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Destiny 2

Destiny 2

  • Platformos

    • PC
    • Xbox One
    • PlayStation 4
    • Google Stadia
    • +2
  • Kūrėjas

    • Bungie
    • Blizzard Albany
    • High Moon Studios, Inc.
  • Leidėjas

    • Activision
    • Bungie
  • Temos

    • Fantasy
    • Sci-Fi
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    The full-fledged follow-up to Bungie's sci-fi "looter shooter", streamlining much of the previous game's mechanics while featuring larger worlds and new abilities. It was later made free-to-play.

Destiny 2

Apie žaidimą

The full-fledged follow-up to Bungie's sci-fi "looter shooter", streamlining much of the previous game's mechanics while featuring larger worlds and new abilities. It was later made free-to-play.



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Destiny 2 is a sci-fi fantasy open-world first-person shooter developed by Bungie (along with Vicarious Visions and High Moon) and published by Activision (later Bungie themselves) for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on September 6, 2017, with a later release for the PC on October 24, 2017 (as the first third-party title for Blizzard's service). It was made free-to-play on October 1, 2019.

The sequel to the 2014 game Destiny, Destiny 2 puts players into the role of a Guardian: protectors of Earth's last safe city who wield the supernatural power of the "Light" (given to them by an alien entity known as the "Traveler"). While the original version of the game included a full-fledged story campaign, it was later changed to be a barebones platform with ongoing narratives, optional campaigns, and seasonal content.

The original campaign, set one year after the events of the Rise of Iron expansion, is known post-release as "The Red War" and has the Guardians stripped of their powers from an invasion on the Last City by the Cabal Red Legion and its commander: Dominus Ghaul. As one of the few Guardians remaining, the player must now find a new way to regain their powers, reform the scattered Vanguard, and take back the Last City. The game's progression system was later removed or reworked, with the campaign itself removed with the Destiny Content Vault system.

Following Ghaul's defeat in the original campaign, the game's story shifts to a larger narrative with new threats, the most dire of which being a mysterious force (known as the "Darkness", or the "Black Fleet") that is slowly engulfing the Solar System. Each post-release campaign and seasonal narrative focuses on a specific new threat (including corrupt reanimated Fallen known as the "Scorn", "Nightmares" manifested by the Darkness, Fallen seeking to harness the Darkness, and Hive warriors wielding stolen Light).

Similar to the original game, Destiny 2 has received numerous post-release updates and expansions, including new locations, campaigns, game modes, weapons, abilities, multiplayer maps, cosmetics, special events, and quality-of-life updates. Numerous gameplay mechanics were also altered or added, such as changing the way gear is upgraded and adding a system for tracking accomplishments. It later received a cross-platform progression system, cross-play multiplayer, a seasonal pass system, and a content vaulting system (where the game cycles out content from both Destiny and Destiny 2).

From 2019 onward, the game is published by Bungie themselves, with the PC version moved to Steam on October 1, 2019. It was also released as a launch title for the Google Stadia on November 18, 2019 and received dedicated releases (as launch titles) for the Xbox Series X|S (on November 10, 2020) and PlayStation 5 (on November 12, 2020).


The three main classes of Guardians (Hunter, Titan, and Warlock) return from the original Destiny, each with multiple customizable elemental-based sub-classes that grant them unique abilities. Character inventories and progression are not carried over from the original Destiny, although character appearances can be transferred if they reached level 20 and completed the original campaign.

Much of the tier-based upgrade system from the original were replaced with a "skill tree" system, where players can specialize in multiple sub-class paths that grant special perks while changing both their Melee Ability and Super Ability. Players can still choose from multiple Movement Abilities and Grenade Abilities separate of their sub-class path and can now choose from multiple Class Abilities. It was later surpassed with a more customizable system (known as "Class 3.0"), where players freely customize their Super, Grenade, Melee, Movement, and Ability choices while using a piecemeal unlockable upgrade system known as "Aspects" (restrictive to each class) and "Fragments" (universal for all classes).

In the original campaign, players started with a fixed sub-class (Gunslinger, Striker, or Voidwalker) and then "lose their Light", losing most of their abilities outright until a certain point in the story (giving them Arcstrider, Sentinel, or Dawnblade). Players unlock Abilities and progress through the skill tree by leveling up and earning "upgrade points", with certain sub-classes and activities becoming only available at certain character levels (where they must complete special quests). With the introduction of the New Light and Class 3.0 systems, this was later removed.

The Stasis sub-classes were added with the Beyond Light expansion, while the "3.0" sub-classes were added with Seasons 16-18.


The most agile class of the three, Hunters are former scavengers and can be recognized by their hooded capes and light, fitted armor.

Their unique ability is the Dodge, which allows them to quickly evade attacks in a daring maneuver. Players can choose from either Marksman Dodge (a short dash that automatically reloads the player's equipped weapon) or Gambler's Dodge (a combat roll that generates Melee Attack energy if done in close proximity to an enemy). Ability regeneration is tied-in with the Mobility stat.

Their movement options involve quick double-jumping. These include High Jump (which upgrades the height of the second jump), Strafe Jump (which offers better directional control of the second jump), and Triple Jump (which adds a third mid-air jump for better stability).

Light Subclasses

  • Arcstrider (Arc) - Their Super Abilities include Arc Staff (a roaming melee super using a staff of pure electrical energy, allowing them to be an agile melee powerhouse while deflecting projectiles) and Gathering Storm (which conjures a staff throw that discharges lightning at nearby foes). They can replace their Jump with Blink, allowing them to teleport short distances.
  • Gunslinger (Solar) - Their Super Abilities include Golden Gun (a roaming ranged super using a flaming revolver which can disintegrate targets with limited high-powered shots) and Blade Barrage (which conjures a quick barrage of explosive throwing knives). Golden Gun has two versions: Deadshot (a six-shot version that can be refunded with ignitions) and Marksman (a three-shot version with increased precision damage). They can replace their Dodge with Acrobat's Dodge, allowing them to make an acrobatic leap that buffs nearby allies.
  • Nightstalker (Void) - Their Super Abilities include Shadowshot (which conjures a bow-and-arrow shot of void energy that damages, ensnares and marks enemies) and Spectral Blades (a roaming melee super using two daggers of void energy, allowing the wielder to remain invisible for agile stealth kills). Shadowshot has two versions: Deadfall (allowing them to ensnare additional enemies) and Mobius Quiver (allowing for two multi-arrow volleys).

Dark Subclasses

  • Revenant (Stasis) - Their Silence and Squall super ability throws two kamas: the first causing a flash-freeze explosion and the second causing a roaming tornado that slows and damages those inside.


The most durable class of the three, Titans are known for building the Wall that protects the Last City and can be recognized by their bulky armor, swept-back helmets, and marked sashes.

Their unique class ability is the Barricade, which allows them to form a temporary barrier of light that negates weapons. Players can choose from either Towering Barricades (tall barriers that offers better protection) or Rally Barricades (short barriers that can be peeked over by aiming down-the-sight, also instantly reloading the equipped weapon of allies behind it). Ability regeneration is tied-in with the Resilience stat.

Their movement options involve the mid-air "Lift", which propels the Titan to the air and use jump-jets to hover down. These include High Lift (which upgrades the overall Lift height), Strafe Lift (which offers better directional control of the Lift), and Catapult Lift (which provides a quick Lift propulsion).

Light Subclasses

  • Sentinel (Void) - Their Super Abilities include Ward of Dawn (a massive shielding dome that negates projectiles and buffs allies) and Sentinel Shield (a roaming super using a round shield of void energy that can negate enemy attacks, be used to bash enemies, and be thrown at enemies).
  • Striker (Arc) - Their Super Abilities include Fist of Havoc (a roaming melee super that supercharges the Titan's fists, allowing powerful melee dashes and ground slams) and Thundercrash (a single guided melee strike that can controlled in the air like a missile). They can replace their Barricade with Thruster, allowing them to perform quick evasive thrusts.
  • Sunbreaker (Solar) - Their Super Abilities include Hammer of Sol (a roaming ranged super using flaming throwing hammers that explode into molten shards) and Burning Maul (a roaming melee super focused on a single massive flaming maul).

