dek kita
  2. Dekui,pamaniau,kad reikia blogu gyvenima biski sujudinti tik,kad laiko kita kart surasti jam rasyti reikia ir aisku but kazka perzaidus
  3. Na pradėsiu gal nuo to,jog visada buvau House Of The Dead serijos fanas (žaidimų aišku, ne filmų).Žaidžiau visas šios serijos dalis ne kartą ir ne du,o įsigijus Wii šis žaidimas buvo,jeigu ne pirmasis tai tada tikrai antrasis kurį parsisiunčiau ir pradėjau žaisti Aišku,daugumai šis žaidimas gal atrodo juokingas,nes pats vaikčioti negali,esi tik vedamas per aplinkas,bet tai nesvarbu,nes per tą laiką galėjau pasigrožėti žaidimo vaizdais,savo "pūška" ir gražiais zombių snukučiais Na bet apie viską nuo pradžių... Susipažinkime su dviemis pagrindiniais herojais Žaidimo istorija: Žaidimas prasideda ten pat, kur pirmoji „The House of the Dead“ serijos dalis jau vyko. Man teko specialaus agento G vaidmuo, kuris su savo partneriu gauna pirmąją savo užduotį (prieš tai vienas kitam meiliai padaužo vienas kitam snukius) - išsiaiškinti, kur dingo mažas miestelis. Viskas kaip ir grąžu ir aišku,bet pirmiausia norėčiau pastebėti,kad ši dalis konkrečiai skiriasi nuo ankstesniųjų,visų pirma vos pasirinkus istorijos režimą buvau pasitiktas super žodžiais motherfuc*er ir pagalvojau wtf Šios serijos žaidimuose tokių žodžių nebūdavo,viskas ten būdavo aišku,pvz.blogis valdo,zombių daugėja, tad mes kilniausių tikslų vedami privalome viską sutvarkyti....o čia...shit on me and shit on you ir pan.Vienu žodžiu,žaidimo kūrėjai nusprendė pagardinti žaidimą juodu humoru,keiksmažodžiais ir pikantiškais (retkarčiais šlykščiais) vaizdeliais...Ir man tai visai patiko Na,pačios viso žaidimo istorijos aš jums tikrai nespoilinsiu,tik galiu pasakyti tiek,kad pagrindinis blogasis herojus,širdimi ir ne tik,labai myli savo mamą Grafika: Ji tikrai nebloga kaip Wii konsolei ir kelerių metų žaidimui (aišku neprilygsta nesenai išleistai PS3 versijai),visgi 3 ar 4 metus šis žaidimas buvo Wii exclusive'as,kita vertus ne grafikos aš šitame žaidime ir ieškojau :)Aplinkos tamsios,bet grąžiai nudailintos,zombiai atrodo kaip zombiai,o kai kurie net kelia negeras emocijas.Kartais,atviresnėse žaidimo vietose,kuriuose paduodavo daugiau zombiados armijos narių,netgi jausdavau šiokį tokį lagą,bet taip atsitiko tik keliose vietose ir aš to nesureikšminau... Bežaidžiant šį žaidimą teko pasisvečiuoti įdomiuose "viečikėse" pradedant paprasta "chata" ir baigiant cirku,traukiniu,kalėjimu...vienu žodžiu vietovių įvairovių buvo,kaip ir įvairiausių zombių variacijų (t.y. paprastas zombis plikomis rankomis ar kokiu kirvuku apsiginklavęs noobas iki įvairaus plauko "frankentšteinų" ir medicinos sesučių ) Viso labo yra 7 žaidimo lygiai... Bosai šitame žaidime pasirodė tikrai originalūs,ypač šita sena tarka iš filmo Skambutis Kiekvienas lygis aišku turi savo "prietėlių". Ginklų pasirinkimas žaidime taipogi nemažas ,aišku juos reikia įsigyti Gun Shop'e kuris atsidaro perėjus kiekvieną lygį (savo šautuvėlius po to galima "tiuninguoti" ir kelti jų