
Final Fantasy XV

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Kažkaip norėčiau teigti, kad seniau Squaresoft buvo geresnis, ir žaidimai turėjo dvasios ir t.t, bet aišku dalinai apsimeluočiau, kodėl?

Visų pirmą žaidimai buvo tikrai geri, kalbant apie psone ir tuos snes žaidimus, tačiau pamąstykim, o kokie gi žaidimai nebuvo geri jaunystėje? Mes tokį išlavintą skonį žaidimams seniau neturėjome.

Dabar koks jaunėlis pažais FFXIII ir po 20 metų teigs, kad žaidimai nebe tokie geri šiais laikais kaip buvo FFXIII, čia vis ta nostalgija ir magija. (:


Tai gryna tiesa, žaidimų pasaulis taip išaugo, kad žmonės vis bando ir bando daugiau pinigų išpešti, pinigai valdo pasaulį. Pinigai valdo ir Square-Enix.

Vienintelė kompanija kurią dar gerbiu yra ATLUS ir gal Nippon Ichi Software.


Aišku gerbdavau ir KOEI, bet dabar jie tiek daug tų Dynasty Warriors žaidimų prikūrė, kad sunku spėti, nors ir nedaug patobulinimų bet kas jiem? Gi perka.

Tokia jau ta šiuolaikinė žaidimų industrija.

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Na man regis visas tas originalių IP trukumas susiveda i pastoviai augančius žaidimų kurimo kaštus. Su kiekviena konsoliu kartą, game development kainuoja vis daugiau ir daugiau, todel vis mažiau lieka iniciatyvos kurti kažką naują ir nepatikrinta, visi nori garantuoto pelno ir visi (na beveik visi) bijo rizikuoti. Praejo tie laikai kai žaidimus kurdavo keliu ar keliolikos žmoniu komanda. Aš asmeniškai nebučiau nieko prieš praščiau (vizualiai) atrodanty žaidimą su puikiu siužetu ir idomiu gameplay (čia NIS gauna mano balsą irgi).


Kas del ff13versus, labai vyliuosi, kad jiem nereikejo skirti daug laiko grafinio varikliuko kurimui, ir jie panaudojo/panaudos tuos resursus kitose srityse (nors sanaudos skirtos heroju kostiumams kurti, kažkodel neikvepia :book: ).


P.S. ikveptas moderatoriu pastangu puoseleti lietuviu kalba forume, noreciau padeti del naudojamo prieraso istaisius zargona


"Lietuvi! Išlik lietuvių. Rašyk lietuviškai o ne kalbą" reiketu rasyti "Lietuvi, išlik lietuviu! Rašyk lietuviškai, o ne kalbą." (su " kalbą" kleba stilistika, na bet tiek jau to ;) ) Net ir nzn kas blogiau, ar rasyti kaip ipratai dar kol nebuvo, ar nemoketi skyrybos ir elementaraus linksniavimo...

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The upcoming issue of Dengeki Playstation has an interview with Kitase and Nomura and some news leaked out.


- Kitase side (FFXIII-centric?) -

Kitase: The Blue-Ray's disc space and the PS3 HDD's standards has helped us a lot in terminating (mostly, if not absolutely) loading times.


Kitase: Just like how 7 was a huge improvement from 6, the improvement between 12 and 13 may be big too.


- Nomura side (FF Versus XIII-centric) -

Nomura: There's definitely a lot of work need to done on making PS3-quality graphics. We can render very small details now so (when character designing) I have to draw a lot more than usual, like the clothes' fabric material to the very way of how it's sewn.


Nomura: "Versus" is taking time being developed because the team is trying to explore the whole specs (of the PS3). Our programmers were asking, "is it okay if we program it as a PS3 exclusive? If you're thinking of porting it to other consoles, we might have to change the specs to follow suit the others." And I answered, "PS3 exclusive, of course."


Nomura: The staff just showed me how it looks to fly with an airship while in the World Map (for Versus). It's been awhile since I last saw something "FF-ish". The map looks very realistic but we're trying to see how we can 'shrink' it a bit. It's so huge that I couldn't even tell the very first town.


Nomura: The first drafts of the scenario was shown to our staff members; some said it's "too long", the others said it's "too short". After some brainstorming, I think we should have a thick enough volume for this game. But thinking this much of volume is going to be shown through the PS3's graphics, it got me shivering.


Nomura: We haven't announced who else are in the Versus team, but we've got some big names. We're also receiving advices from the main FFXIII team.


As for news not related to FF13, there were some comments on Cloud.

Nomura: Kazushige Nojima (scenario writer for CCFF7, KH2) still doesn't want to part from Cloud so we might do something with him again.


Nomura: Making something new that's video-like like AC would be nice.


Nomura: KH was the turning point for me. If I didn't make that game, I probably could never have worked on FF7AC and Versus.

Visdelto kurejai bando viska isspausti is PS3 grafiskai. Ir tas skraidymas orlaiviu skamba labai nostalgiskai...

