
Xtreme Firmware v5.3 for Samsung Official Xbox 360-SYNDiCATE

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:	  :

   <----------------------------------/ (_:) -----------------------------+

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   -----------------------------------------,  S  Y  N  D  i  C  A  T  E

			 PRESENTS!					  ___________________________ _ _


	____________________________________________________________________ _ _


	  ?ReleaseDate..... 2007-05-06		 Format..... --	   

	  ?Filename........ xtreme53.rar	   Region..... ALL	  

	  ?RarCount........ 1x2MB			  Source..... DVD	  

	  ?Url............. http://www.xbins.org/ 

	____________________________________________________________________ _ _



	   Xtreme firmware 5.3A,5.3B,5.3C,5.3D for TS-H943 Xbox 360 



	   Disc-Jitter, Disc-Lockon, Single Layer!, FirmGuard, Multi Speed, 

	   Media Stealth, One Firmware, Xbox 360 backup and extraction 

	   firmware modification! 






	   (v5.3)  Disc-Jitter added for Challenge Types 5/7 to avoid 

	   possible replay detection. (v5.3)	 Support added for DVD drive 

	   to Report as Hitachi 79 


	   Technical details 



	   Disc-Jitter is slight randomization added to the result of 

	   Challenge types 5 and 7 so as to emulate a result from an actual 

	   physical drive. This is to avoid any possible replay detection. 

	____________________________________________________________________ _ _


	   c4eva asked us to bring this to you all, thanks c4e! 


   ++   SYNDiCATE -									  ++----------------'



Xtreme firmware 5.3A,5.3B,5.3C,5.3D for TS-H943 Xbox 360



Disc-Jitter, Disc-Lockon, Single Layer!, FirmGuard, Multi Speed, Media Stealth, One Firmware, Xbox 360 backup and extraction firmware modification!






(v5.3) Disc-Jitter added for Challenge Types 5/7 to avoid possible replay detection.

(v5.3) Support added for DVD drive to Report as Hitachi 79


(v5.2) Disc-LockOn added for chronic open tray consoles.

(v5.2) DVD Video disc problems fixed.

(v5.1) Open Tray errors fixed (PFI and SS read routines updated)

(v5.1) 5.1c (Dual speed, default fast) and 5.1d (Dual speed default quietslow) read speed (Originals unaffected). Both toggle with original Xbox1/360 disc

(V5.1) Xbox1 DDE errors caused by firmware, patched

(V5.1) Possible Xbox1/360 DDE errors caused by firmware, patched

(V5.1) Single Layer DVD disc support(+/-RW) for both Xbox1 and 360

(v5.1) New easier batch file "Make Xtreme firmware.cmd" to make all firmwares.



(V5.0) Single Layer DVD disc support(+/-R) for both Xbox1 and 360

(V5.0) Xbox1 file ISO support - burn just game files to disk in ISO format

(V5.0) Xbox1 file ISO capacity increase to utilise full disk space for single layer

(v5.0) 360 file ISO support (Work in progress. New QWIX tool to come)

(V5.0) Supports older style XBox1 disk format (just burn game.iso)

(v5.0) Enable0800 disk now supported on single layer disk




(v4.2) Updated firmware and Make files for Error 66 swapped drives/motherboards from Hitachi XBox 360 and for MS25 consoles manufactured around/after end of May/start of June 2006. There is no change for drives already running Xtreme 4.2x

(v4.2) Security Sector read improved. Should help with Open Tray/Rubberband error.

(v4.1) Improved FirmGuard.

(v4.0) MS28 core firmware. Also better and faster media detection.

(v4.0) FirmGuard added. On by default. Firmware cannot be Read/Written by 360 console. Can ONLY be turned off (Read/Write enabled) via Enable0800 mode.

(v4.0) 4.0A firmware. 4.0A is default Fast Read Speed mode. Quite/Slow Read mode for backups activated via any Xbox 360/Xbox 1 Original game disk.

(v4.0) 4.0B firmware. 4.0B is default Quiet/Slow Read Speed mode. Fast Read mode for backups activated via any Xbox 360/Xbox 1 Original game disk.


(v3.3) Dual Read Speed mode (Quite/Slow Read mode for backups activated via any Xbox 360/Xbox 1 Original game disk.)

(v3.2) Improved Media speed patch, forced full speed on all media types!

(v3.1) Added Booktype overwrite patch (bitsetting to Dvdrom no longer required)

(v3.1) Added Media speed patch (drive treats backup disc speed rating same as original)

(v3.1) Fixed DVD Movie backup/Xbox 1 backup read bug.

(v3.0) Stealth Media implemeted into firmware. Backups now appear exactly as original disk regardless of which disk check command used by Xbox 360

(v3.0) Enable0800 mode supports extraction of raw PFI (Physical Format Information) and raw DMI (Disk Manufacturing Information)

(v3.0) Support for loading of extracted PFI and DMI from disk

(v3.0) Non-Stealth Backups automatically enhanced with embeded PFI for Xbox 360 and Xbox 1

(v3.0) Included new Video.iso for Xbox 360 and Xbox 1 backups, now the same as originals

(v3.0) Security placeholders/bad sectors for 360 backups are outside both valid psn ranges so they cannot be read/checked by 360 host

(v2.0) Extraction part of firmware enabled with Enable0800 DVD. ISO included.