daromos žalos lygį). Žaidime galima pasinaudoti šiais pabūklais: 1.AMS Magnum (defaultinis ginklas,duodamas žaidimo pradžioje) 2.Shotgun ( $1,800) 3.Automatic Shotgun ($6,500) 4.SMG ($1,225) 5.Assault Rifle ($4,600) 6.Hand Cannon ($5,500) 7.Minigun (kaina : $15,000, bet nemokamai jį gauname kovai su paskutiniu bosu) "Soundtrackas" tikrai neblogas,ypač paskutiniame lygyje: Soundtrackas "Critics' Choice," by A Golden Lick +"One Night in the Bayou," by the Brothel Creepers + "Dim Sum for Papa" by Blissful Death + "Suffer Like G Did" by the Scythes + "Overkill" by Full Metal Freakout + "The House of the Dead" by Rapid Fire Funk + "Special Kind of Love" by Circling Crows + "Torn Out Twisted," by Casey & the Creepy Feelings "Get Funky," by Cat Green & the Bodyshots "Beautiful Mind" "The Mutant Shuffle," by Stage Fright "Wash's Day Off," by the Scythes Įdomesni atnaujinimai šiame žaidime: Patiko tai,kad kai kurie bosai arba zombiai gali tave staigiai sugriebti ir norėdamas išsivaduoti,tu kurį laiką turi kratyti Wii pultą į visas puses,kol jis tave paleis.Nudžiugino galimybė naudotis continue galimybe ne kokius tarkim 3 kartus,bet tiek kiek turi surinkęs tašku t.y. pvz. turi 10000 taškų,miršti ir continue iš tavęs atima 5000 pointų ir jeigu nieko doro nespėjęs nuveikti vėl miršti,tada iš tų 5000 pointų belieka 2500 ir t.t. Taškus aišku gauname žudydami zombiukus,bei taškydami auksines smegnėles (5000 akių berods už vienas).Taipogi patiko šaudyti į kažkokius šen ten rūkstančius žalius dūmus (maybe weed?),nes į juos pataikius kokioms 20sekundžių įsijungdavo slow motion režimas,kurio metu būdavo galima ramiai patvarkyti didesnį zombių būrelį...Taipogi šen ten mėtydavosi granatos,kurias pašovus būdavo suteikiama galimybė jas vėliau panaudoti šeriant savo išalkusius draugus Žaidimo vertė: Pereiti žaidimą normal lygiu man prireikė maždaug 3 valandų. Smagu,kad turint du pultelius galima HOD:O žaisti ir su draugu arba pataškyti zobius išgyvenimo režime. Mano manymu šis žaidimas yra privalomas visiems Wii turėtojams,nepaisant neilgos jo trukmės... P.S. Žodžių motherfuc*er šiame žaidime neįmanoma suskaičiuoti,tik žinau tiksliai,kad žaidime jie tikrai daugiau kartų minimi,negu gerbiamo M.Mikutavičiaus dainoje Aš Myliu (ten jis žodį Myliu pasako berdos 96 kartus) ...Pagooglinau ir susižinojau,kad šis žaidimas yra rekordininkas žaidimų pasaulyje,kadangi žodis FUCK jame yra panaudotas 189 kartus
  4. Muštynės:DOA serija,Tekken serija,WWE serija Šaudyklės: Gears Of War serija, Army Of Two serija,RE5 For Fun:Jei turi tam tikros įrangos Guitar Hero,Dj Hero..
  5. Ne į temą Mmm,pas mano tevukus irgi dar tokie 2 stovi...visa taskantys jeigu kam idomu,tai cia ju dabartinis analogas http://www.evita.lt/det-1399297-product.html
  6. Net nesu zaides BF3,bet wikipedia raso,kad DICE GM Karl Magnus Troedsson confirmed that a split screen option will not be available in co-op mode, aisku BF fanai tuoj mane patikslins jeigu klystu
  7. Isigijau SNES konsole,cool...

