
Google Stadia 4k/60fps

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The hardware was presented by Google CEO Sundar Pichai and by industry veteran Phil Harrison.

Unlike what many expected, it will be a streaming platform and not a console. Interestingly, it won’t share the network with general internet traffic since it will operate on Google’s own network backbone providing an experience as lag-free as possible.


Pichai presented the console as a “game platform for everyone” and providing games that are “instantly enjoyable.” It aims to “bring together” gamers, people who like to watch games, and developer.

The service will work in a really interesting way, providing instant access from browsers and platforms like YouTube, getting into the game in less than five seconds after pressing “play now.”

It’ll be available on any pretty much “any screen,” including desktops, laptops, tablets, TVs (with Chromecast or Chromecast Ultra), and smartphones at launch.

Players will be able to use their existing controllers on laptops or desktop PCs, but Google will offer its own controller named Stadia Controller which will connect directly via wi-fi to the datacenter.

It will include a “capture” button to share gameplay back to YouTube and the “Google Assistant” button which will connect players with an assistant who can provide support.

It will support 4K resolution, 60 frames-per-second, HDR, and surround sound. In the future, Google promises to be able to support 8k and over 120 frames-per-second. On top of that, the platform generates a second stream at 4K resolution and 60 FPS that can be livestreamed to viewers on YouTube.


The hardware Stadia is based on in Google’s datacenters is developed by AMD, and sports 10.7 teraflops of computing power, which is more than the power provided by PS4 Pro and Xbox One X combined. The platform will also be capable of running games on a single GPU or multiple.






iD Software Supporting Stadia, Doom Eternal at 4K/HDR/60 FPS Confirmed


kosk skirtumas ka jie palaikys ir kas juos palaikys tai nieko daugiau nei streamas. tai kas turi mega greicius neto valio, kas ne sorry but no. 

ir tas vardas Stadija. lietuviskai tai visai nekaip skamba kaip kazkokia googles stadija. 

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Matau didelių problemų su tuo. Tarkim visa šeima namuose, visi ką nors žiūri, ar tai Netflix, ar tai Youtube, ar tai kokį IPTV. Ir viskas naudoja interneto trafficą. Tai labai nenorėčiau žaisti su milžiniškais vaizdo artefaktais ir pastoviai bufferintis.


Neperskaičiau svarbiausio - koks interneto greitis leis mėgautis žaidimu visiškai be jokių nepatogumų. Nu ir kaina įdomu kokia. Ai, ir žaidimai kokie bus. Žiūrėsim. Tikrai stebėsiu šį projektą.

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kazkas padare palyginimus streamu specu tarp sony, xbox ir sito naujo


Google Stadia:

  • CPU: Custom 2.7 Ghz manycore server class CPU by AMD, 2.7 Ghz (The only real world equivalent of this is an AMD Epyc 7281, 16 cores, base clock 2.1 Ghz, but boostclock is 2.7 Ghz across all cores. Since Stadia does not use a SoC mentality and is server-based, cooling should be no issue.
  • GPU: AMD custom, 56 CU's, similar to Vega 56, 16 GB HBM2. 10.7 TF.
  • RAM: 16 GB HBM2 from GPU is shared with CPU.

Microsoft XCloud Blade: (So one instance of this hardware, not multiple to keep it a fair balance with Stadia since that one can also stack its hardware in multiples for servers)
Its 4x Xbox One S, seperated over 4 motherboards. So combined:

  • CPU: 4x 8 core AMD Jaguar, 1.75 Ghz (Total: 24 cores)
  • GPU: 4x 12 CU's 768 cores AMD Radeon, 1.4 TF (Total: 48 CU's, 5.6 TF)
  • RAM: 4x 8 GB DDR3 (Total: 32 GB DDR3), 8 GB is shared across CPU and GPU.


PlayStation Now Server:
Its 8x PlayStation 3 motherboards housed in one server module. So combined:

  • CPU: 8x PPE at 3.2 Ghz, 8x 6x SPU's at 3.2 Ghz (56 cores total)
  • GPU: 8x RSX, 8x 24 pixel pipelines, 8x 8 vertex pipelines, 8x 256 MB GDDR3 VRAM, 230 GFLOPS (192 pixel pipelines, 64 pixel pipelines, 2 GB VRAM and 1.84 TF in total)
  • RAM: 8x 256 MB XDR RAM (2 GB XDR Ram in total)



bet kazin ar specai sprendzia ten tai kad streamas gauna dideli latency is viskas tiesiog lagina. labai lengva pademonstruot viska su superiniais neto greiciais kur viskas skraido, bet realybe po to buna kad streamas bus 720p . 

ir kainos kol kas nera jokios. google nieko apie sumas nepareiske tik kad tai pasileis dar 2019. 

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man isvis keista kad google lygina namu konsoliu specus ir savo stream boxu kuris bus kazkur virtualus kazkur debesyse. juk ne pas tave namuose. tai realiai kodel tie specai pas juos nera kosminiai o tik tokie ? 

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One distinguishing feature, aside from the crisp black-or-white color scheme, is the home button featuring the new Stadia logo. It also sports a sharing button and a Google Assistant button, letting you use the controller’s built-in mic to talk to Assistant for accessing in-game hints if you get stuck. It’s called, quite simply, the Stadia controller, and Google says it will connect directly to the data center, presumably eliminating lag issues.


Nu čia įdomiai. Įdomu kaip čia iš tikrųjų bus.

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zaidimo atsilikimas nuo to ka tu darai su pulteliu ... ka jie ten rode isvis neaisku... streama visi turi sony , xbox , switch ir tas turi ... ir kas ?

ka galima zaist su tokiu latency ?

latency nepades jokie specai


CPU: Custom 2.7GHz Hyper Threaded CPU
GPU: AMD 56 CU's. 10.7TFlops
Memory: 16GB HBM2 484GB/s bandwidth
Storage: SSD Cloud storage


MS su xbox stream sake kad jie bus netflix of games. tai kas lieka google ?  :trl:

ikart MS suregavo ir pareiske kad ju ju streamui reikes tik 5mbps interneto ir is to gausi tik 10ms input lag... 


Google is unveiling its streaming platform, but that hasn't stopped Microsoft from dropping some new information about its upcoming Project xCloud streaming service which is expected to enter public trials in 2019. Microsoft's vice president of the gaming cloud Kareem Choudhry sat down with Eurogamer to discuss what to expect from the upcoming service.
When asked about the latency, Choudhry said the following.

From the data centers we have near Washington we're seeing really good latency - less than 10 ms that's being added by the traversal to the cloud. Frankly we find more latency in the Bluetooth stack, connected to an Android phone.​

Google's streaming technology requires a lot of bandwidth to stream games at the highest quality, but Microsoft hopes to limit that to the single digits. Choudhry added the following.

We hope to get down to single digit Mbps. I think some of the demos we've shown so far have probably gone down to nine, ten Mbps. Some of the work that we're doing with Microsoft research, I think we'll be able to get a really good video feed probably around six to five.​

Lastly, it seems like Project xCloud may be part of Xbox Game Pass. Towards the end of the interview, Choudhry said the following.

Obviously Xbox Game Pass is our subscription service, it's really where we want to deliver great experiences and value to our customers. And right now it's a console product - we have aspirations to bring it to more users and more places. Project xCloud and Xbox Game Pass are going to coexist in some reasonable way.​

Hopefully Project xCloud will live up to expectations. In order to be a gaming platform for everyone, it has to be cognizant of internet limitations like data caps. We'll see what the future holds, but answers to those questions will determine who wins the "streaming wars."


tai geras dalykas dabar visi konkuruos pas ka geresnis streamas bus maziausiu interu ir maziausiu lagu. tas tai gerai. tegu pasistengia. 

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10ms? Kaip? Mano telikas tikriausiai dvigubai didesni lagą turi.

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cia tiek gautum nuo streamo plius tai ka duos tavo telikas turbut taip gaunasi. tiesiog MS norejo greitai atsakyt nes google nedave jokiu duomenu ar skaiciu kol kas... 

o realiai matom kiek latency is tu rodytu google video. ziauru siaip. 

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5 Mbps nebent 360p streaminti. Ir tai jei nebus jokių kitų veiksmų atliekama. Nežinau, kažką jie čia suka.

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Kaip konceptas cool, bet realiai tokiu daiktu jus iki senatves dar nesulauksit naudotis. Kol bus konsoles, diskai, digital zaidimu pardavimai, DSL internetas, sitas daiktas neturi konkurencijos jokios. Zaidimu stream box kurio zaidimu kokybe priklauso nuo interneto yra deja ne didziajai daugumai skirtas produktas.

Redagavo SoulReaver

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kai mobilus internetas visur gales pavesti 4k video stabiliai tada gal ir gausis kazkas, o dabar si paslauga tik didmiesciu gyventojams, kurie turi sviesolaidzius, bet jie ten visi uzsimeme (1-2 val i darba is darbo kelione vien) tai neturi laiko kada zaisti :D

zodziu laukia G+ likimas sito serviso :)

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google paskelbe kokio intero reiks kokiai rezai... deja kad reza ir fps dar ne viskas kaip ir ... apie latency jie nieko nesneka... 


We recommended and set a threshold of about 25 megabits per second in order to enjoy 1080p / 60 frames per second. In fact, we only used about 20 megabits per second. But we gave ourselves a little bit of a buffer in the calculations.
When we launch, because we’ve made some very significant improvements to our encoder, our streamer, and our compression algorithms, we will get 4K / 60 frames per second in about 30 megabits per second.
And then if you are at a lower resolution, you will obviously use significantly less bandwidth.
What’s the lowest resolution Stadia will go?
720. Technically it can go lower, but we don’t go lower than 720. We’ve shipped over a hundred development kits already.
We’ve got thousands of creatives already underway. So you’ll see a pretty amazing lineup come June.



na tobulam pastovaus greicio intero pasauli gal taip ir veiktu viskas... deja taip nera dar kol kas... tai galima pasiruost rezos kritimu i 720p ir ziauriam input lagui. ..

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