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Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

  • Platformos

    • PC
    • Xbox One
    • PlayStation 4
    • Nintendo Switch
    • +2
  • Kūrėjas

    • Ubisoft Quebec
  • Leidėjas

    • Ubisoft Entertainment
  • Temos

    • Alternate Historical
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    Assassin's Creed Odyssey brings the franchise to Greece in 431 BCE for a story about family and mysterious cults.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Apie žaidimą

Assassin's Creed Odyssey brings the franchise to Greece in 431 BCE for a story about family and mysterious cults.



Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the follow-up to 2017's Assassin's Creed Origins, which reinvented the series' formula in more of an open-world RPG direction. The game is set in 431 BCE at the start of the Peloponnesian War between the Delian League, headed by Athens, and the Peloponnesian League, headed by Sparta. Players take on the role of a mercenary as they explore ancient Greece.


Kassandra arriving at the island of Mykonos
Kassandra arriving at the island of Mykonos

Odyssey features a choice between a male or female protagonist--Alexios and Kassandra. The two are siblings and descendants of Leonidas I, and as children were cast off of a cliff by their father at the urging of the local oracle. The protagonist chosen by the player survives the fall, and as an adult becomes a mercenary (misthios) on the island of Kephallonia.

The misthios leaves Kephalonia to find their mother and soon discovers the existence of the Cult of Kosmos, a secretive organization that seeks to control the Greek world by manipulating local politics and economics as well as the ongoing Peloponnesian War. The main story of Odyssey encompasses these two threads which intertwine frequently throughout the game.



The world of Assassin's Creed Odyssey is completely open from the start and features the mainland of ancient Greece as well as many of its islands in the sea. Much like the game before it, Odyssey does not have a mini map. Instead, the game uses an overhead compass to direct players to locations. These locations include towns, forts, ruins, camps, animal dens, and more. Players explore the map completing quests and acquiring loot in the form of weapons, bows, and armor pieces.


In combat, the player can use one- and two-handed weapons as well as a bow and arrow. Adrenaline is built up during combat that is used to perform powerful melee and ranged abilities. Ability Points are earned from leveling up and are used to unlock and upgrade abilities. Shields can not be used; instead players must dodge or parry attacks to avoid damage.

Odyssey features an expanded loot system. Weapons and individual armor pieces can be swapped and upgraded, and everything comes with perks that increase certain stats. If the player equips an entire set of Legendary armor, they will activate additional perk bonuses unique to that armor set. Odyssey has a transmogrification feature that allows the appearance of weapons and armor to be freely changed.


[external image]
Sailing the Aegean

The misthios is in command of their own ship called the Adrestia. The ship is fully manned and her combat effectiveness can be upgraded using the various resources collected throughout the player's journey. There are three primary attack methods: an arrow barrage, spear barrage, and ramming. Arrows and spears can also be lit on fire to force an enemy ship to stop and put out the flames.

Once an enemy ship's health bar has been depleted, she will be dead in the water. Players can destroy the ship immediately with a follow-up attack, or it can be boarded to engage the crew in melee combat. Sinking enemy vessels restores some health to the player's ship, but boarding and defeating an enemy crew restores the most, in addition to the benefit of allowing the player to loot treasure chests on the deck.

The Adrestia can have four Lieutenants on board, high-ranking NPCs that board enemy ships with the player. These Lieutenants are recruited by offering to bring aboard quest-givers, or by knocking unconscious a hostile NPC. Lieutenants follow the same rarity system as the loot; higher tier Lieutenants carry better stat bonuses for the ship.


Odyssey features a bounty system wherein the player will have a price put on their head as they continue to engage in combat. Depending on the level of bounty, up to five mercenaries will begin hunting for the player. These mercenaries have names, backstories, and loot that can be viewed in the Mercenaries screen. Clearing a bounty can be done by laying low, paying off the bounty in the Map screen, or killing the bounty sponsor.

Cult of Kosmos

[external image]
The Cult of Kosmos web

The Cult of Kosmos is widespread and has infiltrated every aspect of Greek society. The Cult screen displays the web of associations, tying the various political, military, and economic branches of the cult to the Sages who oversee those operations.

As the player explores Greece, they will uncover clues as to the identity of these cult members. When enough clues have been discovered, the player can reveal the identity and location of the cult member in question. Eliminating a cult member grants a Legendary weapon or armor piece, as well as a clue towards the identity of the members' Sage.

Peloponnesian War

[external image]
A conquest battle in action

The Peloponnesian War was a 27 year long conflict between the Delian League, led by Athens, and the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta. The war ran from 431 BCE to 404 BCE and dramatically reshaped the balance of power in ancient Greece. In Odyssey, every region of the map is controlled by either Athens or Sparta and has it its own leader.

Nation strength in a region is affected by the player eliminating soldiers and ships, burning war supplies, and looting treasuries. As a region is weakened, its leader loses favor and becomes more vulnerable to assassination. Assassinating the leader dramatically lowers nation strength. When strength is lowered enough, a Conquest Battle becomes available, wherein the player can choose to support Athens or Sparta in a massive battle on land or at sea. The winning side takes control of the region and repopulates the camps and forts.

Story Creator Mode

A story creator mode was announced for Odyssey at E3 2019. The creator is based on Ubisoft's quest design toolset and allows players to craft storylines and quests featuring characters from the game.

Discovery Tour

First introduced in Assassin's Creed Origins, an educational, exploration-based Discovery Tour mode was announced for Odyssey at E3 2019 for a Fall 2019 release.




Kūrėjas: Ubisoft Quebec
Leidėjas: Ubisoft Entertainment
Žaidimo variklis:
Žanras: Action / RPG
Išleidimo data: 2018 10 02
Metacritic įvertinimas:

Keliaujam i graikija.
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Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Pagaliau idomus laikotarpis, atrodo pagaliau grysiu prie AC po vieninteliu patikusiu AC2,Brotherhood ir Revelations.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Man iš vis norėtųsi, kad kokį AC III remake'ą padarytų arba kažką iš tų laikų, nes ta dalis tikrai underrated buvo

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

3 ir tolimesnes normaliai galima ir taip lost ant pc pasimaxinus viska. geriau nauji zaidimai. ir geriau AC kas metai . Ubiai turi pakankamai dev teamu kad jiem keptu juos gan daznai, vienas dalis vieni kitas kiti . 

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nesuprantu na** leisti ta pati zaidima su tuo paciu varikliuku kasmet pakeitus tik zaidimo tematika. Rodos neseniai nusipirkau Origins, dar nepradejau jo losti o jau kitas eina :D, vietoj 3-ju AC, geriau 3-4 metus sugaistu naujam, kokybiskam zaidimui, negu stampuot ta pati suda. UBI tokia verslininku kontora kuri nori uzdirbti saibu kiekiu o ne kokybe..., gaila, kol bus pakankamai darzoviu perkanciu tuos visus AC paeiliui, tol ju verslo modelis nepasikeis.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

situs zaidimus ir kuria apie 3 metus tik skirtingi devai. niekas to nepadaro per metus ar dvejus. gali ir 5  metus kurt ir nieko gero nesukurt.

saibu neuzdirbsi su bloga kokybe , reiskia jie uzdirba , reiskia perka , reiskia zmonem patinka. problemos ? nepatinka neperki . ir devam nuo to ne i galvos skauda nei ka. nes yra kas perka/losia.

pala kazka praleidau ..tu jau matei kaip zaidimas atrodo ir ant kokio engine ir kaip zaisis ?? kur toks video yra ir as noriu paziuret . :poker:

Redagavo scalman

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Jeigu manai kad bus kazkas naujo, galvok is naujo. Tas pats s tik kitam popiereli.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

bet ko reikia naujo ?  na pamatysim tada spresim. netikiu kad jie jie ar po 3 metu ar siemet sukurtu kazka kita. na Origins jau buvo sis tas naujo po Syndicate tai na idomu kas dabar bus. velgi dangoraiziu kadangi nebus tai laipiot daug kazkur nereiks , graikija reikia pagalvot kas ten buvo tais laikais. del manes tai galetu panaikint tuos lvl pas priesus. kas man patinka jau dabar tai tu laiku ginklai ir sarvai , to tai noriu. 

jei Star Wars iseina jau po kelis per metus tai kodel ne AC  :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  2018-06-02 14:29, SoulReaver parašė:

Jeigu manai kad bus kazkas naujo, galvok is naujo. Tas pats s tik kitam popiereli.

Skaityti daugiau  

skirtumas tas, kad Origin nebuvo š****. bet sutinku, kas du metus butu geriau, ne tik kad nuslifuoti zaidima laiko daugiau turetu, bet aplamai gal dar kokybiskesnius leistu.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

bet mes nezinom kiek laiko jie kure sita nauja. pastoviai prie AC dirba ten 3-5 dev teamai , tai laisvai nauja AC jau galejo 3 metus kokius kurt iki dabar kazkokie teamai atskirai nuo Origins. 

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Na, cia tinka du dalykai. Kam pjauti saka ant kurios sedi?! Kam kepti vista kuri deda auksinius kiausinius?! Manau su Ubiu tas pats. Kam naikinti AC serija kai ji nesa pelna? Bandziau surasti informacija kiek uzdirbo Origins dalis, bet nelabai pavyko. Esme tokia buvo ieskojimo, kad jeigu jau uzdirba tai ir stampuoja.

I pati zaidima nieko neidesi naujo. Tam tikrus dalykus ideda vis, bet pacio zaidimo nepakeisi. Kaip ir is lenktyniu zaidimo sukurti pirmo asmens saudykle. Pats AC pasidare kaip turistinis zaidimas. Manau toks ir bus. Darysime ta pati, grozesimes sukurta aplinka ir istorija. Nezinau ar zaidime yra kazkiek istoriniu faktu ir kitu tikru dalyku.. Kad stampuoja tai aisku nenormalu. Bet ir laikas, 3, 5 metai nieko nepakeis. Nebent tokiu dalyku kaip DLC nebus. Sudes viska vienu upu.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
  2018-06-02 17:53, Magnitas parašė:

Na, cia tinka du dalykai. Kam pjauti saka ant kurios sedi?! Kam kepti vista kuri deda auksinius kiausinius?! Manau su Ubiu tas pats. Kam naikinti AC serija kai ji nesa pelna? Bandziau surasti informacija kiek uzdirbo Origins dalis, bet nelabai pavyko. Esme tokia buvo ieskojimo, kad jeigu jau uzdirba tai ir stampuoja.

I pati zaidima nieko neidesi naujo. Tam tikrus dalykus ideda vis, bet pacio zaidimo nepakeisi. Kaip ir is lenktyniu zaidimo sukurti pirmo asmens saudykle. Pats AC pasidare kaip turistinis zaidimas. Manau toks ir bus. Darysime ta pati, grozesimes sukurta aplinka ir istorija. Nezinau ar zaidime yra kazkiek istoriniu faktu ir kitu tikru dalyku.. Kad stampuoja tai aisku nenormalu. Bet ir laikas, 3, 5 metai nieko nepakeis. Nebent tokiu dalyku kaip DLC nebus. Sudes viska vienu upu.

Skaityti daugiau  

nu pagerint, tokiam kaip Assassins zaidime yra kalnas vietu. nuo animaciju, gameplay, lygiu dizaino, misiju dizaino iki gylesnes istorijos, misiju bei visu ginklu ir apdaru. tobulet yra kur, tik kad noro nelabai matosi yra, nes stampuoja tom paciom mechanikom eile zaidimu, kas siek tiek stebina ir kartu nuvilia kaip tokio dydzio kompanija, kuri ir parduoda kalna tu zaidimu. nors vienuose vietose jie lyg ir pasitempe, bet kitose kazkoki brieda daro. taip ir balansuoja ant prarajos krasto link EA sudinumo.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

na bus graikija toliau kokie astekai ar kokie ten. Npretusi kokiu Laukiniu vakaru vesterno

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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