
Blu-Ray bus ir XBox360

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Po mėnesių gandų ir atsisakymų, Xbox360 su Blu-Ray diskų įrenginiu atkeliaus greitai, tai yra trečiame, 2008-ųjų metų ketvirtyje. “Pegatron Technology”, Asustek Computer pagalbininkas praneša, jog gavo užsakymą iš Microsoft, kad būtų pradėta naujų įrenginių gamyba.

Kaip as ir sakiau anksciau kad irenginys bus!, tai buvo neisvengiama o cia dar sakojosi keli ..


After months of rumors and denials, the XBOX 360 with a Blu-ray disc drive is due to be manufactured soon and shipped in Q3 of 2008. Pegatron Technology, an OEM subsidiary of Asustek Computer, is reported to have received the winning order from Microsoft for a Blu-ray equipped XBOX 360.


Earlier reports cited Lite-On as the company with the privilege of building the new console for Microsoft. Lite-On is also currently one of the suppliers of the internal DVD drive fro the XBOX 360.


One of the strong points for Sony’s Playstation 3 has been the integrated Blu-ray player. The PS3 had the ability to draw both gamers and audio/video enthusiast, and this was proving to be a major advantage over its XBOX rival. It is estimated that 85% of Blu-ray players in use are PS3s. Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer had admitted that Microsoft had been working on support for Blu-ray under Windows during this year’s Mix08 conference. Rumors began to swirl and many began to expect Microsoft to announce a Blu-ray peripheral for the XBOX 360.


However, Microsoft came out and denied all rumors, stating that they were not exploring any kind of Blu-ray add-on or in talks with Sony about integrating Blu-ray into the XBOX experience. The software giant stated they would continue to invest in its XBOX Live online service as the means of high-definition content delivery. Toshiba received a crushing blow earlier this year at CES that Warner Brothers would be Blu-ray exclusive. This eventually led to Toshiba withdrawing from the HD format war and the demise of the XBOX 360’s HD-DVD add-on. It is interesting to note that sales of the XBOX 360 lagged behind Sony’s PS3 in the month of February, the same month Toshiba withdrew.


Many expected the death of HD-DVD would trigger a growth in Blu-ray hardware sales. However, to the dismay of the industry, acceptance and adoption of Blu-ray has been dismal.


The PS3 is one of the cheapest (relatively speaking) Blu-ray players available — and you get the console thrown in for good measure.

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Va, pas mane irgi uzsisake, kad pagaminciau xD


Nesakau, kad neimanoma, bet Microsoft'o zodzio reik, kol kalba ne jie - tol nera 100% garantijos.

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Tai man taip iseina kad greiciau reik pirkt xbox 360 pas edma kol dar nera blu-ray ane?

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Ar bus kaip priedas ar kaip vidinis dar nepaskelbta. Taip pat source'as is cia.

Redagavo SoulReaver

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Tai kazin ir zaidimus i BLURAY diskus prades kept :D

Redagavo Igonas

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o jei rimtai pasitvirtintu tai,tai reiktu pirkt kuo greiciau xboxa kol nera blu ray dar ar ne?

Redagavo pls

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Dar neaisku ar bus vidinis ar isorinis..., ir kai bus nuspresta tai naujos dezes bus tik 2008-uju metu ketvirtyje.

Redagavo SoulReaver

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Dar neaisku ar bus vidinis ar isorinis..., ir kai bus nuspresta tai naujos dezes bus tik 2008-uju metu ketvirtyje.

Praleidai zodi treciajame.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

o jei rimtai pasitvirtintu tai,tai reiktu pirkt kuo greiciau xboxa kol nera blu ray dar ar ne?

koks skirtumas kada pirkt, vistiek kai iseis su Bluray, dar ilgai bus senesniu konsoliu su paprastu DVD ir dar kaina kris jauciu.

Tai kazin ir zaidimus i BLURAY diskus prades kept :D

tai pasidomek ar ps3 zaidimus i Bluray irasineja :/ Redagavo ViPeRkillz

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nu jo as tik birzeli pirksiu xbox 360 pas edma tai ner ko baimintis vistiek dar blu-Ray nebus nes kol i Lietuva atgabens. ir dar senu bus pilna

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Eikit Jūs su tuo blu-ray. Žaidimų tikrai juose nebus dar ilgą laiką xD

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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koks skirtumas kada pirkt, vistiek kai iseis su Bluray, dar ilgai bus senesniu konsoliu su paprastu DVD ir dar kaina kris jauciu.


tai pasidomek ar ps3 zaidimus i Bluray irasineja :/

O tai ka daro? Ipiesia? :D

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Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.