(v2.0) In Enable0800 mode, allows drive to function natively under Windows without any hardware conversion/adaptors

(v1.0) Boots all Xtreme Xbox 360 backups

(v1.0) Boots all Xtreme Xbox 1 backups

(v1.0) Boots all Xbox 360 originals

(v1.0) Boots all Xbox 1 originals on Xbox 360


Use on Xbox Live at own risk




Technical details



Disc-Jitter is slight randomization added to the result of Challenge types 5 and 7 so as to emulate a result from an actual physical drive.

This is to avoid any possible replay detection.




Disc-LockOn is additional laser calibration performed when disc inserted returns a cannot identify disc type error. This is for consoles that had very bad open tray issues (Finally got hold of one that had this problem :D )


Open tray errors now fixed for good, but "Open Tray" is still a valid status for disc insertions when the drive cannot reconize the disc.


Dual speed firmwares C (default fast) and D (default quite/slow) return. Both toggle with original Xbox1/360 disc. Originals unaffected.


Added patch to routines that specifically targeted Xbox 1 discs with read errors


Added patch to a routine that may have caused read errors on Xbox1/360 discs.


Added support for -/+RW discs for both Xbox1 and 360 discs.


Added easier batch file to create firmwares "Make Xtreme firmware.cmd". Just follow the prompts.





Single layer disks now supported for both Xbox1 and 360. The disks can be in either the same normal raw dump method or in XBOX file ISO format.

This fully works with Xbox 1 using the new Qwix or gdfimage created ISO. The default.xbe must be unmodified and still be signed (If in doubt , copy from original)


360 file ISO is still in development. The exact strcture for the 360 disc is being developed and a new Qwix will support the creation of these disks.


Xbox1 file ISo now supports full 4.7GB as no need for video partition etc.


For Xtreme 5.3C all backup Read Speed is same as original game disks 12x. Originals unaffected and no speed switch


For Xtreme 5.3D all backup Read Speed is quite/slow. Originals unaffected and no speed switch





Fall update 2006 included DVD Drive version lockdown on consoles manufactured around end of May/start of June 2006. These consoles are now locked to the version of DVD drive that came with the console. If the DVD drive is different than original drive, Error 66 will be displayed. The response of the Atapi Inquiry command is compared to the stored original drive response to achieve this. (Thanx to DeViLs360 for initial find. :D Consoles manufactured before end of May 2006 do not perform this comparison. Only MS25 drives affected by Error 66 with Xtreme 5.0 should use the Make file for MS25.


Changes have also been made to the resulting Hitachi/MS25 reporting firmware to make them more similar to their original firmwares.


To use the updated Make files (only if getting Error 66), just copy your existing Samsung firmware to the extracted directory and rename it to orig.bin. Then run the corresponding Make file for your Original drive. This will create the modified X42a.bin/x42b.bin.



Security sectors are read in this order:


Only if disc is type DVD-Rom read Xbox 360 security sector from PSN FD021E (Layer 1)

Otherwise read Xbox 360 security sector from PSN 04FB1F (Layer 0)

then check for Enable0800 security sector from PSN 04FB1F (Layer 0)

then read Xbox 1 security sector from PSN 605FF (Layer 0)

then read Xbox1 file iso sector from PSN 30020 (Layer 0)


FOr Xtreme 5.3A backup Read Speed is always same as original game disks 12x. Original discs unaffected


FOr Xtreme 5.3B backup Read Speed is always quiet/slow. Original discs unaffected.


FOr Xtreme 5.3C default backup Read Speed is same as original game disks 12x. When Original Game disk is booted, all subsequent backup loading will be at Quiet/Slow Read mode, Original Game disks are unaffected. Turn console off/on to reset back to Default backup read speed (12x). Quiet/Slow Read Speed is for quiet operation and/or cheap DVD+R DL media.


FOr Xtreme 5.3D default backup Read Speed is Quiet/Slow 2-4x. When Original Game disk is booted, all subsequent backup loading will be at Fast Read mode 12x, Original Game disks are unaffected. Turn console off/on to reset back to Default backup read speed for backups (2-4x).


FirmGuard disables reading/writing of drive firmware. This is always on. Can only be turned off via Enable0800 mode. Do not have SATA cable plugged into Xbox 360 console when in Enable0800 mode.


Backups now automatically have pre-locked PSN range same as stated in extracted PFI sector if exists, or embeded PFI, therefore cannot read extracted SS/PFI/DMI sectors from disk. Currently all original 360 games have same PFI sector but maybe not in future, hence new feature of extracting PFI in Enable0800 mode and read from backup at PSN $4fb1d (Xbox 360) and $605fd (Xbox1) or if these sectors are blank embeded PFI will be used


Backups now support loading of DMI sector. This sector is different for every original 360 game but is currently not checked for, but maybe in future hence DMI can now be extracted also in Enable0800 mode and read from backup at PSN $4fb1e (Xbox 360) and $605fe (Xbox1)


Firmware checks for Enable0800 security sector @ PSN 04FB1F and if found, enables 0800 mode of firmware.