Dark Subclasses

  • Behemoth (Stasis) - Their Glacial Quake roaming super ability allows the Titan to both create shockwaves of freezing crystals by ground slams and shatter frozen targets through melee dashes.


The most arcane class of the three, Warlocks studied the Light of the Traveler through scholarly means and can be recognized by their robes, rounded helmets, and "bonds" (a special type of armband).

Their unique ability is the Rift, which allows them to conjure a temporary well of Light that continually buffs allies inside it. Players can choose from either Healing Rift (which heals them) or Empowering Rift (which increases their attack power). Ability regeneration is tied-in with the Recovery stat.

Their movement options involve gliding in the air. These include Strafe Glide (which offers better directional control of the glide), Burst Glide (which provides an initial speed burst on the glide), and Balanced Glide (which provides a bonus to both speed and control of the glide). The Voidwalker sub-class also includes the Blink option, allowing a quick teleportation effect.

Light Subclasses

  • Dawnblade (Solar) - Their Super Abilities include Daybreak (a roaming ranged super using a flaming sword that launch Solar blasts high in the air) and Well of Radiance (conjuring a larger rift that empowers and heals allies inside). They can replace their Rift with Phoenix Dive, allowing them to dive to the ground to heal allies and scorch enemies.
  • Voidwalker (Void) - Their Super Abilities include Nova Bomb (which hurls a giant ball of void energy, disintegrating all enemies that are caught within its blast) and Nova Warp (a roaming melee super that allows the user to Blink rapidly and explode with pulses of void energy). Nova Bomb has two versions: Vortex (allowing it to linger, pulling targets inward and continuously damaging them) and Cataclysm (allowing it to seek targets and explode into smaller seeker projectiles). They can replace their Jump with Blink, allowing them to teleport short distances.
  • Stormcaller (Arc) - Their Super Abilities include Stormtrance (a roaming melee super ability conjures streams of lightning from their hands while allowing them to Blink rapidly) and Chaos Reach (a continuous beam of arc energy that is conjured while hovering, which can be cancelled early to save Super energy).

Dark Subclasses

  • Shadebinder (Stasis) - Their Winter's Wrath roaming super ability allows the Warlock to conjure freezing projectiles from their magic staff and unleash a powerful shockwave to shatter nearby frozen targets.

Weapons & Armor

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Like the original Destiny, each player's loadout contains five armor pieces (Helmet, Gauntlets, Chest, Legs, and Class) and three weapon slots (one of which is reserved for a Power weapon).

All gear come in multiple color-coded rarities (including grey Basics, green Commons, blue Rares, purple Legendaries, and golden Exotics). Prior to New Light, players earn weapons and armor of a rarer variety more often as they level up (with the highest base level skipping Basics and Commons entirely). With the removal of Guardian Levels, Basics and Commons are never dropped and can only be found in rare instances.

Rarer gear include additional perks and bonuses, including the ability to upgrade their level (by "infusing" them with other weapons and armor of the same type), apply special mods to them, customize their perk choices, and customize their appearance using cosmetics (Shaders for Legendary gear and Ornaments for Exotic gear). Beginning in Season 12, Legendary gear had a maximum power level limit. Referred to as 'sunsetting', this practice was discontinued at the beginning of Season 14 due to widespread unpopularity.

Similar to the original Destiny, only one Exotic Weapon and one Exotic Armor can be equipped at a time.


Unlike the original Destiny, where the two main weapon slots are based on the weapon type (ammo-abundant Primary or ammo-limited Special), Destiny 2 splits up these slots based on elemental type: Kinetic (non-elemental and Dark elemental) and Energy (Light elemental). Kinetic weapons work best against unshielded enemies while Energy weapons work best against shields of the same elemental type. Power weapons are always elemental and deal heavy damage at the cost of much limited ammunition. Energy and Powers are commonly replenished by picking up ammo of their weapon type (green boxes for Special, and purple boxes for Power).

Prior to Season 4, Special weapons were instead categorized as Power weapons and both basic weapon slots were restricted to Primary weapons. Ammo boxes were also color-coded based on weapon slots (with white boxes for Kinetic and green boxes for Energy). Prior to Season 15, primary weapons had limited ammunition and used white boxes.


Unlike those the original Destiny, all weapons in Destiny 2 no longer have dedicated upgrade paths and have all options unlocked from the start. Prior to Season 4, all weapons have a curated set of perks, with some having alternate options (such as different scopes and magazine types). This was changed to having their perks randomly picked from the weapon's perk pool.

In addition, since Season 2, players can upgrade Legendary weapons to gain a minor stat boost of a random choice and can upgrade most Exotic weapons with unlockable "Catalysts" (unlocking new perks to use).

Intrinsic Traits

All weapons have specific Intrinsic Traits, which partly determine their base stats and play style. Some weapons have unique changes based on their Intrinsic Perk (for example, Aggressive Pulse Rifles fire four-round bursts). All Exotic weapons have their own unique Intrinsic Perk.

Beginning in Season 16, weapons that are crafted can have an upgraded "Enhanced Intrinsic" trait that also provides a minor stat boost.

The most common ones are:

  • Adaptive Frame - Balanced.
  • Aggressive Frame - Higher continuous damage output at the cost of less stable recoil control.
  • High-Impact Frame - Higher per-shot damage at the cost of a slower rate-of-fire. Improves accuracy while both stationary and aiming down the sight.
  • Lightweight Frame - Increases the wielder's mobility while equipped.
  • Precision Frame - Improves horizontal recoil control.
  • Rapid-Fire Frame - Faster rate-of-fire at the cost of lower per-shot damage. Improves reloading speed on an empty magazine. Special and Power weapons have much larger reserves.

Primary Weapons

Primary weapons are the most common used weapons, and have infinite ammo reserves (with commonly-found Primary Ammo prior to Season 15).

  • Auto Rifles - Fully-automatic.
  • Combat Bows - Single-shot. Each arrow must be hand-drawn prior to firing by holding down the Primary Fire button. Pressing the Reload button cancels the current draw. Added in Season 4.
  • Hand Cannons - Semi-automatic with a slow rate-of-fire.
  • Pulse Rifles - Three-round burst fire. Aggressive Pulse Rifles fire in four-round bursts.
  • Scout Rifles - Semi-automatic. Rapid-Fire Scout Rifles fire in full-auto.
  • Sidearms - Semi-automatic with a fast rate-of-fire. Some sidearms fire in bursts (three-round bursts for Adaptive and two-round bursts for Aggressive). Rapid-Fire Sidearms fire in full-auto.
  • Submachine Guns - Fully-automatic. Aggressive Submachine Guns also deal bonus damage at close range. New to the series.

Special Weapons

Formerly part of the Power type, Special weapons are more powerful than Primary weapons and use Special Ammo that are less common to find. In PvP modes, players spawn with a very limited amount of ammunition.

  • Fusion Rifles - Charge-shot. Fires a barrage of bolts and is charged by holding down the Primary Fire button.
  • Glaive - Launches large energy projectiles in a slow fully-automatic fashion. Has a unique melee attack that can be chained together and a front-facing energy shield that regenerates through projectile attacks. Added in Season 16 and new to the series.
  • Grenade Launchers (Breech-Load) - Single-shot. Depending on perks, grenades have a wide variety of projectile types and purposes (including proximity grenades that stick onto surfaces and grenades that blind or stun enemies). New to the series.
  • Shotguns - Pump-action. Chamber-loaded. Some Aggressive Shotguns include a temporary firing rate buff after each kill. Rapid-Fire Shotguns fire in full-auto. Pinpoint Slug frames fire with single-slug rounds instead of pellets (requiring more precise aiming).
  • Sniper Rifles - Semi-automatic. Very inaccurate hipfire, and precision hits reward more bonus damage than other weapons.
  • Trace Rifles - Fires a continuous beam of energy. New to the series.

Power Weapons

Power weapons are more powerful than both Primary and Special weapons and use Heavy Ammo that is the least common to find.

In PvP modes, players spawn with no ammunition at all, and can only find them in two places: as time-locked crates in specific locations or as loose crates dropped by those killed while carrying Heavy ammo. The kill feed also displays when an ammo crate is picked up, by who, and with what Power weapon type.

