
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

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Paskelbta oficiali MGS4 isleidimo data! 2008-06-12 confirmed by SONY!!!;title;0

Nepasakyciau , kad labai jau greitai , Kojima turbut raudonuoja , nes jis ziauriai nemegsta savo zaidimu nukelimo. Sony ir daugelis pardaveju jau patvirtino isleidimo data , bet Konami pokolkas tyli ... Gal anksti dziaugtis , tikiuosi ne...

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Puikus box-art'as , islaikantis Metal Gear old-school stiliu. As perku ;) ...

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Dabar pirmą kart pamačiau vieną dalyką.. nu suprantu.. daug metų praėjo, bet pažiūrėkit jūs į EVA ! Feeh xDD




Visdėlto metai tikrai negailestingi :)

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hahahaaa, cia tai geras blindside! Uhhhh, kokia ji bjauri pasidare! Tikra maume LOL!

Beje, as labai tikiuosi, kad ir europoje MGS4 taip pat birzelio menesi iseis!

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Nevarykit ant Evo's , ji dar gerai atrodo kaip jos metu , dabar jai turetu buti apie 80 :) , bet Snake'ui tikrai per sena , bet kas zino :) ...

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Dabar pirmą kart pamačiau vieną dalyką.. nu suprantu.. daug metų praėjo, bet pažiūrėkit jūs į EVA ! Feeh xDD




Visdėlto metai tikrai negailestingi :)

Ehem... Paskambink man kai tau sueis 78 metai ir mes paziuresim ar tu jaunatviskiau atrodysi. :)

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Vyrai, ramekas. Abiem po įspėjimą dovanų visi turbūt matė kodėl.. :lol: o dar offtopic kiek.. jetus jetus..

Redagavo boy pk

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Nu anyway, aš kiek mačiau mgs4 gameplay tai man patiko, kad ten tas robotukas valdomas su ps3 pulteliu .. kaip visada Kojimos požiūris į žaidimus matosi jo paies kūriniuose, amžinai kažką gero suvelia (:

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Daugiau informacijos apie Metal Gear Online:



Startinis zaidimo paketas (kartu su MGS4) tures 5 zemelapius, kaikurie bus nauji (gali gryzti ir senieji zemelapiai). Expansion paketas prides naujus zemelapius ir naujus veikejus. Kainos dar nepaskelbtos.


Japonija irgi gaus dar viena beta zaidimo versija.Atvira kiekvienam kuriam 17 metu arba daugiau su PS3 ir online account'u. Galima registruotis nuo 2/29 iki 5/5, beta prasides nuo 4/21 iki 5/6.


*Isversta is tu japonisku lankstinuku kurios auksciau postinau.

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Konami oficialiai patvirtino , kad MGS4 worldwide release'as 2007 birzelio 12d. Zaidimas tures online 'starter pack'a' , kuriame gales zaisti iki 16 zaideju online. Visi kurie uzsisakys zaidima pradedant balandzio menesiu , gaus Metal Gear Saga 2.0 DVD diska . Dabar belieka rasti kur uzsisakyti :D

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Visi kurie uzsisakys zaidima pradedant balandzio menesiu , gaus Metal Gear Saga 2.0 DVD diska . Dabar belieka rasti kur uzsisakyti :D

Nevisai. Antrasis diskas priklauso prie Special edition versijos tai reikia uzsisakyti special edition. Jei klystu pataisyk, bet kai ziurejau lyg taip buvo.


Geresnes kokybes MGS4 pakuote:










MGO info


MGO is made up of a starter pack and expansion packs.


Included with MGS4, the starter pack offers players a first bite of what awaits in the new MGO, while various expansion packs (planned to be released periodically after official service begins) will add additional maps, characters, and other features.


Details of the expansion pack release schedule will be announced at a later date.



The MGO starter pack contains 5 maps in addition to the match rules and communication features fundamental to MGO.




Ambush Alley


A corner of a war-shattered town littered with obstacles, its central intersection branching off into side streets.








Gronznyj Grad


The now abandoned weapons factory that housed the Shagohod in Metal Gear Solid 3. Contains open areas offering unobstructed views as well as indoor and rooftop locations.







Midtown Maelstrom


This Middle Eastern battleground features avenues crisscrossed with alleyways.







Urban Ultimatum


Negotiate buildings of varying height in this city under siege.







Blood Bath


A kill house consisting of both surface and underground areas




MGO keisti isvaizda savo veikeju


Your first task after enlisting is to create your MGO alter ego. Design your own unique character from dozens of possible combinations, and keep an eye out for additional gear updates!






Intel indicates the presence of Old Snake and Metal Gear Mk.II somewhere on the battlefield... What other Metal Gear characters might be lurking in the shadows?






In the new MGO, combat gets an upgrade from a maximum of 8 to now 16 players -- trusted allies in team games, or heated rivals in solo play! The more players on the ground, the more intense the action.



Redagavo SolidSnake

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Tai butent , kad uzsisakius is anksto MGS4 kopija prie jo pridedamas bonus diskas. Stai Konami pilna isleidimo info:




EL SEGUNDO, CA - February 28, 2008 - Following opening remarks made during the General Session at the 2008 Destination PlayStation retailer event in Scottsdale AZ, Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. confirmed several new initiatives related to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, including a North American street date, online multiplayer, and pre-sell program.


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the final chapter in the saga of Solid Snake which sends him around the world in pursuit of his arch nemesis, Liquid Ocelot. Armed with new gadgets and abilities, Solid Snake must shift the tides of war into his favor, using the chaos of the battlefield to infiltrate deep into enemy territory. In his globetrotting final mission, Snake must sneak deep into enemy locations in the Middle East, South America, and other corners of the Earth to foil Liquid Ocelot's plans for total world domination.


Street Date


Opening remarks revealed that the final chapter in the saga of super spy Solid Snake is expected to arrive in stores in North America on Thursday June 12th, 2008. "Blockbuster events and premieres are a tradition of the summer," said Kazumi Kitaue, Konami Digital Entertainment Inc. Chairman and CEO. "We anticipate that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots fits that bill perfectly, and consumers will be waiting in line to get their copy of the game just like it's a hit Hollywood movie."


Metal Gear Online Starter Pack


It was also confirmed today that Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will launch with the Metal Gear Online "Starter Pack" supporting online gameplay. In addition to the single player experience, gamers will also be able to take the action online with up to 16 players and battle it out using the latest weapons and stealth techniques.


Pre-Sell Program


Beginning April 2008, consumers that pre-order Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will receive the Metal Gear Saga 2.0 DVD, containing a Prologue that recaps the Metal Gear franchise, a 20th Anniversary retrospective, character bios for Big Boss, Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake, and Solid Snake, plus a collection of international trailers of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. This pre-order package also contains an insert with a download code and special instructions for accessing the Metal Gear Online beta test when it goes live in late April. This special pre-order package will only be available while supplies last.

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Q: When is the game shipping to retail?

A: The game is scheduled to arrive at retail stores in North America on June 12, 2008.


Q: What’s in the Metal Gear Online Starter Pack?

A: The Metal Gear Online Starter Pack, included with Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, is a squad-based, online multiplayer tactical shooter that supports up to 16 players and takes place in the Metal Gear Solid universe.


Q: When is the Metal Gear Online multiplayer beta test?

A: The Metal Gear Online multiplayer beta test is scheduled to begin on April 21, 2008.


Q: How long will the Metal Gear Online beta test run?

A: The Metal Gear Online multiplayer beta test will run for approximately 2 weeks


Q: Where can I get the pre-sell?

A: The pre-sell program will be available nationwide at all major retailers.


Q: Is there a time frame for the pre-order to gain access to the beta? When does the pre-order period begin?

A: The pre-order will begin April 2008. Check with your local retailer on availability.


Q: Is there any special process that consumers must go through to verify their participation in the beta?

A: When the pre-order program begins in April 2008, consumers who pre-order Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots will receive the Metal Gear Saga 2.0 DVD, containing a Prologue that recaps the Metal Gear franchise, a 20th Anniversary retrospective, character bios for Big Boss, Liquid Snake, Solidus Snake, and Solid Snake, plus a collection of international trailers of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. This pre-order package also contains an insert with a download code and special instructions for accessing the Metal Gear Online beta test when it goes live in late April.


Q: How many people will be allowed to participate in the Metal Gear Online beta test?

A: The special Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots pre-order package (which includes the insert with the Metal Gear Online download code) will only be available while supplies last.


Q: How do consumers who have already pre-ordered participate in the beta?

A: Consumers will need to contact their local retailer for more information.


Q: Will consumers who don’t pre-order have any chance to join the beta?

A: If additional promotional partners are secured, there is a possibility of making beta access available, but nothing is confirmed at this time.



Gera naujiena, kad MGO beta bus ir Europoje.

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