
Oxygen Not Included

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Oxygen Not Included

Oxygen Not Included

  • Platformos

    • Mac
    • PC
    • Linux
  • Kūrėjas

    • Klei Entertainment Inc.
  • Leidėjas

    • Klei Entertainment Inc.
  • Temos

    • Sci-Fi
    • Management
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    A space colony simulation from Klei Entertainment.

Oxygen Not Included

Apie žaidimą

A space colony simulation from Klei Entertainment.


Oxygen Not Included (ONI) is a colony survival simulation game developed and published by Klei Entertainment. It was first released in early access on Steam in February 2017, before a final version of the game was released on July 30 2019. Klei has announced plans for additional downloadable content for the game since release.

Players are tasked with managing a colony of duplicants as they try to build a space colony inside a randomly generated asteroid. The player takes indirect control of the colony by designating tasks for the duplicants, like mining, growing food, researching and building, and assigning them a priority.

Success requires careful management of oxygen, water, food and heat in order to keep the colony alive. Players will also need to manage the well being of their duplicants by keeping their stress levels low, and preventing the spread of infection diseases throughout the colony.

Duplicants will be better suited to different tasks depending on their stats and attributes. Skills determine what the duplicants are good at, and how quickly they'll learn. While attributes can be positive or negative and may increase a duplicants burden on the colony.

ONI simulates the dispersion of heat and liquids, and diffusion of gases.

The game takes inspiration from Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld and The Sims.





Kūrėjas: Klei Entertainment

Leidėjas: Klei Entertainment

Žanras: Indie, Simulation, Early Access
Režimai: SP
Išleidimo data: 18 May, 2017
Reitingas: 93% positive steam reviews
Metacritic įvertinimas: 8.0


Žaidimas iš esmės survival tik skiriasi tuom jog nereikia kariauti, pagrinde base building. Pavadinimas greičiau turėtų būti "Family Not Included", nes pamiršau ir maistą ir miegą :D Per 3 paras pražaidžiau 41h + 10h youtubėj žiūrėjau kaip žaidžia, senai kas taip užkabino. Pradžioj viskas vyksta ganėtinai lengvai, pasiekęs 130-ąjį ciklą patekau į krizę, bet šiaip ne taip išsikapsčiau, bet dabar jau esu 200+ ciklų perkopęs ir matau artėjančią sekančią krizę. - baigsis resursai ir deguonis :D

Patiko tai kad žaidime galima naudoti loginius bitus automatizacijai. 



Galima prigalvoti visokių sudėtingų sistemų, stebiuosi ko tik žmonės neprigalvoja :D



Klei Entertainment

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