  • Grenade Launchers (Drum-Fed) - Multi-shot. Depending on perks, grenades have a wide variety of projectile types and purposes (including proximity grenades that stick onto surfaces and grenades that blind or stun enemies). Precision Grenade Launchers sacrifice projectile speed for projectiles that bounce against hard surfaces and detonate on trigger release. New to the series.
  • Linear Fusion Rifles - Charge-shot. Fires a single, powerful, precise bolt and is charged by holding down the Primary Fire button.
  • Machine Guns - Fully-automatic. Added in Season 5.
  • Rocket Launchers - Single-shot. Precision Rocket Launchers lock onto targets when aimed at and auto-tracks. Aggressive Rocket Launchers have the fastest damage output (with the quickest reload speeds and fastest projectile velocity), while High-Impact Rocket Launchers have the slowest damage output (with larger explosions and the most stable handling).
  • Swords - Melee. When equipped, the game is played in a third-person over-the-shoulder perspective. In addition to light slashes, swords can be used for special heavy attacks (with some swords having vastly different attacks) and for guarding against enemy attacks. Swords have a rechargeable energy meter, which is used for stronger Heavy Attacks and guarding. Unlike other weapons, swords can be used in a weaker capacity without ammo.


New Light

Originally added on October 1, 2019 for new players, reworked on November 10, 2020.

  1. A Guardian Rises (Cosmodrome, Earth) - Based on the mission of the same name from the original Destiny.
  2. Schism (Cosmodrome, Earth)
  3. Cold Boot (Cosmodrome, Earth)
  4. Vendetta (Cosmodrome, Earth)
  5. Advent (The Tower, Earth)
  6. Strike: The Disgraced

The Red War (Prologue)

Vaulted since Season 12.

  1. Homecoming (The Tower, Earth)
  2. Adieu (The Last City, Earth)
  3. Spark (European Dead Zone, Earth)

The Red War

Vaulted since Season 12.

  1. Combustion (European Dead Zone, Earth)
  2. Hope (New Pacific Arcology, Titan)
  3. Riptide (New Pacific Arcology, Titan)
  4. Utopia (New Pacific Arcology, Titan)
  5. Looped (Arcadian Valley, Nessus)
  6. Six (Arcadian Valley, Nessus)
  7. Sacrilege (Echo Mesa, Io)
  8. Fury (Echo Mesa, Io)
  9. Payback (European Dead Zone, Earth)
  10. Unbroken (European Dead Zone, Earth)
  11. Larceny (European Dead Zone, Earth)
  12. 1AU (The Almighty)
  13. Chosen (The Last City, Earth)

Curse of Osiris

Vaulted since Season 12.

  1. The Gateway (Fields of Glass, Mercury)
  2. A Deadly Trial (European Dead Zone, Earth)
  3. Beyond Infinity (Fields of Glass, Mercury)
  4. Deep Storage (Echo Mesa, Io)
  5. Tree of Probabilities (Fields of Glass, Mercury)
  6. Hijacked (Arcadian Valley, Nessus)
  7. A Garden World (Fields of Glass, Mercury)
  8. Omega (Fields of Glass, Mercury)


Vaulted since Season 12.

  1. Ice and Shadow (Hellas Basin, Mars)
  2. Pilgrimage (Hellas Basin, Mars)
  3. Off-World Recovery (European Dead Zone, Earth)
  4. Strange Terrain (Hellas Basin, Mars)
  5. Will of the Thousands (Hellas Basin, Mars)


Vaulted since Season 16.

  1. Last Call (Prison of Elders)
  2. High Plains Blues (Tangled Shore)
  3. Scorned (Tangled Shore)
  4. Adventures: Target: The Mad Bomber, Target: The Rider, Target: The Trickster, Target: The Hangman, Target: The Mindbender, Target: The Rifleman
  5. The Machinist (Tangled Shore)
  6. Nothing Left to Say (Tangled Shore)


  1. A Mysterious Disturbance (The Moon)
  2. Nightmare Hunt: Anguish
  3. Strike: The Scarlet Keep
  4. In the Deep (The Moon)
  5. Nightmare Hunts: Pride, Isolation, Fear
  6. Beyond (The Moon)

Beyond Light

  1. Darkness's Doorstep (Europa)
  2. The New Kell (Europa)
  3. The Warrior (Europa)
  4. The Technocraft (Europa)
  5. Strike: The Glassway
  6. The Kell of Darkness (Europa)

The Witch Queen

  1. The Arrival (Mars)
  2. The Investigation (Throne World)
  3. The Ghosts (Throne World)
  4. The Communion (Europa)
  5. Strike: The Lightblade
  6. The Mirror (Throne World)
  7. The Cunning (Throne World)
  8. The Last Chance (Throne World)
  9. The Ritual (Throne World)

Vanguard Strikes

The game's traditional co-operative activity pits up to three players in a single mission (similar in length to campaign missions and adventures), ending with a final confrontation against a boss. By completing Strikes, players can earn unique gear from Commander Zavala.

Prior to the Forsaken expansion, Strikes were only playable as its own matchmaking playlist. This was later changed so that players can play individual Strikes by accessing them on the Map screen of each planet.

Beginning with the Curse of Osiris expansion, more difficult versions of Strikes were made available on a separate "Heroic Strikes" playlist. This later replaced the normal Strikes playlist, and can be played in multiple Power level-based difficulty settings. Along with a difficulty increase and more rewards, it adds three gameplay modifiers that change every week, one of each type (Elemental Burn, Advantage, and Disadvantage).


A special endgame playlist, "Nightfall Strikes" are challenging versions of Strikes with a large difficulty increase, special rewards, a unique scoring system, and a limited map selection that changes every week.

Teams are scored based on the performances of all three players together, which is accumulated by both killing enemies (primary) and generating Orbs of Light (secondary). Higher difficulties increase the overall score multiplier, though players earn less points after a certain amount of time in the Strike (with additional delays causing the score to drain over time with no option to accumulate any more).

Prior to the Beyond Light expansion, this version cannot be played in standard matchmaking and require players to either form a fireteam themselves or opt to the Guided Games feature (with two clanmates as the "Guides" and one other player as the "Seeker"). In the Shadowkeep expansion, a special version (known as "The Ordeal") was added that included five difficulties (Adept, Hero, Legend, Master, and Grandmaster, with only Adept and Hero allowing matchmaking), higher rewards, and additional challenges (including the Champions mechanic). This version replaced the original in Beyond Light.

Strike List

Lake of Shadows, The Insight Terminus, and Broodhold were originally time-exclusive to the PS4 version of the game and became available on other platforms one year after their release.

Some post-release strikes are reprisals of strikes from the original Destiny.

Active Strikes

  • The Arms Dealer (European Dead Zone, Earth) - Bracus Zahn (Cabal Legionary)
  • Exodus Crash (Arcadian Valley, Nessus) - Thaviks, the Depraved (Fallen Marauder)
  • The Inverted Spire (Arcadian Valley, Nessus) - Protheon, Modular Mind (Vex Minotaur)
  • Lake of Shadows (European Dead Zone, Earth) - Grask, the Consumed (Taken Phalanx)
  • The Insight Terminus (Arcadian Valley, Nessus) - Kargen, the Technocrat (Cabal Psion); Added with the Warmind expansion.
  • The Corrupted (The Dreaming City) - Sedia, the Corrupted (Taken Techeun); Added with the Forsaken expansion.
  • Warden of Nothing (Prison of Elders) - The Mad Warden (Fallen Servitor); Added with the Forsaken expansion.
  • The Scarlet Keep (The Moon) - Hashladûn, Daughter of Crota (Hive Wizard); Added with the Shadowkeep expansion.
  • The Glassway (Europa) - Belmon, Transcendent Mind (Vex Hydra); Added with the Beyond Light expansion.
  • The Disgraced (Cosmodrome, Earth) - Navôta, Eir Spawn (Hive Wizard); Added with the Beyond Light expansion as part of the New Light experience.
  • The Devil's Lair (Cosmodrome, Earth) - Sepiks Prime (Fallen Servitor); Reprise. Added on Season 13.
  • Fallen S.A.B.E.R. (Cosmodrome, Earth) - S.A.B.E.R.-2 (Fallen Shank); Reprise. Added on Season 13.
  • Proving Grounds (Arcadian Valley, Nessus) - Ignovan, Chosen of Caiatl (Cabal Centurion); Added on Season 13.
  • The Lightblade (Court of Savathûn, Throne World) - Alak-Hul, The Lightblade (Hive Darkblade Knight); Added with the Witch Queen expansion.
  • Birthplace of the Vile (Court of Savathûn, Throne World) - Heimiks, Warden of the Harvest (Scorn Raider); Added with the Witch Queen expansion.