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Nomura: FF Versus 13 "No Difference between CGI and Realtime Graphics"


It seems that as soon as Final Fantasy XIII released, the hype train at Square Enix began for Final Fantasy Versus XIII. In a Japanese magazine interview, Nomura has been detailing Final Fantasy Versus XIII, and things are looking promising:


- The in game graphics have been upgraded, so much so that there is no real difference between the CGI (prerendered video) and the graphics in game.

- More detailed information regarding the development of Agito XIII and Versus XIII to come in early 2010.

- This is a dark Final Fantasy as everyone expected (FF7/8 fans rejoice).

- Nomura confirms steady development on another title, which is not a new IP, but hasn't confirmed what it is, although it may be Kingdom Hearts 3.


A lot to look forward to for PS3 fans, and as this is Nomura speaking it is very likely that a Kingdom Hearts 3 may finally be announced!

taigi kaip zada jau ir FFXIV dabar ir FF Vs. XIII kad zaidimo grafika bus labiau nuslifuota nei pacio FFXIII ir beveik nesiskirs nuo CGI,o apie CGI galime jau daug pasakyt vien is FF:AC filmo ..taip kad laukia tikrai smagus zaidimai ,be to kad dar galimybe kad bus pakelbtas ir Kingdom Hearts 3 .. :)

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ko tais man atrodo kad XIII bus labai uzrushintas ir nedabaigtas nes multiplatforminis,o VSXIII nerushina,rodo mazai info, bet geimas garantuotai bus zymiai geresnis uz XIII.

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ko tais man atrodo kad XIII bus labai uzrushintas ir nedabaigtas nes multiplatforminis,o VSXIII nerushina,rodo mazai info, bet geimas garantuotai bus zymiai geresnis uz XIII.

Ne į temą

FFXIII Versus bus EPIC GAME :)


Tetsuya Nomura was interviewed by Famitsu this week about Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep. He was also asked about the progress of future projects he was working on. Concerning Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Nomura said that "development is going well, however there is still more to be done".


"From the beginning, the character presentation on the world map was similar to FF* (the magazine has intentionally censored the asterisk parts), where you would see a very small Noctis running around. It was somewhat lacking and so it was altered to be more like FF*’s system.


* denotes a censored number by Famitsu"


Because of these alterations, Nomura is unsure whether it will be ready for this years E3 like he said back in October. He says he has to balance development with other titles he's working on and is currently discussing how they will proceed with producers.

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Tikiuosi 2011m jau sulauksim, o šiais metais bent trailerių kokių :D

Kalbant apie trailerius

Square Enix has revealed a new Final Fantasy Versus XIII trailer in a closed theater during the current Jump Festa.


The trailer hasn't been revealed to the public yet but here are some descriptions of the trailer.


"12.19 09:58 New FFvXIII trailer behind this curtain. I'll watch it after playing KH. Squenix has the same theater setup as TGS.


12.19 10:10 The Versus trailer just shows the main guy waiting on a highway and then getting picked up by a car, which then speeds off.


12.19 10:11 It's all realtime though and looks stunning, particularly the lighting. The scene is set on a bright day.


12.19 10:13 The short trailer ends, 'revelation will come next time.' Perhaps Versus will show its true form with its next trailer."

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Final Fantasy Versus XIII sees return of World Map, Airships

In a recent interview on the Japanese Square Enix Members area, Tetsuya Nomura has revealed further information regarding the upcoming Final Fantasy Versus XIII title – currently set to be released exclusively on PlayStation 3.


In a response to a question as to how much of the game is complete, Nomura responds “Things are not connected yet, every part is moving along separately. However, we have gotten airships working over the world map.”


Following complaints regarding the linearity of Final Fantasy XIII, such a statement will sure to be great news to fans looking for the series to return to a more open nature.


Within the same interview, Nomura also revealed that his favourite character that he created was Sora, as well as stating that he hoped they could make a sequel to Dissidia: Final Fantasy.

Tetsuya Nomura is... not on Twitter. Indirectly, however, he was featured earlier today in a Twitter-based interview at the Square Enix Members Twitter account. (Thanks for the heads up, Faisal!)


The interview was conducted by Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto using fan-submitted questions. Here's a summary of the questions and responses:


How far along is Versus?

"Not everything is connected together, so the various areas have different levels of progress. However, you can fly across the world map in an air ship."

What about that talk about a sequel to Dissidia Final Fantasy being under consideration?

"A Dissidia Final Fantasy sequel -- we'll work at it!" Unfortunately, this answer can mean anything. It could mean that they're actually working on a sequel. It could also mean that Nomura is working to get a sequel started. You probably shouldn't take this as confirmation that a sequel is in development, though (although it probably is -- have you seen how many copies the first one sold?).

What is your favorite character?

"I like all the characters I've made. However, the character I most encounter, Sora, is special."

You discussed a lot with Konami's Hideo Kojima in a net radio broadcast. What happened to your relationship after that?

"I occasionally receive dinner invites from Kojima."

We'd like you to start Twitter

"I have nothing to Tweet."

