Star Wars: Squadrons is a space combat game developed by Motive Studios and published by Electronic Arts. Set after the events of Return of the Jedi, the game's singleplayer campaign features two alternating perspectives: that of a pilot in the New Republic's Vanguard Squadron, and another in the Empire's Titan Squadron.
Star Wars: Squadrons' multiplayer will consist of two modes: Dogfight and Fleet Battles. In Dogfight, two teams of five compete with customizable starfighter loadouts and classes. In Fleet Battles, two teams of five--or one team against A.I. bots--compete in multi-stage battles where the objective is to destroy the enemy's flagship and accompanying capital ships.
Cockpits in Star Wars: Squadrons are fully-modeled, with the various instruments and displays providing the player with information in lieu of a traditional HUD.
Star Wars: Squadrons will support virtual reality on PlayStation VR and PC.
A ringed planet under the Empire's control. The New Republic seeks to destroy a listening post that the Empire constructed and hid within the planet's icy rings.
The Ringali Nebula holds the remnants of a moon called Galitan. Gravitational forces within the nebula have torn the moon apart, leaving molten fragments scattered about around the celestial body's core.
Nadiri Dockyards
Outside of the Ringali Nebula lies a New Republic starship manufacturing facility called the Nadiri Dockyards.
Located in the Bormea Sector along with the Nadiri Dockyards and part of the Chandrila system, the airspace surrounding Sissubo is a debris field of salvaged Imperial ships.
Yavin Prime
The gas giant made famous by the significant Rebel presence on one of its moons, Yavin 4.
Zavian Abyss
In the Expansion Region, an area called the Zavian Abyss exists where asteroids supercharged with electricity by a maelstrom pose immediate threats.
New Republic
T-65 X-wing Starfighter | Incom Corporation |
Class | Fighter |
Maneuverability | Medium |
Firepower | Medium |
Armor | Medium |
Shields | Medium |
The T-65 X-wing is an iconic starfighter used by the Rebels and the New Republic. Designed to appeal to rookie and veteran pilots, the X-Wing is sufficient in all areas.
BTL Y-wing Bomber | Koensayr Manufacturing |
Class | Bomber |
Maneuverability | Low |
Firepower | High |
Armor | High |
Shields | High |
The BTL Y-wing is capable of engaging in dogfights with other starfighters, but its intended purpose is destroying capital ships. Its hull is more heavily armored than starfighters like the X-wing, allowing it to get in close under sustained fire to deliver its payload.
RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor | Kuat Systems Engineering |
Class | Interceptor |
Maneuverability | High |
Firepower | High |
Armor | Low |
Shields | Low |
Designed for dogfighting and dogfighting only, the RZ-1 A-wing makes up for its low survivability with its excellent speed and maneuverability, allowing it to engage starfighters in any encounter.
UT-60D U-wing | Incom Corporation |
Class | Support |
Maneuverability | Medium |
Firepower | Low |
Armor | High |
Shields | High |
The UT-60D U-wing is a support craft that can supply allied ships with repairs and munitions, as well as disrupt enemy ships. Its heavy armor and shields allow it to remain in the fight longer to provide critical supplies under fire.
TIE/LN Fighter | Sienar Fleet Systems |
Class | Fighter |
Maneuverability | Medium |
Firepower | Medium |
Armor | Medium |
Shields | Medium |
The iconic TIE Fighter is an all-around starfighter that is technically faster and more agile than its X-wing counterpart. The TIE Fighter is well-known for its spherical cockpit design that allows for excellent forward visibility.
TIE/SA Bomber | Sienar Fleet Systems |
Class | Bomber |
Maneuverability | Low |
Firepower | High |
Armor | High |
Shields | None |
The TIE/SA Bomber has some of the strongest armor available in any fleet. The ship is very slow, suited only for bombing runs on capital ships.
TIE/IN Interceptor | Sienar Fleet Systems |
Class | Interceptor |
Maneuverability | High |
Firepower | High |
Armor | Low |
Shields | None |
The TIE/IN Interceptor's speed and maneuverability make it essential in a dogfight. The ship is incapable of damaging a capital ship directly, but it does excel at destroying subsystems such as generators and turrets.
TIE/RP Reaper | Sienar Fleet Systems |
Class | Support |
Maneuverability | Medium |
Firepower | Low |
Armor | High |
Shields | High |
Similar to the U-wing, the TIE/RP Reaper is a support craft capable of resupplying allied ships and deploying field repair drones.
System Requirements
PC Minimum | PC Recommended |
- Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
- Processor: Ryzen 3 1300X or better/i5 6600k or better
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: Radeon HD 7850 or better/GeForce GTX 660 or better
- DirectX: Version 11
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 40 GB available space
| - Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
- Processor: Ryzen 7 2700X or better/ i7-7700 or better
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Graphics: Radeon RX 480 (Non-VR/Minimum VR) or Radeon RX 570 (Recommended VR)/GeForce GTX 1060(Non-VR/Minimum VR) or GeForce GTX 1070 (Recommended VR)
- DirectX: Version 11
- Network: Broadband Internet connection
- Storage: 40 GB available space
External Links
- Star Wars: Squadrons Official Site