Vaulted Strikes

  • The Pyramidion (Echo Mesa, Io) - Brakion, Genesis Mind (Vex Hobgoblin); Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Savathûn's Song (New Pacific Arcology, Titan) - Savathûn's Song (Hive Shrieker); Vaulted since Season 12.
  • A Garden World (Fields of Glass, Mercury) - Dendron, Root Mind (Vex Cyclops); Based on the mission of the same name. Added with the Curse of Osiris expansion and Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Tree of Probabilities (Fields of Glass, Mercury) - Valus Thuun (Cabal Centurion); Based on the mission of the same name. Added with the Curse of Osiris expansion and Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Strange Terrain (Hellas Basin, Mars) - Nokris, Herald of Xol (Hive Prince); Based on the mission of the same name. Added with the Warmind expansion and Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Will of the Thousands (Hellas Basin, Mars) - Xol, Will of the Thousands (Hive Worm God); Based on the mission of the same name. Added with the Warmind expansion and Vaulted since Season 12.
  • The Hollowed Lair (Tangled Shore) - Fikrul, the Fanatic (Scorn Chieftain); Added with the Forsaken expansion, is based on the mission Scorned, and Vaulted since Season 16.
  • Broodhold (Tangled Shore) - In Anânh, Brood Queen (Hive Wizard); Added with the Forsaken expansion and Vaulted since Season 16.
  • The Festering Core (Echo Mesa, Io) - Baurisk, Envoy of Savathûn (Taken Incendior); Added with the Shadowkeep expansion and Vaulted since Season 12.


Returning from the original Destiny, these unique endgame PvE events pit a fireteam of up to six Guardians against a series of challenging encounters in unique locations. Each encounter has unique objectives, mechanics, and constraints that require heavy use of strategy and communication. Completing through these stages unlock unique and powerful loot.

All raids prior to Season 4 have two difficulties: Normal and Prestige, with the Prestige version giving additional (and exclusive) rewards while increasing the difficulty of all enemies and adding new challenges to each mission. This was replaced with special Challenge triumphs/bounties and an optional "flawless run" mechanic (where players unlock a hidden version of the Raid where a team wipe returns the team to orbit and resets progress). Season 14 reintroduced the Prestige system with a "Master" difficulty for all new Raids and Dungeons.

Each player's progress in each Raid is saved and can be returned to before the start of the next weekly rotation (where progress is reset). Players in a smaller fireteam (known as "Seekers") can use the Guided Games feature to pair up with larger fireteams (known as "Guides") to form a full team.

Active Raids

  • Last Wish - Added in Season 4 and requires the Forsaken content pack. Set in the Dreaming City after the events of the Forsaken campaign, Last Wish has players making their way to a massive tower (the Keep of Voices) while freeing two Techeuns (Kalli and Shuro Chi) from Taken corruption. Afterwards, they must defeat the tower's guard (a powerful Taken Ogre known as the Spirekeeper Morgeth), find a way to enter the Vault, and destroy the corrupted Ahamkara known as Riven of a Thousand Voices.
  • Garden of Salvation - Added in Season 8 and requires the Shadowkeep expansion. Set in the Black Garden after the events of the Shadowkeep campaign, Garden of Salvation has players making their way through the realm to search for the endpoint of a signal from the Unknown Artifact while battling a Vex collective known as the Sol Divisive. Throughout the way, they must challenge two powerful Vex Minds: the Consecrated Mind and the Sanctified Mind.
  • Deep Stone Crypt - Added in Season 12 and requires the Beyond Light expansion. Set on Europa after the events of the Beyond Light campaign, Deep Stone Crypt has players infiltrating the titular facility to prevent the Fallen House of Salvation from unlocking its secrets. Along the way, they must battle two Fallen commanders: Atraks (who has uploaded herself to an Exo body) and Taniks (who was previously fought in the original Destiny strike The Shadow Thief).
  • Vault of Glass (Reprise) - Added in Season 14. Set on Venus at the end of the original Destiny campaign, players must enter the titular virtual realm and put an end to the Vex's reality-bending operations by destroying its overseer: Atheon, Time's Conflux.
  • Vow of the Disciple - Added in Season 16 and requires the Witch Queen expansion. Set in Savathûn's Throne World after the events of the Witch Queen campaign, players must enter a sunken Pyramid and eliminate the commander of the Scorn forces: Rhulk, Disciple of the Witness.
  • King's Fall (Reprise) - Added in Season 18. Set on a massive Hive spaceship (the Dreadnaught) orbiting Saturn at the end of the Taken War, players must infiltrate the furthest depths of the ship and eliminate its leader: Oryx, the Taken King.

Vaulted Raids

  • Leviathan - Vaulted since Season 12. Set on the massive Cabal space vessel (of the same name) orbiting around Nessus, Leviathan has the players invited by the former Emperor of the Cabal Empire to test their strength against his Loyalist forces. Unlike other Raids, Leviathan uses a central hub area (the Castellum) to link all four encounters (as "chambers") together. Players need to clear three of these chambers (Royal Pools, Pleasure Gardens, and The Gauntlet) before facing off against Emperor Calus himself in his throne room. As progressing through the Castellum is a challenge in itself, players can optionally sneak inside a hidden part of the ship (the Underbelly) to skip the Castellum and find hidden loot.
  • Leviathan, Eater of Worlds - Added in Season 2 and Vaulted since Season 12. Players are summoned back to the Leviathan to venture deep inside the Vex-infested vessel to find and destroy the Planetary Core Argos.
  • Leviathan, Spire of Stars - Added in Season 3 and Vaulted since Season 12. Players are summoned back to the Leviathan to repel a Cabal Red Legion assault on the vessel and assassinate the fleet's leader: Val Ca'uor.
  • Scourge of the Past - Added in Season 5 and Vaulted since Season 12. Set in a desolate section of the Last City (now occupied by a Fallen syndicate known as Kell's Scourge), Scourge of the Past has players navigating the city to the Black Armory Vault and preventing the massive war-mech Insurrection Prime from plundering it.
  • Crown of Sorrow - Added in Season 7 and Vaulted since Season 12. Players are summoned back to the Leviathan to clear Hive infestation and retrieve the Crown of Sorrow (a Hive artifact believed to be used to command the Hive) from the corrupted Cabal Shadow Gahlran.

Raid Dungeons

Similar in structure to standard Raids, Dungeons have a maximum fireteam size of three.

  • The Shattered Throne - Added in Season 4 and requires the Forsaken content pack. Players are summoned to Eleusinia, one of Mara Sov's "throne worlds" corrupted by the Taken King Oryx, in order to locate the source responsible for the Dreaming City's Taken corruption: the Hive Wizard Dûl Incaru.
  • Pit of Heresy - Added in Season 8 and requires the Shadowkeep expansion. Players must venture deep beneath the Scarlet Keep to slay the Hidden Swarm's champion: the Hive Knight Zulmak.
  • Prophecy - Added in Season 11. Players must venture through the Realms of the Nine and fight hordes of simulated Taken (led by the Kell Echo) to learn the nature of both Light and Darkness.
  • Grasp of Avarice - Added in Season 15 and requires the 30th Anniversary content pack. Based on the infamous "loot cave" glitch from the original Destiny, Grasp of Avarice has players venturing deep into the caverns underneath the Cosmodrome to find treasure guarded by a band of Fallen (led by Captain Avarokk, the Covetous).
  • Duality - Added in Season 17 and requires the Witch Queen Dungeon Key content pack. Players must dive into the depths of Emperor Calus's mind (woven into the derelict Leviathan) to learn his dark secrets and fight his nightmares (including his greatest: the Nightmare of Caiatl).
  • Spire of the Watcher - Added in Season 19 and requires the Witch Queen Dungeon Key content pack. Players must investigate a Seraph complex on Mars, known as the Ares Spire, and clear it from Vex (led by two Axis Minds: Akelous, the Siren's Current and Persys, Primordial Ruin).