ISO image Enable0800.iso is available in Xtreme 4.2 or below. Just burn and insert into drive when you wish to extract security sectors or dump games.


0800 mode of firmware deactivated by inserting game backup (Xbox 360 or Xbox 1) or DVD movie or turning off console.

Reads Xbox 360/Xbox 1 security sector from PSN FD021E (Layer 1)

Reads Xbox 360 security sector from PSN 04FB1F (Layer 0)

Reads Xbox 1 security sector from PSN 605FF (Layer 0)

Reads Xbox 1 file iso sector from PSN 30020 (Layer 0)


Security sector must be extracted using Enable0800 DVD for Xbox360 games and Xbox 1 games



Flashing your drive



For ms28 firmware versions of drive you will need to use the Vcc method or the VIA SATA 10 sec method to read/write flash. Refer to http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=535222


Advisable to make a backup of your dvd drive firmware first.("mtkflash r /m orig.bin")


In Windows, copy orig.bin to same directory as this release (same directory as ReadMe.txt and X360SAM.exe)


Double click "Make Xtreme firmware.cmd" and follow the prompts. Thanks to eXOBeX for X360SAM.EXE


Copy x53x.bin to boot disk where x is a,b,c or d.


Power off PC


Plug SATA cable from DVD drive to PC. Power cable drive still connected to Xbox 360

Power on Xbox 360

Power on PC

Boot with standard dos boot disk with included mtkflash utility


Run "mtkflash w /m x53x.bin.bin" where x is a,b,c or d.




Flashing your drive with Xtreme4.x or above firmware installed



Plug SATA cable from DVD drive to PC. Power cable drive still connected to Xbox 360


Power on PC


Boot with standard dos boot disk with included mtkflash utility to dos


Power on Xbox 360


Insert Enable0800 disc into drive and wait 10 seconds then eject disc


Run mtkflash as per normal.



Creating a game backup (Recommended way)



Use either Schtrom360XtractV3.0 or later




Xbox Backup Creator v2.2 or later

















Legacy information for creating backups.




Extracting Security Sector



Ensue SATA cable is plugged from drive to PC.

(This is very important as may be possible in future for console to detect modified firmware due to Inquiry routine enabled for Windows)


Power on Xbox 360.

Insert Enable0800 DVD into drive. Wait 5 or so seconds then remove the Enable0800 DVD. Drive now in 0800 mode.

Turn on PC and wait for Windows to boot

Insert original game disk into drive and wait for windows to detect disk change

Run DVDinfoPro

Enter the following four custom cdb commands:


AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 01 C0

AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 03 C0

AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 05 C0

AD 00 FF 02 FD FF FE 00 08 00 07 C0


Then save hexadecimal display as bin file as SS.bin


Extracting PFI (Physical Format Information) Sector


Run DVDinfoPro

From Advanced Commands pull down menu choose Send Custom Command

From Preset Commands pull down menu choose "00h Physical Format Information" from under the Read DVD Struct Commands heading

Click Send

Then save hexadecimal display as bin file as PFI.bin


Extracting DMI (Disk Manufacturing Information) Sector


Run DVDinfoPro

From Advanced Commands pull down menu choose "04h Disc Manufacturing Info"

Click OK on Read DVD Structure Option window

Then save hexadecimal display as bin file as DMI.bin




Creating a game backup


Drive is still in 0800 mode.

Extract Isobuilder.rar

Insert original game disk into drive and wait for windows to detect disk change

Run DVDinfoPro

Enter the following custom cdb command to unlock drive: (game data visable)


FF 08 01 01 05 01 03 00 04 07 (new in MS28)


Run Isobuster

Right click on DVD and select Extract From-To

Click Length and enter number of LBAs as follows:


Xbox 1 Original Number of LBA to read 3431264 decimal


Xbox 360 Original Number of LBA to read 3567872 decimal

Select User Data (2048 bytes/block)

Click Start Extraction

Enter filename as game.iso and click Save

Upon read error dialogue box choose fill with blank zeros for sector and select use this selection for all errors

Copy game.iso, ss.bin, PFI.bin and DMI.bin to the relevent isobuilder directory (Depending on Xbox 360 or Xbox 1 game)

Run build360.bat (Xbox 360 game) or build.bat (xbox 1 game).

These batch files now expect PFI and DMI bin files

Burn with CloneCd and choose the image.dvd file


Turning off 0800 mode of firmware



Either insert game backup (Xbox 360 or Xbox 1) or DVD movie. This de-activates 0800 part of firmware or turn off console.



Thanks to everyone on #FW, Xboxhacker.net , Xbox-Scene.com, Maxconsole.com and Xbins.Org for their support. Keep up the good work everyone.


Siųstis: http://rapidshare.com/files/30192338/Xtrem...DiCATE.rar.html


(mirror'as: http://www.mytempdir.com/1322105)

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