    1. Regisz


      Gerai tau fuza:) Turiu viena pats SNES zaidima,bet neturiu ant ko zaisti:/

    2. Batista


      Gradz mario galesi palost :D

    3. Amunicija


      Buvo pas mus labdaroje panasios komplektacijos uz 20lt, bet durnas buvau ir nepasiemiau..

    4. Show next comments  dar 321
  8. Am,teisingai dar retkarčiais ir ausinėmis naudojuosi JVC HA-RX300
  9. Prie PC,jeigu nesumeluosiu jau 8 metai,kaip garsą skleidžia senas, bet vis dar geras Creative komplektas Na, o konsolės džiaugiasi šia sistema 2x Radiotechnika SM-1000 Ir LTC 700 stiprintuvu
  10. Ne į temą Slimas mažesnis,plonesnis,tylesnis...Phat CPU dirba apie 295Mhz,o slimo apie 300 Mhz dažniu ir slimas berods turi integruotą RJ45 (internetinį) portą...Aš pats turiu fatą ir visiškai juo nesiskundžiu...
  11. O tai gal draiveriai blogi?prie grotuvo kazkoks kompaktas gi buna,gal windowsus buvai perinstaliaves ir tas draiveriukas issitryne,arba kaip sako kolega-bus blogas laidas...
  12. Ar gali GTA4 strigineti del blogo cracko?PC duomenys su kaupu atitinka rekomenduojamus reikalavimus,bet kas kelios sekundes vaizdas trumpam pakimba,vaizdo draiveriai naujausi...kame cia problema?

    1. Oligarchas


      ^normalus tie rekalavimai,o del dabar taip atsakymas y tavo klausima yra tap,yra gta crak labai daug ir gali nuo ju lagint,man taip buvo su Gears of war ant pc.

    2. MrAlex


      gali del blogo cracko.

    3. FUZA


      Na procas AMD x4 3.01GHZ,Nvidia GTX550 Ti ir 4GB ramu,problemu del tech.parametru neturetu buti...einu ieskoti kito crack...

