Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Na bent jau pas PC tai tikrai geriausi WD ir Seagate be kalbu, Samsungai tai kaip sykis loterija- viena partija bus gera, kita shudasm bet yra ir ilgai ir tyliai veikianciu ju modeliu. pvz. Nesiojamuose kompuose samsungu baisiausiai siuloma vengti, maxtor gesdavo kas antras :D na o apie visokius pigucius excelstor viska pasako ju kaina.


i ps2 bent jau sonis parduodavo su Linuxais tai maxtor kiek zinau :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Aishku tu Lan adapteri turi kad nori hdd pasijungti?

(jei nesenei piekai gal gali pasakyti ish kur ir kiek mokejai?)

Sheip WD yra beda nes pas juos bishki nestandartinis elektros ir duomenu jungciu ishdestymas. kadangi prie ps2 hdd jungiasi ne per laida o ant jo "uzsimauna" LAN adapteris tai WD negalesi uzmauti ... ty negalesi paprastai ... uzmauti imanoma bet reikai atpalaiduoti lan adapterio varztus kad kontaktines rozetes laisvai plaukiotu... bet kam tai daryti jei perki hdd zinoma wd jei turi besimetanti kurnors gali pabandyti.

Seagate patys geriausi o kalbant apie ps2 Matroxai dar turi vos ne didziausia suderinamum. inete yra didele hdd disku sudeinamuymo duombaze :D pasigooglink

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nu o ka as zinau, tai kad pas mane xbox'e stovi 250 gb WD HDD, jau beveik du metai. Informacija daznokai perrasinejama. Neturejau jokiu bedu...

Ir kai pirkau, zmogus dirbantis 12 metu su kompiuterinem technologijom, atvirksciai, patare grieztai vengti Samsung'o (butent ji ir norejau imt), o WD ivardino kaip reciausiai uzluztancius HDD. Is savo darbo praktikos.

Ir nepigus siaip tie WD.

Siaip gincytis del hdd gamintoju, tas pat kaip automobiliu modeliu. Jokios prasmes. O WD kodel vengt? Todel kad kai kurie wd modeliai truputi storesni ir gali paprasciausiai netilpt i ps2 keisa. Todel yra ispejimas saite apie hdd montavima ps2.


O pats is savo puses galiu pasakyt, maciau nuluzusiu hardu bet kurio gamintojo, darbas tox. Taip kad kazkokias stiprias simpatijas kuriai nors markei priskirt sudetinga, labiau siaip megstu tylesnius.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Aishku tu Lan adapteri turi kad nori hdd pasijungti?

(jei nesenei piekai gal gali pasakyti ish kur ir kiek mokejai?)

Sheip WD yra beda nes pas juos bishki nestandartinis elektros ir duomenu jungciu ishdestymas. kadangi prie ps2 hdd jungiasi ne per laida o ant jo "uzsimauna" LAN adapteris tai WD negalesi uzmauti ... ty negalesi paprastai ... uzmauti imanoma bet reikai atpalaiduoti lan adapterio varztus kad kontaktines rozetes laisvai plaukiotu... bet kam tai daryti jei perki hdd zinoma wd jei turi besimetanti kurnors gali pabandyti.

Seagate patys geriausi o kalbant apie ps2 Matroxai dar turi vos ne didziausia suderinamum. inete yra didele hdd disku sudeinamuymo duombaze :D pasigooglink

Beda ta, kad lan adapteri papirkt Lietuvoj sunkoka... bent jau as radau vienintelej lietuviskoj firmoj 2005-u metu kainorasty. Tai jo jau ir pedos atauso.


Nebent kas nors turi atsivezes ps2 is uzsienio komplektuota pilnai ir noretu parduot adapteri...


Interneto pardavykloj deveti nuo 35$ bet kad nezinau kaip is Lietuvos uzsisakyt, o be to atsiuntimo taxu kai paskaiciuotu jauciu... Pradedu galvot apie pajungima per USB, tik ne taip estetiskai atrodytu...

