
Alan Wake / American Nightmare

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Alan Wake Utilizing Umbra


Remedy Entertainment, the developer of Max Payne, announced today that it has licensed Umbra Software’s rendering optimization middleware for their new title Alan Wake.


“Umbra gave a significant boost in rendering performance on the Xbox360, and at the same time made our content creation faster. With Umbra’s culling technology, Remedy’s team can add more details to Alan Wake’s world and concentrate on the cool visuals while minimizing tedious work such as adding portals.” said Remedy Entertainment’s Development Director Markus Mäki.


Umbra is a GPU accelerated rendering optimization middleware available for PC, Xbox360 and PS3. Umbra has two major application areas: it increases frame rate dramatically, and makes the content pipeline faster and more effective.


“It’s been a pleasure working with Remedy on Alan Wake,” said Marko Nurro Umbra Software’s CEO. “Remedy is one of the most innovative and technically competent studios in the world. Their games just rock, simple as that.”


Now, let’s just hope the long-awaited Alan Wake rocks too.

taigi jie naudoja Umbra, Super cool!,geras dalykas,naudokit jus ka norit tik zaidima padarykit gera,nes jau laukiam ilgokai taip


Umbra Software

Redagavo Magnitas

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-Alan Wake is not late. Before E3 2009, Remedy have never given a release date and all previous dates found floating on the web were made up by other sources. In fact Remedy have never missed a release date for any of their previous games and does not intend to with Alan Wake. Alan Wake will be released Spring 2010 for the Xbox 360.


- The original vision hasn’t changed but the way the game plays out has been experimented with along the development process. One of the major changes is that the game is no longer a sandbox type of game where the player can roam freely (ala Grand Theft Auto). Since Remedy wanted to focus heavily on having a compelling storyline, sandbox style gameplay does not mix well with what Remedy wanted to achieve. Remedy stressed that this does not mean the game will be linear and that you have to follow a set path throughout the game. “The player must not feel they’re being pulled from strings. The player must feel like they’re making the decisions themselves”.


- Throughout the game the player will be finding the missing pages from Alan Wakes new manuscript, however not all the pages will be found through the normal game’s missions. Similar to how Bioshock handled it’s audio logs, Alan Wake will allow you to roam freely around looking for manuscript pages.


- Remedy has said from the beginning that light will be an important element of the gameplay. Alan Wake’s most important weapons are his flashlight and other light sources found in the game world. The dark force can possess both the residents and animals in Bright Falls and make even lifeless objects attack Alan. They are vulnerable only in the light. (Just an addition to this. Light seems to strip the shield that the darkness adds and once that shield is stripped you can use conventional weapons, like a gun, to get rid of the enemy -ADM)


- Even though Microsoft is publishing Alan Wake, Remedy still own all rights to the game and Alan Wake is planned to be only the beginning of the story. Remedy arn’t covering the fact that they want to expand out into other forms of media as well. Although Remedy have yet to make any decisions on this.


- Perhaps the biggest surprise is that Remedy haven’t spoken about the PC version of the game yet and the release of a PC version is up in the air. When asked about it Remedy replied saying that both Microsoft and them are only speaking about the Xbox 360 version at the moment.


Remedy has slept for a long time over the game, although we do not mean malign the potential of the game but most of its mechanics that look to reinstill horror in a dying genre seems to have already been implemented in most modern generation survival horror games that are moving towards "light" instead of away from it

siaip alan wake yra senas geras Alone in the dark is to kaip atrodo ir kaip zaidziadi bent jau man,arba bent jau koks jis galetu but. idomu bus paziuret kada lanas wake'ins ,ar jis nepaskes tuo metu isejusiu geru zaidimu juroj

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Na bet cia tirai daug tobuleu atrodo nei Alone in the dark. Cia jau priesus nuzudyt reikia ne su ugnim o pvz.: sviesa ar pns. Ir seip istorija apie rasytoja kuris jiesko savo zmonos. Tikrai daug tikroviskiau atrodo nei Alone in the dark, kur kazkoks kaimietis turi isgelbet pasauli.

P.S. Geru geimu reikia ilgai lautk.

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Scalmano zodziai.

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Zinot kas man cia patinka. Ogi jog kurejai koncentruojasi i ISTORIJA. Va to man ir tereikia. -_-

Manau bus superinis grajus :D

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jo gera istorija visada gerai,jei nebuna per daug saudymo,nes tada gera istorija gali pasimesti tarp begalybes priesu,bent jau man tai ten jur gera istorijs dar noretusi kokia 60% priesu isimt is zaidimo,tada butu normalu.del to ir to pacio alone in the dark nejo lost,ir dar keliu tikrai neblogu zaidimu. aplamai neatsimenu nei vieno naujo zaidimo kuris butu sutelktas ne i saudyma

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Remedy Entertainment atskleidė, jog jų naujasis projektas – „Alan Wake“ bus skirtas išskirtinai tik Xbox 360 konsolei. Kai tuo tarpu PC versija lieka nežinioje. Pagrindinio istorijos rašytojo „Sam Lake“ žodžiais tariant: „Komanda yra susikoncentravusi ties X360 versijos užbaigimu“.


„PC versijos galimybė nėra užmiršta, tačiau PC/X360 versijų išleidimas kartu – neįmanomas, ypač tokioje vėlyvoje kūrimo stadijoje. Remedy labai džiaugtųsi galėdama išleisti PC versiją bei galėdama pamaloninti šios konsolės turėtojus, tačiau tai jau ne mūsų sprendimas, o leidėjo „Microsoft Game Studios“ galioje“ – sakė Remedy. Taigi ne viskas dar prarasta.


Alan Wake išleidimo data – 2010 pavasaris.

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Na jeigu isimtu daug priesu ka ten veiktum? Vaiksciotai? Aisku jei padarys kad kai kosks Rambo varai, tai bus lieva, bet kokia 2-3 priesai tikrai nera blogai.

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taigi atsiminkit kad tie priesai bus tik nakti, diena bsu daug exporinimo ir kalbejimo, puzzle solving ir etc. o nakti aisq bus veiksmas.

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Pavydziu XBOX'o owner'iams del sio zaidimo :nunchuks:

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na o as pavydziu ps3 owner'iams del heavy rain. so we R even :(

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Man jis panašus į farenheitą kur buvo ant PC. Bent iš pagrinsinio pic'o.

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