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Visas timer turinys

  1. Aciu. Tokio patvirtinimo ir tereikejo.
  2. Sveiki, Prie tos pacios temos norejau pasiteirauti. Yra xbox360 konsole su BenQ DVD-rom atnaujinta i tam tikra FW, taciau nera originalaus key. Klausimas, ar galima is modifikuotos (atflashintos) FW isgauti originalu DVD key, kad butu galima atnaujinti i naujesnius FW? +Ar modifikuota FW atrodo <kazkoks raktas> + <originalus raktas> ? Persiprasau jei si tema jau buvo mineta, ir dekoju uz betkokius patarimus ar nuorodas.
  3. kai x-clamp darei tik su "metalinem" poverzlem darei? jei nedejai izoliacijos jokios, gal i motina trumpina kaip Vytautasxp sake
  4. turi VIA SATA card savo PC isejes? kol neisigjau is ebay tos kortos niekaip nenusiflashinau
  5. tai problema iskyla kai x'sas pradeda krauti is flash'o, gal ne tas updates irasytas i flash'a, flash'as pagedes
  6. jei supranti angliskai. When the Xbox 360 power supply light is orange or yellow this means there is no problem with your console but the power supply can't supply it with power. To remedy this problem, first try unplugging the Xbox 360 power supply from the console and unplug the power cord from the wall outlet. You'll also want to uplug the Xbox 360 power supply from the power cord. Wait for about five minutes and then reconnect everything. You might also want to try plugging it into another wall outlet without an extension cord. If you are still getting an orange or yellow indicator light, then something is at fault with the Xbox 360 power supply. If this is the case, contact the Xbox 360 customer support to get a new one. trumpai: problema ne su xbox 360 branduoliu, o su jo maitinimu. sprendimas atjunk visus maitinimo kabelius, istrauk is x'so ir is rozetes. palauk 5min, ir vel viska pajunk. pats pasidariau x-clamp po RROD. antra diena dar laika:)