    4. Show next comments  dar 321
  13. Juos vis dar gamina elementariausia vieta jeigu nenori pirkti devetu yra topo centras,pilna ten ju turi,internete yra baitukas.lt,bet siaip neapsimoka,nes jie vistiek pigus nebus,geriau pasiieskoti devetu...
  14. Didelė komanda dirba,tikrai manau,kad turėtų spėti,bet koks mėnesio ar dviejų nukėlimas irgi galimas,norisi aišku kuo anksčiau gauti jį,bet geriau jau ilgiau lauktas ir geras,nei greit ir belekoks
  15. Pokalbis su Remedy apie galbūt būsimą Alan Wake 2 dalį,ilgą pirmosios dalies kūrimą,apie tai kodėl Alan Wake nepasieks Playstation konsolių, ir dar daugybė šiokių tokių įdomių dalykėlių... Pokalbis Remedy Entertainment has discussed the heavily-rumoured Alan Wake 2, suggesting, if it happens, it won't take as long as the first game to create and won't launch on a PlayStation console. Is there a team at Remedy working on Alan Wake 2, or at the very least thinking about it? "Thinking about it?" head of franchise development Oskari Hakkinen told Eurogamer when we asked him that very question. "When we made Max Payne, we never knew it was going to be a success. We were just young people in a basement creating a video game that became massive. We were shocked by people tapping us on the back at E3 and saying, 'You've done something amazing. Do you realise what you've done?' Everyone's like, 'No. What have we done?' It's like, 'You've created this amazing game.' "On Max Payne 1 Sam [Lake, creative director] killed off all the characters. So it was a problem starting Max Payne 2 because we never knew we were going to make a sequel. We never thought about it. Sam never wrote the story like that. He wrote one game. The only reason why Mona Sax survived when the lift door closed is because one of the partners we were working with on the graphic novel, she was like, 'Don't kill Mona!' So we changed it so you didn't explicitly see she died. Fortunately, that's why Mona played such a big role in Max Payne 2. "For Alan Wake, we planned a little bit more ahead. So with the story Sam had already created the fiction from the get-go to be something larger than just one game. He created it with a whole franchise and a whole universe in mind. Even Night Springs was something he had already thought about - a fiction within a fiction. So it came quite naturally for him to know the fit for [Xbox Live Arcade game Alan Wake's American Nightmare]. "It's a lot more thought out than Max Payne ever was, but at the same time we've got nothing to announce." While Alan Wake 2 remains unannounced, an Xbox World report from last year suggested the game was being made for the next Xbox, which is rumoured to be set for an E3 2012 announcement. While Hakkinen refused to confirm or deny this report when we put it to him, he did say that if Remedy makes Alan Wake 2 it won't take as long to create as Alan Wake. "Development wise, five years is developing an engine, the tech, the tools, all of the things you need to do to do a story, a character, other NPC characters and so forth," he explained. "Once those things are done it's a lot easier. We're seeing it already with American Nightmare, which was only eight months of development, and we completely changed the setting. It's in Arizona now. It's not in the Pacific Northwest. "So without recycling much of anything we did it in eight months, because a lot of the things were already locked down. It's a lot easier when you've got a team that knows what they're doing and it's about a franchise they know. "The answer is, if we were to do a sequel to Alan Wake, it certainly is a much quicker and easier development cycle than the original Alan Wake, because the engine is created for the game. The overall fiction and the universe is already created. "Concerning next-gen, I really can't speak to it because it's just a fuzzy thought in everybody's head right now. We don't know [what's coming]. They're keeping it very tight. Maybe it's just not the right time to talk about it." Alan Wake launched as an Xbox 360 exclusive in 2010. It launches on PC this week nearly two years later. Alan Wake's American Nightmare is an Xbox Live Arcade exclusive game. So far, Alan Wake has yet to grace a PlayStation platform, and it sounds like it will continue to skip Sony consoles in the future - despite Remedy owning the Alan Wake IP. "I know you're never going to see Alan Wake or Alan Wake's American Nightmare on PlayStation," Hakkinen said. "Those are Xbox exclusives. "The franchise is really close to our hearts. It's something we developed for a long time. You'll be seeing more of Alan Wake in the future." But will Alan Wake 2 be multi-platform? "With all honesty, there are absolutely no plans for that at the moment," Hakkinen replied. "I'm not going to say never, but at the same time I'll say there are no plans. There are no conversations and no plans going on for multi-platform."
  16. Taigi gera naujiena visiems PC geimeriams,gegužės mėnesio 11 dieną jie taipogi gaus šį žaidimą Tai bus maždaug dviem mėnesiais vėliau negu,kad jį žais konsolininkai bet anyway gera naujiena... Taipogi į kovą stos M. Bison, Akuma, Ogre ir Jin Kazama. Originalus šaltinis Crossover fighting game Street Fighter x Tekken launches on PC on 11th May, Capcom has announced. That's some two months after the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions release - on 9th March in Europe. The PlayStation Vita version is still without a release date. More details on it "will be shared in the near future," Capcom said. Meanwhile, Capcom confirmed the expected addition of M. Bison, Akuma, Ogre and Jin Kazama to the game's 40-plus roster. The quartet completes the game's list of playable characters.
  17. FUZA

