
Final Fantasy XV

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Final Fantasy XV PS4/Xbox One Demo Details Leaked: "Characters, Length And Location", Releasing in March 2015


Square Enix has officially confirmed that Final Fantasy XV demo will indeed arrive in March 2015 and it will be bundled with Final Fantasy Type-0 HD for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In a press statement, Square Enix spokesperson said: "In just six months time you will have the opportunity to play Final Fantasy XV yourself when Final Fantasy Type-0 HD comes out on 20th March 2015,"


On NeoGaf, an anounymous Famitsu employee leaked some interesting details regarding Final Fantasy XV demo content, location, characters and length. He stated that Final Fantasy XV demo will be called "Episode Duscae" and this name is taken from some kind of particular event.

Furthermore, the employee revealed that this upcoming demo won't take place in the sequence that was showcased at E3 2014 involving Leviathan. Instead, players will get to explore forest and grassland area.

Additionally, players will have access to Noctis, the price and protagonist, along with two other party members. The demo will offer gameplay length similar to what was offered by FFXIII demo.

There is no official confirmation yet, whether or not the demo will be included on disc of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, or some sort of voucher code will be provided. According to reports we received from our sources, FFXV demo will be available as voucher code in the package for US. Official confirmation is still awaited.


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Attack ->Behemoth
Attack ->Behemoth



Attack ->Goblin

Attack ->Behemoth
Attack ->Goblin
Attack ->Goblin




Attack ->Behemoth
Attack ->Goblin
Attack ->Goblin

keli ataku meniu ir ginklu pasirinkimai


7tc0cQF.gif hjnvJAm.gif

senasis Prompto vs. nauja


300px-Prompto_FFXV.jpg Prompto_face.jpg



bet kas ten per vardai pas juos visus .. :genius:

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daugiau gameplay 

tokio gerumo nesitkejau tikrai is FF .. open worldas labai grazus ir visur auksciausia kokybe visko nuo teksturu , apsvietimu , animaciju .. .

Walking the world

  • The first video shown is a portion of the Dascae region which will be on the demo
  • Events and enemy position removed/changed for this video to show just the walking
  • You can eat and gather information at gas stations
  • If you can see something in the background you can go to it
  • Depending on the shape of the ground Noct and friends walking animations will change
  • If you keep running you can see your friends tire and try to catch their breath
  • You can fish in streams, rivers, and the ocean!
  • You can fight the wildlife. As they are always active, be careful as they will attack if you get close
  • There are buildings in the forest with people living in them. You can enter some of these buildings
  • There are also animals that aren’t enemies like cats and dogs
  • In order to make the mountains the developers actually climbed one. They might show a video of them doing this one day
  • Demons like the Naga or the Goblins will come out of the caves at night
  • It’s dangerous at night and is safer to rest at a gas station or by other means
  • The party members dialogue will change in accordance to the time
  • A Chocobo was shown in the forest. Look forward to finding out more in the demo
  • The enemy airship patrols will sometimes land and fight you
  • Magitek Armor will make an appearance. (was not meant to have been said)
  • The Dascae region is as a large as 10% of the game

The Tech Demo!

  • Currently transferring the game from Ebony to Luminous
  • Engine transferring currently 80% complete and will be 100% done by the time the demo is out.
  • Working with Sony and MS to help push the hardware to its limits
  • Not all, but you can destroy buildings and the ground
  • With the power of Luminous FFXV will far surpase FF:AC
  • Another tech demo is planned to be shown at a later date

Your questions to Tabata

Q.What if I mash the attack button instead of holding it down?
A.Even if you mash the attack button the combo will still operate fine and connect together. It’s possible to counter while you button mash; if you hold the button down you have to be more careful of the enemies movements and it’s more strategic.

Q.Will Type0 HD be available digitally and will it come with the FFXV demo?
A.Of course

Q.Why doesn’t the MP show up on the UI?
A.The battle UI is still temporary. When it is complete it will clearly show the MP

Q.I’m a little worried the game will only last 40 hours
A.The main story itself will take 40 hours. Beating dungeons and other actives will make the length of the game much longer


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Super, pokolkas, viskas atrodo. Pagaliau gaunam daugiau informacijos ir vaizdų iš žaidimo. O taip seniau buvo sunku Square-Enix su mumis pasidalinti bent kokia tai nors informacija apie šią Final Fantasy dalį.


