
Google Stadia 4k/60fps

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Google has an answer for any skeptics of its Stadia streaming game service: Buy the game from Google, and you can play through Stadia for free.


Reiks pasiziureti kaip cia viskas susidelios. Jeigu perki zaidima tai zaidi nemokamai ji neturedamas konsoles. Jeigu moki uz menesi, ka tada losi? Tokius zaidimus kaip rode kur reikia pereiti per gatve ir nebuti partrenktam?


Siaip AAA turetu negauti zaidimu taip greitai. Nebent labai jau ilystu i sita reikala. Switch irgi nieko gero nepasiule iki kol nepradejo ir ju konsole itraukineti tarp giganciu.


Nezinau.. Reikia daugiau info situ reikalu. :D

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ai nu gal turbut su Stadia Pro moki 9.99 i menesi ir neperki daleiskim zaidimu tai galesi lost tai ka jie duos uz dyka. o su Base negausi nieko , pirksi zaidimus ir losi /streaminsi uz dyka tada. o is kur pulteli gausi ? 70 zaliu turbut pultelis . 

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Pultelis matyt gydantis koks, kad tokia kaina jo. :)





Titles will not be available for free - some games may appear as part of offers and discounts, but in order to play Stadia games you will have to buy them separately.



Google announced today that its Stadia platform will add games from more than 20 developers and publishers to its playable catalog during its launch window.

As of today June 6th, 2019, the list of developers and publishers with games that will be available on Google Stadia is as follows:

    Bandai Namco
    Deep Silver
    Electronic Arts
    Giants Software
    Larian Studios
    nWay Games
    Rockstar Games
    Square Enix
    2K Games
    Tequila Works
    Warner Bros. Interactive


    Ghost Recon Breakpoint, The Division 2, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Just Dance, The Crew 2, Trials Rising (Ubisoft)
    Wolfenstein: Youngblood, Rage 2, The Elder Scrolls Online, Doom, Doom Eternal (Bethesda)
    Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, Final Fantasy 15 (Square Enix)
    Baldur’s Gate 3 (Larian Studios)
    NBA 2K, Borderlands 3 (2K)
    Darksiders Genesis (THQ Nordic)
    Destiny 2 (Bungie)

    Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (Bandai Namco)
    Farming Simulator 19 (Giants Software)
    Football Manager (Sega)
    Get Packed (Coatsink)
    GRID (Codemasters)
    Gylt (Tequila Works)
    Metro Exodus (Deep Silver)
    Mortal Kombat 11 (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)
    Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (nWay Games)
    Samurai Shodown (SNK)
    Thumper (Drool)


Mes cia kalbame, kad AAA zaidimai vargiai pasieks Stadia, bet ziuriu i lista ir visai jis ne menkas sakyciau.

Beje, idomu, kad rusai i saliu lista nepapuole. Matyt ne toli nuo lietuvos atsilieka.

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Bet kad nera jokios priezasties kad zmogus kuriam patinka video zaidimai sakytu o man reikia Stadijos. nes nu kodel ? tu jau turi platforma ant ko zaidi zaidimus . 

jei kazka uzkabino skaiciukai 4k , tai gale metu be jokiu abejoniu sony ir xbox paskelbs kad jie streamins irgi 4k . xbox isvis jau paskelbs turbut uz keliu dienu. 

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Nezinau.. Turbut kitiems kaip ir man patiko visas sitas blizgutis. Bet kai suzinos, kad reikia moketi uz viska ka matai.. Turbut neimanoma, bet cia reikia kazko tokio, kad bet kur pirkta zaidima galima butu zaisti Stadijoje. Tada butu pointas nuvykus kazkur, kur nera konsoles, pajungti Chroma ir losti. Ko reiktu tai to blyno ir rankenos? Del sito tikrai butu patogu. Aisku kazkas ir naudosis sita nesamone, bet konkurencijos as cia nematau. Pirma, negausi tu tokio interneto, apart namu kad ten 4K isnestu. Kitas dalykas, niekas nemokes uz zaidimus kurie liks debesyje.

Redagavo Magnitas

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kaip suprantu nereikia jokio chromo per telefa juk belekur galesi pasijungt ... tik kad rysys gal nekoks bus... idomu kaip reikalai su tais mobiliais rysiais butu , pvz kad ir masinoj su tel ... jauciu nekoks vaizdelis butu.mano tel su 4g rodo 15mbit downloada ir 34ping.  velgi xbox jau beveik kaip ir viska turi savo naujam stream projektui ir ten kazkaip viskas rimciau man atrodo. tai manau po xbox e3 konfo nuomones pasikeis dar. 

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Su Stadia, beje, tikrai nebus svaraus vaizdo. :) Tiesiog ziurint youtubeje 4k video ant 4k monitoriaus per sviesolaidi vistiek matosi miniatiuriniai artefaktai, tai nu nesamone. To nebuna ziurint parsisiusta filma. Dar kitur su 2k moniku pabandziau ir 2k video - vistiek visiskai jokio svaraus vaizdo, ir cia mes kalbame apie ta pati Google. Su Stadia 100% bus tas pats sh, nebus crisp vaizdo ir viskas atrodys silpnai palieta lyg su downscalinta rezoliucija.

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In a long interview with Larian CEO Swen Vincke, for instance, our Francesco asked whether the developer considered the addition of SSD drives in the next-generation consoles to be potentially revolutionary. Here’s the reply of the Larian boss:


To be fair, people have SSDs in their PCs already, so it’s not that much of a revolution. Streaming is a very important technology for modern games, so the faster you can stream your data, you can put more of it, and you’re going to have higher quality assets, which is pretty much what everybody expects there to be. The big questions are going to be how much memory do you get to actually do that? Is there sufficient memory to fool around with? How much CPU power are we getting? Because that’s also important, but it’s the classic things that we see with every generation. I mean, how much GPU power do we get? But at the end of the day, it’s always going to be more, it’s going to be more detailed, it’s going to allow us to do more accurate simulations.

I think that the more interesting question is how stuff like Google Stadia will change things. It gives developers something different. In the data center, these machines are connected to each other, and so you could start thinking of doing things like elastic rendering, like make a couple of servers together to do physics simulations that may not be possible on current local hardware. I think you’ll see a lot of evolution in this direction.


It is, after all, what Google Stadia boss Phil Harrison teased a few months ago.


When you have an almost uncapped amount of computation sitting in a data centre that you can use to support your game design and ambition – whether it’s in vastly superior multiplayer, whether it’s in distributed physics, or massive simulation – there are things we can do inside a data center that you could never do inside a discreet, standalone device. 



The prospect is enticing, to say the least. However, it might be quite some time before we see a sample of it in a real game; we reckon a development studio would have to design their game specifically around the capabilities of Google Stadia, to begin with. Still, we’ll keep an eye on further developments in this area.

Redagavo SoulReaver

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na arteja 5G ryshio era gal po kokiu 5 metu tuos 4k zhiuresim kaip dabar full hd. na pagyvensim pamatysim

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Google Stadia will be “faster and more responsive” than local gaming hardware





Google Stadia will be faster and more responsive than local gaming systems in “a year or two,” according to VP of engineering Madj Bakar. Thanks to some precog trickery, Google believes its streaming system will be faster than the gaming systems of the near-future, no matter how powerful they may become. But if the system is playing itself, does that really count?

Speaking with Alex Wiltshire in Edge magazine#338, Google’s top streaming engineer claims the company is verging on gaming superiority with its cloud streaming service, Stadia, thanks to the advancements it’s making in modelling and machine learning. It’s even eyeing up the gaming performance crown in just a couple of years.

“Ultimately, we think in a year or two we’ll have games that are running faster and feel more responsive in the cloud than they do locally,” Bakar says to Edge, “regardless of how powerful the local machine is.”


This would be achieved using Google’s homegrown streaming tech, which it’s been teasing ever since Stadia was first announced late last year with Project Stream. The company believes its tech is capable of overcoming the hurdles presented by over-the-web gaming, despite its extensive web of datacentres sitting potentially hundreds of miles away from a user.

Specifically Bakar notes Google’s “negative latency” will act as a workaround for any potential lag between player and server. This term describes a buffer of predicted latency, inherent to a Stadia players setup or connection, in which the Stadia system will run lag mitigation. This can include increasing fps rapidly to reduce latency between player input and display, or even predicting user inputs.

Yes, you heard that correctly. Stadia might start predicting what action, button, or movement you’re likely to do next and render it ready for you – which sounds rather frightening.

So does that count as the fastest system if technically some clever algorithm is anticipating your actions for you? We’ve received a heads-up (thanks!) that negative latency, powered by a datacentre’s worth of compute silicon, may offer future cloud gaming systems flexibility to anticipate the likely action of a user, and ensure a speedy response ready for that potential eventuality. Whether or not a player takes the anticipated path or another entirely remains dependent on local player inputs.

This flexible approach is possible due to the sheer mass of power available to a cloud gaming service, the likes of which is far beyond that of any local system. But it still relies on the technology maturing to a point that enables game devs to implement it.



Perskaiciau straipsnio pavadinima ir nusisypsojau :)

Redagavo SoulReaver

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