[external image]

Like the original Destiny, PvP multiplayer takes place in-universe in the Crucible: a series of live-fire training exercises that doubles as gladiatorial competition.

Each Crucible match takes place in dedicated arenas (most of which use environmental assets from areas used for PvE), with Lord Shaxx as the mode's primary announcer. By completing public matches, players can earn unique Crucible-themed gear for use in any mode.

At launch, the game had no private matches, no ranking system, and a player limit of 8 (restricted to two teams of four players). Along with the addition of private matches and rankings, the game later increased the player limit to 12 and added free-for-all play. Additional game modes and maps were also added post-release.

Along with standard ranks, Crucible includes a special ranking system for the game's "Competitive" playlist that rises and falls with each match. Prior to Season 19, the "Glory" system started each season with everybody at the bottom-most rank. With Season 19, the "Divisions" system used placement matches to determine each player's initial ranking.

Game Modes

Most game modes from the original Destiny return, along with new variations. The game simplifies the original's scoring system, with a traditional singular point structure and no bonus points per kill (headshots/assists/etc.).

Along with Private Matches, the game includes a variety of matchmaking playlists. The structure has changed over the years, with the common ones being a 6v6 standard "Quickplay" playlist (which primarily uses the Control mode and includes skill-based matchmaking), a 3v3 "Competitive" playlist (which primarily uses the Survival mode and uses its own unique ranking system), and a weekly rotating playlist between the game's other modes. A "Crucible Labs" playlist is also sometimes available to test modes and variations.


In matchmaking, single-round modes are usually played in a 6v6 format (4v4 in earlier seasons, 6-player for FFA modes). Most modes have "mercy rule" enabled in non-Competitive playlists, where a large team lead causes the game to end prematurely.

In addition, from Season 8 onwards, these modes have "Shared Heavy Ammo" enabled, where instead of Heavy Ammo crates being limited to one player, players instead "unlock" the crate for their team for a short amount of time.


  • Clash - Standard team deathmatch. Teams earn points for eliminating enemy combatants.
  • Control - Teams fight over three neutral Control Zones throughout the battlefield. Neutral and enemy Zones can be captured for the team by standing on them uncontested for a short amount of time. Teams earn points both for eliminating enemy combatants (with bonus points based on how many Points they control) and for capturing a Zone. In some earlier versions of the mode, each team started with one Zone controlled.
  • Mayhem - Similar to Clash. All Guardian abilities and Heavy Ammo crates recharge faster and grant extra points on kills (+1 for Grenades/Melee/Heavy Weapons, +2 for Supers). Added on December 19, 2017.
  • Rumble - Free-for-all deathmatch. Players earn points for eliminating enemy combatants. Added on March 27, 2018.
  • Team Scorched - Similar to Clash. Players do not have access to their loadout weapons and abilities, instead having access to only one weapon: the Scorch Cannon. New for Destiny 2. Added on November 27, 2018 and was originally part of the Crucible Labs playlist.
  • Momentum Control - Similar to Control. Increased zone capture speed and bonus points. Increased overall weapon damage. Improved both respawn rates and drop amounts for Heavy Ammo crates. All Guardian abilities can only be regenerated by defeating enemies. Increased damage resistance against non-Power weapons and abilities while in roaming Supers. Quicker respawn timer. Motion tracker disabled. Each team starts with one point controlled. New for Destiny 2. Added on October 29, 2019.
  • Rift - Assault mode where teams fight over a single "Spark" of Light in order for a single player to take control of it and deliver it to the enemy "Rift" to score. Although it is single-round, scoring a point causes all players to respawn back at their starting location. Added on May 23, 2022 as part of Iron Banner.
  • Zone Control - Similar to Control. Rather than earning points for eliminating combatants, both teams score points every 15 seconds based on how many Zones they control (+2 for each Zone). Enemy Zones must be "neutralized" through capture before being fully captured. They also score 1 point for each capture. Added on June 21, 2022 as part of Crucible Labs.


  • Supremacy - Team deathmatch with a twist: killed players drop colored "crests" (blue for teammates, red for enemies) that can be collected. Teams can only earn points by picking up enemy Crests, and picking up a teammate's crest denies the opportunity for the enemy team to score with it. Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Scorched - Similar to Rumble. Players do not have access to their loadout weapons and abilities, instead having access to only one weapon: the Scorch Cannon. New for Destiny 2. Added on November 27, 2018 and was originally part of the Crucible Labs playlist. Vaulted since Season 12.


In matchmaking, multi-round modes are usually played in either a 3v3 or 4v4 format (with 2v2 in some Showdown modes).


  • Survival - Last team standing. Each team can only respawn a limited amount of times. Teams win rounds by depleting the enemy team of their life count and then eliminating them. If the round timer is depleted, the team with the most lives remaining wins the round. Based on Elimination mode from the original Destiny.
  • Showdown - Similar to Clash. Teams win rounds by having the highest amount of kills when the round timer is depleted. New for Destiny 2. Added on November 27, 2018 and was originally part of the Crucible Labs playlist.
  • Elimination - Similar to Survival. Although players only have one life per round, they can be revived by teammates. Added on December 10, 2019 and was part of the Crucible Labs playlist.


  • Countdown - Asymmetrical assault mode where teams alternate between Attackers and Defenders. Attackers must arm and detonate a central charge, at one of two points, before the round timer expires. Defenders must either prevent the Attackers from arming, or defuse armed charges. Although players only have one life per round, they can be revived by teammates in a limited capacity. Teams win rounds by either eliminating all enemies or by completing their objective. New for Destiny 2. Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Breakthrough - Symmetrical assault mode where teams fight to capture a central neutral Capture Zone ("deploying the Breaker"). Once a team deploys the Breaker, they must capture their enemy's Capture Zone ("hacking the Vault") to win the round. If they fail to hack the Vault in time, the other team wins the round. New for Destiny 2. Added on September 25, 2018 and is only compatible with certain maps (Wormhaven, The Citadel, Equinox, Firebase Echo, Bannerfall, Convergence, Twilight Gap, and Widow's Court). Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Lockdown - Similar to Control. Teams slowly fill up their overall capture gauge by capturing and holding two uncontested Zones, and win the round when the gauge reaches 100%. If all Zones are captured and uncontested at once, the holding team wins the round automatically. Each team starts with one Zone controlled. New for Destiny 2. Added on November 27, 2018 and was originally part of the Crucible Labs playlist. Vaulted since Season 12.


These game modes are specific to events and are not available in Private Matches. They include exclusive mode-specific medals.

  • Crimson Days Doubles - Similar to Showdown. Players who are close together gain the "Reunited" buff (increasing the recharge rate of their abilities), while players who are too far apart gain the "Drifting Apart" debuff (marking them as waypoints for the enemy). When a player's teammate is defeated, they gain the "Vengeance" temporary buff (further increasing the recharge rate of their abilities while slightly healing them). New for Destiny 2. Added on February 12, 2019.


The base game included 11 playable maps, none of them returning from the original Destiny. Post-release, new maps were added to the game, bringing the total up to 32. (22 new and 10 from the original Destiny). As of Season 17, 9 of these maps are vaulted and unplayable.

Retribution, Wormhaven, and Gambler's Ruin were originally time-exclusive to the PS4 version of the game and became available one year after their release. During the game's first two years, certain maps added in expansions required ownership of those expansions to play. They were later made available to all players.