    Darksiders 2

    Patikslinta žaidimo išleidimo data,žaidimas geimerius pasieks birželio 29 dieną... Taipogi keletas preorderinimo niuansų pateikta originaliame šaltinyje... Originalus šaltinis Darksiders 2 launches on 29th June for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, THQ has announced.Pre-order from GAME, Gamestation and Gamestop in Ireland and you'll get the Death Rides pack. This includes side-quests in the Maker's Realm and Dead Plains areas. Here, you can earn additional experience and loot. You get to aid an ancient Construct, battle The Bloodless and retrieve Karn's lost treasure. THQ said today the content amounts to around two hours of gameplay. Pre-order with Amazon.co.uk and you get the Deadly Despair pack. This gives you a speed boost for Despair that acts as a permanent perk. There's another pre-order bonus pack, called Angel of Death, but this is yet to be tied to a retailer. With this you get a unique set of enhanced armour with an angel inspired design, a pair of upgraded matching scythes, and an exclusive visual trail for your companion crow Dust. In THQ's release no mention is made of the promised Wii U version, set for launch alongside the console later this year. Keli screenai iš Death Rides packo...
  18. Ne į temą Nieko nezaidziu,vietoj meiles su zmona,siandien vyksta internetine kova...ot kaip surimavau...
  19. Kiek realiai verti naudoti Orange Box,Resistance"FOM" ir Rachet/Clank "Quest For Booty" PS3 zaidimai?

    1. MedLey


      fuza paziurek game.co.uk prepaidu kainas ir bole menije galesi orientuotis

    2. girgitaz


      Manau apie 20-30 lt, bent jau as daugiau nemokeciau

  20. FUZA

    L.A. Noire

    Ne į temą O, you understand English,good Jo,man irgi sita naujiena sirdi glosto
  21. FUZA

    L.A. Noire

    Apie galbūt būsimą tęsinį Rockstar is currently mulling the future of last year's crime thriller L.A. Noire. Will there be an L.A. Noire 2? Rockstar has said it will not "count out the possibility", despite controversial developer Team Bondi now no more. "Don't count out the possibility of a new game in the L.A. Noire franchise in the future. We simply have not decided anything," a Rockstar spokesperson wrote, answering a reader Q&A on the company's official site. "We're all very pleased with how that game turned out and are considering what the future may hold for L.A. Noire as a series." Rockstar said it was in no hurry to create a follow-up however. "We don't always rush to make sequels, but that does not mean we won't get to them eventually - see Max and Red Dead for evidence of that - we have so many games we want to make and the issue is always one of bandwidth and timing." Brendan McNamara-headed Team Bondi was shut down by administrators last year after swirling accusations of employee mismanagement during a brutal "crunch" period on L.A. Noire. In the near future, Rockstar already has its plate full launching upcoming shooter Max Payne 3. Then presumably next on the cards is the already-announced Grand Theft Auto 5, more details of which Rockstar plans to share soon. "We know that there are a ton of questions you all have about the game, including release date and lots else," Rockstar said of GTA5. "Right now, we are very hard at work on the game and are excited as well to show and tell you more as development progresses - expect that we'll be talking much more about GTAV starting at some point in a few months' time." E3 then.
  22. FUZA


    PS Vita šio žaidimo negaus...bent kol kas Minecraft has launched on PC, Mac, Android and iOS, and it will launch on Xbox Live Arcade - but it will not launch on PS Vita. Mojang has "no plans" to bring the indie sensation Minecraft to PS Vita, Mojang business bod Daniel Kaplan confirmed in a webchat interview attended by Eurogamer this evening. The news comes despite the success of Minecraft: Pocket Edition on the Sony Xperia Play - the first PlayStation Certified mobile phone. Pocket Edition launched exclusively on Xperia Play last summer and quickly became the Android Market's most downloaded app globally. Kaplan revealed 8500 people have played the game on the device. A new update launched on Saturday that added Survival Mode to the game for the first time. It's designed to make Pocket Edition more of an action-oriented experience, with health bars, weapons and animals included. While Minecraft will not appear on Vita, out in Europe on 22nd February, Mojang has a raft of platforms in mind for its next game. Fantasy-based interactive collectible card game Scrolls, which has been at the centre of a high-profile trademark battle between Notch and Elder Scrolls maker Bethesda, is "definitely coming for touch screens", Kaplan said. For running and jumping game Cobalt, Mojang's first third-party published title, Kaplan is less sure. "Don't know about that," he said, "the controls don't fit the touch screen."