P.S. Na, Final Fantasy žaidimai, daugiau mažiau, visalaik pasižymėdavo pribloškiančiu presentation'u. Tai ir šitas neturėtų būti išimtis.

Iš dalies tai Square-Enix pačių išsikasta duobė, nes jie visalaik per daug, mano nuomone, darbo įdeda į pačią grafiką.

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nauja sexy lady ir naujas miestas




Final Fantasy XV fans have finally got what they’ve been waiting for, as Square Enix shared the latest trailer for Final Fantasy XV on the first day of Jump Festa 2015 in Japan. Game Jouhou shares what went on during the presentation with a beefy summary of the event. Below is our translation.


  • The giant monster shown at the end of the trailer is indeed Titan.


  • Summoned Beasts can be acquired after fighting them, and there are various other conditions for acquiring them as well.


  • Titan will play a big role in the story, but the demo won’t include him in. It will instead add another Summoned Beast that is not a big part of the story. You’ll get to summon this Beast, and it is said that it will be a dynamic one that will surprise players.


  • The giant size of Titan seen in the trailer is how he’ll look when you summon him yourself.


  • The town in the trailer is shown in a seamless fashion; however, at the current stage, Square Enix can’t say for sure whether the entire game will be seamless. Again, they say that they’re doing their best to make it all seamless, but important scenes will likely require some loading. The demo, however, will be completely seamless.


  • The town shown is called “Lestarg” and it plays an important role in the story surrounding Titan. While big, it is not one of the largest towns in the game, and won’t be in the demo. There’s a hotel where you’ll get to rest, eat, and shop, along with all kinds of other events.


  • General Cor Leonis will join you and fight in the party. there are some party members that will join as temporary guests, and Cor is one of them. He’s not a friend of Noctis and the others, but an aide to his father. He’ll be there to look out for Noctis and Co.


  • If you go a while without sleeping, the stat boosts you get from foods and such will lose their effect.


  • The sleep element has been added to further emphasize that these characters are living people, so they’ll need to get rest just like any normal human. You can eat meals at camp for extra status effects.


  • You’ll need to take a breather in order to level up. So basically, if you don’t rest at a camping area, you won’t level up. This will make it possible for people to challenge themselves at beating the game at a low level.


  • You can go three days without sleeping, but any longer than that and you’ll begin to see negative effects.


  • One day in Final Fantasy XV is the equivalent of a real-life hour, so a day lasts for about 40 to 45 minutes, and the rest is night. This bit is currently in development, so it’s subject to change.


  • There will be moments where you’ll need to go on fighting for days at a time.


  • There are also trains to travel inside, and these will have their own spaces within them. You’ll travel by train at times, and can freely walk around inside when you do.


  • Cindy (or Cidney in Japanese) doesn’t have much to do with the story, but she’s a mechanic who’ll talk to you about gameplay. While we still don’t know exactly what kind of mechanic she is, she’ll appear in the demo. Square Enix’s male staff members have been putting a lot of effort into creating her.


  • At the moment, Square Enix are working on adding more action varieties, and they feel that magic isn’t looking too impressive, so they’re not showing it. They need to work on it, but they’ll do that after they’re done with the Summoned Beasts.


  • At first, they decided on only having Noctis use magic, but they felt that it wouldn’t be as fun gameplay wise, so they’re changing it up a bit so that everyone in the party can use magic.


  • Square are adding various languages for the demo version that will release around the world, but due to the heavy amount of content and problems in schedule, Square Enix can’t say for sure whether they’ll all be included in the initial release.


  • Insomnia is the capital of the Kingdom of Lucis, where Noctis is the prince of. This is where a ceremonial signing will take place.