  • Altar of Flame (Caloris Basin, Mercury)
  • The Dead Cliffs (European Dead Zone, Earth)
  • Emperor's Respite (Prison Barge, Leviathan) - Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Endless Vale (Arcadian Valley, Nessus)
  • Eternity (Unknown Space) - Formerly exclusive to Trials of the Nine.
  • The Fortress (European Dead Zone, Earth)
  • Javelin-4 (Warsat Launch Facility, Io)
  • Legion's Gulch (European Dead Zone, Earth) - Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Midtown (The Last City, Earth)
  • Retribution (Upper Startosphere, Mars) - Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Vostok (Felwinter Peak, Earth)

Post-Release (New)

  • Pacifica (Tidal Anchor, Titan) - Added on December 5, 2017.
  • Radiant Cliffs (Mercury's Past, Infinite Forest) - Added on December 5, 2017.
  • Wormhaven (New Pacific Arcology, Titan) - Added on December 5, 2017.
  • Meltdown (Clovis Bray Special Projects, Mars) - Added on May 8, 2018. Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Solitude (Warmind Facility Hellas, Mars) - Added on May 8, 2018. Vaulted since Season 12.
  • The Citadel - (The Dreaming City) - Added on September 4, 2018. Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Equinox (Unknown Space) - Added on September 4, 2018. Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Firebase Echo (Arcadian Valley, Nessus) - Added on September 4, 2018. Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Gambler's Ruin (The Tangled Shore) - Added on September 4, 2018. Vaulted since Season 12.
  • Fragment (Unknown, The Infinite Forest) - Added on October 1, 2019.
  • Disjunction (Runoff, Savathûn's Throne World) - Added on May 23, 2022.

Post-Release (Reprise)

In addition to new maps, the game has received remakes of numerous maps from the original Destiny.

  • Distant Shore (Arcadian Strand, Nessus) - Added on October 10, 2017. Remake of Shores of Time.
  • The Burnout (Vex Future, Infinite Forest) - Added on February 13, 2018. Remake of Burning Shrine.
  • Bannerfall (The Last City, Earth) - Added on May 23, 2018.
  • Convergence (Infinite Forest, Mercury) - Added on September 18, 2018. Remake of Pantheon.
  • Twilight Gap (Last City Parameter, Earth) - Added on October 1, 2019.
  • Widow's Court (European Dead Zone, Earth) - Added on October 1, 2019.
  • Rusted Lands (European Flood Zone, Earth) - Added on December 10, 2019.
  • The Anomaly (Mare Cognitum, Moon) - Added on March 10, 2020.
  • Cauldron (Ocean of Storms, Moon) - Added on March 10, 2020. Remake of The Cauldron.
  • Exodus Blue (Cosmodrome, Earth) - Added on March 10, 2020.
  • Cathedral of Dusk (Dreadnaught, Rings of Saturn) - Added on August 23, 2022.

Iron Banner

Returning from the original Destiny, Iron Banner is a special endgame event hosted by Lord Saladin where, for a limited amount of weeks per season, players can participate in a special "Iron Banner" playlist that grants unique themed gear. In addition, Lord Saladin replaces Shaxx as the mode's announcer.

Prior to Season 4, the playlist was restricted to one gametype that rotates every month (Clash, Control, or Supremacy). This was later changed to a special variation of Control and introduced the return of Power level advantages (where players with higher Power levels have increased damage and resistance). This was then changed after Season 16 to special variations of other game modes while removing the Power level advantages.

Mode Changes

These game mode variations are specific to the playlist and are not available in Private Matches. These usually include a "The Hunt" mechanic, which shows when one team has a significant advantage in scoring.

  • Iron Banner Control (Control, Seasons 4-16) - Once a team captures all three Zones at once, the Zones remain locked for that team for 15 seconds before they all reset to neutral.
  • Iron Banner Rift (Rift, Season 17)
  • Eruption (Clash, Season 18) - Each kill after the first per the player's life gives a +1 "Surging" point bonus and grants additional ability and super energy, with each kill after four giving an additional +1 "Primed" point bonus and even more ability energy. Those who are Primed show as a waypoint for everybody, has a 15-second timer before they die (which can only be replenished through kills), give ability and super energy to their teammates, and grant +3 points to the enemy team if they kill them.
  • Fortress (Zone Control, Season 19) - After the first 40 and 80 points reached for both teams, all Zones disappear and a High-Value Zone appears in a central location (via a Cabal Drop Pod, along with multiple enemy Scorpius Turrets). The HVZ is locked until the Turrets are eliminated, provides points every 7 seconds (4 points for the team controlling it), is quicker to capture, and disappears after one minute (with the three original Zones reappearing as neutral).


The "Trials of Osiris" PVP endgame event from the original Destiny returned in two forms: first with "Trials of the Nine" (from Seasons 1-4) and then with an updated "Trials of Osiris" (from Seasons 10+). Both versions are special weekend events where players participate in a series of highly-competitive matches on a specific rotating map. In addition, Saint-14 replaces Shaxx as the Trials of Osiris mode's announcer.

Trials of the Nine was a 4v4 mode that used either Survival or Countdown, while Trials of Osiris is a 3v3 Elimination mode with Power level advantages. Each match's introduction is extended and shows the loadout of all players individually (allowing teams to coordinate on countering their foes). Prior to Season 15, Trials required players must form their full fireteam before entering matchmaking and players could not modify their chosen loadout while in the playlist.

Once the player's character reached either 7 wins or 3 losses, that character either could no longer participate in the event for that week (Nine), must purchase a new Trials Card (earlier Osiris), or "refresh" their Trials Card (later Osiris). Depending on the amount of wins and losses, the player could enter parts of an exclusive location ("The Third Spire" in Trials of the Nine and "The Lighthouse" in Trials of Osiris) to earn unique themed gear.


Added in Season 4, Gambit is a unique "competitive PvE" game mode that pits two groups of four-player fireteams against each other to summon and destroy a powerful boss enemy (the "Primeval"). While it have elements of PvP multiplayer, it is outside of the scope of the Crucible and does not count towards Crucible bounties and challenges. It was formerly exclusive to owners of the Forsaken expansion and received multiple updates throughout the years.

In-universe, Gambit is a secret competition hosted by a mysterious Lightbearer, known as the Drifter, in order to generate and harness the Darkness (as portable "Motes"). It takes place at locations near the Drifter's ship (the Derelict, which tows a gigantic mysterious object throughout the solar system).


For each match of Gambit, the enemy faction, Primeval boss, and game map are randomly determined. Both teams spawn in the spawn area of their battlefield, with the battlefields of both teams being both completely identical and separate from each-other. Each battlefield has a central area (where a "Mote Bank" and an "Invasion Portal" are located) and three enemy spawn areas (each of which are named by the Drifter when enemies spawn, such as "the Cavern" and "the Base").

Enemies of the chosen faction then spawn in one of these areas, with enemies dropping anywhere from 1-5 "Motes of Dark" based on their difficulty. Once all enemies are cleared from that area, they begin spawning in one of the two other spawn areas. Although Motes disappear after a short amount of time, players can collect them to keep them in their possession (up to 15 at a time). Players can then deposit their current stack of Motes to their team's Bank, provided there are no enemy Blockers alive. If a player dies while holding a stack of Motes, that stack is "lost" and removed from the game.

Once a team deposits 100 or more Motes in their Bank, they begin their Primeval Phase, which removes all faction enemies from their battlefield, locks the Bank, and begins spawning unique Taken enemies near the Bank. The objective of this phase is to eliminate the boss "Primeval" (who is both lethal and very tanky). To help hasten the death of the Primeval, a stacking "Primeval Slayer" buff is applied by eliminating the Primeval's lieutenants (the Taken Wizards known as "Primeval Envoys"). The game ends once the timer expires (in which the furthest progressing team wins) or a Primeval is defeated (in which the team that defeated theirs first wins).

Prior to Season 12, Gambit was round-based, with a best-of-three system and 75 motes to summon the Primeval. After the Gambit Prime update, the tie-breaking round is changed to immediately start at the Primeval Phase with all players getting faster Super regeneration. Earlier changes also included automatic "Primeval Slayer" buff stacks (first after 30 seconds of the phase, then after every 12 seconds).

Value Targets

At certain times of the match, a more powerful "High-Value Target" can spawn in a random location and roams throughout the battlefield. Damaging HVTs causes it to drop Motes, while defeating HVTs drop a large amount of Motes (up to 15 total) and Heavy ammo.

In addition, teams that are behind in score can find glowing "Catch Up Targets" with spawned enemies, each of which drop additional Motes on death.

Both HVTs and CUTs can be disabled in Private Matches.

Bank Blocking

When a player deposits 5 or more Motes at a time, they send a "Blocker" to the enemy battlefield near their Bank. As long as an enemy Blocker is alive, that team's Bank is "blocked" and cannot be used. If multiple Blockers are alive and the team is not in its Primeval Phase, the Bank begins draining Motes.

