
Gears of War 2

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Big Fat Gears Of War 2 Update & Cheap 'All Fronts Collection' Incoming


Changes are coming to Epic Games' Gears of War 2, showing that the title hasn't been at all forgotten about now that the focus has shifted to Gears of War 3. Better still, there's a Gears 2 deal inbound.

The upcoming title update for Gears of War 2 on the Xbox 360 fixes a long list of bugs, exploits, balance issues and more, adding a new multiplayer match option (Social Xbox Live) and changing the way players get in and out of matches.

For Gears 2 players still rocking the stock package, Epic will have something for you. The company is planning "a promotion that will dramatically reduce the cost of the All Fronts Collection," giving you access to all that downloadable content at a price below the 1600 Microsoft Points asking price.

The update details are below.


Title Update 6 makes these new improvements:

* Adds a new public multiplayer match option called Social Xbox LIVE (aka player matches), open to anyone who owns all downloadable maps (that is, All Fronts Collection). We'll be having a promotion that will dramatically reduce the cost of the All Fronts Collection.

* You can join Social Matches in progress and can quit any time without penalty, although players who quit a match early don't receive earned experience (XP) from that match.

* Social matchmaking lets your party join a match in progress. If a match is not found, your party hosts a new match, filling any empty player slots with bots.

* Social Matches automatically cycle to the next map without further matchmaking.

* Teams are rebalanced between matches based on XP level without splitting parties.

* If you quit, your spot is taken by a bot until a new player joins the match. That new player can join while the match is in progress.

* If you join a match in progress, you are assigned a team based on XP level and party size.

* If you join a match in progress, you replace a bot at the earliest opportunity: at the first bot's death for respawning game types (for example, Annex) and at round completion for Warzone, Execution, and Wingman.

* Social leaderboards become part of the War Journal.

* Renames Public Matches to Ranked Xbox LIVE Matches to differentiate these from Social Xbox LIVE Matches, and adds some improvements to these matches.

* Improved host selection using bandwidth testing and previous hosting data has been added.

* Before the match begins, teams are balanced based on XP without splitting parties.

* Renames Private Matches to Custom Xbox LIVE Matches and makes these matches invite-only.

* Adds the ability to join Horde sessions that are in progress.

* In Social Horde, you can join a session in progress through matchmaking and you are able to continue your session from the last wave you failed without starting over.

* In Ranked Horde, you can join a session in progress only through invites.

* If you join a session in progress, at the end of the session you receive the score you achieved during the time you spent in the session.

* Improves the precision of weapon selection using the D-pad.

* Improves client-side hit detection for ballistic weapons.

Exploit Fixes

Title Update 6 fixes these possible exploits, where under certain circumstances:

* Execution rules could be ignored when using certain weapon types.

* On the Subway map, you could get outside of the playable environment by sliding into cover and rolling between a train car and the side of tracks.

* On the Blood Drive map, you could get outside of the playable environment in various locations.

* Players could grief other players on Submission, Annex, King of the Hill, and Guardian games by preventing the objective from being completed while racking up experience. Title Update 6 adds match time limits to each of these game types to prevent this practice.

General Fixes

Title Update 6 fixes these other issues as well:

* An issue that could cause your profile to be overwritten, erasing XP level, and achievement progress.

* An issue that could cause a campaign save slot to be overwritten if you previously chose to continue without saving and then signed in.


Title Update 6 makes these balancing changes:

* Changes the Gnasher Shotgun pellet pattern to increase hit consistency.

* Changes the Guardian game type to select the leader based upon XP level (highest to lowest).

Šaltinis: KOTAKU

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  kiler01 parašė:

nice. gal grys mano levelis. po cache valymo ir atnaujinimo nusiresetino viskas.

Skaityti daugiau  

neatsinajins manau, jei po sito update butum savo cache vales, tada nebutu tau dinges lvl.

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Gears of War 2 "Title Update 6" now available


Epic Games has finally let loose the much awaited "Title Update 6" of Gears of War 2. Now available on Xbox Live, the new update introduces a new public multiplayer match feature called Social Matches "that allows players to jump in or out of games without disruptions, including Horde mode matches."

Alongside the big update, Microsoft and Epic have also discounted the game's "All Fronts Collection" downloadable content to 800 Microsoft Points {US$ 10}. For those looking for specific map packs to round out their collection, MS has also lowered the price of individual map packs in Xbox LIVE Marketplace as well.

Furthermore, MS is also hostinng a Triple Experience Weekend on Xbox LIVE to celebrate the new update. It will start tomorrow and will run until June 1 at 2PM GM

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In early January rumor of an upcoming Gears of War compilation began to circulate the web after IGN spotted a listing on Despite the listing being promptly removed, a representative from Epic confirmed that a Gears of War bundle was in the works, but that the final name may not be in line with the leaked "Gears of War Ultimate Edition"

Officially announced today, the product has taken on the moniker of "Gear of War Triple Pack." If you’ve yet to play Epic’s first two Gears installments, the Triple Pack will include Gears of War and Gears of War 2, in addition to the Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection. All Fronts is a sizable inclusion, adding a bonus campaign chapter – Road to Ruin – and 19 multiplayer maps to the pot.

The Gears Triple Pack will hit retail on February 15 for $29.99. Epic points out that the price nabs you 38 maps, 61 campaign chapters, and a chance to secure 3,000 Gamerscore.


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    • Ar apsimoka imti paskolą kad nusipirkti naują playstation? Labai noriu bet neturiu tiek susitaupiusi. Iš kur geriau imti? Žiūriu dabar labai aprasta su 
    • @Mldc Bus tikrai gerai. Aš irgi to nesuprantu jeigu veikėja moteris viskas jau woke ar juodaodis žmogus-voras (Miles Morales) nu tai b** pasidomėkit prieš rašant, pasiskaitytų knygas raganiaus atžvilgiu o juoduko voro komiksus tegul paskaito kuriems irgi n metų. Anksčiau nifiga niekam nerūpėjo, o dabar jau verkia nat kiekvieno kampo kaip ir dėl naujo Naughty dog žaidimo. Man kaip tik smagiau žaisti už moterį protagoniste visur kur tik galima imu moteris tiek AC tiek CP2077 ir pan.  
    • Dar kas keisčiausia, jog yra žmonių, kurie skundžiasi, jog The Witcher 4 pagrindinis personažas bus moteris ir dar netradicinės ji tokia knygose  šiaip aš toks esu labiau anti woke pažiūrų ir už žodžio laisvę, bet kartais, kai kurie anti woke žmonės nusivažiuoja ir žiauriai. Apskritai moterys kaip main personažai niekam netrukdė kaip Portal žaidimuose, trukdyti tik dabar pradeda, kai woke studijos užkrauna žaidimus ar filmus woke mintimis, vietoje stipraus personažo ir istorijos, ir kai dirbtinai kūrėjai savo pažiūras bando įpiršti, ko niekam nereikia, tada tai problema, o čia bet čia knygose taip, kurioms gal 30 metų...čia kaip tik respectina OG material. Tad kiek nesuprantu interneto liaudies, nes kai perspaudžia kur nereikia yra irgi blogai, nesvarbu kurioje pusėje woke ar anti woke. Dėl knygų tai gimtadienio proga gavau visas 8 knygas dovanu, tai kai rasiu laiko per pusmetį ketinu visas perskaityti būtinai. Dabar kaip tik The Wicher 3 per naujo pradėjau žaisti, nu tai ką...šedevras. Manau ir šita dalis neatsiliks, nesugadins kaip serialas visko, kur tik pasityčiojo iš knygų, žaidimų, vis tiek lenkai kuria, manau bus gerai.
    • @Mldc Tai niekas nesako, kad vyresnės Ciri išvaizda bloga, kaip tik labai gerai, juk subrendus dabar ji tikiu, kad bus masterpiece ši dalis. W3 n kartų perėjęs ir visus kartus gavęs pabaiga kaip ji tampa ragane, tad mano pabaiga canon gaunasi  bet pereit reiks dar sykį prieš W4, o kad Ciri bus main veikėja čia aiškiau nebūna, visa istorija sukasi aplink ją tiek knygose tiek žaidymuose. Buvau pradėjęs skaityti jau penktą knygą, bet teko daryti gan ilgą pauzę ~3m., tad mastau knygas pradėti skaityti iš naujo.
    • Kad normali ta išvaizda ir tikrai trailerio Ciri geriau atrodo, negu čia kažkokia aktorė su kuria lyginama ji internete, su kuria panašumų išvis nerandu. O dėl Witcher 4 kokybės, visi žinom, jog CD Project turi gabumų vis dar sukurti šedevrą, Cyberpunk gi sutvarkė ir jo expansionas žiauriai geras. Tikrai nedarys tokio disaster koks buvo su Cyberpunku, tad manau galim būti ramūs. O, kad Ciri bus pagrindinis personažas buvo aišku jau 2015 metais, nes visas Witcher 3 taip pastatytas su Ciri žaidybiniais intarpais, kad ji perims main protagonist rolę kitame žaidime. Ir knygose (kurias dabar visas skaitau po truputi) visa esmė kaip suprantu ir sukasi aplink Ciri, tad čia buvo tik laiko klausimas.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
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    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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