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

per usb labai lievai veikia, suderinamumas ne kokis, o be to pas ps2 tik USB 1.1 versija, o ne 2,0 tad jo sparta baisiaiiiii leta :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Krc nueik i koki nors BMS , BAITUKA, FORTAKA... (pigiausiai fortake) ir jie tau uzsakys is intiko per 3 dienas kaina nuo 150LT iki 200LT Network Adapter visikai nauja nedeveta

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Krc nueik i koki nors BMS , BAITUKA, FORTAKA... (pigiausiai fortake) ir jie tau uzsakys is intiko per 3 dienas kaina nuo 150LT iki 200LT Network Adapter visikai nauja nedeveta

Taigi, nesijauciu tox turtingas kad del pabandymo mokeciau 150-200, paprasiau draugelio sedincio UK, jis nupirks kokiam e-bay uz 10 paundu deveta ir atsius man. su visais taxais apie 70-80, o kam man naujas...

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

per usb labai lievai veikia, suderinamumas ne kokis, o be to pas ps2 tik USB 1.1 versija, o ne 2,0 tad jo sparta baisiaiiiii leta :D

Thnx puodukas uz perspejima del USB letumo :lol: Turiu darbini usb harduka nedideli tai sakiau pasijungsiu, bet jei ten daug vargo del nieko tai neverta net laiko aukot, lauksiu geriau PlayStation originalaus NET adaptor.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Tikrai o prie slimo prisijunge HDD beto kokios atsivere galimybes prisijungus HDD noreciau suzinot. :shock:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

tj ydomu koxios gali but? ;D zajda ysirasaj y hdd ir nerejkia dvd laikyt o turi wiska harde.... ir man sejp butu ydomu kaip prie slimo junktis...

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

tj ydomu koxios gali but? ;D zajda ysirasaj y hdd ir nerejkia dvd laikyt o turi wiska harde.... ir man sejp butu ydomu kaip prie slimo junktis...




USB Extreme Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]


1) What do I need to play PS2 games on a Slimline PSTwo console HDD?

You will need the following: the USB Extreme software, a PSTwo

console, and a suitable internal Hard Disk Drive with a USB enclosure.

If you do not already have an IDE HDD or USB enclosure, then you

may choose to get an external USB HDD instead- either will work.

Pictured below is what I am using, a 120GB Maxtor IDE 7200RPM HDD

inside of an $18 USB 2.0 external enclosure- looks sharp too! ;-)




2) I have my IDE HDD & USB case, or USB HDD- what is next?

First, format the HDD you plan to use for your PSTwo console in NTFS

file system format (as a slave drive) while in Windows XP/Windows 2K.

This can be accomplished simply by right-clicking on the drive in My

Computer, selecting Format..., followed by the NTFS File System.

If you require further assistance with this task, additional information

is available HERE as well.

Next, determine if you want to use DOS or Win32 tools to re-format

the HDD and manage games. If you use the USB Extreme DOS tools

then download them and proceed directly to Step #3 below. If you

wish to use the USB Extreme Win32 utility instead (recommended),

then skip right to Step #4 below now.

3) How do I use the USB Extreme DOS tools with my HDD?

First download these USB Extreme DOS tools that are used both to

re-format the HDD and install your games to the HDD using your

PC. Unzip them (with WinZip) to your C: drive, open to a DOS

(command) Prompt by clicking Start and then selecting Run...

followed by typing cmd in the box and then clicking the OK button.

Once the prompt box opens, type cd c: and press the ENTER button.

It should bring you to the next line down, at a C:> prompt. Now,

(using the included ul_format.exe utility) type the following after

the C:> prompt:

C:>ul_format [PSTWO DRIVE LETTER] format

NOTE: In the above example, [PSTWO DRIVE LETTER] is replaced by

your own, for example "E" was mine as displayed HERE.

Next, click Y to the prompt and wait until it finishes as shown. It will

usually take a few minutes only. Now, using Windows XP right-click

on My Computer, select Properties, then navigate to Hardware,

Device Manager, Disk Drives, select your PSTwo (IDE/USB) HDD

and right-click on it selecting Properties there. Now, on the Policies

tab select Optimize For Performance and click OK. In doing this, it

will speed up transfers from 1MBps to around 10-15MBps! However, it

is important to NOTE to unplug the device properly (selecting "Unplug

or Eject Hardware") while the device is in use and connected to your


To install PS2 games to your PSTwo HDD, once again open a DOS

Prompt by clicking Start and then selecting Run... followed by typing

cmd in the box and then clicking the OK button. Once the prompt

box opens, type cd c: and press the ENTER button. It should bring

you to the next line down, at a C:> prompt. Now, (using the

included ul_install.exe utility) type the following after the C:>



NOTE: In the above example, [sOURCE] is replaced by your own drive

letter, for example "D" was mine as displayed HERE. Also above,

[DESTINATION] is replaced by your PSTwo HDD letter (mine was

"E"), and enter any name you wish for the [GAMENAME]

followed by either CD or DVD for the [MEDIA] type based on

what the original game disc is on. Press the ENTER key to start

the transfer of each game from your PC's CD/DVD drive to the

HDD, or if you have .iSO images on your PC then virtually mount

them to a drive letter using Alcohol 120%- cool stuff indeed! :lol:

4) How do I use the USB Extreme Win32 utility with my HDD?

First download this USB Extreme Win32 Utility that is used both to

re-format the HDD and install your games (and delete them) to

the HDD using your PC. Unzip it (with WinZip) to your desktop and

double-click on it, followed by clicking on the Disk Format tab and

clicking the Format button to being up the HDD selection prompt.

Choose the drive you wish to Re-Format for use with USB Extreme,

and then click OK and wait until it finishes. It will usually take a few

minutes to complete only depending on the size of your PS2 HDD.

Once it has completed successfully, using Windows XP right-click

on My Computer, select Properties, then navigate to Hardware,

Device Manager, Disk Drives, select your PSTwo (IDE/USB) HDD

and right-click on it selecting Properties there. Now, on the Policies

tab select Optimize For Performance and click OK. In doing this, it

will speed up transfers from 1MBps to around 10-15MBps! However, it

is important to NOTE to unplug the device properly (selecting "Unplug

or Eject Hardware") while the device is in use and connected to your


To install PS2 games to your PSTwo HDD, once again double-click on

the USB Extreme Win32 Utility located on your desktop, and on the

Games Installer tab (ensure that your USB HDD is plugged in and

initialized) select your source drive from the "CD/DVD ROM Drive"

menu, choose the media type (based on what media the original game

disc is on), and finally select your PSTwo HDD destination drive letter

from the other drop-down menu. Now type in a desired Game Name

and press the START button and wait watching the progress bar.

When you see it has completed game installation, simply press OK.

NOTE: On the Games Installer tab if you right-click on the desired

Game Name you can Delete, ReName, and Copy them also.

5) I have games on my HDD, now how can I play them on the PSTwo?

Unplug your PSTwo HDD from your PC and plug it into your PSTwo's

front USB slot as shown below.






Now plug in/power ON both the USB HDD and PSTwo console.




Insert your USB Extreme DVD software disc and let it load up.





Once it loads, you will see the USB Extreme menu screen below.

You should also see the PS2 games installed to your PSTwo HDD.





Navigate around the menu screen with your PSTwo controller.

Select a game to play, and then push right on the gamepad.

When the menu START button is highlighted, press X to play!





If the game is compatable with USB Extreme then you will

see the "Please Wait" prompt briefly as the game boots up.





A few seconds later, you can enjoy your game as shown!! :D




Congratulations, you have successfully learned to play games

on your PSTwo console using an IDE HDD with a USB enclosure,

or a USB HDD! Be sure to check out our site's USB Extreme

page for the most up-to-date compatability list of games. Enjoy

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

lb jaw ilgas darbas.... gereu rasysiuos y dvd zajdus nes neturiu tiek lajko wargt prie HDD...

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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    • Šiandien oficialiai konsolių serveriai atjungti.  Vienas geresnių BF buvo. Daug valandų praleista. Smagūs laikai nebus pamiršti. R.i.P 
    • Concord nuostolius reikia kažkaip padengti. 😀 
    • @Mantinijo Dingę ir pas mane 5 ir 20 wallet funds, realiai ps apps'ą tik dėl to naudojau Bet prikišo žaidimų už tuos taškus, bet per metus reiktų labai daug pirkti, kad surinkti tuos 17k pts     
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      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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