  • For 5-9 Motes, Taken Goblins are deployed as Small Blockers, whose ability to shield other Taken from all damage makes them annoying in groups. Prior to the Gambit Prime update, these were Taken Phalanxes.
  • For 10-14 Motes, Taken Phalanxes are deployed as Medium Blockers, whose defensive shield armor makes them tougher to dispatch. Prior to Beyond Light, these were Taken Captains. Prior to the Gambit Prime update, these were Taken Knights.
  • For 15 Motes, Taken Knights are deployed as Large Blockers, whose lethality and tankiness makes them dangerous to deal with. Prior to the Gambit Prime update, these were Taken Ogres.

During Gambit Prime, players were able to acquire the High-Yield Savings perk, which allowed them to collect up to 20 Motes at a time (with 15-19 for Large Blockers) and deposit 20 Motes to deploy a Giant Blocker (a boss Taken Phalanx). While risky to obtain, these blockers were dangerous due to their tankiness, large shield, lethal stomp attack, and ability to summon tethers that weaken nearby players.

Players can still send Blockers to the enemy's side when their enemies are in the Primeval Phase, which can be detrimental to that team (as these Blockers can shield or distract from the Primeval and multiple Blockers continuously add Motes to the opposing team's bank).

Player Invading

Reminiscent of the Invader Phantom system in the Souls series, players can "invade" the opposing team's battlefield once their Portal is active and attempt to eliminate the team in a short amount of time. A Portal opens for the team after every 40 motes deposited (formerly 25), and at regular intervals during the enemy's Primeval Phase.

Invaders are transported to the furthest spawn area from the opposing players, are highlighted in red, have all enemy Guardians marked on their HUD, and cannot be targeted or damaged by PvE enemies. After either 30 seconds have passed or four enemy Guardians are eliminated, the Invader is automatically transported back to their battlefield.

Teams who are being invaded are notified (with heavy aural and visual cues) and have an incentive to hunt the Invader down:

  • If the Invader kills an enemy Guardian prior to the Primeval Phase, that Guardian loses their stack of Motes. This can be detrimental for those carrying large stacks.
  • If the Invader kills an enemy Guardian during the Primeval Phase, the Primeval gets healed for a small amount.

Gambit Prime

Added in Season 6 (formerly exclusive to owners of the Forsaken Annual Pass) and removed in Season 12, Gambit Prime was a unique version of Gambit with some major changes:

  • Single-round instead of best-of-three, with some enemy spawn changes and mote distribution changes to quicken the pace. This change was later brought into standard Gambit on Season 12.
  • The number of banked motes that were required to summon a Primeval was increased from 75 to 100, and can be drained over time in two ways: when multiple Blockers are near the Bank, and when invaders with a certain Invader perk are standing near the Bank. This change (minus invader draining) was later brought into standard Gambit on Season 12.
  • During the Primeval Phase, the Primeval was shielded and could only be damaged for a short time after all three Envoys are defeated, similar to a "damage phase" of a raid encounter boss, with a Well of Light available for buffing. This change (minus Well of Light) was later brought into standard Gambit on Season 16.
  • Players were able to earn special armor pieces from the Reckoning activity that gave them points towards special perks. Perks were split into four combat roles: Reaper (green, focusing on clearing waves of enemies and defeating powerful enemies), Invader (red, focusing on invading enemy teams), Collector (white, focusing on gathering motes and sending Blockers), and Sentry (yellow, focusing on defending against both Blockers and Invaders).



  • Emerald Coast (European Dead Zone, Earth) - Enemies are either Cabal, Fallen, or Hive. Added on September 4, 2018 (Gambit) and March 26, 2019 (Gambit Prime).
  • Legion's Folly (Arcadian Valley, Nessus) - Enemies are either Cabal, Scorn, or Vex. Added on September 4, 2018 (Gambit) and added on March 19, 2019 (Gambit Prime).
  • New Arcadia (Hellas Basin, Mars) - Enemies are either Cabal, Hive, or Vex. Added on March 5, 2019 (Gambit Prime) and April 2, 2019 (Gambit).
  • Deep Six (New Pacific Anthology, Titan) - Enemies are either Fallen, Scorn, or Hive. Added on March 12, 2019 (Gambit Prime) and April 2, 2019 (Gambit).


  • Cathedral of Scars (The Dreaming City, The Vestian Web) - Enemies are either Cabal, Scorn, or Vex. Added on September 4, 2018 and did not receive a Gambit Prime variant. Vaulted on Season 12.
  • Kell's Grave (Tangled Shore, The Reef) - Enemies are either Fallen, Scorn, or Vex. Added on September 4, 2018 and did not receive a Gambit Prime variant. Vaulted on Season 12.


The game received two beta testing periods: one for consoles (from July 18, 2017 to July 25, 2017) and one for PC (from August 28, 2017 to August 31, 2017). Those who pre-ordered received exclusive early access to the beta.





Kūrėjas: Bungie / Vicarious Visions / High Moon Studios, Inc.
Leidėjas: Activision
Žaidimo variklis:
Žanras: Action / RPG / Shooter
Išleidimo data: 2017 09 07



Rumor: Destiny II: Forge of Hope to launch Q4 2017, and much more


Source: NeoGAF

We are bound to hear information about Destiny’s sequel within the next few months with E3 around the corner and Bungie doesn’t have much to do in Destiny besides nerfing weapons and doing small updates to the game. Rumors are starting to spill for Destiny 2 and a Reddit user has possibly leaked some information, The next installment in the DESTINY franchise will be revealed as ” Destiny II: Forge of Hope”.

Forge of Hope will be launching in Q4 2017 with an estimated window release of November 4th to November 18th. The next installment will be launching on five platforms: PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox Scorpio (TBA) and PC. Console Exclusivity will remain with PlayStation but the exclusive period will be reduced to 3 Months. The game has a whole new engine built from the ground up with the ability for Bungie to rapidly create and ad new content to the world of Destiny. Bungie is scheduling for an event release every 1-2 months centering around a theme similar to Overwatch while also delivering new narrative paths and new game play mechanics.

The sequel will heavily focus on chronological events set after the Fall 2015 Expansion The Taken King. The cabal forces attack the city leaving the civilians and mentors of the tower defenseless. It is the guardians job to fight back the cabal and reclaim the city. While doing so the guardian will discover the long lost stories of Queen Mara Sov and The Exo Strangers motives. The story will culminate with the tower and city fighting back the Cabal empire resulting the guardian defeating the leader of the Cabal in the new Raid.

Bungie is planning to release a substantial content updates for each quarter (Similar to the April Update) Bungie already have a small team working on the first major expansion to be released in Fall 2018. Details are limited but it is aimed to be centred around the Vex and the Origins of Kabr and Praydeth. Due to the new engine Bungie had to make the hard decision of previous Characters being left behind. The upside to this is the new release will have a more customization character creation including facial hair and class themed face paint and tattoos.

There is no question for Destiny 2 it has to make players always come back and not once in a blue moon when a big update comes. They need to keep the flow going and the PvP part of Destiny has to improve. We can expect more news on this from a weekly update by Bungie or during E3 at Sony’s conference as they have that deal with each other.

The game will also have some pre-order bonuses just like the first one:

Destiny II: Forge of Hope including TBA Preorder Bonus

Destiny II: Forge of Hope including TBA Preorder, Special In-Game cosmetics.

Destiny II: Forge of Hope Including TBA Preorder, Special In-Game cosmetics and a 1:2 Scale of the Exo Strangers Relic of Necessity.


UPDATE: Full Destiny Sequel confirmed for 2017 and Forge of Hope will not be its name says Eric Osborne, Marketing Director at Bungie.


Taigi.. Jeigu trumpai, pradzioje buvo nutekinta informacija, kad Destiny 2 yra kuriamas ir bus sukurtas jau siais metais. Toliau buvo paneigta, kad zaidimas vadinsis: Destiny 2 Forge of Hope. Tad bus paprastai Destiny 2 arba su papildomu pavadinimu. Na, ir galiausiai Activision siandien patvirtino, kad zaidimas kuriamas ir pasirodys siais metais.


Belieka sulaukti daugiau informacijos. P.S. Kas turbut ir taip jau buvo aisku, senu konsoliu savininkai zaidimo negales isbandyti.

Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

idomu,vel bus tuscia grindinimo fiesta su 2h compaing'u? :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Destiny patiko, bet tik trumpam, kaip kolega sake keleta valandu, aš lošiau camping su draugu, kai perėjome daugiau ir nebejungiam tie raidinti kitaip tarent po tus pačius map lakstyti gan pabosta.  Norėčiau kažka panašaus į ,,Star Citizen".

Redagavo CerberusLT

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Jei kazkas Destiny pirko ir tikejosi gero story,tai jo nusivilti teko ko gero,bet man asmeniskai vault of glass 6 zaideju coopas atpirko visa tai. Nemazai valandu gero fun suteike.

Losiau tik vanilla Destiny o daug kas sako jog iseje dlc gerokai praplete zaidima ir papilde.

Destiny 2 buvo laukiamiausias 2017m is neanonsuotu zaidimu. Preorder bus daromas kai tik atsiras galimybe tokia.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

jei tiket leakintu posteriu iseina Rugsejo 8d. Beta bus PS4 / PS4 PRo



Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nors oficialiai neparodyta, bet zmones is kazkur gauna anksciau. PC versijos dezute ir kolekcininis zaisliukas. Kazko daugiau galima bus sulaukti jau sia nakti.
EDIT// Naujausias traileris:

44225b010666.jpg   dfc48e886f27.jpg

s95700153.jpg Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

vel bus 5 valandu singleplayeris :/ nu n*,60$ zaidimas,dar 40$ expansion pass :D ir grind fiesta :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

si kart bus 4h story line... :D daugelis nusivyle situ zaidimu jau dabar. grafika nepakito,granatos tos pacios, daugelis dalyku lygiai tokie patys. vadina DLC o ne atskiru zaidimu :/

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Šitas daugiau turi cinimatic momentu, daugiau skirtumu nelabai matosi, gal grafika ir kažkiek pagerinta.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Šitas daugiau turi cinimatic momentu, daugiau skirtumu nelabai matosi, gal grafika ir kažkiek pagerinta.

activision,ka daugiau pasakyt,jiems realiai p* gamingas,jiems svarbu kuo daugiau saibu uzkalt. beveik visi mato kad cia eilinis destiny DLC o ne naujas zaidimas.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • todel, kad is witcherio tu jau zinai ko tiketis, o cia visiskai naujas IP. ir dar tikrai niekas neaisku apie ka. labiausiai uzkliuva, kad boba negrazi ir veiksmas kazkur kosmose. pirmas ispudis nekoks, bet palaukim. niekas gi nevercia preorderio daryt. pamatysim kazka daugiau tada gal jau aiskiau bus ar labiau hatint ar po truputi didinti smalsuma. vistiek cia gi naughty dog. kokybes standartai pas juos auksciausi
    • na filmas visada visas bus diske ir jam nereiks jokio patcho ar dlc  cia visai kitas reikalas. as irgi buciau pilnai uz tai, kad tureti patinkanti zaidima savo kolekcijoj, bet deja pilno zaidimo diske nera turbut jau nuo ps3/xbox360 laiku (butrent tada atsirado zaidimu patchai konsolese). butu labai gerai jei po kazkiek laiko kai zaidimas pilnai supatchintas ir su visai dlc butu isleidziamas fiziniu pavidalu, bet deja tas neapsimoka. gamepass  tai nuoma. labai gerai jei nezinai kas per zaidimas bet gal ir noretum ji pabandyt. o jei nepatinka tv su xbox gamepassu tai tam yra konsoles. xbox tampa servisu ir kuris butu pasiekiamas visur visiems ir ant bet ko... tuoj bus taip, kad pasileidinesi ant ps5 zaidima ir pirma ka pamatysi bus "Xbox Gamestudio" va kaip dabar su naughty dog naujausiu pristatytu zaidimu... daug hate'o, bet jei butu ps+ galima butu isbandyt nemokamai ir tada jau nusprest ar verta isigyti i savo kolekcija ar ne.. o kas del licenzijos tai ji ne visai tavo... gali but, kad zaidima turi nusipirkes, o jis jau isimtas is eshopo butent del kazkokios pasibaigusios licenzijos (panasiai kaip su senais gta. isimti is paduotuviu nes baigesi licenzija muzikai) o naujose zaidimo versijose tu muzikos ganalu paprasciausiai nera. ir siaip diskai dabar labiau kaip budas pigiau pazaisti zaidima. nupirkai, perejei, pardavei.. tai kuom ne prenumerata?
    • Suprantu tavo ironija, bet tikrai galiu pasakyti pasižiūrėjus ar man patinka ką matau ar ne. Palygink su Witcher IV anons treileriu ir viskas bus aišku.
    • @WirmiS, mintys išsakytos neblogos. Gal būt tai bus ateitis, į kurią mus visus taip stumia, bet tai tikrai tinka nevisiems. Taip man patinka Netflix ir aš turiu ne tik jo, bet ir beveik visų stramingų prenumerata, bet neturiu Gamepass (PS+ turiu dėl onlaino). Žiūrėti filmą ir žaisti yra pramoga, bet visgi nėra tapatus dalykai. Aš žaidžiu tik tuos žaidimus, kurie man TIKRAI patinka, nes tai reikalauja laisvo laiko, kurio su amžiumi (iki tam tikros ribos) darosi vis mažaiu. Todėl aš labai smarkia pasirenku kam man skirti tą laisvaaikio laiką. Nepatikėsi, bet dar per kelis metus nesu paleidęs ne vieno PS+ gaunamų žaidimų, nes ko man reika praktiškai viską nusiperku. T. p. turiu ir gan nemenka fizinių movie diskų kolekcija tais pačiais sumetimais. Nežinau gal tai amžius, gal old school, bet aš nenoriu tik įjungti TV su įmontuotu Gamepasu ir kažką tai streamingu pažaist. Noriu turėti fizinę konsole, nupirkta žaidimą (nebūtinai fizinį diską), bet mano asmenynę licenciją. Kažakaip taip.
    • Na xbox po truputi tampa ne konsoline, servisu. o kaip zinia kompanijos pinigus uzdirba butent is parduodamo softo bei zaidimu, o ne is gelezies. microsoftas susipirko developerius ir dabar tampa vienu is stambiausiu leideju. xbox tampa prieinamas visur: telefone, tv, amazon fire stick. bet kas kas turi prieiga prie interneto tampa xbox. zaidimu biblioteka? kokia jei beveik visi zaidimai skaitmeniniai. diskai tampa tik kaip raktas, kad galetum atsisiust zaidima. diske dabar tik dalis zaidimo arba tokia jo versija kurios be patcho nepazaisi. baigsis zaidimo licenzija, jis dings is online parduotuviu ir tas diskas taps bevertis. Kitas dalykas del gamepass. cia gi tas pats netflix tik skirtas zaidima. tai stabilios pinigines iplaukos microsoftui. vien kaip padidejo prenumeratoriu skaicius isejus naujam COD. plius MS nepamirso ir konsoliu, nors tai jau nera prioritetas. MS dirba ties kazkokiu nintendo switch "konkurentu". kas del series s. taip visi supranta, kad tai sioks toks stabdis, bet vistiek zaidimai ganetinai gerai sukas ant jo. didziausia problema, kad si konsoliu karta lyginant su praejusia yra labai labai silpna. tiek hardwaro patobulejimu tiek exlusivu atzvilgiu. tas pats ps5 kiek jau jis gavo tu exlusivu? tikru, o ne ps4 remasteriu? sony beveik nebeturi jokiu pranasumu tik savo varda ir zaideju prisirisima. tas pats sony zingsnis i PC rinka. tai labiau desperacija norint uzdirbti. playstationui 30 metu ir jie niekad neleido zaidimu ant pc. o dabar kaip viskas pasikeite. atsirado gamepass analogas, zaidimai ant pc. beveik nera exlusivu. o dar prisiminkim kaip visais budais sony stengesi pamaisyti MS isigyti Activision. kiek teismu, apeliaciju.... o paziurim i zaidimu kieki kuris iseis is MS.. ir jie iseis ant visu konsoliu. MS jau ruosias kastuveliu pinigeliam srebti.. ir kaip patys ms sneka, tai dar ne pabaiga su developeriu pirkimais... p.s. sorry, bet nenaudoju as lietuvisku raidziu
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos