Rekomenduojami pranešimai

God of War

God of War

  • Platformos

    • PC
    • PlayStation 4
  • Kūrėjas

    • SIE Santa Monica Studio
  • Leidėjas

    • Sony Interactive Entertainment America
    • Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe
    • PlayStation PC
  • Temos

    • Fantasy
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    God of War is a soft reboot on the franchise of the same name. It sees Kratos and his son Atreus traverse a world of Norse myths.

God of War

Apie žaidimą

God of War is a soft reboot on the franchise of the same name. It sees Kratos and his son Atreus traverse a world of Norse myths.



God of War is an action-adventure game developed by the Santa Monica division of Sony Computer Entertainment. It is the first in the series to be released on PlayStation 4 with a release on April 20, 2018. The game serves as a soft reboot and takes place in Norse mythology as apposed to the Greek mythology of the previous games.


The plot sees series protagonist Kratos acting as a mentor to his son Atreus whilst also trying to master the rage that has been his driving force in the past.



Kūrėjas: Santa Monica Studio
Leidėjas: Sony
Žaidimo variklis:
Žanras: Action
Išleidimo data: 2018 04 20
Metacritic įvertinimas:



Several years ago we at Santa Monica Studio began the journey of creating a new God of War. All of us recognized a special honor and responsibility to create a different and better and truly more memorable experience than before. I realized early on that we had to make changes in every aspect of the game.

I knew I didn’t want to simply reboot the franchise, starting over with a retelling of the origin story. I wanted to reimagine the gameplay, give players a fresh perspective and a new tactile experience while delving deeper into the emotional journey of Kratos to explore the compelling drama that unfolds when an immortal demigod makes a decision to change.

For Kratos, this change means breaking the cycle of violence, distrust and deception that his family, the Greek pantheon, perpetuated for so long. That cycle drove a whole host of bad decisions – the ill-fated deal with Ares, the murder of his family and a rage fueled descent into madness and vengeance that ultimately ended with the epic destruction of Olympus.

It also means learning how to control his rage, the intensely turbulent monster that lives within him, steering him down ever-darker paths. Kratos needed to figure out how to put the monster back in the box, how to control when he does and does not let that monster out.

Kratos’ rage has provoked a ton of bad decisions in his life, so I was fascinated to see what would happen if he actually made a good one. What would that look like? How would he struggle with this very difficult and unfamiliar road? And more importantly, why would he do this?

The last question was answered in my own life with the birth of my son, a tremendously transformative event that had me thinking about all kinds of change in life. It is hard for human beings to truly change, but one thing that can really motivate us is the thought of being responsible for a life, and especially the life of our child. The weight of that responsibility drives the instinct to protect, to want to prevent the mistakes of our past being delivered upon them. There is no end to the lengths we will go, no adversity we will not overcome, to be better… for them.

Once the decision to change was made, things got really interesting for Kratos and for all of us here at SMS. The road to creating a new God of War is a seemingly endless climb up an impossibly enormous mountain, filled with countless gut-wrenching failures and joyfully sweet successes.

Change is hard, but through it all we persevere, getting back up each time we are knocked down and celebrating each breakthrough, knowing that this journey ends in the realization of a collective vision – a great change in something we all hold very dear – a chance for us all to be better.

This playable gameplay teaser is an early first glimpse at the new beginning for God of War. We are so very eager to show you more as the game continues to take shape.







Pamacius net "smoge" per galva emociju pliupsnis. Super!


Redagavo Magnitas

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Jo sito ir as laukiau,kazkaip tikejausi,kad visa istorija persikels i skandinavijos krastus ( ) ar koki egipta kur nestigo idomiu ir galingu dievu,taciau SM nusprende daryti reboota,na ir gerai,jau dabar matau,kad man bus must have zaidimas,welcome back cratos :grt:

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Boom! Sold! Buvo vienas iš laukiamiausių E3 parodoje.


GoW 4 + PS4 NEO = :dribble:

Redagavo neilazz

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Man tai čia tik pagrindinis veikėjas ir žaidimo vardas belikę. Visa kita, tai realiai naujas žaidimas, nauja gameplay mechanika ir t.t.
Turbūt teisingas posūkis, nes jau turėjom 6 Gow žaidimus su tuo pačiu gameplay, tik iš kitos pusės, šitame naujame žaidime būtų galima uždėti kitą skiną pagrindiniam veikėjui ir bum, net nesijaustų ir nesimatytų, kad šis žaidimas turi ką nors bendro su Gow serija. :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Man tai čia tik pagrindinis veikėjas ir žaidimo vardas belikę. Visa kita, tai realiai naujas žaidimas, nauja gameplay mechanika ir t.t.

Turbūt teisingas posūkis, nes jau turėjom 6 Gow žaidimus su tuo pačiu gameplay, tik iš kitos pusės, šitame naujame žaidime būtų galima uždėti kitą skiną pagrindiniam veikėjui ir bum, net nesijaustų ir nesimatytų, kad šis žaidimas turi ką nors bendro su Gow serija. :)

Tai mano pirma mintis ir buvo, kad į Hellblade turi panašumo, bet realiai vistiek tie epiški monstrai, tas pagrindinis veikėjas, išlaikyta dvasia, o third person gameplay įdomus pakeitimas, lauksim. Ir šiaip kaip sakai jau išseko GoW graikijoj ir tas pats hack n slash gameplay. Panašiai kaip ir CD Project Red manau sunkiai topintų Witcher 3 + DLC, džiaugiuosi, kad apsiimė naują IP kurt.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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geriausia vieta kai tas islindo ose 



Sony Santa Moncia confirmed the following on YouTube with Geoff a moment ago:

- Kratos is the main character, play as him all game
- Not open world game
- Norse mythology timeline
- coming out..."soon", definitely not a 2016 game


Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Aš tai vistiek galvojau, kad čia ne Kratos, o tik panašios estetikos seniukas, nes labai keista kai ištaško čiuvas visus graikų dievus, persikelia į skandinaviją gyvent, kažkas atsitinka ir pradeda taškyt skandinavų dievus, normalu... normalu... bet dabar kai paskaitinėjau, kad tikrai čia tipo Kratos tik po kažkiek metų tai oh well, tarkim sueis. :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Damn! That's one good lookin' Goldber.. oh wait, that's Kratos...


Live demo tikrai paliko gerą įspūdį apie žaidimą. Labai tikiuosi, kad tikrai jau šį kartą žaidimas bus kiek kitoniškas nei praeitos dalys. Pats laikas sakyčiau. Kaip ten bebūtų, geras hack n' slash žaidimas visada welcome.


P.S. Visas šitas reikalas apie persikelimą į skandinaviją, priminė vieną video -

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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O man isvaizda kaip tik senuko gera. Toks tikras Spartos veteranas. Nezinau kokio tipo zaidimas bus, kovosime, ar puse zaidimo savo sunu turesime gelbeti, bet siaip neblogai. Kaikurie dalykai primine Tomb Raider zaidima. Super. O dar ir tai uzskaitau, kad apie zaidima nekalbejo, o ji pristate. Noretusi daugiau tokiu dalyku, o ne sausu image.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

siaip turbut daug kas mane kad tas vaikas yra Kratos ir ji apmoko jo tevas.

turbut gali buti kad tas vaikas bus nuzudytas ir Kratos kersys uz ji :) siaip cia yra kaip serijos rewampas,tai nieko keisto kad pasirinko sita krypti.vistiek kaip gerai atrode,wow.

  • The gameplay is being re-imagined, but the storyline is being continued within Norse Mythology.
  • We play as Kratos for the whole game.
  • The game is set “many years aftr God of War 3
  • It’s a much more intimate and player-controlled experience.
  • The accessibility should be the same as previous game, but the gameplay is totally different.
  • It’s a big game, but it’s not an open world.
  • “More to come” on more characters that will be included in the game.
  • The game will be released “soon,” not this year.
  • Quicktime Events won’t be included in the same way they were in the previous games.
Redagavo gedunex

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joks ne serijos rebootas . veiksmas vyksta daug metu po 3 dalies.

zaidimas bus didelis , ne open worldas. siaip tokiam zaidimui nereikia open worldo. ypac jeigu bus daug dialogu ir emociju is story

tikesimes kad quick tiem events nesamones su knopkiu spaudinejimu dings. devai kaip ir patvirtino kad to nebus, bet kazkas tokio vistik isliks.

kalba apie daugiau explorinima po pasauli, nuotyki , ir aisku kapojimasi. taigi zaidimas nera koncentruotas i kovas kaip praeitos dalys. 

Redagavo scalman

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Hmm,tai visgi paremtas skandinavu mitologija,na gal ir gerai,kiek gi galima ta dzeusa zudyt  :troll: Veiksmas vyksta daug metu po GOW3 ivykiu,na man tada idomu kaip Santa Monica tai susies,isvis idomu kaip KRATOS bus atsigaves po 3 dalies endingo ir kaip jis toj skandinavijoje atsidure?

P.S. Atsiauri skandinavijos gamta puikiai dera su dar atsiauresne naujaja Kratos isvaizda :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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PS4 Exclusive God of War Gets Tons of Info on Norse Setting, Gameplay, Kratos and His Son

During PlayStation’s E3 live coverage, God of War Creative Director Cory Barlog and Voice Actor Christopher Judge (who is the new voice of Kratos) talked about the new game announced yesterday.

Below you can read a recap of what they shared:

    Barlog was floored by the response to Kratos’ entrance during the live demo at the E3 press conference.
    Right from the beginning the team wanted to “rip the whole thing up” and rebuild the franchise “from scratch.” They wanted to find all the things that worked and keep them, but change all the things that didn’t match the vision of a more intimate view on Kratos’ life.
    The team “kicked around” a bunch of different mythologies for quite a while. The setting that they ended up selecting isn’t the viking era. Before the viking era there’s the migration era, and before that there’s a pre-migration era. It’s the era when according to the vikings the gods used to walk the Earth among men.
    Kratos and his son are in a world where nobody is friendly and everything is hostile. Kratos’ son is actually the only one among the two who understands the local language. Kratos is a stranger in a strange land. For instance, the troll speaks ancient Norse, which the kid understands, but Kratos doesn’t. This allows the team to focus on a new dynamic with Kratos and his son.
    According to Judge, the script of the game is not simply a game’s script, but is a fully fleshed out story with fleshed out characters that have full emotional ranges.
    Kratos faces the struggle to accept a new role and not be the same old Kratos, and that for Judge is the role of a lifetime, as it allows a large emotional breadth as an actor.
    Barlog mentioned that this is not a new Kratos, he’s still the Kratos we know, but he’s older, and he’s looking at life through a different lens. The same goes for Barlog himself: his view of the world is different from when he started working on God of War.
    Kratos is struggling with the idea of having to deal with another person, a tiny human not listening and not understanding what he thinks is very simple. He’s frustrated, because he can’t let the anger out and has to remain patient and convey his knowledge to his son. His real challenge lays in how much how his real self he’s going to show to his kid, and in how much of himself he sees in his kid.
    According to Judge nothing changes a man more than having a child, and the game also portrays the challenge of finding out how to be a father when you have never been fathered.
    The ending of the demo portrays a missed opportunity. The kid is ready to open up, but Kratos misses the opportunity to open up himself. He doesn’t have the strength to pat his son on the back, while he’s completely capable to take down a troll. He has grown up under the most brutal military training possible, and that doesn’t breed cuddly puppies.
    There are going to be RPG elements and progression, even if it’s not yet set in stone how they will materialize.
    The axe that we see in the demo has a history. There is a whole story around that connects to many characters within the game.
    Going with a new weapon was a very deliberate design choice, because there is a whole new way of controlling the game. There is a while new set of controls and a whole new way of interacting with the controller. This had a long development cycle and it went through a lot of revisions.
    The team isn’t yet ready to reveal the name of Kratos’ son.
    The whole narrative is set around the idea of teaching, and that’s incredibly important to the gameplay. Through the entire game, Kratos is constantly teaching his son via banter and actual interactivity. There is actually a button entirely dedicated to interacting with Kratos’ son and prompting him to execute certain actions within the game, both in battle and in situations not related to combat, like puzzles.



Redagavo Magnitas

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