  • Square Enix prepared all kinds of scenes for the latest trailer, but since they didn’t use them all, map director Yasuyuki Matsunami got pretty upset. Tabata justified his reason by saying that trailers can be made in two ways: to advertise or show the state of development. They showed Behemoth and weathers in the previous trailers, and Tabata says this was put together in a rush. As for Jump Festa 2015, the focus was advertising, which was done by the editing studio, and not in cooperation with the development staff. For this reason, they weren’t able to include all the scenes that were requested by staff.


  • Some of the omitted scenes were shown separately at the event, including one that highlighted Cindy, and another with town exploration.


  • There was a much older version of the town, but the latest version had a lot more going on that was shown in the trailer when you see Noctis and friends cruising in there. The full-release version will look nicer, and will have more people walking around. If you go near them, you’ll also get to hear them speaking.


  • You can purchase ingredients to cook at camp. By eating those foods, you’ll gain positive effects. By properly sleeping, you’ll maintain its effects.


  • The part that shows the dog peeing [in the footage with town exploration], in the back, they show a part that will play a big role in the game’s story.


  • Tabata jokingly said that he’ll introduce more on the dog if the demand is high enough.


Final Fantasy XV is in development for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


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The details shared by Famitus is about Engine development team are using for Final Fantasy XV, battle against Huge enemies, numerous mini-games including fishing, NPCs are controlled by AI and many other things.

Luminous Studio

  • The current version of the engine is version 1.40. When the Episode Duscae demo launches, it will be at 1.50. The final version of the game is planned to be 2.00.
  • There are about five million polygons per frame, witch each character made up of at max 100,000 polygons. The inner hair alone has about 20,000 polygons, which is five times the previous generation.
  • Character models have around 600 bones, which is roughly 10-12 times greater than what was seen last generation.
  • Data capacity for textures is also much greater than before.

Final Fantasy XV

  • Battles against huge enemies are carried out in the same fashion as standard battles, but there will be some exclusive party co-op actions for the bigger fights.
  • There will be several mini-games, including fishing.
  • Restalm (we called it Restaru, then Restarg, we were wrong twice – it’s hard to play by ear sometimes) is being made in the image of the Bahamas.
  • Right now, the ropeway in Restalm cannot be rode. We might add the ability to ride it if there is time to do so.
  • The development team wants players to get a feel for the world and find it relatable not just through sheer visuals, but also through the characters.
  • In town, you can stay in hotels or go shopping.
  • NPCs in town are controlled by AI, and you can talk to them.
  • Restalm is a main town in the first half of the game.
  • Cindy shows up in different places throughout the game. Something happens with her at the start that shakes her up and gets her moving around.
  • While she’s not deeply involved in the story, she’s relevant because of her profession as a mechanic.
  • Players will have to fight Summon Beasts in order to be able to use them.
  • Summon Beasts in the game are a symbol of the power of stars. Only Noctis can actually summon them.
  • Combat-wise, the plan is holding down a button will start a set combo, but timed button presses are what will enable coordinated moves with other party members.
  • To parry enemy attacks, you have to match the timing of their strike. This is intended for expert players.
  • Magic isn’t what consumes MP, nor is the system akin to the Draw system Final Fantasy VIII had.
  • MP is consumed by using special actions, such as dodging and warping.
  • Weapons are equipped several at a time, with one main weapon. The main weapon has a corresponding ability, and it’s also possible to switch the main weapon during combat.
  • Combos are automatically formulated based on which weapon is currently being utilized out of the ones being equipped.
  • Abilities aren’t separate from a weapon’s given category and there are also weapons that have no abilities at all. Apparently not unlike what was seen in Captain Tsubasa 5, a game that Tabata apparently worked on back in the day.
  • Rare weapons that can be acquired from dungeons and other sketchy areas could potentially have some hack-and-slash aspects to how they’re used. The Phantom Sword, which floats in midair, will also be acquirable as a special weapon.
  • The battle system from the demo is planned to be fully featured.
  • After the Tokyo Game Show this year, the systems going into the demo were slightly changed as a result of fan feedback.
  • Players will also be able to run around in areas such as the mountainous areas where the Behemoths roam.
  • In the full version, you’ll be able to rent Chocobos.
  • Camps are inherently designed to be a safe haven, making them ideal headquarters when setting out to explore new areas.
  • There are bonuses that come with cooking ingredients purchased in towns and cities. You can also get ingredients off monsters in the wild.



luminos engine tai cia tas geris kkuri rode dar 2012 E3 , aisku tik tech demo tada buvo . o dabar jau realybe

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gal reikes pradet vel FF lost kai jis taps open worldu ir taip gerai atrodys... nuo ff12 rimtai nelosiau daugiau ff.visus meginau bet nelipo

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At Comic Fiesta 2014 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Square Enix held a panel titled “The History and Future of Final Fantasy,” during which more details about the upcoming Final Fantasy XVwere provided by Producer Shinji Hashimoto and Lead Game Designer Wan Hazmer.

The following is a recap of the presentation, including new info and a few which we already knew.

  • Malaysian tradition plays an important role in the town of Lestallum, which is the one shown in the Jump Festa trailer. The suburban look is similer to Kuala Lumpur
  • Some artwork of the city of Lestallum and its NPCs was showcased (including a hotel room where Noctis can stay), alongside footage of some of the actions NPCs can perform there. They can prepare Malaysian food, an element inspired by Hazmer, who is Malaysian himself.
  • The Malaysian food in the game is teh tarik, satay and roti canai.
  • NPCs in the city will be unique.
  • Ignis is the one doing the cooking at the campsite, and will prepare meals depending on the ingredients given to him.
  • Day/night cycle is set at 60 minutes in real time. 40 Minutes day, 15 minutes night.
  • Titan cannot be summoned, but summons will be available in the Episode Duscae demo.
  • The game will include: day/night cycle,  an “unique weapon system” and summon system. Weapons will provide different move sets.
  • If you don’t camp, you cannot level up.
  • Is Stella Nox Fleuret still in Final Fantasy XV? “No Comment” (Hazmer laughed while responding this question)



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Final Fantasy XV - Luminous Studio tech interview (Part 1)#1
Thanks @Sqexgal for the translation.

Iwata: Luminous Studio is in version 1.4 at the moment. The FFXV demo included with Final Fantasy Type-0 HD will be ver. 1.5 and the plan is for the final production of FFXV to be ver. 2.0, upgrading as needed. Currently, the FFXV development team and the Luminous Studio engine development team are working as one on FFXV. At the current stage, I can’t speak concretely about titles in development using Luminous Studio besides FFXV, but I can firmly say that it isn’t an engine build solely for FFXV.

First off, the game’s resolution is 1920 x 1080 pixels (1080p), with a 30fps frame rate. There are a lot of PS3 and Xbox 360 titles that had their output upscaled from the original 1280×720 to 1920×1080, but it seems that many next-gen titles like FFXV have original output at 1080p.

As for polygon numbers, visible and occluded polygons combined, there is about 5,000,000 polygons in just one frame. That’s roughly the same amount as Agni’s Philosophy. By the way, many PS3 and Xbox 360 titles had about 100,000 including occluded polygons, and FFXV has about 5 times that.

A main character’s appearance utilizes 10 levels of detail, and within that there are about 100,000 polygons in the extremely detailed 3D models. In PS3 and Xbox 360 titles, most had about 20,000 polygons, so here as well it’s 5 times that.

However, the number of polygons in Agni’s Philosophy was even more than FFXV, approximately 300,000 to 400,000. That difference is likely due to the fact Agni’s Philosophy is a visual product and not a game and there was more opportunity to upgrade the character and use high definition modeling. Especially since in Agni’s Philosophy, the number of polygon’s split between the character’s hair and clothing etc. is more than usual, thus the difference.



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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • @lukasamba, ačiū už pasidalinimą patirtimi. Pats save t. p. galėčiau priskirti prie "entuziastų", bet su amžiumi tas entuziazmas jau ne be toks "degantis"😄 Pinigai šioje vietoje man nėra didelė problemą, diskasukį jau turiu (pirkau iš anksto tokiam atvejui). Man esminis skirtumas ar tikrai verta vargti ir nelaukiant PS6 keisti į Pro (kuria po to vistiek teks keisti į tą pačią PS6). Iki šiol nesu apsisprendęs ar man to reikia, bet aišku čia galutinis sprendimas mano. Kiek teko žiūrėti visų palyginimų, tai kardinalaus skirtumo nėra (jo ir ne gali būti). Tavo pateiktas pavyzdįs labai geras, bet čia esminis skirtumas kad su Pro AC Shadows gauni Performance mode RTGI ir apie 60fps, o vaniline ne, bet tą pati RTGI gauni quality mode. Šiaip asmeniškai labiau linkstu prie to kad kol kas neverta. P. S. Tiesa kaip pati konsoles kokybė, triukšmo lygis, kokie pasaliniai garsai ? 
    • Pirkau išleidimo dieną, bet aš esu entuziastas ant tokių dalykų ir tiesiog labai mėgstu PlayStation konsoles, tai pasakysiu taip. Paprastam žmogui tikrai neverta jos pirkti. Yra žaidimų kur skirtumas didesnis ir yra, kur skirtumas nematomas, bet jau praėjus truputi laiko, tai vis atsiranda žaidimų, kur tas skirtumas yra vis didesnis ir didesnis. Pvz. aš labai daug Gran Turismo 7 žaidžiu, tai ten ant Pro konsolės rezoliucija beveik 4K gaunasi ir FPS šokinėja tarp 100 ir 120 kažkas tokio, čia yra kosmosas. Turint didelį "high-end" televizorių (turiu), tai tas skirtumas labiau pasijaučia. AC Shadows išėjo ir ten skirtumai drastiški, ne tik rezoliucija, bet įvairūs grafikos nustatymai, apšvietimas, šešėliai ir panašiai. Tačiau yra vienas bet, Pro konsolė kainuoja, jei perkant kartu su diskasukiu, +- dvigubai daugiau negu Slim konsolė, tačiau perkant gauni +- apie 30% performance boost. Kaip tas patampa realybe, tai kaip minėjau, pas vienus žaidimus labiau, pas kitus ne, tai jei negaila sumokėti 100% daugiau pinigų dėl 30% performance boost, tai pirmyn. O šeip rekomenduočiau pažiūrėti Digital Foundry video YT, labai daug įvarių palyginimų yra.
    • Sveiki visi, deja, oficialūs ArcheAge serveriai ES ir NA nebėra prieinami, todėl yra tik galimybė žaisti privačiuose serveriuose. Laimei, yra vienas, kuris veikia jau kelerius metus ir yra kuriamas viduje. Neseniai čia buvo išleistas 9.5 atnaujinimas su įvairiais nestandartiniais pakeitimais, dėl kurių serveris pastaruoju metu sulaukė didelio žaidėjų antplūdžio. Dabar taip pat yra labai gerų galimybių naujiems žaidėjams prisijungti prie aktyvių žaidėjų. Taigi, jei vis dar domitės „Archeage“, būtinai dar kartą jį išbandykite. Daugiau informacijos rasite paveikslėlyje.
    • Praėjo jau kiek laiko po PS5 Pro išleidimo, todėl turiu didelį prašymą forumiečiams, kurie visgi įsigijo šią naujovę. Būkit geri pasidalinkit savo įspūdžiais lyginant su vaniline PS5. Ar tikrai vertėjo atsinaujinti ir ar matot tą skirtumą tiesiog žaidžiant be įsižiūrėjimų ar ne labai. T. p. labai domina overall konsoles kokybė, triukšmas palyginti su PS5. Vnž visi įspūdžiai. Būsiu dėkingas.
    • @Impaler, jo žinomas pilietis, Vincent Theon lygtais, jeigu nepainioju. JIs yra pofesionalus TV apžvalgininkas ir kalibratorius. Verta įsiklausyt ką sako. Čia dar geras straipsniukas, kur populiariai paaiškina kas yra HGIG ir kodėl ji verta naudoti:
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos