
God of War 3

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o blem gera naujiena. ir jega kad net 100 nekainuos, o skelbimuos vien daba po 120 stumdo. :D

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Atsiprasau, kad biski ne i tema, as turiu God Of War 2 DVD5 kompiliacija ant PS2, ir bandau rast kur parsisiust God Of War DVD5 kompiliacija ant PS2, nes mano senas modelis ir DVD9 nesupranta, playmanijos torentuose yra ji, bet niekas neseedina, dar as bitgamer esu prisijunges, bet ten tokios kompiliacijos isvis nera, gal kas zinot is kur kitur butu galima sita dalyka parsisiust?

Dar radau viena, bet ten irgi niekas neseedina, buciau labai dekingas uz informacija, nes as renku visus man idomius zaidimus i kolekcija ir sito zaidimo man tiktai ir truksta...

Jau susiradau ir atsisiunciau...

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19 svarų jau yra shopto, tai gaunasi apie 90lt tai nihuja ne tas pats :D

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Tai geriau palaukti menesiuka ir isigyti visa trilogija vos uz 50 svaru


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pagaliau ir as isigijau ilgai laukta zaidimeli sita...pazaidziau puse h jau, ciut y kelnes is laimes neprileidau, koks geras game...kolkas nemaciau lygiu siam zaidimui tokio pobudzio...superinis zaidimukas, chebra taupykit bapkes ir griebkit sita geruli...o dbr einu test sia legenda...:DDDDD :)

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Jo neblogas zaidimas labai itraukiantis su puikiu garso takeliu.

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More on God of War III Antialiasing


Antialiasing method used in God of War III, Cedric Perthuis (a graphics programmer on the God of War III development team) was kind enough to email some additional details on how the technique was developed

“It was extremely expensive at first. The first not so naive SPU version, which was considered decent, was taking more than 120 ms, at which point, we had decided to pass on the technique. It quickly went down to 80 and then 60 ms when some kind of bottleneck was reached. Our worst scene remained at 60ms for a very long time, but simpler scenes got cheaper and cheaper. Finally, and after many breakthroughs and long hours from our technology teams, especially our technology team in Europe, we shipped with the cheapest scenes around 7 ms, the average Gow3 scene at 12 ms, and the most expensive scene at 20 ms.

In term of quality, the latest version is also significantly better than the initial 120+ ms version. It started with a quality way lower than your typical MSAA2x on more than half of the screen. It was equivalent on a good 25% and was already nicer on the rest. At that point we were only after speed, there could be a long post mortem, but it wasn’t immediately obvious that it would save us a lot of RSX time if any, so it would have been a no go if it hadn’t been optimized on the SPU. When it was clear that we were getting a nice RSX boost ( 2 to 3 ms at first, 6 or 7 ms in the shipped version ), we actually focused on evaluating if it was a valid option visually. Despite of any great performance gain, the team couldn’t compromise on quality, there was a pretty high level to reach to even consider the option. And as for the speed, the improvements on the quality front were dramatic. A few months before shipping, we finally reached a quality similar to MSAA2x on almost the entire screen, and a few weeks later, all the pixelated edges disappeared and the quality became significantly higher than MSAA2x or even MSAA4x on all our still shots, without any exception. In motion it became globally better too, few minor issues remained which just can’t be solved without sub-pixel sampling.

There would be a lot to say about the integration of the technique in the engine and what we did to avoid adding any latency. Contrarily to what I have read on few forums, we are not firing the SPUs at the end of the frame and then wait for the results the next frame. We couldn’t afford to add any significant latency. For this kind of game, gameplay is first, then quality, then framerate. We had the same issue with vsync, we had to come up with ways to use the existing latency. So instead of waiting for the results next frame, we are using the SPUs as parallel coprocessors of the RSX and we use the time we would have spent on the RSX to start the next frame. With 3 ms or 4 ms of SPU latency at most, we are faster than the original 6ms of RSX time we saved. In the end it’s probably a wash in term of latency due to some SPU scheduling consideration. We had to make sure we could kick off the jobs as soon as the RSX was done with the frame, and likewise, when the SPU are done, we need the RSX to pick up where it left and finish the frame. Integrating the technique without adding any latency was really a major task, it involved almost half of the team, and a lot of SPU optimization was required very late in the game.”

“For a long time we worked with a reference code, algorithm changes were made in the reference code and in parallel the optimized code was being optimized further. the optimized version never deviated from the reference code. I assume that doing any kind of cheap approximation would prevent any changes to the algorithm. There’s a point though, where the team got such a good grip of the optimized version that the slow reference code wasn’t useful anymore and got removed. We tweaked some values, made few major changes to the edge detection code and did a lot of testing. I can’t stress it enough. every iteration was carefully checked and evaluated.”


Morphological Antialiasing in God of War III

Eric wrote a post back in July about a paper called Morphological Antialiasing which had been presented at HPG 2009 (source code for the paper is available here). The paper described a post-processing algorithm which could smooth out edges as if by magic. Although the screenshots were impressive, the technique seemed too expensive to be practical for games on current hardware; also there were reportedly bad artifacts when applied to moving images. For these reasons I didn’t pay too much attention to the technique. It was reported (including by us) that the game The Saboteur was using this technique on the PS3 but this turned out to be a false alarm.

However, God of War III is actually using Morphological Antialiasing. I’ve looked closely at the game and the technique they use appears not to exhibit significant motion artifacts; it definitely looks better than the MSAA2X technique it replaced (which was used in the E3 2009 demo). According to the game’s art director, the technique used “goes beyond” the original paper; this may mean that they improved it in ways that reduce the motion artifacts.

My initial impression that the technique is too expensive did not take into account the impressive horsepower of the PS3’s Cell chip. After optimization, the technique runs in 20 milliseconds on a single SPU; running it on 5 SPUs in parallel enables it to complete execution in 4 milliseconds. Most importantly, turning off MSAA saved them 5 milliseconds of GPU time, which on the PS3 is a significant gain (the GPU is most often the bottleneck on PS3 games).

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Vakar perejau visa graju , nu ka ispudziai tai belenkokie gereusias visu laiku pasaulio zaidimas , trumpam buvau uzstriges heros labirinte , bet youtubei radau kaip ten kas :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Niekad nera teke zaist God Of War apskirtai , dabar ziurejau yra god of war collection , ar reik but zaidus pirmas dalis kad suprasti apie ka 3 ?

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  T-N-Z parašė:

Niekad nera teke zaist God Of War apskirtai , dabar ziurejau yra god of war collection , ar reik but zaidus pirmas dalis kad suprasti apie ka 3 ?

Skaityti daugiau  

kalbi apie sita god of war colection ?


cia ir yra pirmos dvi dalys nuo ps2 perkurtos ant ps3. GOW 3 yra GOW3 .naujas zaidimas. cia tau ne koks adventure ar rpg kad reiktu but losus ankstesnes dalis.suprasi apie ka kai pora valandu pasikaposi ten..

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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na bet vistiek siulau nusipirkti ta pilna editiona ir but pazaidus gow 1 ir 2 , vistiek istorija siokia tokia yra , ir bus idomiau zaisti ja pilnai zinant :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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  scalman parašė:

kalbi apie sita god of war colection ?


cia ir yra pirmos dvi dalys nuo ps2 perkurtos ant ps3. GOW 3 yra GOW3 .naujas zaidimas. cia tau ne koks adventure ar rpg kad reiktu but losus ankstesnes dalis.suprasi apie ka kai pora valandu pasikaposi ten..

Skaityti daugiau  
Bet yra ir GOd of war trilogy edition. ten visos trys dalys

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  G1edrius parašė:

Bet yra ir GOd of war trilogy edition. ten visos trys dalys

Skaityti daugiau  

Link ir kaina butu saunu, nes as zinau tik 199 svaru ultimate versija, kas ne pro kuri gala neatrodo kaip racionalus sprendimas

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    • Taip, tačiau iš jo galėsi žaisti tik Xbox One, Xbox 360 ir originalaus Xbox žaidimus. XSX žaidimai nepalaikomi ir juos reikia žaisti iš vidinio SSD.
    • Ar galima pajungti isorini hdd?
    • @Mldc Bus tikrai gerai. Aš irgi to nesuprantu jeigu veikėja moteris viskas jau woke ar juodaodis žmogus-voras (Miles Morales) nu tai b** pasidomėkit prieš rašant, pasiskaitytų knygas raganiaus atžvilgiu o juoduko voro komiksus tegul paskaito kuriems irgi n metų. Anksčiau nifiga niekam nerūpėjo, o dabar jau verkia nat kiekvieno kampo kaip ir dėl naujo Naughty dog žaidimo. Man kaip tik smagiau žaisti už moterį protagoniste visur kur tik galima imu moteris tiek AC tiek CP2077 ir pan.  
    • Dar kas keisčiausia, jog yra žmonių, kurie skundžiasi, jog The Witcher 4 pagrindinis personažas bus moteris ir dar netradicinės ji tokia knygose  šiaip aš toks esu labiau anti woke pažiūrų ir už žodžio laisvę, bet kartais, kai kurie anti woke žmonės nusivažiuoja ir žiauriai. Apskritai moterys kaip main personažai niekam netrukdė kaip Portal žaidimuose, trukdyti tik dabar pradeda, kai woke studijos užkrauna žaidimus ar filmus woke mintimis, vietoje stipraus personažo ir istorijos, ir kai dirbtinai kūrėjai savo pažiūras bando įpiršti, ko niekam nereikia, tada tai problema, o čia bet čia knygose taip, kurioms gal 30 metų...čia kaip tik respectina OG material. Tad kiek nesuprantu interneto liaudies, nes kai perspaudžia kur nereikia yra irgi blogai, nesvarbu kurioje pusėje woke ar anti woke. Dėl knygų tai gimtadienio proga gavau visas 8 knygas dovanu, tai kai rasiu laiko per pusmetį ketinu visas perskaityti būtinai. Dabar kaip tik The Wicher 3 per naujo pradėjau žaisti, nu tai ką...šedevras. Manau ir šita dalis neatsiliks, nesugadins kaip serialas visko, kur tik pasityčiojo iš knygų, žaidimų, vis tiek lenkai kuria, manau bus gerai.
    • @Mldc Tai niekas nesako, kad vyresnės Ciri išvaizda bloga, kaip tik labai gerai, juk subrendus dabar ji tikiu, kad bus masterpiece ši dalis. W3 n kartų perėjęs ir visus kartus gavęs pabaiga kaip ji tampa ragane, tad mano pabaiga canon gaunasi  bet pereit reiks dar sykį prieš W4, o kad Ciri bus main veikėja čia aiškiau nebūna, visa istorija sukasi aplink ją tiek knygose tiek žaidymuose. Buvau pradėjęs skaityti jau penktą knygą, bet teko daryti gan ilgą pauzę ~3m., tad mastau knygas pradėti skaityti iš naujo.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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