
PlayStation 5 naujienos

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

koks dar pigesnis, is medzio iskritai, xbox x pasirode po metu ir su 100$ didesne kaina, tai aisku kad turi buti galingesnis, o kad dabar jis pigesnis tai nieko nereiskia, PS4 paprasto Sony oficialiai net nemazino kainos dabar, ka jau sneket apie Pro. nera reikalo nes perka, ko neperka tai xbox, del to ir kaina krenta.

kokius nuleakintus duomenis? jau senai tai aisku kad tai tik fake informacija. senai paneigta. tik xbox fanboyukai ant interneto vis negali paleisti situ gandu. 

kad PS5 kainuos ne 399$, tai jau senai aisku, Cerni jau senai ta buvo sakes.
va koki komentara radau GAF.


Everybody celebrating on one side based on those AMD leaks (essentially small test runs for more complete chips) are going to be disappointed. I can say with certainty while the tests are real, the PS5 chip has over 40 CUs.

Who has the stronger console shouldn't be considered as case closed, and the advantage isn't exactly on Xbox's side in that department. Sony has kept their cards close to their chest, very close, and as a result appear poised to surprise everybody again like they did in 2013. Only this time, there hasn't been a superdae style leak that accurately depicts most of Sony's plans. Sony did not skimp on their GPU. It is competitive with Xbox GPU. In fact, what has annoyed me recently has been all the vagueness, so I'll just flat out say it here. The PS5 GPU is stronger and larger than the Xbox chip. They're close, but Sony wins in that department, and anybody that doubts it come speak to me after the reveal.

Who the hell am I? Why should you believe me? I can't say because, well, NDAs are a bitch, and I'm not a fan of being hauled into court, but I'm not in agreement with how quiet Sony has been when they have the better box, so just consider me a friend tossing you guys a bone. I won't be participating too heavily in this thread because, quite frankly I don't want all the attention, but I see a lot of people settling on this ridiculous 9.2TFLOPs mess and I cringe when I see it. No, Sony isn't running their GPU as hot as some are thinking. Those 2GHz numbers were literally stress tests. No more, no less. And BC does not hinder Sony from increasing their CUs, cause they clearly have.

Everyone is assuming what form factor sony is going with based on their dev kit, don't. Microsoft aren't the only ones willing to draw more power in the next gen from their console. Sony are not designing a $399 console, they are shooting straight at the $499 price point and will likely have to take a loss because their SSD (SWEET JESUS THAT SSD!!!) is no game. They probably could have hit $399 easy without it, but I'm not mad at them.

And to add further context to Bluepoints tweet, "stay hungry" stop overreacting and getting nervous that the 9.2TFLOPS PS5 is real or a thing. It isn't, and they are fully aware of this. I will repeat because no other insider has made it quite clear yet, too much vagueness. The PS5 GPU is greater than 12.5 Teraflops, but less than 14TF. Is above 40 CUs (bye bye 5700 range navi - the thing that bugged us the most probably)

In all honesty when Phil Spencer put the Scarlett chip in his profile, and Xbox started flexing, Sony should have done the same. It would have been most interesting to see what measurements everybody came back with on both, and I will leave it at that on the chip size. On hardware ray tracing, both consoles are more or less similar, there is no super, special secret sauce. The story is just about the same there. I expect few games to use it because of the performance penalty, which is why you probably see Sony not mouthing off on that front. Xbox will find themselves in a precarious position to be pushing it so hard and then fail to deliver on it. Sony is choosing to take the humble route, but there is no advantage on either side for RT. It's a wash.

And finally, again, I know nobody here has any reason to believe a single word of what I just said, but trust when I tell you guys everything I say here you can take to the bank. We are in the early development phase of a title that will release first on Xbox even though all of our initial work, tests and benchmarks for performance, basically our entire invested time since the game was a concept, were done on ps5 until I guess a deal was made? We are not cross-platform. Next Gen Only. So now we have to do our best show pony routine and start building for xbox first with a later release on PS5 (might even drag us up on stage or something to show some ass). One of those fake exclusives as it were. We went from building for one powerful spec to now having to develop for an entirely different beast and its weaker kid brother. SSD optimizations (what the fuck do we need those for anymore?) Fan fucking tastic. I'm sure our art guys are loving it right now.

I’m done ranting, see you guys at reveal.

more news

Massive PS5 February event information (4chan leak)

>More major PlayStation 5 news will be unveiled at a PlayStation Meeting event for the press/media on February 5, 2020

>PlayStation Meeting will be held at the Sony Hall in NYC (Sony Hall is an indoor venue in which Sony sponsors and supplies tech inside the theatre)

>The console design, controller, UI/home screen, certain features, console specs, talk from third parties/indie publishers, as well as announcements for PS5 exclusives will be shown.

>Buzz words for the console's features include "little to no load times", "blazing fast downloads", "immersive controls", "modular installs for games, download whatever", "disc drive included", and "download the games, or stream the games as an option" (we're looking at you Stadia)

>PlayStation Now plays a vital role. You can either access games through a subscription fee or own the games out right. Sony (for a limited time) will bundle a 3-month PS Now subscription with the PS5 in select regions in an effort to promote the service to many new owners

>Remote Play is a big feature too, allowing to play your PS5 games on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop. Play those game anywhere, so long there's a Wi-Fi or cellular connection. The console will act as the database for those games to be streamed wherever

>The PlayStation app on mobile gets updated for PS5, adding a new design and other features to enhance your PS5 experience

>Backwards compatiblty with all PS4 games is also a big feature. Through a new transferring features, users will easily transfer their PS4 games to the PS5 if those games are downloaded. Save data/backups for PS4 games will also be transferable

>Backwards compatibility is such a major feature, that games from all 5 PlayStation platforms (PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3 and PS4), will be compatible on PS5, making it an "ultimate PlayStation console", putting an emphasis on past and present gaming. More details about backwards compatiblty will be discussed at a later date, especially at E3

>DualSchock 4 controllers, PSVR, and other PS4 accessories will be forwards compatible on the console as well, making it easy for existing PS4 to transition to the PS5 as well

>Gran Turismo 7, MLB The Show 21, Demon Souls Remastered, Godfall and Legendz (new IP from SIE Santa Monica Studio) are some of the launch titles for the console

>Other games are teased, such as a new Horizon game, new Spider Man from Insomniac, new Crash Bandicoot game, new sci-fi IP from Naughty Dog, new IPs from SIE Japan and London Studio, Final Fantasy 16 qnd a new Resident Evil title

>PS5 will launch worldwide in October 2020. Priced at $499 USD / £449 UK / €449 EU / ¥54,999 JP

>Launching in one model only. No "pro" model at launch

>Specs to be almost on par with Xbox Series X (which will be $100 more), and more powerful than Xbox Lockhart (a console that's $100 less with 4TFlops of compute power compared to the PS5's 10TFlops)

>Press/media will go hands on with the PS5 and it's software demos after the presentation. Expect lots of news coverage that day

>Pre orders for the PS5 will go up on the same day in select regions

>Sony will return to E3 for 2020 to discuss more on the PS5 and other upcoming titles

>"IT'S TIME TO PLAY." is PlayStation's new slogan for the PS5 and the brand as a whole



Gran Turismo 7, labai laukiu sito. labai tikiuosi kad tai nebus GT Sport tesinys. labai laukiu normalios GT dalies, kur bus didelis story mode, simtai masinu ir svarbiausia dalys, masinu dalys, daug daliu, gerint viska, pirkti, tobuleti.

is 4chan tai cia is vis neaisku, nelabai tiketina, bet idomu vistiek :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
prieš 8 valandas, gedunex parašė:

koks dar pigesnis, is medzio iskritai, xbox x pasirode po metu ir su 100$ didesne kaina, tai aisku kad turi buti galingesnis, o kad dabar jis pigesnis tai nieko nereiskia, PS4 paprasto Sony oficialiai net nemazino kainos dabar, ka jau sneket apie Pro. nera reikalo nes perka, ko neperka tai xbox, del to ir kaina krenta.

 Aš ir kalbėjau apie dabartinę situacija, kad jis pigesnis už pro nors dabar kainos panašios ir jis yra galingesnis, bet ne galigumas diktuoja kokia jo kaina bus.. Nematau reikalo xbox x daryt brangesnį už ps5, nes rinką tikriausiai vėl dominuos sony.

Redagavo Lonsdale

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Backward compatibility labai gerai kad bus. Nusiperki naują konsolę ir iškart galėsi pilnai išnaudoti, backlogą mažinti ir nelaukti naujų žaidimų. Bet kažkaip iš Sony pusės nematau jiems naudos iš to. Nei Remasterių nepridarysi, kaip buvo su PS3 ir PS4, o ir PS4 konsolės greit pasimirš ir dauguma norės jomis atsikratyti. Labai norėčiau, kad būtų Ultimate PS, kuris paleistų visų gen PS žaidimus.

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Aš asmeniškai norėčiau, kad būtų normalus aušinimas ir tylesnis, galėtų ir gamepadas ilgiau laikyt.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

tai pagal gandus PS5 palaikys visas praeities konsoles. aisku, kiek tu zaidimu palaikys dar neaisku.
pultelis tai man netrugdo, laiko virs 10h, ner problemos, nors naujajame pultelyje turetu buti geresne batareika, apie 15-20h turetu laikyt. 
nezinau, pas mane buvo PS4 darbar PS4 Pro, stovi per 40cm ir zaisdamas as jo visai negirdziu, nebent butu visiska tyla. bet kitiems matai blogas garsas. siaip turetu tylesne konsole buti, ziuresim tik ant kiek.

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Aš irgi neturiu jokių priekaištų pultelio baterijai. Ir laiko ilgai (V2), o kai turiu 2, tai kol vienas kraunasi - su kitu žaidžiu. Anksčiau tiesiog nuo lizdo su telefono pakrovėju pakraudavau - jokių nusiskundimų dėl batarkės.

Ant kai kurių žaidimų tikrai pasijaučia konsolės užesys. RDR2, GOW, o dabar Horizon žaidžiu tai irgi gan garsiai sukasi. Bet kad trukdytų - tikrai ne. Pagarsini TV ir no problem ?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
prieš 16 valandų, gedunex parašė:

koks dar pigesnis, is medzio iskritai, xbox x pasirode po metu ir su 100$ didesne kaina, tai aisku kad turi buti galingesnis, o kad dabar jis pigesnis tai nieko nereiskia, PS4 paprasto Sony oficialiai net nemazino kainos dabar, ka jau sneket apie Pro. nera reikalo nes perka, ko neperka tai xbox, del to ir kaina krenta.

kokius nuleakintus duomenis? jau senai tai aisku kad tai tik fake informacija. senai paneigta. tik xbox fanboyukai ant interneto vis negali paleisti situ gandu. 

kad PS5 kainuos ne 399$, tai jau senai aisku, Cerni jau senai ta buvo sakes.
va koki komentara radau GAF.

Everybody celebrating on one side based on those AMD leaks (essentially small test runs for more complete chips) are going to be disappointed. I can say with certainty while the tests are real, the PS5 chip has over 40 CUs.

Who has the stronger console shouldn't be considered as case closed, and the advantage isn't exactly on Xbox's side in that department. Sony has kept their cards close to their chest, very close, and as a result appear poised to surprise everybody again like they did in 2013. Only this time, there hasn't been a superdae style leak that accurately depicts most of Sony's plans. Sony did not skimp on their GPU. It is competitive with Xbox GPU. In fact, what has annoyed me recently has been all the vagueness, so I'll just flat out say it here. The PS5 GPU is stronger and larger than the Xbox chip. They're close, but Sony wins in that department, and anybody that doubts it come speak to me after the reveal.

Who the hell am I? Why should you believe me? I can't say because, well, NDAs are a bitch, and I'm not a fan of being hauled into court, but I'm not in agreement with how quiet Sony has been when they have the better box, so just consider me a friend tossing you guys a bone. I won't be participating too heavily in this thread because, quite frankly I don't want all the attention, but I see a lot of people settling on this ridiculous 9.2TFLOPs mess and I cringe when I see it. No, Sony isn't running their GPU as hot as some are thinking. Those 2GHz numbers were literally stress tests. No more, no less. And BC does not hinder Sony from increasing their CUs, cause they clearly have.

Everyone is assuming what form factor sony is going with based on their dev kit, don't. Microsoft aren't the only ones willing to draw more power in the next gen from their console. Sony are not designing a $399 console, they are shooting straight at the $499 price point and will likely have to take a loss because their SSD (SWEET JESUS THAT SSD!!!) is no game. They probably could have hit $399 easy without it, but I'm not mad at them.

And to add further context to Bluepoints tweet, "stay hungry" stop overreacting and getting nervous that the 9.2TFLOPS PS5 is real or a thing. It isn't, and they are fully aware of this. I will repeat because no other insider has made it quite clear yet, too much vagueness. The PS5 GPU is greater than 12.5 Teraflops, but less than 14TF. Is above 40 CUs (bye bye 5700 range navi - the thing that bugged us the most probably)

In all honesty when Phil Spencer put the Scarlett chip in his profile, and Xbox started flexing, Sony should have done the same. It would have been most interesting to see what measurements everybody came back with on both, and I will leave it at that on the chip size. On hardware ray tracing, both consoles are more or less similar, there is no super, special secret sauce. The story is just about the same there. I expect few games to use it because of the performance penalty, which is why you probably see Sony not mouthing off on that front. Xbox will find themselves in a precarious position to be pushing it so hard and then fail to deliver on it. Sony is choosing to take the humble route, but there is no advantage on either side for RT. It's a wash.

And finally, again, I know nobody here has any reason to believe a single word of what I just said, but trust when I tell you guys everything I say here you can take to the bank. We are in the early development phase of a title that will release first on Xbox even though all of our initial work, tests and benchmarks for performance, basically our entire invested time since the game was a concept, were done on ps5 until I guess a deal was made? We are not cross-platform. Next Gen Only. So now we have to do our best show pony routine and start building for xbox first with a later release on PS5 (might even drag us up on stage or something to show some ass). One of those fake exclusives as it were. We went from building for one powerful spec to now having to develop for an entirely different beast and its weaker kid brother. SSD optimizations (what the fuck do we need those for anymore?) Fan fucking tastic. I'm sure our art guys are loving it right now.

I’m done ranting, see you guys at reveal.

more news

Massive PS5 February event information (4chan leak)

>More major PlayStation 5 news will be unveiled at a PlayStation Meeting event for the press/media on February 5, 2020

>PlayStation Meeting will be held at the Sony Hall in NYC (Sony Hall is an indoor venue in which Sony sponsors and supplies tech inside the theatre)

>The console design, controller, UI/home screen, certain features, console specs, talk from third parties/indie publishers, as well as announcements for PS5 exclusives will be shown.

>Buzz words for the console's features include "little to no load times", "blazing fast downloads", "immersive controls", "modular installs for games, download whatever", "disc drive included", and "download the games, or stream the games as an option" (we're looking at you Stadia)

>PlayStation Now plays a vital role. You can either access games through a subscription fee or own the games out right. Sony (for a limited time) will bundle a 3-month PS Now subscription with the PS5 in select regions in an effort to promote the service to many new owners

>Remote Play is a big feature too, allowing to play your PS5 games on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop. Play those game anywhere, so long there's a Wi-Fi or cellular connection. The console will act as the database for those games to be streamed wherever

>The PlayStation app on mobile gets updated for PS5, adding a new design and other features to enhance your PS5 experience

>Backwards compatiblty with all PS4 games is also a big feature. Through a new transferring features, users will easily transfer their PS4 games to the PS5 if those games are downloaded. Save data/backups for PS4 games will also be transferable

>Backwards compatibility is such a major feature, that games from all 5 PlayStation platforms (PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3 and PS4), will be compatible on PS5, making it an "ultimate PlayStation console", putting an emphasis on past and present gaming. More details about backwards compatiblty will be discussed at a later date, especially at E3

>DualSchock 4 controllers, PSVR, and other PS4 accessories will be forwards compatible on the console as well, making it easy for existing PS4 to transition to the PS5 as well

>Gran Turismo 7, MLB The Show 21, Demon Souls Remastered, Godfall and Legendz (new IP from SIE Santa Monica Studio) are some of the launch titles for the console

>Other games are teased, such as a new Horizon game, new Spider Man from Insomniac, new Crash Bandicoot game, new sci-fi IP from Naughty Dog, new IPs from SIE Japan and London Studio, Final Fantasy 16 qnd a new Resident Evil title

>PS5 will launch worldwide in October 2020. Priced at $499 USD / £449 UK / €449 EU / ¥54,999 JP

>Launching in one model only. No "pro" model at launch

>Specs to be almost on par with Xbox Series X (which will be $100 more), and more powerful than Xbox Lockhart (a console that's $100 less with 4TFlops of compute power compared to the PS5's 10TFlops)

>Press/media will go hands on with the PS5 and it's software demos after the presentation. Expect lots of news coverage that day

>Pre orders for the PS5 will go up on the same day in select regions

>Sony will return to E3 for 2020 to discuss more on the PS5 and other upcoming titles

>"IT'S TIME TO PLAY." is PlayStation's new slogan for the PS5 and the brand as a whole


