
Google Stadia 4k/60fps

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prieš 21 valandą, SoulReaver parašė:

Idomu bus stebeti, taciau asmeniskai neesu suinteresuotas.

man lygiai tas pats.

drama popcorn GIF

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galbut su laiku ras koki geresni buda kompresijos ir atsilikimo, na bent jau stengiasi surast geriausia varianta


tipo jie leis zaidima pvz 100 fps o tu ji gausi 60fps tokiu budu kazkiek islosi to atsilikimo ... na idomiai ar tai realiai veikia 

Redagavo scalman

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Man namie streaminant iš desktopo į tlf (dariau eksperimentą) per WiFi, Fallout 4 buvo su purvinu susiliejusiu vaizdu ir stipriai jaučiamu delay tai visiškai nežavi manęs tos visos stream nesąmonės. Panašiai ir su Onlive buvo. Nereikia pliurpti jog greitesnis internetas dabar ir viskas susitvarkė - ir seniau buvo greitas internetas, o ir serveriai pastoviai lūžinėja kaip ir senais gerais laikais. :D 

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interas gali but belekoks greitas bet jei pingas bus didelis tai ir velavimas bus nemazas . 

o per stadia negalima rinktis pvz mazesnes rezos tada gauni gal mazesni velavima ? 

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Google Stadia will only have 12 games at launch

Pasirodymo diena bus pristatyta 12 zaidimu, o iki metu galo 26. Tarp 26 ir tokie zaidimai kaip kad Borderlands 3, Metro Exodus, FF XV.

  • Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
  • Destiny 2: The Collection
  • GYLT
  • Just Dance 2020
  • Kine
  • Mortal Kombat 11 
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Rise of the Tomb Raider
  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
  • Thumper
  • Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition


  • Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle
  • Borderlands 3
  • Darksiders Genesis
  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
  • Farming Simulator 19
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • Football Manager 2020
  • Ghost Recon Breakpoint
  • GRID
  • Metro Exodus
  • NBA 2K20
  • Rage 2
  • Trials Rising
  • Wolfenstein: Youngblood
Redagavo Magnitas

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Google Stadia will launch without a bunch of promised features
The Stadia team is answering questions on Reddit


Ahead of Google Stadia’s launch on Nov. 19, Google is hosting an Ask Me Anything session on Reddit. As that AMA reveals, Stadia will be missing some key features on launch day; those will start rolling out “as soon as one week after launch,” according to developers.

At launch, players will not have access to an achievements system — though achievements will be saved and recognized when the system launches “shortly” after Stadia’s release date — nor will Stadia support family sharing. Parents will be able to manage children’s “experience on Stadia” with parental controls through Family Link, but can’t share games. Developers said it’s a “high priority” feature that will launch in early 2020.

Stadia will also not support Chromecast Ultra devices that didn’t come with the Stadia bundle at launch — only the ones the streaming platform ships with. The Chromecast Ultra is used to stream games to 4K screens. It’s the only Chromecast device compatible with Stadia at launch. Google will update existing Chromecast Ultra devices “over the air soon after launch,” the developers said.

Google said its approach with Stadia’s launch is like how it does updates for Google Search, YouTube, and other services: a “gradual rollout and continuous improvement” based on user feedback. No games with Stream Connect — Stadia’s multiplayer experience — will be available at launch; developers said “the first game with Stream Connect” will launch before 2020.

Games that support State Share and Crowd Play, other multiplayer features, will be released next year. Likewise, Stadia Buddy Pass, which is a Founder’s Edition bonus, will be available two weeks after a user gets their bundle. (Buddy Pass lets players gift Stadia to someone else for a limited time.) No accessibility features are planned for launch, either; developers said “the team is working with game developers to set standards for accessibility across all games on Stadia.”


“Of course there are many more cool new platform features on the roadmap,” Stadia developers said. “We’re aiming to release new stuff weekly after 11/19.”

But it isn’t all bad news. Developers also announced something new, a Google Pixel and Stadia accessory designed to mount a phone to the Stadia controller. “We’ve designed a special accessory for Pixel and Stadia Controller,” Google said. “The official name is Claw and will be produced by our Made for Google partner PowerSupport. It will be sold exclusively through the Gstore and available for purchase in the coming weeks.”

The company also said Stadia users can use Google Play gift cards and credits to buy games through the Stadia app on Android.

This week, Google announced 12 games that will be available at launch. Fourteen additional titles are expected to be released by the end of 2019. Stadia will launch in 14 countries on Nov. 19 — but one Stadia user in the San Francisco Bay Area will get theirs hand-delivered by Stadia director of product Andrey Doronichev. Doronichev said during the AMA that he’ll drop off a Stadia on Nov. 19, “based on order received and how close you are to [his] house.”

He continued: “We can even play your first game together!”


Redagavo Magnitas

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Kyla naturalus klausimas, kam leisti pustusti servisa?, prizadeta visko daug, o faktiskai tai  open Beta.

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All the Google Stadia reviews below:

  • Wired – 6/10
  • The Guardian – 3/5
  • IGN – “If you’re cursed with data caps from your Internet provider, you might want to avoid Stadia.”
  • The Verge – “There’s no reason anyone should buy into Stadia right now.”
  • Financial Post – “If you head in anticipating an experience with the same graphical fidelity and tight, instantaneous control as you’d get from a high end gaming PC or console, you’re bound to be at least a little disappointed.”
  • Polygon – “The biggest problem is that Stadia, at launch, hasn’t provided a smooth, seamless experience when playing games.”
  • PC World – “A glimpse of a future some other company will probably perfect.”
  • Gamespot – “Too little, too soon.”
  • VentureBeat – “One of the many problems with Stadia is that you and I are not guaranteed to get the same experience.”
  • GamesRadar – “If the circumstances are right, if your connection is strong, then Stadia feels like a potential pathway towards the future for this industry and game-streaming feels like magic.”
  • Ars Technica – “Google’s game streaming is too limited and too unreliable, for too little benefit.”
  • Yahoo Finance – “At the moment, I’d hold off on picking up a Stadia kit, simply because so many features are still being finished for early 2020.”
  • Screenrant – “Google Stadia works just fine under perfect testing conditions, but that doesn’t mean it’s worth a purchase right out of the gate.”
  • CNET – “Gaming’s streaming future isn’t here yet.”



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Biski pradzioje palagins, o tada galima bus zaisti. Kaip su senais gerais PC kurie nelabai patraukdavo CSGO.


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Prior to launch Google promised players would be able to tap into powerful 10.7 teraflop hardware, allowing anybody to play games at 4k and 60fps on high settings, but the reality seems to be somewhat different.

According to The Verge’s Stadia review, the streaming platform does not run its showcase launch title Destiny 2 in native 4K. Google confirmed this in a statement…


When streaming at 4K, we render at a native 1080p and then upsample and apply a variety of techniques to increase the overall quality of effect.

Not only is Destiny 2 not true 4K on Stadia, it runs at medium settings. So, in other words, Destiny 2 on Stadia is a marked step down from the Xbox One X version, which runs at native 4K with more visual pizazz. Apparently, Destiny 2 isn’t the only game not offering the visual quality Google promised – it's revealed in Eurogamer’s Stadia review that Red Dead Redemption 2 only renders at 1440p and 30fps with visual settings at around the same level seen on the Xbox One X. So, a little better than Destiny 2, but not the top-of-the-line experience we were told to expect. Presumably, other games also offer less-than-ideal visual performance.

Of course, streaming games at 1080p/1440p with high-end console settings isn’t terrible. If you’re not a particularly techy person and just looking at Stadia as a replacement for consoles,  it’s not a bad alternative. That said, Google promised more, and for whatever reason, they’re not delivering yet. Hopefully they can work the kinks out and offer a true high-end experience soon.

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Visiškai nenustebintas. :) 

Redagavo Haze
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Discounted and free games will not be available when your Pro Subscription ends - Plačiau..

Islindo idomus dalykas ir kol kas neaisku ar tai tiesa ar tiesiog supporto pasakyta klaidinga informacija. O esme tokia, kad jeigu naudodami Stadia neturesime prasitese subscription tai su nuolaida pirkti zaidimai ir nemokami zaidimai tiesiog bus neprieinami. Jeigu niekas is Google nepaneigs situ kalbu tai bus pilnas pipec.

  • Patinka 2
  • Nesupratau 1

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prieš 3 valandas, Magnitas parašė:

Discounted and free games will not be available when your Pro Subscription ends - Plačiau..

Islindo idomus dalykas ir kol kas neaisku ar tai tiesa ar tiesiog supporto pasakyta klaidinga informacija. O esme tokia, kad jeigu naudodami Stadia neturesime prasitese subscription tai su nuolaida pirkti zaidimai ir nemokami zaidimai tiesiog bus neprieinami. Jeigu niekas is Google nepaneigs situ kalbu tai bus pilnas pipec.


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Google responds after Stadia owners accuse it of breaking promises over game performance - Plačiau..

Stadia vartotojai apkaltino kompanija melu! Del nepasiteisunusiu pazadu ir del grafikos 4K/60FPS. Nors Guuglui atrodo kitaip.


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    • Gali būti kad iki dabartinės XBox konsolių kartos gyvavimo ciklo sulauksim naujo (ar atnaujinto) XBox kontrolerio, kuris palaikys funkcijas, panašias kaip Sony Dualsens, t. y. adaptive triggers ir haptic feedback (kas būtu visai logiška, seniai jau reikėjo). Bent jau Filas Spenceris apie tai kalba. Jeigu ne šiai kartai, tai būsimai, kurios visai galim sulaukti ir 2026 m. (būtu stiprus ėjimas iš Microsoft) tai tikrai.  
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    • Jau turiu. Early acsess buvo 02 06, pilnas paleidimas 02 11 visoms patformoms. Na ka gi - nauja Civilizacijos serija visada šventė!!!. Žaidžiu priepuolimais per sūnaus kompą, taigi dabar esu pirmos sesijos pabaigoje. Vizualai puikia padarytas, toks labiau kaip Civ V ramesnis stilius, dėl gamplay tai daug visokių naujovių. Puse kontento aišku dar įdės eigoje. Turiu ir konsoline versija ž atrodo identiškai, bet su pulteliu žaidžiasi sunkai, visgi tai yra PC žaidimas. Daugiau apie įspūdžius parašysiu kiek vėliau. To be continued kaip sakoma😄
    • Šitas. Po kokių gerų pusės metų gulėjimo stalčiuje (nors 2 buvo puikiai suėjęs) pagaliau užsikabinau ir labai patinka. Gėda prisipažinti, bet kelis kartus bandžiau pradėti ir mesdavau priėjęs pirmą rimtą encounterį zombių kaime - pradžioje vis nesuprasdavau kad jų visų nereikia bandyt išžudyti, o tik atsilaikyti kurį laiką😁 Bet dabar veža kaip turi būt, esu gal kokiam 9 chapterį. Formulė pparasta, bet visa dar smagi. Ir tiesa dabar jau puikiai optimizuotas. Performance mode ant vanilines PS5 labai gerai atrodo.
  • 32 Dizainas

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    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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