I'd like to know the state of Versus 13, Agito, 3rd Birthday, etc.

"I'm being stopped by producer Hashimoto."

Give us a progress report on the games you're working on, the games you're playing, and interests.

"I'd like to release two titles within the year. As for games that I'm playing, I cleared Battle Field 2 and have started playing Heavy Rain. As for interests outside of games, I'll watch any video in general."

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Xbox 360 Final Fantasy Versus XIII Under Consideration

Final Fantasy XIII was originally a PlayStation 3 exclusive, but ended up making the switch to multiplatform PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.


Sister project Final Fantasy Versus XIII was also originally a PlayStation 3 exclusive, and has stayed as such since its announcement.


The various Versus trailers that we've seen since FFXIII's multiplatform switch have made it clear that this particular FF game would be PS3-only worldwide. But CEO Yoichi Wada was less firm on this stance during a Q&A session that concluded an investors meeting today in Tokyo.


As reported at Impress Watch, when asked if it would be best to give Versus a multiplatform release on Xbox 360, Wada replied "We'll be looking into it internally until right before the formal announcement."


The question was asked in relation to Final Fantasy XIII and the possibility of the game's Xbox 360 release having helped to extend sales overseas.


By "formal announcement," Wada is presumably referring to the proper unveiling of Versus. While we've seen plenty of trailers for the game, most recently via a short teaser clip at December's Jump Festa event, Square Enix has yet to show gameplay footage outside of some camera-grabbed teaser footage that was shown at last year's Tokyo Game Show.


The game's formal unveiling is widely expected to take place at next month's E3 expo in Los Angeles, although director Tetsuya Nomura has given some hints that it could come later.

Heh :spam:

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Xbox 360 Final Fantasy Versus XIII Under Consideration


Game is fucked again :D

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  • Naujausios temos

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    • @Javelin  tikiu,kad ras Ps5 pro pirkeju daug ir Lietuvoje Nemanau,kad labai dideli skirtuma jausciau grafikoje. Va jei 60 stabilus fps visuose zaidimuose,tada neblogai butu. Siaip ipratau ir prie 30fps dar nuo Ps4 ar x360 laikų svarbu tie 30 butu stabilus,"nesokinejantys" tai daugiau tai maziau- tas tai tragedija budavo.. Visuose zaidimuose su Ps5 renkuosi "performance" rezima,ir jauciu kad 60fps eina, stqbiliai (tikiuos ne placebo efektas įsijungia :D. )
    • Taip čia Sony gerai padirbėjo. Mano vaniline sukasi (ir tikios toliau suksis🤞) kaip bitutė. Prasiplėčiau SSD 1TB ir ramu. Šiaip manau nauji visų laukiami žaidimai gali būti tas Pro (kaip ir beveik visų konsolių)  pardavimo varyklis. Tokie kaip TLOU3 ar visų laukimas GTA6. Aišku eis ir ant Slim, bet kai tu gali gauti mėgstamo žaidimo Max grafika, tai veikia.
    • Sutinku. Mokant pinigus už galutinį produktą, norėtųsi, kad ir veiktų kaip tai deklaruojama.
    • @tymbarkFM Kai anonsavo PS Portal išvadinau ji visišku š, nes nepalaiko native žaidimų. Vėliau pagalvojau, kad gal man jo reikėtų ir man pavyktu su juo greičiau išvalyti backlogą. Deja, mano remote play testai su PSPlay ir Playstation Remote Play parodė, kad mano Telia duotas Wifi-4 routeris net su 5ghz kanalu + ethernet kabelis pajungtas prie konsolės yra per silpni. Internetas Telia 500Mbps, o routerio pats atsinaujinti nenoriu, nes bus problemos su televizija, o Telia siūlo visišką šlamštą keitimui. Aišku galima atidarynėti portus, daryti statinį ip, bet man kaip paprastam vartotojui per daug vargo, nes Telia užrakino routerį nežinomu slaptažodžiu (defaultinis neveikia).
    • Neseniai įsigyjau PS Portal. Galiu pasakyti, kad kai veikia, tai puikiai atlieka savo funkciją. Namuose su lokaliu Wi-Fi veikia tobulai, bandžiau TPS action-žaidimus (Assassin's Creed, Outlaws) - galima nors ir visą žaidimą pereiti, jokio diskomforto, pultelis kaip originalus DualSense, ekranas geras, ryškus, nors ir LCD. Bandžiau darbe su Wi-Fi - veikia beveik tobulai, atiranda retkarčiais kokybės kritimas, bet žaisti galima. Kas nepavyko, tai pasijungti per Hotspot iš telefono, bandžiau dukart - nepavyko net pasijungti. Va čia yra didžiausias trūkumas. Iki Portal pirkimo bandžiau per Remote Play žaisti iš planšetės, pririšant pultelį - tai galiu pasakyti, kad ekspirjensas geresnis nei su Portal ir vietos net mažiau užima nešiojantis. Tai realiai nelabai dar turiu kuo pagrįsti tokį pirkinį. 😅
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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