Gran Turismo 7, labai laukiu sito. labai tikiuosi kad tai nebus GT Sport tesinys. labai laukiu normalios GT dalies, kur bus didelis story mode, simtai masinu ir svarbiausia dalys, masinu dalys, daug daliu, gerint viska, pirkti, tobuleti.

is 4chan tai cia is vis neaisku, nelabai tiketina, bet idomu vistiek :D

Žmogau, kaina nėra oficialiai patvirtinta, taip pat kaip ir galingumas, čia tik spėlioti galima, dėl nuleakintu duomenu, taip pat nėra aišku, ant kiek jie legit yra, bet ekspertas Digital Foundry kalbėjo apie juos, jei jie pasitvirtintu, t.y. PS5 būtu silpnesnis už naujajį Xbox, tai būtu visai logiška ir realu, kadangi kaip minėjau kaina daug ka lemia konsoliu rinkoje, o ir tas galingumas t.y. TFLOPS tėra tik didelis marketingas realiai, pasižiurėk Xbox One X turi 6 TFLOPS, o PS4 Pro 4.2 TFLOPS, o skirtumas tarp ju realiai žaidžiant žaidimus nėra labai didelis. Konsoliu rinkoje galia nelaimi.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

tai zinau kad nera kainos. bet Cerny pasake kad tai bus premium produktas, tai cia jau mazu maziausia 449$ bet ir tai nerealu, bus minimum 499$. tie gandai irgi nesamone, jau jie paneigti. 

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Dėl kainos aš manau, kad visai realu, jog kaina galėtu būti 399$, parduodant konsoles visada šoka į minusa, o uždirba iš prenumeratu ir žaidimu pirmus metus. Bet žinoma čia visko gali būti.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose




VGC recently published an analysis report of when the PS5 could be revealed, a section of which talked about Sony’s plans for E3. The report claims that sources tell VGC that Sony might end up not attending E3 2020, though it isn’t a decision that’s been locked in just yet. That said, VGC also claims that Microsoft is working under the assumption that Sony will indeed be absent from E3 once again, and are hence ramping up their plans to capitalize on that.

Meanwhile, industry analyst Michael Pachter of Wedbush Securities also believes that Sony won’t be present at E3 in June of this year. “As far as I know, they don’t plan to attend,” he says. “I think that’s a huge mistake, as their ‘focus on the consumer’ is not inconsistent with their attendance at the premier industry trade show. I hope they change their minds, but am sceptical.”



Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

koks dar realu? kas tau yra? Cerny, konsoles kurejas, aiskiai tarp eiluciu pasake ir paskui dar daejo kad tai bus premium produktas. koks dar 399$ zmogau? aisku kad eina i minusa, tai PS5 ir eis i minusa su 499$ kaina,  ir tai dar neaisku ar nebus 549$.

as tai manau kad kaip tik E3 Sony nepraleis.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Man viskas gerai neprakaituok, tu savo nuomonę turi, aš savo. Na tai gerai gali būti ir premium produktas, kainos nei Cerny, nei Sony neatskleidė, spėlioti galim kiek norim, tu manyk, kad bus 499$, aš manysiu, kad 399$. Tiesa sakant aš su nuomone, kad bus tarp 399 ir 499, ne daugiau, o dėl naujojo Xbox tai visai ir manyčiau, kad gali būti daugiau nei 499$.

EDIT: Beje leak'ai NĖRA paneigti, nežinau iš kur ištraukei tokia info, leak'ai ir lieka leak'ais, nori tiki, nori ne.

Redagavo lukasamba

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

cia ne nuomone, cia faktai. tai beabejo, gali gyvent savo fantaziju pasaulyje.
nera leakai paneigti? tai kad pats leakeris juos paneige. o ir ju paneigti net nereikia, kiekvienas suprantantis bent kiek technikoje supranta kad tai kas buvo nuleakinta is vis neatitinka realybes ir neimanoma.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Pirma PS4 konsole kainavo 399$. Nemanau, kad nuo to laiko sekanti konsole turetu kainuoti brangiau. Nors ir bus technologiskai atsinaujinusi, bet nemanau, kad tai itakos jos kaina. Pinigai bus uzdirbami ne is jo. Bet aisku cia tik speliojimai. Sony gali nedalyvauti E3, kad konsoles pristatyma pasiliktu savo renginiui. Ziuresim ar X'sas atvers kortas ir parodys pirmas savo konsoles kaina. Tada ir Sony gali derintis prie situacijos.

