
Final Fantasy XV

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Final Fantasy XV Uses Umbra 3D Technology to help Framerate Performance#1

"Helsinki, Finland – March 25th – Umbra announced today that Square Enix has licensed Umbra’s technology to boost graphics performance in FINAL FANTASY XV. The game will be published in 2016 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

FINAL FANTASY XV is the first game in history to take full advantage of Square Enix’s new game engine, which also has Umbra’s visibility optimization technology integrated into it. The engine has been specifically designed to allow the game to have high density, polygon rendering performance. Umbra’s technology is ensuring that only the visible objects in every frame are being processed and rendered, the end result being optimized performance ensuring the best possible graphics and frame-rate.

“By using Umbra, frame-rate performance could be improved over two times than before in characteristic scenes. The tool is extremely easy to use with a simple API build that allows paralleling computation to be handled with ease as well,” says the development team.

Umbra creates an optimized database from your 3D data, whether it is a small game level or a huge architectural model. Umbra processes your data automatically, which means you can give Umbra your geometry as-is without modifying it in any way, or doing any extra work. Umbra’s optimized database can then be used in an application to perform queries. The queries answer questions like “what can be seen here?” or “what needs to be rendered next?”.

Umbra runs on virtually any modern CPU and does not depend on any specific hardware or external software. It’s also available for a free evaluation on all major platforms."



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Na, FF nesu lošęs nei vienos šita tikrai teks...tikrai įspūdingai atrodo !!?₩?!!

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Square Enix’s upcoming action role-playing game, Final Fantasy XV finally has a release date.

The game will launch in September 2016, thanks to a Gamespot video (now deleted) which was published ahead of Square Enix’s Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV event later today. tikios,nenukels data

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Neviena nesiu žaidės FF et šita tikra įšbadysiu negaliu akiu pataukti nuo tokiu nesveiku geru video.. :)

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nelabai cia ir panasus FF i praeitus. neskaitant pacio FF vardo ir kai kuriu charu , bet gameplay ir open worldas tai visai nauji dalykai. kazka panasaus megino daryt su FF12 gal tik. cia is gameplay puses kas liecia.


bet 10 metu kai pagalvoji ...10 metu  :chan:

nuo paskelbimo iki isleidimo jei nebus atideta bus praeja 10 metu 4 men ir 22 dienos.






- A mobile game called Justice Monsters Five that will be free for mobile phones and can be played in the actual full game. 

KINGSGLAIVE FINAL FANTASY XV: A CGI feature film (dir: Takeshi Nozue aka Advent Children director) that chronicles the event that sets off the main story. Celebrity cast including Sean Bean (King Regis), Aaron Paul (Nyx, entirely new character and the focus of the movie), and Lena Headey (Luna). They are not part of the VA cast in the main game. Will come out later this year but before the game. Will also be packaged with the Limited/Collector's edition. 



- Brotherhood Final Fantasy XV: A 5 part anime series that will focus on the bros and their various trips before the game and CGI movie. Will be on YouTube for free.



- Free demo out NOW!! on X1 and PS4.

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Na sulošiau siandieną demo versiją, pirmąjį kartą išbandžiau FF ir galiu pasakyti, kad žaidimas visai nieko toks, turi nuostabų pasaulį į kurį greitai įsitrauki, o soundtrack'as tai tobulas, vienas iš geriausių bent man nors čia tik demo versija.

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Square Enix’s upcoming action role-playing game, Final Fantasy XV finally has a release date.

The game will launch in September 2016, thanks to a Gamespot video (now deleted) which was published ahead of Square Enix’s Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV event later today. tikios,nenukels data


Ne nu atrodo tai tikrai įspūdingai, viliuosi, kad combat bus iš tiesų  geras, su neblogu progresavimu, o ne koks vieno mygtuko mynkymas, story irgi tikiuosi nebus per daug japoniškų kawaii nesąmonių ir beprasmybių, o bus kažkas tikrai neblogo, Kojimos lygio, ką žinau. Traileris tai super.

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demo be komentaru...

valdymas toks nervingas atrodo nelabai tikslus ir kamera laksto greitai . siaip atakos tai knopkes spaudinejimas kaip ir beveik visuose rpg ir ne rpg zaidimuose nuo 3 asmens.

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Here are all the infos from the latest Game Informer article about Final Fantasy XV, part of their month-long coverage of the game
They got to play many hours of the game's first chapter.

(Credits to Kagari and Obliterator for the infos)

Gameplay details:

-You can make branching decisions. Similar to older FFs dialogue choices; 

-The game have magic synthesis to create new spells;

-There will be a growth system where you can spend ability points on weapon skills, Noctis, the party, bonuses etc. ;

-GI says there's a instrumental version of this in the game:;

-Four quest types: for fun (minigames:fishing/chocobo race/JusMon5 etc.), main story, monster hunts and regional quests. Currently over 200 quests and they're working on more;

-Tabata: "We have no intention to create sequels out of this";

-Weapon types includes: swords, daggers, lances, firearms, shields, royal arms, spells, and something called "machines" which weren't revealed yet;

-The trunk of the Regalia acts as party storage;

-Each party member has their own "special talent" that improves with use. One example given is Prompto will ask the crew to take pit stops with the car where everyone gets out, goes to a spot and he takes photographs. You can then share these photo's on social media. The more you do it the better his pictures will be. These are in the game for both character development and will have real consequences for the game. Prompto is photography, Noctis is fishing, Ignis is cooking, and Gladiolus is survival instincts;

-When you call a summon they won't always do the same thing. They are entities that exist in the world itself. So depending on the situation they will do different things. Examples given Titan sometimes will run up and melee hit an enemy, sometimes he will throw boulders at the enemy and its possible he will even give up and leave the battle. They will also act differently in a dungeon than they will in the overworld. Its a huge focus for the staff for Summons to feel exciting and a major event when they show up, not just some random monster that swoops in. They want a sense of awe with them;

-One of the screenshots has Ignis with a spear;

-GI has this to say, "FFXV isn't Witcher 3 or Dragon Age Inquisition in terms of your to-do list. That isn't necessarily bad because your quest log isn't bloated by insignificant or uninteresting tasks.....inspires a feeling similar to pre-PS2 Final Fantasies where there were huge overworld maps that made the setting seem authentic and enormous - even if you didn't find a quest every step.";

-You can improve and forge weapons from materials you collect;

-Kingsglaive has existed from 2013;


Story related info (SPOILERS):

-The game has a Chapter 0 (Prlogue) but GI wasn't allowed to see it;

-So the game starts with the car breaking down after the opening sequence. No Behemoth hunt.

-About Ardyn: shows up fairly early it looks like. The crew tries to take the ferry to Altissia and he stops them telling them service is suspended. At this point they don't know of the invasion.

-Noctis and co. find out about the invasion by reading a newspaper and then try and go back to the city but are blocked off by Niflheim forces.

-Kagari interpretation of the game's first chapter: So the first chapter after the opening sequence seems to go something like this:

Noctis and friends are on their way to Altissia -> car breaks down outside Lucis in a town called Leide -> you meet up with Cid and Cidney at Hammerhead who agree to repair the car and Cidney sends you on some fetch quests (kill monsters) -> car is repaired, gang goes to deliver a package for Cidney -> package delivered to the black dog seen in the trailers, named Umbra -> flashback to Noctis and Luna childhood -> Noctis and co. set out to a coast town to catch a ferry to Altissia,meet up with Ardyn who says they're closed off for now -> sidequests -> party goes to hotel, reads about Lucis attack in the newspaper -> they get back in the car and head back to Lucis right away -> they fight through some Niflheim troops and eventually see what's happened on the horizon -> Cor calls and delivers the bad news -> chapter 1 ends.

-Tabata state that There will be a centralized foe. Not an assortment of villians as the "main enemy". Think of it like Sephiroth there will be a singular major villian;

-Luna may have affection for Noctis, but their relationship is complicated and Noctis may not have the confidence to respond back to her feelings. Their marriage is actually a political one.


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Na nzn pagal vakarykštę Doom grafikos apžvalgą, labai jau menka grafika čia, trūksta labai šešėlių, apšvietimo taipogi, atrodo jog baked-in tekstūros.

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doom kolidoriai tikrai nesilygina niekaip su open worldu, dienos nakties kaita, vejais, dulkem ir oro efektais. 

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FF XV dar laiko konsoliu fronta , niekaip i pc kol kas neina


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nepamirstam ir sito gerio ... plius bus isskirtinis contentas PSVR skirtas.

















manau jei butu skirtas tik PS4 tai turetu dar geresne grafika, bet ka jau darysi su tuo x1, tenka kazka aukot



su PSVR losi uz sita biciuka



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    • todel, kad is witcherio tu jau zinai ko tiketis, o cia visiskai naujas IP. ir dar tikrai niekas neaisku apie ka. labiausiai uzkliuva, kad boba negrazi ir veiksmas kazkur kosmose. pirmas ispudis nekoks, bet palaukim. niekas gi nevercia preorderio daryt. pamatysim kazka daugiau tada gal jau aiskiau bus ar labiau hatint ar po truputi didinti smalsuma. vistiek cia gi naughty dog. kokybes standartai pas juos auksciausi
    • na filmas visada visas bus diske ir jam nereiks jokio patcho ar dlc  cia visai kitas reikalas. as irgi buciau pilnai uz tai, kad tureti patinkanti zaidima savo kolekcijoj, bet deja pilno zaidimo diske nera turbut jau nuo ps3/xbox360 laiku (butrent tada atsirado zaidimu patchai konsolese). butu labai gerai jei po kazkiek laiko kai zaidimas pilnai supatchintas ir su visai dlc butu isleidziamas fiziniu pavidalu, bet deja tas neapsimoka. gamepass  tai nuoma. labai gerai jei nezinai kas per zaidimas bet gal ir noretum ji pabandyt. o jei nepatinka tv su xbox gamepassu tai tam yra konsoles. xbox tampa servisu ir kuris butu pasiekiamas visur visiems ir ant bet ko... tuoj bus taip, kad pasileidinesi ant ps5 zaidima ir pirma ka pamatysi bus "Xbox Gamestudio" va kaip dabar su naughty dog naujausiu pristatytu zaidimu... daug hate'o, bet jei butu ps+ galima butu isbandyt nemokamai ir tada jau nusprest ar verta isigyti i savo kolekcija ar ne.. o kas del licenzijos tai ji ne visai tavo... gali but, kad zaidima turi nusipirkes, o jis jau isimtas is eshopo butent del kazkokios pasibaigusios licenzijos (panasiai kaip su senais gta. isimti is paduotuviu nes baigesi licenzija muzikai) o naujose zaidimo versijose tu muzikos ganalu paprasciausiai nera. ir siaip diskai dabar labiau kaip budas pigiau pazaisti zaidima. nupirkai, perejei, pardavei.. tai kuom ne prenumerata?
    • Suprantu tavo ironija, bet tikrai galiu pasakyti pasižiūrėjus ar man patinka ką matau ar ne. Palygink su Witcher IV anons treileriu ir viskas bus aišku.
    • @WirmiS, mintys išsakytos neblogos. Gal būt tai bus ateitis, į kurią mus visus taip stumia, bet tai tikrai tinka nevisiems. Taip man patinka Netflix ir aš turiu ne tik jo, bet ir beveik visų stramingų prenumerata, bet neturiu Gamepass (PS+ turiu dėl onlaino). Žiūrėti filmą ir žaisti yra pramoga, bet visgi nėra tapatus dalykai. Aš žaidžiu tik tuos žaidimus, kurie man TIKRAI patinka, nes tai reikalauja laisvo laiko, kurio su amžiumi (iki tam tikros ribos) darosi vis mažaiu. Todėl aš labai smarkia pasirenku kam man skirti tą laisvaaikio laiką. Nepatikėsi, bet dar per kelis metus nesu paleidęs ne vieno PS+ gaunamų žaidimų, nes ko man reika praktiškai viską nusiperku. T. p. turiu ir gan nemenka fizinių movie diskų kolekcija tais pačiais sumetimais. Nežinau gal tai amžius, gal old school, bet aš nenoriu tik įjungti TV su įmontuotu Gamepasu ir kažką tai streamingu pažaist. Noriu turėti fizinę konsole, nupirkta žaidimą (nebūtinai fizinį diską), bet mano asmenynę licenciją. Kažakaip taip.
    • Na xbox po truputi tampa ne konsoline, servisu. o kaip zinia kompanijos pinigus uzdirba butent is parduodamo softo bei zaidimu, o ne is gelezies. microsoftas susipirko developerius ir dabar tampa vienu is stambiausiu leideju. xbox tampa prieinamas visur: telefone, tv, amazon fire stick. bet kas kas turi prieiga prie interneto tampa xbox. zaidimu biblioteka? kokia jei beveik visi zaidimai skaitmeniniai. diskai tampa tik kaip raktas, kad galetum atsisiust zaidima. diske dabar tik dalis zaidimo arba tokia jo versija kurios be patcho nepazaisi. baigsis zaidimo licenzija, jis dings is online parduotuviu ir tas diskas taps bevertis. Kitas dalykas del gamepass. cia gi tas pats netflix tik skirtas zaidima. tai stabilios pinigines iplaukos microsoftui. vien kaip padidejo prenumeratoriu skaicius isejus naujam COD. plius MS nepamirso ir konsoliu, nors tai jau nera prioritetas. MS dirba ties kazkokiu nintendo switch "konkurentu". kas del series s. taip visi supranta, kad tai sioks toks stabdis, bet vistiek zaidimai ganetinai gerai sukas ant jo. didziausia problema, kad si konsoliu karta lyginant su praejusia yra labai labai silpna. tiek hardwaro patobulejimu tiek exlusivu atzvilgiu. tas pats ps5 kiek jau jis gavo tu exlusivu? tikru, o ne ps4 remasteriu? sony beveik nebeturi jokiu pranasumu tik savo varda ir zaideju prisirisima. tas pats sony zingsnis i PC rinka. tai labiau desperacija norint uzdirbti. playstationui 30 metu ir jie niekad neleido zaidimu ant pc. o dabar kaip viskas pasikeite. atsirado gamepass analogas, zaidimai ant pc. beveik nera exlusivu. o dar prisiminkim kaip visais budais sony stengesi pamaisyti MS isigyti Activision. kiek teismu, apeliaciju.... o paziurim i zaidimu kieki kuris iseis is MS.. ir jie iseis ant visu konsoliu. MS jau ruosias kastuveliu pinigeliam srebti.. ir kaip patys ms sneka, tai dar ne pabaiga su developeriu pirkimais... p.s. sorry, bet nenaudoju as lietuvisku raidziu
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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