
Atari VCS

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The First Look At The Ataribox, Atari's New Console

 Gamers have been wondering what Atari was thinking when they announced they were making a new console. Finally, we're starting to see what was on their mind.

Atari showed off the exterior of their box and discussed some of the principles around its design in a newsletter published online. There wasn't any mention of specific specs or what kinds of games the Ataribox would play, although the newsletter did mention that there would be two editions - a black/red version and a wood version - and the console would come with an SD card slot, HDMI output and four USB ports. The images also show an ethernet port at the back, and what looks like a headphone jack/line out.

Damn it looks nice.

But perhaps the most interesting aspect of the newsletter, however, is this line:

    As you can guess, those ports suggest modern internal specs. It also means that while we will be delivering classic gaming content, we will also be delivering current gaming content.

The post went on to suggest that "there are a lot of milestones, challenges and decision points in front of us in the months ahead", perhaps indicating that the console won't be ready for release in 2017. But as we find out more, we'll keep you posted.


Our objective is to create a new product that stays true to our heritage while appealing to both old and new fans of Atari.

    Inspired by classic Atari design elements (such as the iconic use of wood, ribbed lines, and raised back); we are creating a smooth design, with ribs that flow seamlessly all around the body of the product, a front panel that can be either wood or glass, a front facing logo, indicator lights that glow through the material, and an array of new ports (HDMI, 4xUSB, SD). We intend to release two editions: a wood edition, and a black/red edition.

    As you can guess, those ports suggest modern internal specs. It also means that while we will be delivering classic gaming content, we will also be delivering current gaming content.

    We know you are hungry for more details; on specs, games, features, pricing, timing etc. We’re not teasing you intentionally; we want to get this right, so we’ve opted to share things step by step as we bring Ataribox to life, and to listen closely to Atari community feedback as we do so. There are a lot of milestones, challenges and decision points in front of us in the months ahead. We’ll be giving you lots more information and status updates as we progress, and we are thrilled to have you along for the ride!

    Hope you like where we are taking this, we’ll be in touch soon.

    The Ataribox Project team.




Ataribox will run Linux and AMD custom processor, will cost $300

In June, Atari declared itself  "back in the hardware business" with the announcement of the Ataribox—a retro-styled PC tech-based console. One month later it emerged Atari plans to crowdfund the project, and now we have some hard facts on cost, and what's under its hood.

Speaking to VentureBeat, the Ataribox creator and general manager Feargal Mac says an Indiegogo funding campaign will launch this year, and that the final product will ship in spring of 2018. When it does, it'll cost between $250—$300 and will boast an AMD custom processor with Radeon graphics.

"People are used to the flexibility of a PC, but most connected TV devices have closed systems and content stores," Mac tells VentureBeat. "We wanted to create a killer TV product where people can game, stream and browse with as much freedom as possible, including accessing pre-owned games from other content providers."

Mac continues to stress the Ataribox's openness, and that while its interface is easy to use, users will be able to customise the operating system as they see fit.

"We’ve chosen to launch Ataribox with Indiegogo given their focus on delivering technology products, and their strong international presence in over 200 countries, allowing us to reach and involve as many Atari fans around the world as possible," Mac adds. "It’s a very flexible product, and you won’t need to spend more money if you don’t want to," he said. "In some ways, you are buying some freedom."

Due to launch an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign "this fall", the Ataribox is expected in spring 2018.



Atrodo, kad konsole vis del to pasirodys! Istorija tokia, kad Atari sugalvojo sugrizti i "gelezies" rinka su nauja konsole. Po menesio pasklido kalbos, kad projektas vis del to bus nutrauktas. Bet po sekancios naujienos, kuri yra virsuje, kurejai vis del to zada, kad konsoles pasirodys 2018m.


Taip pat galima pamineti, kad bus isleistos dvieju skirtingo dizaino konsoles. Viena su medzio apdaila, kita juoda su siek tiek raudono.

Apie zaidimus kaip ir susipainiojau. Daug kur raso skirtingai, Jeigu imti bendrai - galima bus zaisti klasikinius zaidimus ir PS4/X1 skirtus.


There is confirmation that the system will feature four USB ports, a HDMI port, and an SD card slot.
Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

grazus dalykas ir gerai kad kazka sugalvojo , bet tai nebus kazkas ipatingo o tik kazkas kaip kad NES classic greiciausia su viduj jau idetais atari klasikiniais zaidimais. bet tiketina kad ir kitas emules eis pasileist jei nebus ten per daug apsaugu. 

deze tai tikrai grazi

vaziuos ant AMD custominio proco su Radeon GPU. OS bus Linux spec pritaikytas lengviau naudojamas. tai jei Linux tai ir eemules Linuxines bus galima pasileist greiciausiai siek tiek pasikapscius ten. 

bus skirtingu konfiguraciju modeliai keli.


According to a newsletter from Atari, the Ataribox will be powered by “an AMD customized processor, with Radeon Graphics technology.” The console will run Linux with a “customized, easy-to-use user interface” that will include video games as well as streaming services, multimedia, web browsing and more. The developers promise “tons” of classic Atari games will be pre-loaded on the device.

“Most TV devices have closed systems and content stores,” the Ataribox team said in an email this week. “Linux lets us be more open; you can access & customise the OS, [and] you can access games you've bought from other content platforms.”

The Ataribox team said it will launch a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo sometime this fall. The console is expected to ship “late spring 2018” and will cost between $249 and $299, depending on hardware configuration. The system will come with the option to include real wood panelling.


bet dar laukt greiciausia iki kito pavasario

tik tas ataribox tai jau lievas eilinis pavadinimas . galejo kazka orginaliau sugalvot ar kokius skaicius prie atari prirasyt kaip kad seni modeliai. Ataribox , nu cmon skamba kaip eilinis TV priedelis 

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Del pavadinimo ir man tas pats. Tikrai galejo labiau pasistenkti su juo. Siaip jau yra Xbox. Kam dar vieno Box reikia rinkoje.


Na, o siaip gal ir pavyks jeigu sugalvos ka pasiulyti. Perkurti savo esamus zaidimus i HD. Kazko papildomai pritraukti. Jeigu bus daugiau laisvumo, laisvo kontento tai gal ir gales kazkuom pakonkuruoti.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Ir už seną žaidimą mokėti 40/50£ nors jei jie bus HD o gal tik ir SD, NEĮDOMU, net nesudomino tas ssssss

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

siaip nieko jei ten neisras naujo o tiesiog paleis savo zaidimus per emules ir tiek. ta pati naudoja tie nes ir snes classic. 

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Labai jau jus greitai nurasote sita dar nepasirodziusia konsole. :D Duokite sansa. Gal tie zaidimai nekainuos tiek. Jeigu pradetu kurti Nes naujus zaidimus, leistu Indie zaidimus. Galetum pasileisti PS4/X1 zaidimus. Gauti zaidimus is Steam uz puse kainos (cia aisku nelabai realu).. Bet kokiu atveju as dar optimistas. Bus aisku kai pasirodys ir ka siulys.


p.s. Kas padetu supirkti visas Atari konsoles tai jos nulauzimas. Va tada tai butu.









Redagavo Magnitas

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

idomu koki pulteli isskirtini sukurs ar su kuo valdysim

juokinga ideja AtariBox Pro  :troll:



Redagavo scalman

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Atari VCS (anksciau buvo zinomas kaip AtariBox) jau kitu metu kova turetu pasirodyti rinkoje. Siuo metu, jeigu tiketi nuotraukomis, konsoles yra pakuojamos.



Atari VCS: the console is in the final stages of pre-production

COO Michael Arzt has also published images of the first units of Atari VCS.

Since the announcement, the launch of the Atari VCS has been postponed several times, the last postponement being in March 2019. A situation that had caused a lot of concern, especially those who supported the project with a donation on Indiegogo. But the COO of the company, Michael Arzt, has recently reassured buyers, stating that the project is now in the final stages of pre-production and has also shared images of the first units of the console, which is now expected in March 2020.

Arzt also revealed that the launch is now imminent, adding that those who supported the project on Indiegogo will receive the console before March 2020 along with a bonus for the patience shown. Unfortunately he has not given a precise date, but from his words you can see that, this time, everything is spinning smoothly and going according to plan. “now, the console is advancing according to our updated program that provides for a launch in March 2020,” he said.




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  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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