Redagavo Magnitas

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

konsoles pristatymas cia ne prie ko, E3 vyksta birzeli. pagal visus gandus, Vasario 5 turetu buti pristatymas PS5. net ir data tam tinkama ir labai daug gandu. 2.5.2020, taip atsvenciant 25 metu jubilieju.

nesvarbu, sekanti ar ne, bet pats Cerny pasake, ne koks moliugas istrauke is oro. paziurek jo interviu ir kai paklause del kainos :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • Be abejo. Taip, čia buvo labiau emocijos su tuo Intergalactic, bet vistiek nekeičia kad nepatiko. O "nepatiko" ir yra emocijos😄 P. S. TLOU III 
    • todel, kad is witcherio tu jau zinai ko tiketis, o cia visiskai naujas IP. ir dar tikrai niekas neaisku apie ka. labiausiai uzkliuva, kad boba negrazi ir veiksmas kazkur kosmose. pirmas ispudis nekoks, bet palaukim. niekas gi nevercia preorderio daryt. pamatysim kazka daugiau tada gal jau aiskiau bus ar labiau hatint ar po truputi didinti smalsuma. vistiek cia gi naughty dog. kokybes standartai pas juos auksciausi
    • na filmas visada visas bus diske ir jam nereiks jokio patcho ar dlc  cia visai kitas reikalas. as irgi buciau pilnai uz tai, kad tureti patinkanti zaidima savo kolekcijoj, bet deja pilno zaidimo diske nera turbut jau nuo ps3/xbox360 laiku (butrent tada atsirado zaidimu patchai konsolese). butu labai gerai jei po kazkiek laiko kai zaidimas pilnai supatchintas ir su visai dlc butu isleidziamas fiziniu pavidalu, bet deja tas neapsimoka. gamepass  tai nuoma. labai gerai jei nezinai kas per zaidimas bet gal ir noretum ji pabandyt. o jei nepatinka tv su xbox gamepassu tai tam yra konsoles. xbox tampa servisu ir kuris butu pasiekiamas visur visiems ir ant bet ko... tuoj bus taip, kad pasileidinesi ant ps5 zaidima ir pirma ka pamatysi bus "Xbox Gamestudio" va kaip dabar su naughty dog naujausiu pristatytu zaidimu... daug hate'o, bet jei butu ps+ galima butu isbandyt nemokamai ir tada jau nusprest ar verta isigyti i savo kolekcija ar ne.. o kas del licenzijos tai ji ne visai tavo... gali but, kad zaidima turi nusipirkes, o jis jau isimtas is eshopo butent del kazkokios pasibaigusios licenzijos (panasiai kaip su senais gta. isimti is paduotuviu nes baigesi licenzija muzikai) o naujose zaidimo versijose tu muzikos ganalu paprasciausiai nera. ir siaip diskai dabar labiau kaip budas pigiau pazaisti zaidima. nupirkai, perejei, pardavei.. tai kuom ne prenumerata?
    • Suprantu tavo ironija, bet tikrai galiu pasakyti pasižiūrėjus ar man patinka ką matau ar ne. Palygink su Witcher IV anons treileriu ir viskas bus aišku.
    • @WirmiS, mintys išsakytos neblogos. Gal būt tai bus ateitis, į kurią mus visus taip stumia, bet tai tikrai tinka nevisiems. Taip man patinka Netflix ir aš turiu ne tik jo, bet ir beveik visų stremingų prenumerata, bet neturiu Gamepass (PS+ turiu dėl onlaino). Žiūrėti filmą ir žaisti yra pramoga, bet visgi nėra tapatus dalykai. Aš žaidžiu tik tuos žaidimus, kurie man TIKRAI patinka, nes tai reikalauja laisvo laiko, kurio su amžiumi (iki tam tikros ribos) darosi vis mažiau. Todėl aš labai smarkiai pasirenku kam man skirti tą laisvalaikio laiką. Nepatikėsi, bet dar per kelis metus nesu paleidęs ne vieno PS+ gaunamų žaidimų, nes ko man reikia praktiškai viską nusiperku. T. p. turiu ir gan nemenka fizinių movie diskų kolekcija tais pačiais sumetimais. Nežinau gal tai amžius, gal old school, bet aš nenoriu tik įjungti TV su įmontuotu Gamepasu ir kažką tai streamingu pažaist. Noriu turėti fizinę konsole, nupirkta žaidimą (nebūtinai fizinį diską), bet mano asmenynę licenciją. Kažakaip taip.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos