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Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Assassin's Creed Valhalla

  • Platformos

    • PC
    • Xbox One
    • PlayStation 4
    • Google Stadia
    • +3
  • Kūrėjas

    • Ubisoft Montreal Studios
  • Leidėjas

    • Ubisoft Entertainment
  • Temos

    • Alternate Historical
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    Assassin's Creed Valhalla is an entry in Ubisoft's long-running franchise, continuing the more RPG-focused formula of its predecessors and setting the story during the Viking Age.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Apie žaidimą

Assassin's Creed Valhalla is an entry in Ubisoft's long-running franchise, continuing the more RPG-focused formula of its predecessors and setting the story during the Viking Age.



Two versions of Eivor
Two versions of Eivor

Assassin's Creed Valhalla continues the series' trajectory towards a more RPG-focused experience that began with 2017's Assassin's Creed Origins. Set during the 9th century Viking invasions of Britain, the game features an open world consisting of four kingdoms to explore, raid fortresses and castles, and invest resources in a new settlement expansion mechanic.

The game features a new protagonist named Eivor, who can be either male or female. Players can also switch between male or female at any point during their adventure.

Though still a single player game, Assassin's Creed Valhalla features an online component wherein players can customize mercenaries and share them online to fight with other players.





Become Eivor, a legendary Viking raider on a quest for glory. Explore England's Dark Ages as you raid your enemies, grow your settlement, and build your political power.

Lead epic Viking raids against Saxon fortresses throughout England.
Dual-wield powerful weapons and relive the visceral fighting style of the Vikings.
Challenge yourself with the most varied collection of enemies ever found in Assassin's Creed.
Shape the growth of your character with every choice you make and carve your path to glory.
Explore a Dark Age open world, from the harsh shores of Norway to the beautiful kingdoms of England.
Personalize your experience by growing your settlement.

Launch massive assaults against Saxon troops and fortresses throughout England. Lead your clan in surprise attacks from your longship and pillage enemy territories to bring riches and resources back to your people. Unleash the ruthless fighting style of a Viking warrior and dual-wield axes, swords, or even shields against fierce, relentless foes. Choose your tactics and dismember opponents in close-quarters combat, riddle them with arrows, or assassinate them with your hidden blade. The advanced RPG mechanics of Assassin's Creed Valhalla give you new ways to grow as a warrior and a leader. Influence the world around you while acquiring new skills and gear to suit your playstyle. Blaze your own path across England by fighting brutal battles and leading fiery raids, or form strategic alliances and triumph by your wits.

Release date: Holiday 2020
Type: Action/Adventure

PC (Download)
Xbox One



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opapa tik dabar gryzau. ziuresim.

o kas tema tvarkys ? 

xbox atrodo parodys ir pirma gameplay ant  savo konsoles ant dienu. bet sauniai, ant 6 platformu iskarto iseis tiek naujos tiek dabartines konsoles , niekas neliks nuskriausti. va bus zaidimus kuri bus galima lygint senos konsoles pries naujas. 



sako cia ingame , neaisku nuo kokios platformos ingame current gen ar next gen, bet kazi ar turi teise kas nors kol kas rodyt next gen screenus, tai galvociau kad esamu konsoliu screenai





smagu kad ir laivais dar plaukiosim



ir MS issipirko matyt teise ir rodys jie pirmi gameplay ant next gen, tai pirma next gen gameplay pamatysim jau greitai. 

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Assassin's Creed Origins and its sequel, Odyssey, both redefined the Assassin's Creed formula by introducing more role-playing elements into their open-world adventures. This included standard level progression, determining what gear you could equip, what enemies would give you a harder time, and more. With Assassin's Creed Valhalla, that won't be the case anymore.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla creative director, Ashraf Ismail, has explained that Valhalla prioritizes power over numerical levels, which takes into account the skills you've unlocked and the gear you've equipped over a linearly increasing number. 

Speaking to Game Informer, he added, "As part of our fresh take on the RPG elements and progression, I would say it's less about levels and it’s more about the sense of power. Based on the skills you have, you gain power. That's how we look at that mechanism in the world; it's really about your capacities and what you can do."

He adds that there will still be a number attributed to this power value, but that it won't be influenced in the same way as both Origins and Odyssey. "It's a sense of power rather than levels," he concluded.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla will let you customize your play style using a large skill tree, letting you cater to the type of Viking you want to play as. Speaking to Press-Start, Ismail explained that this allows players to "enjoy the experience of the game as they want. In terms of the RPG progression."

Despite moving away from some of Assassin's Creed Odyssey's core systems, Assassin's Creed Valhalla will still let you choose between either a male or female protagonist. Its story also follows on from Odyssey's DLC, and will act as a conclusion to the story that started with Assassin's Creed Origins. Check out the reveal trailer above, as well as our pre-order guide for all platforms.

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traileris kaip treileris, man tai nieko gero. man labiau patinka kai parodo kazkokios istorijos in game, gameplay ir t.t.. tokie traileriai jau kazkiek atgyvena. kainuoja daug pinigu sukurti, o parodo labai mazai.

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MS parodys gameplay 7 diena, ir tiketina next gen ,tai ir pamatysim ka realiai jie gali bent su situ engine padaryt gero. 


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nieko negali nes zaidimas kuriamas ir dabartinems konsolems. bus ideta keleta efektu gal ir diesne rezoliucija ir fps.

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As irgi manau, kad nieko neparodys ispudingo. O ir neaisku kaip zaidimas atrodys jau nekuriamas ant PS4 ir X1. Tada turesim bendra vaizda ir su kuo lyginti. Nors ir TLOU2 bus labai geros grafikos, bet ir jis neparodys ko galima bus tiketis is N.Genu. GTA su savo zemelapio mastu galbut. Kas cia dar yra?.. Mm.. Sunku isivaizduoti ka aplamai duos naujos konsoles.



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kai division 2 nieko nezinodami apie nauja AC toki posteri buvo padare...o gal vistik zinojo kazka... ?




nu kietas kietas jisai. gerai atrodo. galimybe i abi rankas imt kirvius bus arba net 2 skydus jei noresi. 


si karta ne pasleptas durklas o ant virsaus tiesiog kad visi matytu ir bijotu turbut. ten devai kalbejo kad idomiai ten bus kai tu sutiksi assasinus ir po to kazkokiu budu gausi ta durkla. 





HQ stream treileris

treileri naudota daina, aisku ten remixuota, bet gerai ir orginalas skamba

Ubi Koda Remixas

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Įdomu sutiksim tokius vikingus kaip Bjorna ir t.t ar net tą patį mita kad kadaise buvo toks vikingas kaip Ragnaras :D fun būtų ;D 

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zaidimas apie vikingus, bet didziaja dali zaidimo praleisim anglijoje. nelabai cia tas zaidimas grynas ir vikingu zaidimas, tema paimta vos ne gaunasi ir tiek. butu buve maloniau gaut siaurine europos dali

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Idomu kaip ta campa jie  padarys. Kad nebutu kaip koks rdr 2  kur irgi kalbeta buvo tiek daug o kai reikejo zaist pasirodo kad campas tas tavo jokio tolko is jo kaip ir. Tipo tu vienas medziok tu vienas tempk viska visiem o tie ten tik chilins.

Geriau jau i laivus investuot. 

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